Top 20 Business Apps Like O&U Events - Best Alternatives

O&U Events Alternatives

Do you want to find the best O&U Events alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Business apps that are similar to O&U Events. Pick one from this list to be your new O&U Events app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to O&U Events on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like O&U Events - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid O&U Events alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like O&U Events 2025.



SUMEX FINANTSID OU on pikaajalise kogemusega tulevikku vaatav innovaatiline ettevõte, mis tegutseb Eesti raamatupidamis- ja finantsjuhtimisturul juba 2000. aastast. Teeme koostööd erinevast sfäärist ettevõtetega, teenindame nii suuri kui väikseid firmasid kodu- ja välismaalt. Meie raamatupidamis- ja finantsteenuse kvaliteet on alati...

Price: Free Developer: SUMEX FINANTSID OU
OU Alumni Association

OU Alumni Association

Download the new app for free and join the OU Alumni Association online today! With OU Alumni on your smartphone, use your digital member card, connect with other alums and shop our store anywhere, anytime. * Easily track...

Price: Free Developer: University of Oklahoma
OU Career Fairs App

OU Career Fairs App

The OU Career Fairs App is your all-in-one source for guides to OU Career Fairs. This app has everything you need to navigate career fairs - event tips, interactive employer table maps, full schedules, lists of attending organizations, activity...

Price: Free Developer: University of Oklahoma


Aplicativo de relacionamento com o cliente e força de vendas da Ubyfol. Integra diretamente com o site de relacionamento com o cliente e com o ERP.   • Acesso Baseado em Função - É possível fornecer acessibilidade baseada em função para...

Price: Free Developer: Ubyfol
BI App

BI App

MyBI é um ambiente integrado de Inteligência de Negócios; Crie seus próprios dashboards, gráficos, pivot (BI), planilhas, todos integrados, podendo compartilhar as informações ou acessar online seu banco de dados; Analise, consulte, compare, cruze os dados, por mês, por trimestre, por...

Price: Free Developer: Ario Lovato


Buzcard, c'est la carte de visite à vie, qui peut vous la sauver. 2 cartes "phygitales" en une : A) La buzcard Business Que votre interlocuteur connaisse l'application Buzcard ou sache flasher un QR code avec la caméra de son smartphone...

Price: Free Developer: BUZCARD


Faça pedidos sem necessidade de conexão a internet (off-line), com ajuda de leitor de código de barras ou QR Code, e integre automaticamente produtos, cadastros e pedidos diretamente ao ERP ou ao MS-Excel. Faça pedidos de forma simplificada com segurança...

Price: Free Developer: Marcio Bonfim


L'application ZenidocPlus est une version compatible iPhone/iPod/iPad avec iOS 8+ (l'application Zenidoc restant, elle, compatible avec 4.x et 5.x) du client workflow léger Zenidoc, comprenant principalement une liste de travail et un dictaphone numérique évolué, se connectant exclusivement à...

Price: Free Developer: Zenidoc
Facture & Devis avec Artinove

Facture & Devis avec Artinove

Artinove est l’application idéale pour créer facilement ses factures, ses devis, ses bons de commandes et de livraisons et faire le suivi de ses dépenses. Vous allez pouvoir utiliser des modèles personnalisables pour créer vos documents même sans connexion...

Price: Free Developer: Foliatech France
Contato Seguro

Contato Seguro

A Contato Seguro entende que o sucesso de uma organização está diretamente vinculado à cultura dos indivíduos que a integram (de como pensam e de como agem), bem como ao desenvolvimento da sociedade que a envolve. A interdependência desses...

Price: Free Developer: Contato Seguro Prevencao de Riscos Empresariais Ltda.
Peloton Events

Peloton Events

This app supports events delivered by Peloton Events. It offers various features including: - Full event programmes - Speaker information and biographies - Ability to make notes agains sessions and documents - Facility to pose questions to speakers which can be monitored and...

Price: Free Developer: Peloton Events UK Ltd
Industry Events

Industry Events

Find relevant events faster with the Industry Events app. Use the global app to keep up to date with the latest conferences, trade shows, forums and networking events in your sector. Search professional development workshops and online learning opportunities....

Price: Free Developer: Industry Events Worldwide Pty Ltd
Business Events

Business Events

Global Business event directory, We help Global professionals, Business people , executives and academics to find, connect and participate with relevant industry events so they can learn, grow and profit. With over 35,000 global business seminars, conference, tradeshows and seminars...

Price: Free Developer: Industry Events Worldwide Pty Ltd
Infoplus Events

Infoplus Events

Created in 2013 by a dedicated team of Event Management Professionals in the Middle East region with decades of experience, InfoPlus Events LLC is a dynamic and creative event management company catering with a “Plus” to associations and corporate...

Price: Free Developer: InfoPlus Events LLC
LASA Events

LASA Events

Leading Age Services Australia (LASA), the voice of aged care, is the peak body for service providers of retirement living, home care, and residential aged care. Across Australia, LASA hold regular events to communicate and promote awareness of current...

Price: Free Developer: SmartShow Limited
TOC Events

TOC Events

TOC Events take place Worldwide in Asia, Europe, Americas, Africa and Middle East. Port and terminal technology exhibition, container supply chain conference & networking events. Below listed are the categories of TOC Events. • TOC Asia • TOC Europe • TOC Americas • TOC Middle...

Price: Free Developer: INFORMA GROUP PLC
EasyEntry by XING Events

EasyEntry by XING Events

XING Events provides you with the free professional entry management software "EasyEntry". With EasyEntry, you can easily and quickly check whether a ticket, which was sold via the XING TicketingManager, is valid or not. This provides you with a...

Price: Free Developer: New Work SE
EVOLV Events

EVOLV Events

EVOLV is a technology, blockchain, cryptocurrency, entertainment, and lifestyle company bringing engaging events to attendees across the globe. Our platform is used by companies producing events and attendees of those events. Community building, bringing like-minded individuals together, and networking...

Price: Free Developer: EVOLV Events, LLC
ExL Events

ExL Events

ExL Events (aka “ExL Pharma”) develops engaging, content-driven conferences and partnered events for dynamic industry audiences, including pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, diagnostic and contract research organizations; hospital networks; physicians; and communications and other entities. Behind our diverse event portfolio,...

Price: Free Developer: ExL Events, LLC
Angel Events - Scanner

Angel Events - Scanner

This app is used in connection with the Angel Events badging and registration system to securely obtain attendee details using QR codes. For more information, please visit

Price: Free Developer: Angel Business Communications

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