Top 28 Book Apps Like Sweet Promise Press - Best Alternatives

Sweet Promise Press Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Sweet Promise Press alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Book apps that are similar to Sweet Promise Press. Pick one from this list to be your new Sweet Promise Press app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Sweet Promise Press on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Sweet Promise Press - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Sweet Promise Press alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Sweet Promise Press 2025.

Sweet Porridge kids fairy tale

Sweet Porridge kids fairy tale

Grimm’s fairy tale «Sweet Porridge» is a little story about kindness, friendship and magic. Interactive characters, funny animation and interesting effects will help a small reader open a mysterious and beautiful dreamland The book best suits children from aged...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Playstory Group
Lullaby Planet - sweet night song - bedtime music app for Baby infant and little children

Lullaby Planet - sweet night song - bedtime music app for Baby infant and little children

***** EDITORS CHOICE may 2015 ***** ***** Best of 2015 recommendation by apple ***** in kids category Lullaby Planet is the perfect App for your baby or toddler to relax and fall asleep to in a peaceful and soothing...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: francois walter
50000 SMS Collection Pro

50000 SMS Collection Pro

Completely Offline & FREE of most popular and most wanted apps!! Over 10,000 collection of text messages, forwards, quotes & top jokes in more than 50 categories of sms !! Largest SMS Collection in smallest app-size! The largest book of...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Shera Majid
Red Riding Hood Storybook tale

Red Riding Hood Storybook tale

SUPER FUN STORY, interactive book with multiple endings. Have FUN, play and discover multiple endings in this classical story. Help Little Red Riding Hood choose her PATH and save your Granny from the Big Bad Wolf. An Interactive Book App with...

Price: Free Developer: Living a Book Inc.
Fly Guys

Fly Guys

Pamela Duncan Edwards, New York Times Best Selling Author - "This little gem is a sweet, sensitive story that will help teach children the importance of friendship and loyalty. The illustrations made me laugh out loud. It will certainly...

Price: Free Developer: Avani Production
50,000+ SMS Collection Myntra

50,000+ SMS Collection Myntra

Welcome in the beautiful world of fun stuff and Quality stuff collection of SMS from SMS Collection. It comes with thousands of beautiful SMS, thoughts and much more. Undoubtedly, 50,000+ SMS collection offers the best and latest SMS and totally deserves...

Price: Free Developer: Shera Majid
Bedtime Prayers for Children

Bedtime Prayers for Children

This sweet story of a young child’s little blessings is an easy way to introduce prayer into a bedtime routine. Children are drawn to the cute illustrations and simple rhyming prayers showing ways they can talk to God at...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Alexis H. Purcell
Island Dreams

Island Dreams

This sweet storybook app is perfect to read before bedtime or nap time, or even when it's just time to calm down. This peaceful and imaginative story fills the reader with love - the love between a mother and...

Price: Free Developer: Patricia Vucic
Mooshka: Myra's Birthday Surprise HD

Mooshka: Myra's Birthday Surprise HD

ABOUT MOOSHKA: MYRA'S BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Today is a special day in Mooshka Village. It is Myra’s birthday, and her friends have planned to surprise her with presents, cakes and songs. But the magic of Mooshka friendship has an even more...

Price: Free Developer: MGAE
Bible Promise Box

Bible Promise Box

Bible Promise Box is an app that displays a biblical promise every access. The ideal application to bring you relief and comfort taken from the Holy Bible. - Works offline: You do not need to be connected to the Internet....

Price: Free Developer: Luis Vasquez
Bible - The Word of Promise®

Bible - The Word of Promise®

FREE: The entire Gospel of John (2 hours, 14 minutes) text, study notes and audio featuring Lou Gossett, Jr. as John. Bonus: At any time you can purchase the complete Word of Promise® Audio Bible Old &...

Price: Free Developer: FutureSoft, Inc.
Promise Box

Promise Box

Read the promises that God has for you! - 100% offline; - Save your favorite verses; - Share it with family and friends; - Widget with daily verses.

Price: Free Developer: Gabriel Silva
New Testament - KJV

New Testament - KJV

The New Testament of the Bible contains twenty-seven books namely: a. The Four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John b. The Book of Acts c. The Letters of the Apostle Paul: Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and...

Price: Free Developer: Allan Dziwornu
FENRIR Pirates - Pathbook game

FENRIR Pirates - Pathbook game

ONLY SPANISH -- This is an interactive book with multiple endings. "Living a Book" is a new approach of interactive books where the reader’s decisions change and trigger new situations and a different ending. Adventure Fantasy Interactive Pathbook. -You decide...

Price: Free Developer: Living a Book Inc.
Antonio's Brick Oven Pizza

Antonio's Brick Oven Pizza

Hungry? Want something to eat? Try one of the best Italian restaurants in New Jersey, Antonio's Brick Oven Pizza. Antonio's Brick Oven Pizza has established a reputation for providing the highest quality food, excellent customer service and speedy delivery...

Price: Free Developer: Edwin B. Harris Jr
Drona - Amar Chitra Katha

Drona - Amar Chitra Katha

** Download our "India comics" App - ***Includes FREE ACK AND DIAMOND COMICS. link: *** Get the EM-Amar Chitra Katha Complete collection- 192 comic bundle and 42 comic Mahabharata complete collection bundle inapp in India Comics App at over...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: iRemedi Corp.
Mahabharata and Drona Digest - Amar Chitra Katha

Mahabharata and Drona Digest - Amar Chitra Katha

** Download our "India comics" App - ***Includes FREE ACK AND DIAMOND COMICS. link: *** Get the EM-Amar Chitra Katha Complete collection- 192 comic bundle and 42 comic Mahabharata complete collection bundle inapp in India Comics App at over...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: iRemedi Corp.
STIR Books

STIR Books

Get your textbooks for FREE using STIR! You don't have to say it... You're Welcome! STIR trades your books directly with other students. Did we mention IT'S FREE! We know what you're thinking ... but we promise there's no catch! Our...

Price: Free Developer: Stir App LLC
Candlewick Press Podcasts

Candlewick Press Podcasts

This is the most convenient way to access Candlewick Press Presents podcasts. Candlewick Press Presents is a new audio podcast about the storytellers behind your favorite children’s books! To celebrate Candlewick Press’s twenty-fifth anniversary, we sat down with local authors...

Price: Free Developer: Candlewick Press
UCL Press

UCL Press

The UCL Press app features our enhanced e-textbooks. These textbooks offer a suite of useful tools to help you to work more efficiently: highlight, take notes, search, bookmark and save a personalised copy or extract. As well as scholarly...

Price: Free Developer: UCL Press
Yen Press

Yen Press

Welcome to the official Yen Press storefront where you can purchase digital copies of some of your favorite manga and graphic novels published by Yen Press! Here you can find fan favorites and New York Times manga bestsellers like James...

Price: Free Developer: Hachette Book Group, Inc.
Harbour Press Int. Dealers App

Harbour Press Int. Dealers App

The app is for the Dealers of Harbour Press International to search for the books and order online. Dealers can search by book titles, grades, subjects. Dealers can order books, track the books delivery and can also Contact the...

Price: Free Developer: Sreehari U
Bogard Press E-Books

Bogard Press E-Books

Bogard Press Ebooks provides PDF versions of Bogard Press books and catalogs. The following Sunday School books are available for purchase each quarter: Adult Sunday School Quarterly, Devotional Quarterly and Lesson Commentary. Other Bogard Press books will be added...

Price: Free Developer: American Baptist Association
mobi press

mobi press

mobi press – allows Kcell/activ customers to enjoy the contemporary model of reading popular magazines from leading Publishers. Read magazines in a convenient form from any mobile device in online or offline mode. The texts and images are adapted for...

Price: Free Developer: GSM Kazakhstan


趣味を楽しむ大人のライフスタイル・モノ情報誌。 充実した特集主義、わくわくするような大人の趣味のカタログ、クオリティの高いビジュアル。 モノを通じて大人の趣味ある人生を提案します。 ※掲載のない頁・写真があります。 【このアプリで購読できる雑誌】 ■ 月刊誌「GOODS PRESS(グッズプレス)」 【購読価格】 1ヶ月購読 / ¥600 6ヶ月購読 / ¥2,800 12ヶ月購読 / ¥5,600 【配信時間】 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12月6日発売 ※ 本紙紙面作成の関係で配信日及び配信時間が遅れるケースもあります。 【ご注意】 ・購入は「Apple ID」でのお支払いとなります。 ・購読は「自動継続更新」となります。購読期間が終了する24時間以内に、購読が自動更新され、「Apple ID」に課金されますので、ご注意ください。 ・購読は期間途中で解約することはできませんが、自動更新を停止することはできます。 ・購読の自動更新を停止するには、購読期間が終了する24時間以上前に自動更新設定をオフにする必要があります。 自動更新の設定はご利用の端末の「設定」->「Store」->「Apple IDを表示」->「App購読の管理」から行うことができます。

Price: Free Developer: ZASSHI-ONLINE INC.
Solar System for iPad

Solar System for iPad

A breakthrough electronic book about our Solar System, offering hours of interactive exploration and presenting a treasure trove of visual information. Bestselling author Marcus Chown leads us on a grand tour through the incredible diversity of planets, moons, asteroids, comets...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Touch Press Inc


With Privateer Press Digital, you have access to an extensive catalog of No Quarter magazine issues, WARMACHINE and HORDES rulebooks and expansions, Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Roleplaying Game material, and much more! Take your Privateer Press rulebooks with you wherever you...

Price: Free Developer: Privateer Press, Inc.

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