Top 29 Food & Drink Apps Like I Do It - Best Alternatives

I Do It Alternatives

Do you want to find the best I Do It alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Food & Drink apps that are similar to I Do It. Pick one from this list to be your new I Do It app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to I Do It on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like I Do It - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid I Do It alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like I Do It 2025.

ALL i CAN EAT - the food intolerance list for lactose, fructose, histamine, gluten, sorbitol and salicylic acid

ALL i CAN EAT - the food intolerance list for lactose, fructose, histamine, gluten, sorbitol and salicylic acid

Got a food intolerance? See at a glance what foods you can eat or drink. Do you suffer from lactose, fructose, histamine, gluten, sorbitol or salicylic acid intolerance? Or do you even have several of them? No problem! With ALL...

Price: Free Developer: Steffen Mauser
I Feel Good Vegan Recipes

I Feel Good Vegan Recipes

*** Download today to receive Your FREE 7-DAY TRIAL *** The I Feel Good Vegan Meal Plan Recipes are a practical way of transitioning to a whole food plant-based diet, proven to be one of the most effective way to...

Price: Free Developer: I Feel Good
I Dream of Pizza

I Dream of Pizza

Do you love to order food online from our restaurant? Use this app to personalize your experience and benefit of the easiest, fastest way to order your favorite food. Features: - Online food ordering optimized for your mobile device. - The checkout...

Price: Free Developer: I DREAM OF PIZZA LTD.
I Was Poisoned

I Was Poisoned

View the latest food poisoning reports in your neighborhood. Learn as soon as you walk into a restaurant if there has been food poisoning reports. Our app will send you a notification when you enter a restaurant that...

Price: Free Developer: I Was Poisoned


Do you love to order food online from our restaurant? Use this app to personalize your experience and benefit of the easiest, fastest way to order your favorite food. Features: - Online food ordering optimized for your mobile device. - The checkout...

Price: Free Developer: ROMI SA
Can I Eat It? - The ultimate community-driven food & drink guide

Can I Eat It? - The ultimate community-driven food & drink guide

Can I Eat It? in partnership with the renowned food & journalist, taster & author, Martin Isark. On the shelf or at home, this award-winning, lifestyle App delivers a simple and fun way to check-out, if you should buy,...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: the OTHER media Limited
Never Have I Ever - Beer Game

Never Have I Ever - Beer Game

Get ready for the ultimate beer game night with Never Have I Ever! Learn the truth about your friends and enjoy hours of fun with the best never have I ever game! With hundreds of never have I ever...

Price: Free Developer: Grumsen Development ApS
I Love Caribbean Takeaway

I Love Caribbean Takeaway

Order food online in Crewe! It's so easy to use, fast and convenient. Try our new, online App which contains our entire takeaway menu. The I love caribbean takeaway is located in Crewe, Cheshire. You can now order online, all...

Price: Free Developer: Touch2Success
Ciasta i desery - Smaker

Ciasta i desery - Smaker

Aplikacja Ciasta i desery – Smaker to słodka propozycja - największego serwisu kulinarnego w Polsce. W aplikacji znajdziesz ponad 11 tysięcy prostych i sprawdzonych przepisów na: ciasta, ciasta z owocami, ciasteczka, torty, muffinki, biszkopty, rolady, lody i inne...

Price: Free Developer: INTERIA.PL S.A.
Bar A・I(バーエーアイ)

Bar A・I(バーエーアイ)

京都の夜の隠れ家的なお店【Bar A・I(バーエーアイ)】の公式Appアプリです。 【Bar A・Iのご紹介】 京都ロイヤルホテル&スパの北筋にある、京都の夜の隠れ家的なお店です。 クーポンを利用すればとってもお得に、ゆったりとした気分に浸れます。 JACK DANIEL’S(ジャックダニエル)と和製ラムを中心としたメニュー構成。 特に和ラム酒の品揃えは京都随一! 【Bar A・Iの定番メニュー】 小笠原ラム ヨコスカラム 龍馬 サンタマリアゴールド ■【Bar A・I】のクーポン 【Bar A・I】のお得なクーポンを配布しています。新しいクーポンが配信された際には、プッシュ通知で情報をお届けします。 ■【Bar A・I】の最新情報をお届け 【Bar A・I】からのお知らせやイベント予告情報など、最新情報をお届けします。 ■写真を掲載 【Bar A・I】の店内やメニューなどの写真を掲載しています。 ■MAP 【Bar A・I】の位置をMAPで表示します。 ■お知らせ 「お知らせ」はプッシュ通知受信時、一覧として回覧することが可能です。 【Bar A・Iの基本情報】 店名:Bar A・I(バーエーアイ) 住所:京都市中京区河原町通御池一筋下ル下丸屋町401-10 田中ビル3F

Price: Free Developer: Hideki Arihama
Barbearia do Zé

Barbearia do Zé

Muito além de uma simples barbearia, a Barbearia do Zé tem o ambiente perfeito para você dar aquele tapa no visual e, simultaneamente, fazer aquela resenha de bar. Baixe nosso app! Tudo sobre a Barbearia do Zé. E você ainda pode...

Price: Free Developer: Barbearia do Zé
Do Eat Better

Do Eat Better

Do Eat Better aims at having you live pleasant culinary experiences and eating like a local… everywhere! Do Eat Better gathers all the best dishes in the web plus those sponsored by our community, thus allowing you to find the...

Price: Free Developer: Do Eat Better s.r.l.s.
goZo  Eat - Drink - Do

goZo Eat - Drink - Do

What are we going to do tonight? We go there all the time... I wish we had some coupons... You know of any specials going on? I'm so tired of the same old scene... You've heard these a million times. When you don't know...

Price: Free Developer: Diamond Film & Video
Clube do Malte

Clube do Malte

Seja bem-vindo(a) à maior comunidade de apaixonados por cerveja no Brasil! Aqui você cria sua biblioteca de rótulos, avalia suas degustações, aumenta seu conhecimento sobre cerveja (e até colabora com conteúdo) e interage com a galera do país inteiro. Mergulhe...

Price: Free Developer: Chleba Agência Digital
Semana Internacional do Café

Semana Internacional do Café

A Semana Internacional do Café (SIC) é uma iniciativa que reúne todas as pontas do setor cafeeiro – nacional e internacional – em prol do crescimento social e economicamente sustentável do café brasileiro. Nessa plataforma de atrações encontram-se cafeicultores,...

Price: Free Developer: Zapt Tech
Solar Do Minho

Solar Do Minho

Download the App for Solar Do Minho and enjoy the ease of online ordering, a full menu of Portuguese cuisine, wine and cocktail lists and even information on their local awards! Learn more about their home cooked fare that...

Price: Free Developer: Total Loyalty Solutions
Cantinho do Aziz leeds

Cantinho do Aziz leeds

Welcome to Cantinho do Aziz leeds ! With the Cantinho do Aziz leeds iPhone App, you can order your pizzas, starters, seafood, meats, vegetarian, dishes, sandwich, drinks,desserts quickly and easily. It’s a Cantinho do Aziz leeds store in your pocket!...

Price: Free Developer: VenturesSky Ltd
Capitão do Hambúrguer

Capitão do Hambúrguer

Pioneiro com Hambúrgueres assados na brasa em Chapecó agora trás um aplicativo muito mais completo, rápido e fácil. Faça seu pedido agora mesmo! Com o aplicativo Capitão do Hambúrguer você pode: -Visualizar nosso cardápio completo; -Fazer seu pedido diretamente pelo app; -Receber o...

Price: Free Developer: Edinei Cipriani
Hora do Bolo

Hora do Bolo

Telefone é coisa do passado. Agora o negócio é praticidade, agilidade e conforto na hora de fazer o seu pedido. É por isso que nosso app é per(feito) para você, que curte fazer pedidos sem estresse, sem demoras e...

Price: Free Developer: Amo Sistemas
I Do It Orders

I Do It Orders

I Do It Orders ti permette di gestire facilmente il tuo locale/ristorante e di ricevere le ordinazioni self-made fatte dai tuoi clienti tramite l'app I Do It. I Do It Orders offre un servizio completo, che ti permette di monitorare...

Price: Free Developer: Phronesis Consulting Sagl Spesa Online Spesa Online Spesa Online Scopri com’è comodo, facile e veloce fare la spesa con Iperal Spesa Online! Trovi la stessa qualità e la stessa convenienza dei nostri negozi Iperal. Scegli il servizio (ritiro in negozio o consegna a domicilio), giorno e ora...

Price: Free Developer: digitelematica

** Aggiunti nuovi punti vendita ** Disponibile consegna a domicilio! Consulta la lista delle zone di consegna disponibili e dei punti vendita aderenti al seguente indirizzo: Non sopporti le code al supermercato, soprattutto non sopporti attendere il tuo turno al banco...

Price: Free Developer: Apulia Distribuzione S.r.l.
Pinch It! Recipe Box

Pinch It! Recipe Box

Find, save, organize, and share your favorite recipes from around the web with the Pinch It!™ Recipe Box app! It’s never been easier to save your favorite recipes in one place - plus the Recipe Box is cloud-based, so you...

Price: Free Developer: American Hometown Media, Inc. Spesa Online Spesa Online è l'app che ti permette di fare la spesa online in pochi click. Scegli tra oltre 3000 prodotti eno-gastronomici di qualità e fai spazio nella tua dispensa! Con oltre 10000 clienti attivi in tutta europa è il...

Price: Free Developer: SIMICART ONLINE TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LIMITED è il food delivery innovativo senza limiti di DISTANZA. Nasce dall’idea di accorciare le distanze tra i clienti e i migliori ristoranti con un sistema “order and delivery”, attraverso l’uso della tecnologia e il mondo dei social.

Price: Free Developer: PrestoFood .it srl
It's Sushi

It's Sushi

It's - Sushi e Robata è un ristorante giapponese situato a Napoli in zona San Pasquale, quartiere Chiaia. Da oggi con l'App "It's" potrai ordinare tutto ciò che vuoi direttamente dal tuo cellulare sfogliando il Menù e decidere se...

Price: Free Developer: Armando Cipriani
Just Split It

Just Split It

Just Split It is an app that allows you to split the bill and pay at a restaurant. Claim what you had and Split what you shared, it’s that simple. Let us do the math, so you can pay...

Price: Free Developer: Just Split It Inc
SouvLike It

SouvLike It

Place your order now with the SouvLike It iPhone app. SouvLike It in Barnet serves the best of Souvlakis, Gyros & Greek Takeaway.

Price: Free Developer: SouvLike It

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