Top 30 Finance Apps Like Com Desconto Card - Best Alternatives

Com Desconto Card Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Com Desconto Card alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Finance apps that are similar to Com Desconto Card. Pick one from this list to be your new Com Desconto Card app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Com Desconto Card on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Com Desconto Card - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Com Desconto Card alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Com Desconto Card 2025.

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Price: Free Developer: - займы онлайн - займы онлайн - это крупнейший сервис поиска займов в России, предлагающий на выбор клиента более 3 000 микрофинансовых организаций и ломбардов, 5 700 услуг и 21 700 офисов. Организации выдают как онлайн-займы на карту, киви или яндекс кошелёк, так и...

Price: Free Developer: IA for iPhone for iPhone

「 for iPhone」は、カブドットコム証券が提供するiPhone専用取引アプリです。 各商品の注文機能はもちろん、リアルタイム株価ボードや高機能チャートを搭載したスマートフォン専用アプリです。マーケット情報も充実しており、14種類のランキング、1日あたり約700本のニュースを配信いたします。また、自動ログイン機能やお客さまが自由にカスタマイズできる「お気に入りメニュー」をご利用いただくことにより、ログインからお取引までの操作がスムーズです。 ■ 豊富なマーケット情報 主要指標、為替、1日あたり約700本を配信するニュース(トムソン・ロイター、株式新聞、フィスコ、kabu.com投資情報室)、14種類のランキング、四季報など豊富な投資情報をご確認いただけます。 ■ 豊富な取扱商品 現物、信用、先物、オプション、くりっく365、取引所CFD、プチ株、投資信託、外貨建MMFが1つのアプリでお取引いただけます。 ■ リアルタイム株価ボード 180銘柄(18銘柄×10ボード)を登録することができ、リアルタイムで更新されます。登録した銘柄はPC版のカブボードフラッシュとも同期しますので、利用チャネルに応じて再度登録をする必要はありません。先物・オプションボードにも対応をしております。 ■ 高機能チャート 移動平均、ボリンジャーバンド、一目均衡表、MACDを含む26種類のテクニカルチャートを搭載しています。チャートの拡大・縮小が可能です。 ■ 投資サポート スマートフォン向けの動画配信や経済イベントカレンダー、お客さま同士でお互いの質問に答えるナレッジコミュニティなどの豊富なサービスでお客さまの投資をサポートします。 ■ 便利機能 自動ログイン機能を搭載しており、口座番号・パスワードの入力をせずログインいただけます。さらにメニューは「お気に入りメニュー」として自由にカスタマイズすることが可能です。登録をしていただいたメニューはどの画面からでも呼び出す事ができますので、スピーディーにお取引いただけます。 カブドットコム証券株式会社 金融商品取引業者登録:関東財務局長(金商)第61号 銀行代理業許可:関東財務局長(銀代)第8号 加入協会:日本証券業協会、一般社団法人 金融先物取引業協会

Price: Free Developer: Securities Co.,Ltd

Get your credit score, report card and action plan. Learn what’s impacting your score and discover ways to improve it. Easily monitor where you stand, manage your credit and get personalized advice to make smarter financial decisions today. WHAT’S INCLUDED • Check...

Price: Free Developer: Mining Pool Mining Pool

The official monitoring app for Pool. Features: 1. Monitor your hashrate for users and workers 2. See your daily and monthly earnings Feel free to send your feedback to [email protected] Please note that this is only a monitoring app and no coin mining...

Price: Free Developer: Trade Limited(Auton) Trade Limited(Auton)

MAJOR FEATURES * Real-time streaming quotes of tradable currency pairs * Interactive real-time charts with charting capabilities * Place new orders, close orders, or modify your pending orders * View status of pending order and positions held * Detailed trading history * Monitor your account...

Price: Free Developer: Trade Limited Mobile Mobile

The official mobile app of Equipment Finance Advisor, Mobile delivers the first true mobile application for commercial finance decision makers from both sides of the equipment finance decision making desk – meeting the content needs of both the...

Price: Free Developer: RDK Interactive, Inc.
FamZoo Family Finance

FamZoo Family Finance

“Thank you for the FamZoo service! It has really helped my kids understand money, budgeting and saving. It’s also way more convenient than cash for me and for them!” ~Matt H., Derby, Kansas FamZoo helps kids, teens, and parents develop good...

Price: Free Developer:
Mortgage by Zillow

Mortgage by Zillow

Financing a home can be complicated. We’re here to help. Homeownership may be closer than you think. Use Zillow calculators to find out what you can afford, and gain control of the home-finance process with live, customized mortgage rates...

Price: Free Developer: Stocks & Finance Stocks & Finance offers a set of financial tools covering a wide variety of global and local financial instruments. A one-stop-shop for traders and investors. REAL TIME DATA Live quotes and charts for over 100,000 financial instruments, traded on over 70 global exchanges. Track...

Price: Free Developer: Fusion Media Limited


Esse aplicativo torna fácil e pratico o calculo de juros em cima de desconto de cheques, se seu cliente vai te pagar, e você vai cobrar o financeiro, você faz os cálculos de forma simples nessa calculadora. Ele calcula o...

Price: Free Developer: Onivaldo Ferrari Junior


PreDesconto é um aplicativo carteira para uso de créditos de consumo pré adquiridos com desconto em um estabelecimento. O cliente adquire uma quantidade de créditos de consumo antecipadamente em troca de um desconto significativo para consumo posterior, no mesmo...

Price: Free Developer: Totmob
PreDesconto Loja

PreDesconto Loja

Funcionando juntamente com o aplicativo PreDesconto, este aplicativo permite a venda e cobrança de créditos do sistema PreDesconto. Antes de usá-lo, o estabelecimento comercial deve se cadastrar em Desta forma, as empresas podem buscar a fidelização e a antecipação do...

Price: Free Developer: Totmob


Somos um programa de recompensa com foco no consumo consciente. Com o PrevCash as suas compras retornam um percentual do valor gasto direto na sua Conta de Previdência Complementar e o melhor é que você não precisa pagar nada...

Price: Free Developer: Stock & Info Ltda
Bradesco Net Empresa

Bradesco Net Empresa

No App Net Empresa, você conta com diversos serviços para gerenciar o seu negócio a qualquer hora e de onde estiver. Para você que é MEI, também é possível realizar a abertura de conta pelo App, sem precisar ir à...

Price: Free Developer: Banco Bradesco SA
OK! teleseguros

OK! teleseguros

Chegou a APP da OK! teleseguros, a forma mais simples e inovadora de ter a sua seguradora sempre à mão e de saber tudo sobre os seus seguros. Pedir assistência, participar um sinistro e/ou obter uma simulação nunca foi tão...

Price: Free Developer: Via Directa - Companhia de Seguros, SA
PagSeguro Vendas

PagSeguro Vendas

Todos podem ter uma maquininha de cartão para celular ou tablet. E o melhor: com segurança, sem mensalidade e muito menos taxa de adesão! E tanto faz se você é pessoa física (CPF) ou pessoa jurídica (CNPJ). UMA MÁQUINA DE...

Price: Free Developer: UOL Inc.
Poupar ou financiar?

Poupar ou financiar?

O “Poupar” lhe ajudará a decidir entre comprar um produto usando o financiamento da loja ou investir o valor das parcelas e depois adquirir o produto pagando à vista. Para utilizá-lo, você só precisará digitar o valor do produto, os...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Samuel Natali Junior
Biorc Financeira

Biorc Financeira

Plataforma digital de relacionamento BIORC Financeira. Nunca foi tão rápido e fácil ter seu crédito consignado. Empréstimo com desconto em folha de pagamento, com muito mais agilidade, rapidez e segurança na contratação. Pague em até 24 vezes e realize...

Price: Free Developer: Biorc Financeira Crédito Financiamento e Investimento SA Mobile Mobile

Everything needed to service your account is now in our new, easy to navigate app. And easy to access with optional fingerprint login! Find nearby ATMs, locate cash reload stores, and get instructions on how to use direct deposit...

Price: Free Developer: Card Corporation


Benefits: -Card less payment with scan to pay merchant -Manage your AEON Card anytime, anywhere on your mobile phone -Never miss your billing -Track your transactions -Points earned every payment transaction -Secure your AEON Card AEON CARD MOBILE is a mobile application “App’ which is developed...

Price: Free Developer: Aeon
Card Control by Ascend

Card Control by Ascend

Use the Card Control app by Ascend to easily manage all of your AFCU debit and credit cards and more. If you think you’ve misplaced your card or potentially had it stolen then you can take swift action right...

Price: Free Developer: Ascend Federal Credit Union
ING Commercial Card

ING Commercial Card

The ING Commercial Card app Experience the convenience of viewing your business credit card transactions on your smartphone any time, any place. Simply download the free ING Commercial Card app which is available in Dutch and English. The benefits See...

Price: Free Developer: ING
Estate Card Banking Center

Estate Card Banking Center

The Estate Card Banking App is a free mobile application exclusively for Estate Prepaid MasterCard holders. You can find out more information about the Estate Card program and join at If you are an Estate Prepaid MasterCard user,...

Price: Free Developer: Card Rewards
Tab Card Banking Center

Tab Card Banking Center

The TAB Card Banking App is a free mobile application exclusively for TAB Prepaid MasterCard holders. You can find out more information about TAB at If you are a TAB Prepaid MasterCard user, download the TAB Card Banking...

Price: Free Developer: Card Rewards
Terps Card

Terps Card

Enjoy easy and on-the-go management of your credit cards with the Terps Card mobile app. This app offers a convenient way to: • View recent and pending transactions • View next payment amount and due date • Make a payment to your card • Report a...

Price: Free Developer: Campus Card Management Group, LLC


Con la nuova App BPER Card: Controlli rapidamente disponibilità e movimenti delle tue carte di credito e prepagate BPER Card Hai i movimenti degli ultimi 13 mesi e puoi cercarli per data, descrizione ed importo Verifichi plafond delle carte di credito, spese...

Price: Free Developer: Gruppo BPER
Cave Shepherd Card Mobile App

Cave Shepherd Card Mobile App

Enjoy Barbados' #1 hassle free credit product, now available via mobile. Access Account Information, Send & Receive Funds Securely and Pay for Products & Services! Welcome to the Cave Shepherd Card Mobile App! DOWNLOAD TODAY TO: Instantly View Cave Shepherd...

Price: Free Developer: Caribbean Credit Card Corporation
Diplomatic Card

Diplomatic Card

The Diplomatic Card app is your digital declaration assistent. Use the Diplomatic Card invoice scanner and submit your VAT refund requests within seconds. Track your outstanding refund requests and browse through your refund history. Gain insight in your expenses...

Price: Free Developer: Diplomatic Card Company

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