Top 40 Education Apps Like Quick Maths - AIME Trainer - Best Alternatives

Quick Maths - AIME Trainer Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Quick Maths - AIME Trainer alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Education apps that are similar to Quick Maths - AIME Trainer. Pick one from this list to be your new Quick Maths - AIME Trainer app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Quick Maths - AIME Trainer on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like Quick Maths - AIME Trainer - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Quick Maths - AIME Trainer alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Quick Maths - AIME Trainer 2025.

Auditory Memory Quick Stories

Auditory Memory Quick Stories

Our best-selling Auditory Memory for Quick Stories Interactive CD-ROM is now available as a fun and engaging app! This colorful app for the iPad® uses the same illustrated, narrated stories from the Auditory Memory for Quick Stories Interactive CD-ROM...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Super Duper Publications
Geometry Quick Reference

Geometry Quick Reference

Geometry Quick Reference is a basic information tool for middle school and high school level geometry students. It provides a simple way to access and review the basic concepts of geometry. Here are a few of the ways you...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Trigonometry Quick Reference

Trigonometry Quick Reference

Trigonometry Quick Reference provides an overview of the basic concepts needed for success in trigonometry. It provides a simple way to access and review the fundamental ideas of Trigonometry. After studying the information on one of...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Quick School Parent

Quick School Parent

Parent App for NIIT Quick School ERP. Parents can login to the App using the login id and password provided by school for the Quick School system. In the current version, the app provides following information to parents: 1. Basic...

Price: Free Developer: Debashis SenGupta
Quick Think Math Game

Quick Think Math Game

Fun and Challenging! The Quick Think Math Game challenges the player to use all four of the given numbers to make a target number. Any of the operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, can be used to define an...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Ventura Educational Systems
Quick Math - Mental Arithmetic

Quick Math - Mental Arithmetic

"Quick Math is perfect for students to improve their all round mathematics ability" - Apps In Education Kids and adults can’t put it down! Practice your mathematics while racing the clock in this innovative app. Featuring advanced handwriting recognition...

Price: Free Developer: Shiny Things
Quick Math - Multiplication Table & Arithmetic Game

Quick Math - Multiplication Table & Arithmetic Game

"Quick Math is perfect for students to improve their all round mathematics ability" - Apps In Education Kids and adults can’t put it down! Practice your mathematics while racing the clock in this innovative iPad app. Featuring advanced handwriting...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Shiny Things
Quick Key Mobile Grading App

Quick Key Mobile Grading App

Created by a 15-year veteran teacher and launched by 250 teachers on Kickstarter. Quick Key’s mobile grading app easily grades paper quizzes and assessments with just one device, anywhere, even without any network connection at all. Paperless classroom? With...

Price: Free Developer: Design by Educators, Inc
Quick Math+

Quick Math+

Quick Math+ takes the math challenge to the next level and brings some fun, new surprises along the way. With a focus on self-improvement, Quick Math+ encourages the development of mental arithmetic skills as players race the clock to improve...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Shiny Things
Quick Talk AAC

Quick Talk AAC

We are excited about the completely new design of Quick Talk AAC! Working with educators, therapists, engineers, parents, and individuals who are non-verbal, we have developed a communication that anyone can use! Quick Talk was designed with...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Digital Scribbler, Inc
Maths Games For Kids 3-5

Maths Games For Kids 3-5

• Developed and built to fully support the UK National Curriculum • Designed to help children learn outside of the classroom • Makes learning an open-ended fun activity • No third party links or advertising • Allows children to learn and explore in a safe, secure environment • Produced in...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: The Game Creators
Meteor Maths Book

Meteor Maths Book

The evil alien Zerg has stolen maths from several different planets. Your job is to return maths to the planet by collecting numbers, dodging meteors and answering sums. "The new update is amazing, my kids are loving!" - Florence Lily...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Grant Stevens-Wade
11+ Maths Exam Practice KS2

11+ Maths Exam Practice KS2

The 11+ Maths Practise app has been designed with one purpose in mind: to help your child pass the 11+Maths Common entrance exam required in most British schools. This app will enable you to practice without an internet...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Roxana Scurtu
KS3 Maths: Complete - nimbl

KS3 Maths: Complete - nimbl

Develop your maths skills Following the national curriculum, Key Stage 3 Maths: Complete is designed to reinforce and develop your knowledge of Maths. The app covers key topics in preparation for GCSE, allowing you to build your confidence, practice and...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Anspear Ltd
les Maths en Tongs

les Maths en Tongs

T'es au collège ou au lycée et tu galères en Maths ? Cette app est pour toi ! Non ! Elle ne fait pas tes exos à ta place. Non ! Ce n'est pas une pilule magique non plus... Par contre, si...

Price: Free Developer: les Maths en Tongs
Halloween Maths

Halloween Maths

Bubble Maths with a 'spooky' twist... This app will test your maths skills, starting with simple sums through to more complex multiplication and division. There are 25 questions per level. For every correct answer you get a star, with the aim...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Dizzy Squirrel Limited
Halloween Maths Lite

Halloween Maths Lite

Bubble Maths with a 'spooky' twist... This app will test your maths skills, starting with simple sums through to more complex addition and subtraction. There are 25 questions per level. For every correct answer you get a star, with the aim...

Price: Free Developer: Dizzy Squirrel Limited
Key Stage 2 Maths

Key Stage 2 Maths

Following the national curriculum for KS2, this app is an interactive guide to all the topics for Key Stage 2 Maths. Available offline for mobile and tablet, Key Stage 2 Maths is full of activities, audio animations and quizzes...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Anspear Ltd
Maths Artists: first grade math exercises

Maths Artists: first grade math exercises

Kids learning fun in the circus with clowns, jugglers, wizards and animals! - unique, child-friendly maths games maintain the motivation for learning - comprehensive: eight areas of learning are gradually unlocked - childproof app containing no ads, no in-app purchases - additional awesome...

Price: Free Developer: Christa Gaksch
Maths Chatter

Maths Chatter

The Maths Chatter app was designed with the purpose of making maths more fun. It is suitable for children from primary to secondary, but also for adults who need to improve their mental maths and their times tables. The app...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Roxana Scurtu
Conju J'aime

Conju J'aime

Conju J'aime makes conjugations fun in French! Play with the French verbs and tenses, and build up your French skills around the present and the preterit without knowing it. Practice good reflexes through an educational color code to improve...

Price: Free Developer: Anne Guionnet
Lucy aime lire et écrire : Dictées, Syllabes, Mots

Lucy aime lire et écrire : Dictées, Syllabes, Mots

Cette application, réalisée par un enseignant, permet de s'entrainer à la lecture et l'écriture de 1200 syllabes et de 600 mots. On peut aussi les utiliser pour écrire des phrases. **en complément : ECRIRE des TEXTES avec des...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Benoit Legrand
Mes histoires de Noël à lire et à écouter - contes et livres pour enfants, de la maternelle au CP.

Mes histoires de Noël à lire et à écouter - contes et livres pour enfants, de la maternelle au CP.

L’app idéale pour faire patienter les enfants jusqu’à Noël… grâce à la magie des histoires ! Un large choix de contes et d’histoires à lire ou à écouter sur le thème de Noel, de 2 à 7 ans. Un livre...

Price: Free Developer: Bayard Presse SA
Mes Premiers Mots GRATUITE

Mes Premiers Mots GRATUITE

Votre bambin atteint l'âge où son temps pour introduire de nouveaux mots? Chaque parents veulent que leurs enfants d'apprendre de nouveaux mots à mesure qu'ils grandissent. Ce soft est un moyen idéal pour leur apprendre! Mon premier dictionnaire Mots...

Price: Free Developer: Mariya Bohari
Second Chances

Second Chances

Save the school. Change the world. Compete & challenge your mind in a tournament of 12 matches. We challenged young Indigenous Australians to help us develop a game. The result, no ordinary ball game. The **goal** was to develop...

Price: Free Developer: Mode Games Pty Ltd
Compréhension De Texte

Compréhension De Texte

La lecture n’est pas une faculté innée. Les enfants n’apprennent pas spontanément à lire; il faut le leur enseigner. Cette application présente des petits textes à lire en premier. Après les enfants essayent de répondre à quelques questions. Les réponses...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Midou
Les mondes de Polo, jeux éducatifs et d’observation pour enfants.

Les mondes de Polo, jeux éducatifs et d’observation pour enfants.

Des jeux éducatifs et 2 vidéos pour jouer et voyager dans l’univers magique et poétique de Polo. Un environnement graphique et musical apaisant pour une pause « jeu » calme et amusante ! Pour les 3-7 ans, sur iPhone et iPad....

Price: Free Developer: Bayard Presse SA
Trigonometry Master Class

Trigonometry Master Class

Take a master Class in Trigonometry with this collection of 318 Tutorial Video Lessons. If you study maths and need to brush up or revise or improve your knowledge of this subject then this is a winner. Tutorials...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tony Walsh
Ecriture moderne cursive à l'école : GS, CP, CE1 - minuscules et majuscules

Ecriture moderne cursive à l'école : GS, CP, CE1 - minuscules et majuscules

+Apprendre une écriture moderne rapide et harmonieuse, pour les droitiers, les gauchers et sur tous les supports actuels. +Les tracés des lettres sont animés : un joli papillon se déplace sur le modèle, durant tout l'exercice. L'enfant peut ainsi vérifier...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Benoit Legrand
Language Trainer

Language Trainer

Language Trainer was created specifically to help individuals improve their mastery of spoken language. Designed by a certified speech-language pathologist, Language Trainer is perfect for working on vocabulary, word finding, stuttering, and receptive or expressive language therapy. Language Trainer...

Price: USD 11.99 Developer: Smarty Ears
Theta Music Trainer

Theta Music Trainer

Sharpen your musical ear with fun games for ear training and music theory. Theta Music Trainer is a complete set of courses and games designed to improve your musicianship and deepen your understanding of music. These games have been...

Price: Free Developer: Theta Music Technologies, Inc.
Mathe Trainer - Cornelsen

Mathe Trainer - Cornelsen

Mit dem Cornelsen Mathe Trainer übst du Matheaufgaben der Klassen 5 bis 10. Sowohl fürs schnelle Lernen vor Prüfungen, als auch fürs nachhaltige Lernen – mit dieser App kannst du Mathe jederzeit auch unterwegs auf deinem Smartphone oder Tablet...

Price: Free Developer: Cornelsen Verlag GmbH
Smart Interval Trainer

Smart Interval Trainer

Note: This is NOT an ear training app. You need to know your intervals! If you've got them down you can instantly know the steps of every major scale in every key. You can build chords and scales with...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Uncomplicated Solutions Inc.
Reading Trainer

Reading Trainer

Reading Trainer improves your reading speed and retention rate with 12 challenging and fun exercises. ▪ #1 Education App in 20 countries ▪ Top chart position in over 70 countries ▪ Our iPhone version is App Store Rewind Award...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: HeKu IT GmbH
Reading Trainer for iPhone

Reading Trainer for iPhone

Reading Trainer improves your reading speed and retention rate with 12 challenging and fun exercises. • #1 Education App in 11 countries • Top chart position in over 25 countries • App Store Rewind Award Winner – iPhone App...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: HeKu IT GmbH
Certified Personal Trainer Exam Prep

Certified Personal Trainer Exam Prep

Dynamic Path presents our updated module for the NASM 4th edition, with 75 all new-questions. Our app features 475 practice questions, are all written exclusively for Dynamic Path by a Certified Personal Trainer. The questions incorporate practical, real-life scenarios to...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Double Bottom Line Partners
Optics Trainer

Optics Trainer

Optics Trainer is a free Vision Training and Therapy app designed to exercise your visual skills. FEATURES: 12 Activities designed to work on a variety of visual skills (with more to come!) Eye Hand Coordination Games Eye Movement Games Peripheral Vision Games Momentary Vision...

Price: Free Developer: Optics Trainer LLC


Is it hard for you to remember things? Are you forgetful? Then this retention trainer is right for you: this game will show you 4 different pictures, you have 10 seconds to remember the images you see. After that the images...

Price: Free Developer: Benjamin Lochmann
Russian Verb Trainer

Russian Verb Trainer

Learn to conjugate the 500 most common Russian verbs in all tenses and in the imperative mood. Listen to the pronunciation of conjugated forms. Track your progress with statistics. VERB LISTS: make your own lists of verbs or use the...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Anastassia Urra

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