Top 29 Lifestyle Apps Like Noor : Quran, Hadith, Namaz - Best Alternatives

Noor : Quran, Hadith, Namaz Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Noor : Quran, Hadith, Namaz alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Lifestyle apps that are similar to Noor : Quran, Hadith, Namaz. Pick one from this list to be your new Noor : Quran, Hadith, Namaz app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Noor : Quran, Hadith, Namaz on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like Noor : Quran, Hadith, Namaz - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Noor : Quran, Hadith, Namaz alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like Noor : Quran, Hadith, Namaz 2025.

Al Noor

Al Noor

Al Noor tracks your Islamic activites and aims to improve your Deen by giving you simple goals each day. FEATURES • Full Quran and audio recitation • Quran Marathon Mode: Helping you complete the Quran from start to finish. • Read the...

Price: Free Developer: T Tariq
Quran Radio

Quran Radio

Learning the Quran is easy! In the Quran Academy you can learn the Holy Qur'an and Arabic language. Millions of people around the world have begun learning Qur'an. Begin your journey to enlightenment now and share the knowledge!

Price: Free Developer: Quran Academy
Hafizi Quran

Hafizi Quran

Fully offline quran for reading with telawat of popular reciter / Qari. Read quran , listen quran audio. A must app to keep for Ramadan, Hajj. Use it for memorizing or hifz quran by reading or listening best...

Price: Free Developer: TopOfStack Software Limited
Muslim Way - Prayer Times, Azan, Quran & Qibla

Muslim Way - Prayer Times, Azan, Quran & Qibla

Muslim WAY Pro is the daily prayer app that places the Scriptures at the center of daily meditation and prayer from holly Quran. While Daily prayer from Quran ought to be vital to what the muslim community does...

Price: Free Developer: fatima tamma
Quran & Maqamat

Quran & Maqamat

Read the Holy Quran. This app provides you with the full Qur'an as well as with a full set of audio recitation files. Quran offers you different types of maqamat, famous reciters, the rule of recitations, pray in Quran,...

Price: Free Developer: KeenTech
Full Quran Translation Bangla

Full Quran Translation Bangla

Full Quran Translation in Bangla is an application where you can get full Quran with Bangla meaning and Audio. Features: a) Full Quran Translation in Bangla (114 Sura's are added here) b) Full Quran Translation in English. c) Awesome Audio voice available. d)...

Price: Free Developer: MD ABDULLAH-AL MAMUN
Fares Abbad Quran MP3 Coran فارس عباد -القران كامل

Fares Abbad Quran MP3 Coran فارس عباد -القران كامل

القرآن الكريم القارئ الشيخ: فارس عباد Download this free app to listen to the Holy Quran Arabic sound by reciter Fares Abbad. القرأن الكريم كاملاً بصوت القارئ الشيخ فارس عباد المصحف الكريم مرتلاً على رواية حفص عن عاصم للقارئ فارس عباد صوت عذب...

Price: Free Developer: Jamil Metibaa
Holy Quran listen and download & Radio - English

Holy Quran listen and download & Radio - English

- Listen and download the Holy Quran is now on your mobile - Listen to more 30 live radio for Holy Quran with translations for any question : [email protected]

Price: Free Developer: Smarts ElWady
Daily Quran Verses

Daily Quran Verses

Get your daily inspiration from a new Quran verse every day! Receive notifications to never miss your daily verse and like your verses to save them on your phone. If you have questions or suggestions please contact us at [email protected].

Price: Free Developer: Daru Limited
RAK Quran Radio إذاعة رأس الخيمة للقران الكريم

RAK Quran Radio إذاعة رأس الخيمة للقران الكريم

Live broadcast of the Ras Al Khaimah Holy Quran Radio - 87.6 Through this app you can also get the prayer times and the Qibla Directions. تطبيق القران الكريم من إذاعة رأس الخيمة يتيح لك الاستماع للبث المباشر لإذاعة القران الكريم....

Price: Free Developer: Electronic Government Authority (EGA)
Hadith Qudsi quran -Prophet Muhammad - احاديث قدسيه كما يرويها النبي محمد في قرآن

Hadith Qudsi quran -Prophet Muhammad - احاديث قدسيه كما يرويها النبي محمد في قرآن

هذا التطبيق يحتوي على أحاديث قدسية وما قاله الصحابة والائمة رضوان الله عليهم . الأحاديث القدسية هي التي يرويها النبي عن ربه عز وجل بواسطة جبريل عليه السلام أو بالوحي يقظة أو مناما ، وسميت بهذا الاسم نسبة إلى...

Price: Free Developer:
Listen Hadith

Listen Hadith

Listen Hadit brings you beautiful Hadiths, inspirational Ayahs and heart-warming Duas at your fingertips, in a unique manner, carefully selected and categorised for your own personal situations and listen the audio in arabic and english. Do you or someone you...

Price: Free Developer: Lemosys
Islamic Greeting Cards

Islamic Greeting Cards

Islamic Greeting Cards for you're iPhone, iPad and iPod. The Islamic Greeting Cards app lets you easily find the islamic card you want and share it with the world. Share a Quran verse or Hadith using our Quran and...

Price: Free Developer:
Light of Ramadan 2016

Light of Ramadan 2016

Introducing a cool app for the peace loving religious Muslims named Al-Qur’an App. This one is supposed to be a supreme gift for keeping you careful about the sensitive issues of Islam including some massive features to keep your...

Price: Free Developer: RASHAD KABIR
Dua Bangla

Dua Bangla

Everyday life, with the prayers of the Quran, the Hadith and istighfar other popular saying Dua doorud Audio, meaning & pronunciation Dua on the following topics: 1. Imaniyata 2. Daily Dua & istighfar (sleep, dinner, clothes, plug-turn, toilet, seen-before, transactions, markets, tour) 3....

Price: Free Developer: TopOfStack Software Limited
Dua دعا

Dua دعا

Everyday life, with the prayers of the Quran, the Hadith and istighfar other popular saying Dua doorud Audio, meaning & pronunciation in 5 languages, 1. Arabic 2. Bangla / Bengali 3. English 4. Indonesian 5. Malay 6. Urdu Dua on the following topics: 1. Imaniyata 2. Daily Dua...

Price: Free Developer: TopOfStack Software Limited


Supplications is the Dua app for the iPhone, iPad and ipod touch. It offers the easiest to use and most extensive Dua library . Recently we released New APP called "My DUA" is one of the best Supplication APP we...

Price: Free Developer: Mark Softech Pvt. Ltd
99 Names of Allah

99 Names of Allah

99 Names of Allah - Asma-ul-Husna, Can read and listen 99-Names of Allah with nice Audio with synchronized Asma ul Husna Names. The 99 names of God in Islam (or the 99 names of Allah; Arabic: أسماء الله الحسنى‎ 'asmā'...

Price: Free Developer: Ali Reza Farahnak
Islamic Jibon

Islamic Jibon

This is a complete application for your Islamic lifestyle. Application includes Namaz Timing with Adhan, you can mute the alert by 5 wakth, many Doa's, Namaz training, GPS based Masjid locator with google MAP, Kibla finder, Arabic calendar with...

Price: Free Developer: Sharif Uddin
Namaz Rehberî

Namaz Rehberî

Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı "Diyanet Namaz Rehberi" Uygulaması Bu uygulama ile Hanefi ve Şafii Mezhebine göre namaz ile ilgili en temel konulara ulaşılabilecektir. Abdest, Teyemmüm, Gusül, Mesh bilgileri, Ayet-i Kerimeler ve Hadis-i şerifler, Namaz Rehberi, Ezan ve Kamet, Resimli 5 Vakit Namazın Kılınışı, Namaz Duaları, Namaz Terimleri, Namaz...

Price: Free Developer: Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı
Mevlana Takvimi Namaz Vakti

Mevlana Takvimi Namaz Vakti

Uygulama özellikleri, • Namaz vakitleri • Bir sonraki vakte kalan süre • Wigdets'te gösterim • Günlük takvim yazısı ve paylaşım imkanı • Dinî günler • Yakın camiler ve navigasyona yönlendirme • Takvim yaprağı bildirimi • Namaz vakitlerinde bildirim • Namaz vaktinden önce bildirim • Her vakit için ayrı ayarlar • Uyarı tonları, alarm, ezan sesleri Türkiye illerine ait namaz vakitleri ve hicri...

Price: Free Developer: Misvak Neşriyat
Namaz / Ezan Vaktim

Namaz / Ezan Vaktim

Can simidim 5 vakit Namazımdır teması ile yenilenen "Namaz Vaktim" uygulamasının hayırlara vesile olması dileğiyle. İlk sayfa bulunduğunuz konuma en yakın merkezi otomatik olarak algılayarak namaz vakitlerini verir, Vaktin kolay algılanmasını sağlayan arka plan, Alarm Açma/Kapatmaya kolay erişim, Gelişmiş Kıble pusulası, Sınırsız konum...

Price: Free Developer: Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı
Kur'an-ı - namaz vakitlerini- القرآن الكريم - اوقات الصلاة

Kur'an-ı - namaz vakitlerini- القرآن الكريم - اوقات الصلاة

- Türkçe tercümesi ile birlikte İstasyon Kur'an. - Ülkenizde veya yurtdışında size yardımcı olabilir telefonun konumunu (enlem ve boylam) kullanarak Dua zamanı. - Zamanı ayarlamak ve bildirim seçmek için imkanı ile her namaz için alarm bildirimi,.

Price: Free Developer: Romman Smart Applications LLC
Namaz: learning for beginners

Namaz: learning for beginners

Namaz is the daily muslim prayer, also known as Salat or Salah. It is one of the five pillars of Islam and the best way of worshipping Allah the Almighty. This app is an audio player for you to listen...

Price: Free Developer: Nursultan Askarbekuly
Namaz Time

Namaz Time

This app will tell you the Prayer Time for your desired dates and your desired locations. Currently, it has 3 locations available for the prayer times which are: Toronto, Nagoya, and Tokyo. This app uses Prayer Times of Baitul Islam...

Price: Free Developer: Tahir Kiyoshi Mohammed
Dua ve Sureler iOS

Dua ve Sureler iOS

Bu uygulama temel olarak Namaz Duaları, Namaz Sureleri, Abdest,Ezan, Namaz, Esma-ül Hüsna ve Anlamları, Hadisler İslamın Şartları ve İmanın Şartları gibi konuları içermektedir. Dualar ve Sureler hem sesli olarak hem de görsel olarak mevcuttur. Zikir Matik özelliği ile istediğiniz zikirleri ekleyebilirsiniz....

Price: Free Developer: Yasin Seyhan
Dualar Sureler Hadisler Zikir

Dualar Sureler Hadisler Zikir

Dualar Sureler Hadisler Zikir Uygulamamız çok zengin içeriğe sahip olup sürekli olarak güncellenmekte ve sürekli olarak yeni modüller eklenmektedir. Diğer uygulamalardan farklı olarak çok zengin bir içeriğe sahiptir. Uygulamamızda bulunan bazı özellikler şunlardır. Kuran-ı Kerim Modülü Kuran Latince Okunuşu ve Kuranı...

Price: Free Developer: Davut Duran
Chalo Masjid

Chalo Masjid

Chalo Masjid is one of its own kind app to connect people with Masjids (Mosques).You can search Masjids near you and subscribe to them for alerts i.e Donation Announcements,Funeral Announcements etc . You can also select masjid near you...

Price: Free Developer: Usman Amjad

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