Top 20 Education Apps Like Avant! AI - Best Alternatives

Avant! AI Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Avant! AI alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Avant! AI. Pick one from this list to be your new Avant! AI app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Avant! AI on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Avant! AI - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Avant! AI alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Avant! AI 2025.

Avant Institute

Avant Institute

"Avant Institute was created to offer training for pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy students on the knowledge and practical application of clinical pharmacy services. As the pharmacy industry embarks on a journey beyond dispensing, Avant will be here to support...

Price: Free Developer: Learnworlds


100 ans après la mort de Jean-henri Fabre, glissez-vous dans les pas du célèbre naturaliste et explorez la foret de Sérignan dans le Vaucluse (84) ! 100 ans AVANT/APRES est un jeu de piste pour smartphone qui vous guidera dans...

Price: Free Developer: Choosit


Destinée au 6-10 ans, Esca’Pad est une invitation à s’immerger dans le monde de la culture scientifique à travers un voyage entre la France et le Québec ! Lecture, dessins animés et jeux vidéo favorisent la découverte et abordent la...

Price: Free Developer: Avant-Goût Studios


L’application permet de saisir très rapidement le gain ou la perte des matchs. Le classement se met à jour automatiquement. Il est possible de créer des classes ou des groupes de niveau ou des classes avec groupes de niveau....

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Francois LIEURY
AvantGarde ERP

AvantGarde ERP

Avant Garde is a new generation app that facilitates communication between parents, students, teachers and Schools.Avant Garde can be customized to work seamlessly even in remote areas and requires minimal set up. Parents get:- - An App that informs parents about...

Price: Free Developer: Virendra Maloo
SchoolMouv - Collège et lycée

SchoolMouv - Collège et lycée

Tous nos cours sont conformes au programme et à la réforme du bac ! Tu es collégien ? Toutes les classes sont disponibles (6ème, 5ème, 4ème et 3ème). Tu es Lycéen ? Nous proposons toutes les classes générales (2nd, 1ere ES,...

Price: Free Developer: SchoolMouv


AG erp is a new generation app that facilitates communication between parents, students.Avant Garde(AG erp) can be customized to work seamlessly even in remote areas and requires minimal set up. Parents get:- - An App that informs parents about each and...

Price: Free Developer: Virendra Maloo
Pirkei avot en français

Pirkei avot en français

Le traité Avot (hébreu : « pères » ou « principes ») est le neuvième et avant-dernier de l’ordre Nezikin dans la Mishna. Seul traité à ne pas aborder des points de Loi juive, il comprend cinq chapitres d’apophtegmes...

Price: Free Developer: Etude Beth Loubavitch Paris IDF
Choisis ton avenir

Choisis ton avenir

Vous recherchez une formation avant le bac, continuez vos études, changez de voie dans votre vie professionnelle ? Choisis ton Avenir en Transport-Logistique, application gratuite et sans publicité, est la clé de votre information pour une orientation pertinente sur les...

Price: Free Developer: AFT
Nationale AI Cursus

Nationale AI Cursus

Een online AI-cursus… voor alle Nederlanders Omdat artificial intelligence essentieel is, nu en in de toekomst, ook voor jou. Kunstmatige intelligentie (KI), of artificiële intelligentie (AI) zijn systemen die zelf-lerend zijn. Voor velen blijft dit een breed en vaag begrip. Dat...

Price: Free Developer: Elephant Road
Phonal - Public Speaking AI

Phonal - Public Speaking AI

Features: - Get data about your speaking performance; - Follow the straightforward AI suggestions on improvements; - Practice anytime, everywhere, but more effective. It's hard to undervalue the importance of good feedback when practicing speaking skills. If you don't know what exactly went...

Price: Free Developer: Phonal Technologies SIA
Ai là Triệu Phú Offline

Ai là Triệu Phú Offline

'Ai là Triệu Phú miễn phí' là game giáo dục miễn phí, KHÔNG giới hạn lượt chơi mô phỏng theo game show truyền hình Ai là Triệu Phú của vtv3 đài truyền hình Việt Nam. GIỌNG NÓI LẠI VĂN SÂM...

Price: Free Developer: CONG DUC TRAN

Never forget anything again. The ideal way to store information into your long-term memory is to space out recall attempts just right. But what is just right? It's different for every person, every subject, and every piece of information. We...

Price: Free Developer: Ken Mueller


The ACR AI-LAB™ is a user-friendly, open, freely available, platform to enable all radiology professionals to participate in the creation, validation and use of health care artificial intelligence (AI) at their own facilities, using their own data, to meet...

Price: Free Developer: The American College of Radiology
AI English 1

AI English 1

KaSuMi AI English 1 - the digital library powered by Artificial Intelligence for everyone that delivers a vast of collection of guided lessons of 44 English sounds with 130+ practices and 1300+ words. All activities in the lessons are instructed...

Price: Free Developer: Phan Ngoc Hoang
Chinese Teachers -

Chinese Teachers -

Learn Chinese by having online video calls with real teachers. After every video call, you will get a personalized review created using Artificial Intelligence. You will be able to apply the lessons learned in real life. You can find...

Price: Free Developer: Giuseppe Tomasello
AI Story Time

AI Story Time

Better Chinese, the creator for AI Story Time, has been a leader in Chinese education, pioneering better ways of learning Chinese since 1998. We have developed curricula that have been adopted by 10 US states and used by over...

Price: Free Developer: Better Chinese
Draw.AI - How to draw

Draw.AI - How to draw

Even if you’ve hardly ever doodled, you’ll be at home with! Follow the steps and draw along, and you can become a drawing master! It’s super easy and fun! We have all kinds of drawings for you...

Price: Free Developer: EYEWIND LIMITED
Learn Chinese AI-Super Chinese

Learn Chinese AI-Super Chinese

Learn Chinese faster using Artificial Intelligence. Speak confidently. Super Chinese is the top Mandarin Chinese learning APP with AI based multi-sensory input. Speak Chinese the way you always wanted to. All the Best Learning Approaches Integrated Into 1 Super...

Price: Free Developer: Shanghai Yuxuan Information Technology Co. , Ltd

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