Top 27 Productivity Apps Like StandBy Beacon Locator - Best Alternatives

StandBy Beacon Locator Alternatives

Do you want to find the best StandBy Beacon Locator alternatives for iOS? We have listed 27 Productivity apps that are similar to StandBy Beacon Locator. Pick one from this list to be your new StandBy Beacon Locator app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to StandBy Beacon Locator on your iOS devices.

Top 27 Apps Like StandBy Beacon Locator - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid StandBy Beacon Locator alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 27 similar apps like StandBy Beacon Locator 2025.



StandBy verenigt verschillende functies (beschikbaarheid, aanwezigheid, alarmering en communicatie) rondom veiligheid en beveiliging in één systeem met een smartphone app. Dit bespaart een investering in verschillende deeloplossingen zoals piepers, portofoons en toegangsdetectie- of registratiesystemen. StandBy zorgt ervoor dat er altijd...

Price: Free Developer: StandBy Solutions B.V.
StandBy BHV

StandBy BHV

StandBy BHV is een systeem voor beschikbaarheids- en aanwezigheidsregistratie van bedrijfshulpverleners gekoppeld aan een APP voor het versturen en ontvangen van alarmeringsberichten. Aantallen en soorten hulpverzoeken worden in kaart gebracht. Structurele onder- of overbezetting wordt middels een geautomatiseerde agendafunctie...

Price: Free Developer: StandBy Solutions B.V.
Cue System Remote

Cue System Remote

Remote client unit for Cue system console allowing you to control a show or production over a local Wi-Fi network, freeing you from the restrictions of a traditional wired cue system. The remote client will automatically connect to the...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Stuart Blair
Discourse - Talktime Manager

Discourse - Talktime Manager

Discourse is a simple and intuitive timer for presentations and talks and helps to optimally meet the time allowed for talking! Simply set up the allowed time and optionally two more points in time for orientation. Discourse shows the elapsed...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: WEsoft
EASA ftl-monitor2

EASA ftl-monitor2

On February 18th 2016 the new EASA flight time regulations came into force. It is important that all flight crew, flight planners, crew controllers and airline management are fully conversant with the regulations. This app provides a checklist and flight...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Richard Bradshaw
Meeting Recorder for Business

Meeting Recorder for Business

Meeting Recorder is your personal assistant for meetings. It listens and transcribes meetings and conferences for you, allowing you to search for words and phrases within your recording. You can record your most important conversations and save time, helping...

Price: Free Developer: Translated
CopyIt The Grid Drawing Method

CopyIt The Grid Drawing Method

First released in June 2010, CopyIt is the original and most feature rich grid drawing app available anywhere! See why so many artists, teachers and students are using CopyIt as an essential tool in their workflows. NEW USERS - PLEASE...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Nigel Green


Que-It is an organizational iPad application for stage managers and designers. The application allows the users to load a PDF of a script and then organizes the Q’s into categories, such as lighting, sound, deck, and projection, however categories...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: UrbanByte LLC
Comarch beacON

Comarch beacON

Comarch beacON is an application intended to present some of numerous functionalities of the beacon technology. Give it a try! Download it and start to play!

Price: Free Developer: Comarch SA
Title Beacon

Title Beacon

The ability to bulk text agents and lenders by office to let them know you’re in their office.

Price: Free Developer: NewHomePage LLC
iSensor - Mesh Sensor Network

iSensor - Mesh Sensor Network

iSensor is a management tool for the Mobilian's Bluetooth mesh network Beacon & Gateway. It monitors sensor data from Beacon & Gateway. Sensor has 1) Humidity & Temperature, 2) Pressure, 3) 9-Axis motion, 4) CO, H2S A sensor data received by...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Mobilian
BeWhere Asset Tracker

BeWhere Asset Tracker

BeWhere is a business/industrial asset tracking solution to better manage tools, equipment, inventory and other non-powered resources in real-time. Attach the BeWhere’s ruggedized beacons to your high value “stuff” and download the app to start tracking from your Apple...

Price: Free Developer: BeWhere Inc


1. Mobile App using short-range wireless technology - Beacon / Wifi / GPS / QR Code by manager App 2. Notification - Deliver notices with push message - Check confirmation of notice for each employee with confirm button -...

Price: Free Developer: Jaetack Seo
Door Key2

Door Key2

This app allows users to open doors remotely with their iOS devices. The registration process and door listing is based on beacon scan and detection.

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: VAPPLICA LLC

Sales "for iPhone"

Sales "for iPhone" allows you to: - View your customers information, historic orders, statistics, location, etc - View your catalog, item stock, pictures and descriptions - Place a new order for a customer

Price: Free Developer: Little Beacon

Service "for iPad"

Service "for iPad" is an applikation that makes it possible for employees of your company to seamlessly: - Register hours they work and on which projects - Register absence and specify the reason - Keep track of their registrations with TimeSheet view The...

Price: Free Developer: Little Beacon

Service "for iPhone"

Service "for iPhone" is an applikation that makes it possible for employees of your company to seamlessly: - Register hours they work and on which projects - Register absence and specify the reason - Keep track of their registrations with TimeSheet view

Price: Free Developer: Little Beacon
MobileView Locator

MobileView Locator

The MobileView Locator is a component of STANLEY Healthcare’s MobileView Enterprise Visibility platform, which connects to your MobileView environment and allows you to search for and locate tagged assets on-the-go, using an Apple iPad®, iPhone® or iPod Touch®. The...

Price: Free Developer: STANLEY Healthcare
Firestop Locator

Firestop Locator

Construction documentation requirements have exploded. Whether reports are necessary to fulfill contract obligations or data is being used internally for quality control and management purposes, tracking and reporting methods are essential. Firestop Locator provides a method to simplify firestop...

Price: Free Developer: Specified Technologies Inc.
HVAC Pipe Sizer - Liquid

HVAC Pipe Sizer - Liquid

The "HVAC Pipe Sizer - Liquid" application allows you to quickly size a simple pipe system by inputting a number of piping and liquid properties, including hot and chilled water (hydronic). This app is a universal app that works on...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Carmel Software Corporation
HVAC Toolkit Ultimate

HVAC Toolkit Ultimate

This may just be the only HVAC app you will ever need. The HVAC Toolkit Ultimate from Carmel Software is a universal app that works on both the iPhone and iPad. It is the essential app for anyone in the...

Price: USD 59.99 Developer: Carmel Software Corporation
HVAC Load Plus

HVAC Load Plus

The HVAC Load+ iPhone app allows you to perform detailed heating and cooling block loads for small commercial and residential buildings out in the field by taking advantage of the simplicity and power of the iPhone. It performs heating and...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Carmel Software Corporation
HVAC Pipe Sizer - Gas Plus

HVAC Pipe Sizer - Gas Plus

The "HVAC Pipe Sizer - Gas Plus" application allows you to quickly size a simple low (less than or equal to 1.5 psi) and/or high (greater than 1.5 psi) pressure gas piping system by inputting a number of piping...

Price: USD 7.99 Developer: Carmel Software Corporation
HVAC Psychrometric LT

HVAC Psychrometric LT

The "HVAC Psychrometric LT" app is the #1 selling psychrometric application for the Apple iPhone and iPad. Tens of thousands of happy users have downloaded this useful application for performing quick and simple psychrometric analysis. Just a few reasons...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Carmel Software Corporation
HVAC Psychrometric Plus

HVAC Psychrometric Plus

The "HVAC Psychrometric Plus" app is the #1 selling psychrometric application for the Apple iPhone and iPad. Thousands of happy users have downloaded this useful application for performing quick and simple psychrometric analysis. Just a few reasons why you...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Carmel Software Corporation
HVAC Toolkit

HVAC Toolkit

The HVAC Toolkit app for the iPhone and iPad is the essential app for anyone in the HVAC industry. It includes a combination of many of our stand-alone iOS applications. Individually, the apps cost a total of $70. By...

Price: USD 23.99 Developer: Carmel Software Corporation

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