Top 34 Book Apps Like Kuran Ezan Quran Azan Pro - Best Alternatives

Kuran Ezan Quran Azan Pro Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Kuran Ezan Quran Azan Pro alternatives for iOS? We have listed 34 Book apps that are similar to Kuran Ezan Quran Azan Pro. Pick one from this list to be your new Kuran Ezan Quran Azan Pro app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Kuran Ezan Quran Azan Pro on your iOS devices.

Top 34 Apps Like Kuran Ezan Quran Azan Pro - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Kuran Ezan Quran Azan Pro alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 34 similar apps like Kuran Ezan Quran Azan Pro 2025.

Kuran Kelimeleri

Kuran Kelimeleri

Kuran Kelimeleri uygulaması ile Kuran'ı Kerim'de bulunan kelimelerin okunuşu ve anlamlarını çalışabilirsiniz. Kelimelerde rastgele ilerleyerek kendinizi test edin. Yenile tuşu ile rastgele bir kelime görürsünüz. Önce sadece arapça metni görürsünüz ardından ilgili düğmeleri kullanarak okunuşunu ve anlamını görerek kontrol...

Price: Free Developer: Eren Ezgu
Kuran-ı Kerim Tefsiri

Kuran-ı Kerim Tefsiri

Büyük İslam Alimi; İskender Ali MİHR 'in Kuran-ı Kerim Tefsiri - Kelime Kelime Kuran-ı Kerim Lafzı ve Ruhu

Price: Free Developer: Gursel Gurel
Kuran - Ali Bulaç versiyonu

Kuran - Ali Bulaç versiyonu

Ali Bulaç tarafından hazırlanan Kuran mealini okuyabilirsiniz.

Price: Free Developer: CEM YOLOGLU
Kuran - Yaşar Nuri Öztürk versiyonu

Kuran - Yaşar Nuri Öztürk versiyonu

Prof. Dr. Yaşar Nuri Öztürk tarafından hazırlanan Kuran mealini okuyabilirsiniz.

Price: Free Developer: CEM YOLOGLU
Kuran Mealleri

Kuran Mealleri

Türkçe Kuran-i Kerim meali uygulamasıdır. Yazarlar : - Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır - Yaşar Nuri Öztürk - Ali Bulaç - Diyanet Vakfı - Diyanet İşleri - Edip Yüksel - Abdülbaki Gölpınarlı - Suat Yıldırım - Süleyman Ateş

Price: Free Developer: CEM YOLOGLU
Kuran Oku

Kuran Oku

Kuran-ı Kerim okuma ve dinleme uygulaması Ayfa Yayınevine desteklerinden dolayı teşekkür ederiz

Price: Free Developer: FEYYAZ BiLiM VE GELiSiM DERNEGi
Online Kuran Dinle

Online Kuran Dinle

Ruhunuzuna dokunacak sesler .... Dünyaca ünlü İmamlardan kuran ziyafetini size sunuyoruz. Not İnternet gereklidir ..

Price: Free Developer: Veysel Kahveciler
Elmalılı Kuran Tefsiri

Elmalılı Kuran Tefsiri

Elmalılı Muhammed Hamdi Yazır (1878; Elmalı – 27 Mayıs 1942, İstanbul), Türkçe Kur'an tefsirlerinden birini telif etmiş din adamı, tercüman ve hattat. Elmalılı Tefsiri'nin belli başlı özelliklerini şu şekilde sıralayabiliriz: Âyetler arasında sıkı bir münasebet olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Âyetlerin iniş...

Price: Free Developer: CEM YOLOGLU
Kuran (Quran in Turkish)

Kuran (Quran in Turkish)

Kur'an (Türkiye) (Quran in Turkey) Kur’ân (Arapça: القرآن / el-kur'ân‎) veya Kur’ân-ı Kerîm (Arapça: القرآن الكريم / el-kur'ân el-kerim‎), İslâm i'tikadına göre âyetleri vahiyler şeklinde "Allah" tarafından Cebrail adındaki melek aracılığıyla İslâm dini peygâmberi Muhammed'e indirilen İslâm dininin kutsal kitâbıdır. Müslümanlar,...

Price: Free Developer: Tatsiana Shukalovich
Kuran - Suat Yıldırım versiyonu

Kuran - Suat Yıldırım versiyonu

Prof. Dr. Suat Yıldırım tarafından hazırlanan Kur'an-ı Kerim Mealini sorunsuzca okuyabilirsiniz.

Price: Free Developer: CEM YOLOGLU
Ezan Duasi

Ezan Duasi

Ezan Duası uygulamasında ezan okunduktan sonra okunabilecek duanın Türkçe okunuşunu, anlamını, Arapça yazılışını okuyabilir ve Arapçasını sesli olarak dinleyebilirsiniz. Not: Dini uygulamalarımız Allah (c.c.) rızası için yapılmaktadır. Destek olmak için reklamlara tıklayabilirsiniz. Reklamların amacı para kazanmak değil, yapım ve sürdürme...

Price: Free Developer: Burhan Capak
Quran Hafiz

Quran Hafiz

Quran Hafiz helps you read, search, understand and track your memorization of the Holy Quran. The app provides the following features: - Multilingual user interface. - Easy navigation and search in chapters and pages - Offline Quran...

Price: Free Developer: Ramy Eldesoky
Al-Quran. 114 Surah. Indonesia

Al-Quran. 114 Surah. Indonesia

1) Tidak ada koneksi Internet yang diperlukan untuk mendengarkan atau membaca. Kendali modus dukungan Offline. 2) Audio dalam: • Bahasa Indonesia • Arab 3) Teks dalam: • Bahasa Indonesia • Arab 4) Semua Perangkat IOS yang didukung: • iPad • iPhone • iPod touch 5) Fitur tambahan: • Dengarkan Al Quran...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Ildar Khanov
Daily Islamic & Quran Verses : Messages of Allahu Akbar and quotes from Holy Muslim scriptures

Daily Islamic & Quran Verses : Messages of Allahu Akbar and quotes from Holy Muslim scriptures

Peace be upon him (Arabic: عليه السلام‎, alayhi as-salām). Daily Quran Verses app contains Quran quotes ( Qur'an القرآن الكريم), Islamic quotes and sayings, Islamic hadiths, Islamic hadees, Islamic message, Islamic stories etc which will help you to know more...

Price: Free Developer: Sooppi Moossa Kutty
AL-QURAN Offline القرآن الكريم

AL-QURAN Offline القرآن الكريم

The Holy AL-QURAN, القرآن الكريم "Read, study and spread the word of Allah." FEATURES: + No Ads Banner on top or bottom of the book screen! Its only have ads at the home page. Meaning you can read through...

Price: Free Developer: Haven Tran


Al-Quran-ul-Kareem Application Technology: In order to facilitate Islamic brothers, the IT department of Dawat-e-Islami has developed this application for iOS devices. Description: Being a guide to the humanity, the Holy Quran can, now, be recited through this application. By the blessings of...

Price: Free Developer: Dawat-e-Islami
AL-QURAN PRO: No Ads & Offline

AL-QURAN PRO: No Ads & Offline

The Holy Quran PRO, القرآن الكريم "Read, study and spread the word of Allah." FEATURES: + No ADS! The purchase of this app is to remove all ads. + ALL OFFLINE! There is no need for an internet...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Haven Tran
Nurani Quran Sharif

Nurani Quran Sharif

This is a simple app containing the pdf files of Quran. This is a simple application for reciting Quran. 1. Nurani Quran Sharif, Page by page. 2. Para, Sura, Page No will appear when page will change. 3. On touch...

Price: Free Developer: Mohammad Rana
Summary Holy Quran (Part I)

Summary Holy Quran (Part I)

If you are looking to read the Quran cover to cover, there are free versions of the text online. This book provides a summary of the document, along with summaries of each chapter. To avoid a credibility...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: John Gregorek
Al Quran Tafseer (Explanation)

Al Quran Tafseer (Explanation)

Quran is the last and most exalted book of ALLAH which is a treasure of knowledge for all mankind. Keeping in mind the importance of this prominent book and to facilitate the Muslim Umah, the I.T department of Dawat-e-Islami...

Price: Free Developer: Dawat-e-Islami
Quran Audio By Al Afasy - BIIT

Quran Audio By Al Afasy - BIIT

BIIT Quran Audio Full By Al-Afasy. This e-Quran app has many features but the key advantage for the user is to keep this beautiful translation of Quran in pocket. You can listen this Holy Quran any time anywhere all over...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Sawar
Al Quran مصحف الأمير منصور

Al Quran مصحف الأمير منصور

Al Quran Mushaf Alameer Mansoor Bin Maqrun for offers a complete Quran in the elegant Mushaf font, with multiple audio recitations and translations. Enhance your recitation and spiritual experience with the real feel of actual printed Quran anytime anywhere. Main Features: ·...

Price: Free Developer: SAUDI Capabilities Company
Islamic Cartoons & Muslim Duas

Islamic Cartoons & Muslim Duas

Islamic duas is a spectacular mobile phone application. Basic concept of making this application is to provide all main Islamic duas on one click. Muslims all over the world want to memorize Islamic duas for their daily life routine....

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Islam
Muslims Prayers

Muslims Prayers

• Accurate prayer times based on your current location with multiple settings available (angles) • Azan: visual and audio notifications for the calls for prayer with many muezzin voices to choose from • Access prayer times directly from the settings • Animated...

Price: Free Developer: Ali Raza
ActiveTextbook Pro

ActiveTextbook Pro

Active Textbook Pro is for members of our professional service groups. Access your professional development library offline. Your interactive eBooks will be available even when your Internet connection is not. Simply login with your Active Textbook Pro account and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Evident Point Software
Apocrypha PRO: NO ADS! (Bible)

Apocrypha PRO: NO ADS! (Bible)

The apocrypha is a selection of books which were published in the original 1611 King James Bible (KJV). These apocryphal books were positioned between the Old and New Testament (it also contained maps and geneologies). The apocrypha was a...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Haven Tran
Gutenberg Reader PRO: No ADS!

Gutenberg Reader PRO: No ADS!

If you like to read, then this is the perfect app for you. It has over 100,000 free books for you to choose from, mostly classic books. In addition, it has a ton of features to ensure your reading...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Haven Tran
King James Version PRO: NO ADS

King James Version PRO: NO ADS

"Read, study and spread the word of God." This amazing FREE Bible app is the best one for church services! It is user-friendly and it so easy to find any verse in a matter of seconds. This King James Version...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Haven Tran
LibriVox Audio Books Pro

LibriVox Audio Books Pro

LibriVox Audio Books Pro provides unlimited access to over 50,000 audiobooks - with no ads. Each audiobook can be streamed over the internet or downloaded for later use. Audiobooks from LibriVox are free thanks to the dedicated work of...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: BookDesign LLC
Web Bible  With Apocrypha Pro

Web Bible With Apocrypha Pro

World English Bible (WEB) which is complete offline. There are several Bible translations that you can use these days. The most popular ones are the King James bible and that of new international version. This is the pro version...

Price: USD 10.99 Developer: Allan Dziwornu
Libib Kiosk Pro

Libib Kiosk Pro

Libib Kiosk Pro allows Pro users of Libib to setup an external kiosk app in their library for their patrons to self-checkout any cataloged items with a barcode. • Includes barcode scanner. • Works in concert with Libib's website. • Requires a...

Price: Free Developer: Libib, Inc.
Sikhville Pro Student

Sikhville Pro Student

Punjabi educators now add zest & fun to the lessons you teach in class with top rated Gurmukhi apps and tools by SikhVille. SikhVille Pro- Teacherside empowers you to assign games, apps, videos, puzzles, audio stories from 1000s of variations...

Price: Free Developer: Vismaad Mediatech
Booko: čtení pro děti

Booko: čtení pro děti

Ukažte svým dětem, že čtení je zábava! V aplikaci Booko najdete interaktivní dětské knihy plné her a animací s audiostopou. Pomáhá dětem s rozvojem čtenářských dovedností a skvěle se hodí pro první čtení. Moderní elektronické knihy a audioknihy, obsahující ty...

Price: Free Developer: BOOKR Digital

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