Top 49 Food & Drink Apps Like meNU: NU Dining Hall Menus - Best Alternatives

meNU: NU Dining Hall Menus Alternatives

Do you want to find the best meNU: NU Dining Hall Menus alternatives for iOS? We have listed 49 Food & Drink apps that are similar to meNU: NU Dining Hall Menus. Pick one from this list to be your new meNU: NU Dining Hall Menus app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to meNU: NU Dining Hall Menus on your iOS devices.

Top 49 Apps Like meNU: NU Dining Hall Menus - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid meNU: NU Dining Hall Menus alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 49 similar apps like meNU: NU Dining Hall Menus 2025.

Free food delivery from restaurants of Kiev! Download the app and order delivery of pizza, sushi, burger, khinkali and many other dishes in several touches. Watch the status of your food delivery and repeat your orders with one touch. Don’t...

Price: Free Developer: MENU GROUP (UK) LIMITED
ONE-MENU The world on ur plate

ONE-MENU The world on ur plate

Away on holiday, far from home … … but a bit ‘lost in translation’ – breakfast, lunch and dinner? Help is now one touch away With ONE-MENU When ordering abroad, you no longer need to experience awkward chats with waiters or the fear...

Price: Free Developer: ONE-MENU LTD
MENU - Your Mobile Waiter

MENU - Your Mobile Waiter

Order and pay with the MENU App on your smartphone – no flagging down of waiters or standing in waiting lines. With MENU you can order with just a few clicks from the convenience of your table and even settle...

Price: Free Developer: MENU Technologies AG

The restaurants are many – the delivery service is one! Order a delivery of your favorite dishes from more than 400 restaurants in Yerevan, using the mobile application of the leading delivery service! Average delivery...

Price: Free Developer: MENU GROUP (UK) LIMITED

The restaurants are many – the delivery service is one! Order a delivery of your favorite dishes from more than 500 restaurants in Tbilisi, Batumi, Kutaisi, Gori, Rustavi using the mobile application of the leading delivery service! ...

Price: Free Developer: MENU GROUP (UK) LIMITED
Mister Menu

Mister Menu

Mister Menú is the best digital restaurant guide in Guatemala, designed to help you crave your app-petite wherever you are. Our job is to help you pick what and where to eat, giving you all the relevant information...

Price: Free Developer: Mister Menu
SmartMenu ~MOMONGA Multi-Language Menu Translator~

SmartMenu ~MOMONGA Multi-Language Menu Translator~

SmartMenu is an electronic menu application that translates food and drink menus into multiple other languages. Not only can it be used with ease as an electronic menu, but it also coordinates with POS systems and kitchen/bar printers, offering...

Price: Free Developer: Xware
Menu Maker - Restaurants eMenu

Menu Maker - Restaurants eMenu

Attractive, Adaptable, Easy. Menu Maker is made for restaurants and businesses that prefer eMenu (electronic menu) and brochures. Menu Maker is extremely adaptable to any type of menus that make paper menus something from the past. Menu Maker converts your tablet...

Price: Free Developer: Fadhel Abdulkarim


Hyper.Menu Muestra el menú del lugar donde estás: Gracias a nuestra tecnología propietaria puedes ver, consultar y revisar el menú del lugar en donde actualmente te encuentras, actualizado al momento y con todo detalle. Busca lugares cercanos a tu ubicación: También puedes buscar...

Price: Free Developer: Miguel Angel Herrera Gonzalez
Chefmate Menu PRO

Chefmate Menu PRO

App for restaurants managers. Chefmate Menu is a solution for restaurateurs, which primarily in a modern and elegant way presents the menu directly in the restaurant, using it as a carrier, an ordinary tablet and stand, and on the Internet...

Price: Free Developer: Andrzej Gortat
NU Kitchen

NU Kitchen

NU in French translates to naked. We believe your food, drink, and lifestyle should be free from all the junk. We see the Kitchen as the heart of the home that brings everyone together. NU Kitchen pairs our passion for...

Price: Free Developer: NU Kitchen
NU - Restaurant Menu

NU - Restaurant Menu

You can now sit at the restaurant and simply pull out your phone to enjoy : • Full HD pictures of all the items available on the menu, • Recommendations on what to pair them with, • Information such as ingredient...

Price: Free Developer: NU MENU, LLC - Madplanen - Madplanen

Appen synkroniserer automatisk med din madplan og indkøbsliste fra og Med V7 kan du: - Frit sammensætte din madplan ud fra mere end 2.000 gennemtestede opskrifter. - Tilføje dine egne varer til indkøbslisten. - Tilgå din indkøbsliste og madplan fra...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Scale Soft - Web Systems
NU Bugel

NU Bugel

Earn points and redeem free rewards using the Nu Bugel mobile app. You can also keep up to date with the latest news, promotions, and features directly from Nu Bugel within the mobile app. Leave your wallet at home...

Price: Free Developer: ReUp
Nu Döner

Nu Döner

Nu Döner - "Döner is nog nooit zo dichtbij geweest" Het is een bekend fenomeen, zin in döner na een lange dag of nacht. Helaas is het s'nachts vaak erg lastig om aan je welverdiende döner te komen....

Price: Free Developer: Lucas Twisk
Broodje Nu

Broodje Nu

BROODJE NU ENSCHEDE --- Via onze app kunt u eenvoudig en snel uw bestelling plaatsen. Daarnaast blijft u op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws en de nieuwste acties, aanbiedingen en kortingen. U kunt via de app ook simpel met iDEAL...

Price: Free Developer:
Nu Italian Restaurant 6° Piano

Nu Italian Restaurant 6° Piano

Scarica l'App Ufficiale di Nu Italian Restaurant 6°Piano a Milano, scopri la nostra Cucina Italiana e le nostre Specialità di Mare, ricevi notifiche push sul tuo Smartphone su Eventi, News e Promozioni!

Price: Free Developer: isPlus®


Få direkte adgang til mere end 10.000 opskrifter og artikler fra de danske madbloggere. MadBlogs giver dig adgang til danske madblogs i et nemt og overskueligt interface. Funktioner: - Push notifikation, få besked når dine favorit bloggere skriver et nyt indlæg. - Favoritter. -...

Price: Free Developer: Scale Soft - Web Systems
Balkan Pizza & Kebab House

Balkan Pizza & Kebab House

Do you love to order food online from our restaurant? Use this app to personalize your experience and benefit of the easiest, fastest way to order your favorite food. Features: - Online food ordering optimized for your mobile device. - The checkout...

Price: Free Developer: Balkan
Dining Butler

Dining Butler

About Dining Butler WHAT IF YOUR MENU is in your customers’ phone? Your customers can now order by using their mobile phone. It is now easier for the waiter to provide better service. Table turnaround is up to 20min faster with...

Price: Free Developer: Dining Butler Limited


松山、広島で居酒屋8店舗を運営する【SAMURAI-DINING(サムライダイニング)】の公式Appアプリです。 【SAMURAI-DINING】のご紹介 和テイストな居酒屋を中心に、和カフェや飲食店を展開する【SAMURAI-DINIG(サムライ ダイニング)】各店こだわりの空間とお料理を提供しております。 隠れ家的な空間から、女性に人気のメニューを取り揃え女子会にもオススメなお店など、幅広くご用意しておりますので、飲み会、宴会などにぜひご利用ください。 ■トーク機能 【SAMURAI-DINING】と直接のやり取りが可能です。予約のご相談、来店前のお問い合わせから来店後のご質問まで、アプリで連絡を取り合うことができます。カメラで撮影した画像もその場で送ることができます。 ■ポイントカード お店で利用した金額に応じてポイントが貯まります。そのポイントでお店の特典に交換したり、貯まったポイントをお買い物に利用することもできます。 ■クーポン 【SAMURAI-DINING】全店で、いつでもお通しが無料になるお得なアプリ限定クーポンを配布しています。新しいクーポンが配信された際には、プッシュ通知で情報をお届けします。 ■最新情報をお届け 【SAMURAI-DINING】からのお知らせやイベント予告情報など、最新情報をお届けします。 ■写真を一覧で掲載 【SAMURAI-DINING】各店の店内やメニューなどの写真を掲載しています。 ■MAP 【SAMURAI-DINING】各店の場所がMAP表示されているので、お店まで簡単にアクセスできます。 ■24時間365日いつでも予約可能 【SAMURAI-DINING】へのご予約は、24時間受付しています。 【SAMURAI-DINING】各店基本情報 店名:炭焼焼酎庵 侍 住所:愛媛県松山市三番町2-5-2 三栄ビル NO.2 2F東 店名:鉄焼麦酒庵 忍 住所:愛媛県松山市三番町2-5-2 三栄ビル NO.2 2F西 店名:旬彩和酒庵 かぶき 住所:愛媛県松山市三番町1-11-11 店名:和心和酒庵 銕 住所:愛媛県松山市三番町2-10-8 河井ビル2F 店名:サムライダイニング 茶ノ間 住所:愛媛県松山市一番町1-11-6 チャイクロビル2F 店名:サムライダイニング 炉 -irori- 住所:愛媛県松山市道後湯之町12-30 店名:炭焼鍋奉行 だいだい 住所:広島県廿日市市上平良133-8 店名:mononofu. 住所:愛媛県松山市道後湯之町6-22 1F ※アプリ利用は無料です。 ※最新版のアプリをご利用いただくためには、端末のソフトウェアアップデートでOSのバージョンを最新にする必要がございます。 ※一部ご利用頂けないOSがございますのであらかじめご了承ください。推奨バージョンはiOS9以上です。

Price: Free Developer: USEN
Indian Dining Club App

Indian Dining Club App

Indian Dining Club is perhaps the most elegant Indian restaurant in Dulwich and one that offers food that’s way, way beyond the London norm. It’s brought to the lucky folk of London by the same team behind Kennington Tandoori...

Price: Free Developer: Indian Dining Club
Dining Decider

Dining Decider

Deciding where to eat can be stressful. With so many places to choose from, it can be overwhelming to scroll through hundreds of options. With a simple swipe Dining Decider cuts through all the information and provides you a...

Price: Free Developer: Dining Decider LLC
UCSC Dining - Menu

UCSC Dining - Menu

Menu app for UCSC Dining halls: - includes 5 dining halls for ten colleges - menu for nine cafés on campus - provides dining hall menus for breakfast, lunch, dinner and late night - more informations about nutrition...

Price: Free Developer: Chai Jie
Dining Caddy

Dining Caddy

Dining Caddy is an online platform for food enthusiasts (caddies) that allows them to share their food experiences with other caddies. This platform enables its users to give reviews and ratings to different restaurants, bars, desserts and coffee shops...

Price: Free Developer: Dining Caddy, Inc.
Bar & Dining TORRENT(トレント)

Bar & Dining TORRENT(トレント)

▽▽▽▲▽▽▽▲▽▽▽▲▽▽▽▲ 【Bar & Dining TORRENT】の公式店舗アプリ! ▽▽▽▲▽▽▽▲▽▽▽▲▽▽▽▲ −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− アプリ機能紹介 メイン機能 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ▼最新情報お届け 最新のお知らせ・限定メニューなどお得情報がアプリに届きます。 是非ご確認ください! ▼スタンプ貯まります ご利用の際にアプリをご提示ください。アプリ内にスタンプが貯められます。 たくさん貯めていただくと次回使える特典をご用意しております。 ▼お得なクーポン アプリを持っていると限定のクーポンが発行されます。 いつもよりお得に使える限定ものなど 新しいクーポンができたらチェックしてみてください! ▼予約も簡単 アプリ内より簡単にご予約が出来ます。 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ご注意 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ※アプリ利用は無料です。 ※最新版のアプリをご利用いただくためには、端末のソフトウェアアップデートでOSのバージョンを最新にする必要がございます。 ※一部ご利用頂けないOSがございますのであらかじめご了承ください。推奨バージョンはiOS10以上です。

Price: Free Developer: Hiroki Yokota
Dash Mobile Dining and Entertainment

Dash Mobile Dining and Entertainment

We know that when it comes to dining and entertainment, you have many options. Our goal is to make sure you know who has the best meals and the best deals at any point in the day, and the...

Price: Free Developer: Dash Mobile Dining and Entertainment Inc
Dining Paws

Dining Paws

Checking the dining hall menus at the University of Connecticut will no longer be complicated and confusing. Simplify the process with Dining Paws, the app that allows you to easily check what’s being served at each of the 8...

Price: Free Developer: Alexander Kerendian
Convenient dining

Convenient dining

Checking the dining hall menus at the University of Connecticut will no longer be complicated and confusing. Simplify the process with it, the app that allows you to easily check what’s being served at each of the 8 campus...

Price: Free Developer: Poppy Dangar
Oaklands Hall

Oaklands Hall

Set in its own woodland grounds with a choice of beautiful reception rooms, Oaklands Hall provides the perfect setting for memorable weddings, special occasions and corporate functions. The grand entrance hall, adjacent to the lounge bar, makes the ideal...

Price: Free Developer: Oaklands Hall Company Limited
Lincoln South Food Hall

Lincoln South Food Hall

With the Lincoln South Food Hall mobile app, ordering food for takeout has never been easier. Scroll through our easy-to-navigate menu, select the dishes that strike your fancy, specify any special instructions, submit your payment information securely - and...

Price: Free Developer: ChowNow
Royal Albert Hall Food & Drink

Royal Albert Hall Food & Drink

Enhance your visit to the Royal Albert Hall with our specially designed food and drink app. Pre-order food and drink directly to your box in advance of your visit, or beat the queues and organise click-and-collect drinks orders from...

Price: Free Developer: Rhubarb Food Design Limited
Assembly Hall Juice & Coffee

Assembly Hall Juice & Coffee

With the Assembly Hall Juice & Coffee mobile app, ordering food for takeout has never been easier. Scroll through our easy-to-navigate menu, select the dishes that strike your fancy, specify any special instructions, submit your payment information securely -...

Price: Free Developer: ChowNow
Hall of Fame Cafe

Hall of Fame Cafe

With the Hall of Fame Cafe mobile app, ordering food for takeout has never been easier. Scroll through our easy-to-navigate menu, select the dishes that strike your fancy, specify any special instructions, submit your payment information securely - and...

Price: Free Developer: ChowNow
Jackson Hall American B&G

Jackson Hall American B&G

With the Jackson Hall American B&G mobile app, ordering food for takeout has never been easier. Scroll through our easy-to-navigate menu, select the dishes that strike your fancy, specify any special instructions, submit your payment information securely - and...

Price: Free Developer: ChowNow
Stratton Food Hall, Leighton

Stratton Food Hall, Leighton

Place you order now with the Stratton Food Hall iPhone app. Stratton Food Hall serves the best of Steaks, Sausages and Burgers.

Price: Free Developer: Webb Agency Ltd
Town Hall & Symphony Hall Bars

Town Hall & Symphony Hall Bars

Miss the inevitable pre-show and interval rush by pre-ordering your drinks for performances at Town Hall Symphony Hall, Birmingham. Simply select the event you are attending, the items you would like to order, and then pay with your card. Your...

Price: Free Developer: PreoDay
Arkansas Food Hall of Fame

Arkansas Food Hall of Fame

This Arkansas Food Hall of Fame app is THE place to find Arkansas food, restaurants near me, local cooks and chefs, unique food events and unforgettable taste experiences. Use the AR Food app to travel Arkansas and eat your...

Price: Free Developer: Social Innovation, LLC
Purdue Mobile Menus

Purdue Mobile Menus

Let’s face it, with all the great meal options at Purdue’s dining courts, choosing where to eat can be tough. With Purdue Mobile Menus, it just got a lot easier. With a simple-to-use interface, Purdue Mobile Menus puts...

Price: Free Developer: Purdue University
Chomp Menus

Chomp Menus

We understand that you’re busy. Campus is full of things to do. Spending hours searching for restaurant menus shouldn’t be one of them. With the free Chomp Menus app, every Gainesville menu is conveniently stored in your phone for...

Price: Free Developer: EatStreet
Yale Menus

Yale Menus

A clearer, faster, and easier way to view information about Yale’s dining halls! Built by Yale students, Yale Menus is the best way to stay up-to-date on menus, allergens, and crowd conditions in your favorite dining hall! Yale Menus provides: —...

Price: Free Developer: Eric Foster
My Menus Lite

My Menus Lite

Introducing My Menus - the 21st century way to remember your favorite recipes. My Menus is a new and beautiful way to organize all of your recipes in one, neat application. When we started developing My Menus, we knew...

Price: Free Developer: FantAPPstic Apps
Mes menus

Mes menus

What are we eating tonight? With the application My Menus, you will not ask the question. Plan your meals in advance, share them with your surroundings and free your mind ... The application does not offer menus: it is your ideas, your...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Sebastien DEBERDT
Wine n Dine - Visual Menus

Wine n Dine - Visual Menus

Wine n Dine is home to the food community. It's all about picture based visual menus from over 80,000 of the world's best restaurants, helping you always order delicious food. Share, discover and save dishes and restaurants to help...

Price: Free Developer: WineNDine LLC
Aux Petits Oignons - mes menus

Aux Petits Oignons - mes menus

Mettez le couvert, AUX PETITS OIGNONS s'occupe du dîner ! Surprenez vos proches avec des petits plats bluffants et (vraiment) rapides à préparer. Organisez-vous à l’avance grâce à nos outils menus et liste de courses. Grâce à son trio gagnant...

Price: Free Developer: Editions La Belle Idée
Café BonApp: Menus & Ordering

Café BonApp: Menus & Ordering

We’ve made it even easier to bring you wholesome food from our Bon Appétit kitchens. With Café BonApp, access café menus and daily specials with ease, and order meals ahead to suit your palate and fit your schedule. See Your...

Price: Free Developer: Compass Group Canada LTD
Dishero - Restaurant Menus

Dishero - Restaurant Menus

Know what you want to eat but not WHERE? Search for a dish you’re craving. Look through beautiful picture menus of SF Bay Area restaurants! • Accurate professional photos you can trust. • Make a reservation, call the restaurant, or even order...

Price: Free Developer: Dishero
Willow Grove Menus

Willow Grove Menus

Order Online from Willow Grove Menus. Fast, convenient local food delivery for Willow Grove, PA Are you sitting at home starving? Are you yearning to sample the diverse culinary scene of Willow Grove, Pennsylvania but don’t feeling like browsing the internet...

Price: Free Developer: Zuppler

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