Top 29 Education Apps Like Panther Safe - CAU - Best Alternatives

Panther Safe - CAU Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Panther Safe - CAU alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to Panther Safe - CAU. Pick one from this list to be your new Panther Safe - CAU app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Panther Safe - CAU on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Panther Safe - CAU - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Panther Safe - CAU alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Panther Safe - CAU 2025.

Panther Math paper

Panther Math paper

Do math independently without a pencil.  A perfect way for people with any motor challenges. Math Paper allows you to simply touch the screen and do your math by providing all the numbers, symbols, and operations you need. And, thanks to...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Panther Technology
Panther Messenger

Panther Messenger

This app is an extension to the Panther Robotics app. With the Panther Messenger app, you will be able to take advantage of the full capabilities of the Panther Robotics app.

Price: Free Developer: Zach Phelps
FIU Project Panther LIFE

FIU Project Panther LIFE

FIU - Panther LIFE is to provide a comprehensive postsecondary program and system of supports through partnerships to eligible students with ID through a well-planned, structured, and individualized curriculum and related program and community experiences focusing on academics and...

Price: Free Developer: Qbiki Networks
Panther Career Link

Panther Career Link

The SUNY Old Westbury Panther Career Link app lets SUNY Old Westbury students and alumni prepare for and search for jobs and internships, practice for interviews, and so much more.

Price: Free Developer: Brian Keenan
Panther Robotics

Panther Robotics

The Panther Robotics is a solution to the problem of inefficient communication in robotics clubs in the VEX Robotics competition. With this app you are able to create signups for practice and workshops. Additionally, it features a Tower Takeover...

Price: Free Developer: Zach Phelps
ACPHS Panther Portal

ACPHS Panther Portal

Use the ACPHS Events app to find out what events are happening and find out how you can get involved on campus! • Sort by campus organizations hosting events • Find events tagged with your favorite activities • Add events...

Price: Free Developer: Check I'm Here, LLC
Andover Central School Panther

Andover Central School Panther

The official app for Andover Central School allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the district....

Price: Free Developer: Andover Central School
EIU Panther Life

EIU Panther Life

Official app for Eastern Illinois University. Use this app to get involved, stay organized, access resources, and communicate with others on our campus.

Price: Free Developer: Involvio LLC
Panther Portal

Panther Portal

Our mobile app is recommended to all our students, parents, teachers, staff members, and other members of our community. News, announcements, calendars, events, photo albums, videos, and even sections for each one of our teachers and staff members are all...

Price: Free Developer: Educational Networks Inc.
Vodafone-SaveLIFE Road Safe

Vodafone-SaveLIFE Road Safe

The Road Safe Mobile app provides users tools which they can use to keep themselves safe while on the road. It allows them to disable mobile distractions while driving, detect road accidents and initiate emergency response, provide emergency assistance,...

Price: Free Developer: Road Safe App
Building Safe

Building Safe

Building Safe is an app designed for schools, organizations, and businesses to use during an emergency crisis. With our app, you can notify all staff in your building of an emergency situation and account for them in a specialized...

Price: Free Developer: Building Safe, LLC
Safe Haven Community Service

Safe Haven Community Service

This app allows you to earn community service hours from a A Safe Haven for Newborns by helping to raise awareness of newborn abandonment. You can upload posters, videos, and even participate in our social media campaign.

Price: Free Developer: A Safe Haven for Newborns
Safe Kids PR

Safe Kids PR

Safe Kids PR es un sistema que permite registrar, electrónicamente, la llegada y salida de su hijo(a) mediante un código individual asignado. El mismo nos permite a nosotros, y a ustedes,saber quién llevo el niño(a) al centro y a...

Price: Free Developer: Safe Kids Corp.
Safe nursery Photo

Safe nursery Photo

Safe Nursery Photo is a part of the Safe Nursery solution. Safe Nursery Photo gives the Safe Nursery personnel a tool to publish photos from iPhone and iPad to Safe Nursery First time you log in on you iPhone or...

Price: Free Developer: Assemble A/S
Safe Excavator

Safe Excavator

What It Does: Safe Excavator is an easy, fast, and free way to access the legal requirements pertaining to excavation in every state, arranged by relevant topic. It also allows you collect and track data regarding excavation damage and...

Price: Free Developer: National Excavator Ininitative
SOS Safe At School

SOS Safe At School

• Daily use for all safety-related school incidents (i.e., active shooter, acts of nature, fire, bomb, gas leak, student behavior, medical, and property incidents – with priority levels including emergency, urgent, soon, and today) so administrators and staff regularly use and remember...

Price: Free Developer: SOS Apps
Safe Nursery Check-in

Safe Nursery Check-in

Safe Nursery Check-in is a part of the Safe Nursery daycare-solution. Safe Nursery Check-in is a tool to register check-in and check-out when children arrive or leave the daycare institution. Parents, Children and personnel can use the Safe Nursery Check-in App...

Price: Free Developer: Assemble A/S
Safe nursery Teacher

Safe nursery Teacher

Safe nursery Teacher est une partie de Safe nursery. Safe nursery Teacher donne les employés à Safe nursery la possibilité d'écrire des journaux quotidiens, de créer des nouvelles, des postes, des activités, consultez la carte d'index et beaucoup plus sur...

Price: Free Developer: Assemble A/S
Safe Tube TV

Safe Tube TV

=== Over 100 hours of safe and fun videos with powerful parental control done remotely. New videos are being added every week! === Educational and entertaining videos can help to keep the little wonders focused. But if you are a...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Idemfactor Solutions
CAU Mobile

CAU Mobile

Clark Atlanta University's mobile app connects you to CAU admissions, news, events, sports, campus maps, and even provides Banner Web access.

Price: Free Developer: Clark Atlanta University
Luyen Cau Lop MOT

Luyen Cau Lop MOT

Lớp Mẫu Giáo và lớp Một Đây là chương trình Luyện Câu dưới hình thức Viết Chính Tả và đố hình - với công cụ tương tác - bao gồm các chức năng đặc biệt giúp trẻ em chưa biết...

Price: Free Developer: Van Tu TRAN
Luyen Cau HAI

Luyen Cau HAI

(a: English - b: Vietnamese) A: LUYỆN - CÂU lớp HAI: MATCHING DICTATION for simple sentence practice and drilling. This application more than 700 picture illustrative phrases describe meaning and used in matching game. This version belongs to our early development...

Price: Free Developer: Van Tu TRAN
Luyen Cau BA

Luyen Cau BA

Luyen Cau 3 (a: English - b: Vietnamese) A-Sentence Drilling with Matching Dictation. This program is parallel with HOC-VAN lop BA. Each section in Hoc Van 3 will have a correspondent sentence drilling in this version. This application more than 500 pictures describe...

Price: Free Developer: Van Tu TRAN
Luyen Cau BON

Luyen Cau BON

Vietnamese Level FOUR. (a: English - b: Vietnamese) Sentence Drilling with Matching Dictation . Our full set will includes with Level One, Two, Three, Four, Five . . . which able to help children master our foundation level in Vietnamese. The program...

Price: Free Developer: Van Tu TRAN
Luyen Cau Lop NAM

Luyen Cau Lop NAM

Vietnamese Level FIVE. (a: English - b: Vietnamese) Sentence Drilling with Matching Dictation . Our full set will includes with Level One, Two, Three, Four, Five . . . which able to help children master our foundation level in Vietnamese. (Level...

Price: Free Developer: Van Tu TRAN
Phong Nguyen Toan Cau

Phong Nguyen Toan Cau

Welcome Phong Cau Nguyen Toan Cau!

Price: Free Developer: Subsplash Inc
CAU 셔틀버스

CAU 셔틀버스

CAU 셔틀버스 중앙대학교 학생 및 임직원들을 위한 셔틀버스 앱입니다. 주요기능은 아래와 같습니다. 1.정류소별 셔틀버스 확인 기능 2.버스 위치 확인 기능 3.정류소 출발/도착 알림 기능

Price: Free Developer: University of Chung-Ang
CAU 신입생아카데미

CAU 신입생아카데미

CAU 신입생아카데미는 중앙대학교에 합격한 신입생들이 입학하기 전에 미리 필요한 강좌를 수강하고 학점을 취득하는 프로그램입니다. 교양과 전공과목들 중 꼭 필요한 강좌들을 선정하여 온라인동영상강의로 제공함으로써 대학생활에 조기적응을 하기 위해 실시하는 예비학교입니다. 본 과정은 온라인으로만 진행되며, PC, 태블릿, 모바일 등을 모두 지원합니다.

Price: Free Developer: HoSang Kim

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