Top 36 Business Apps Like GEMBA Note Viewer 5 - Best Alternatives

GEMBA Note Viewer 5 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best GEMBA Note Viewer 5 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 36 Business apps that are similar to GEMBA Note Viewer 5. Pick one from this list to be your new GEMBA Note Viewer 5 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to GEMBA Note Viewer 5 on your iOS devices.

Top 36 Apps Like GEMBA Note Viewer 5 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid GEMBA Note Viewer 5 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 36 similar apps like GEMBA Note Viewer 5 2025.

GEMBA Note for Business 4

GEMBA Note for Business 4

GEMBA Note for Business is a state-of-the-art app that can digitize the paper forms and workbooks used for services and industries involving field based activities. The app makes it possible to record information, create flexible to-do lists and to...

Price: Free Developer: MetaMoJi Corporation
GEMBA Note for Business Ver.3

GEMBA Note for Business Ver.3

GEMBA Note for Business is a state-of-the-art app that can digitize the paper forms and workbooks used for services and industries involving field based activities. The app makes it possible to record information, create flexible to-do lists and to...

Price: Free Developer: MetaMoJi Corporation
GEMBA Note for Business 5

GEMBA Note for Business 5

GEMBA Note for Business is a state-of-the-art app that can digitize the paper forms and workbooks used for services and industries involving field based activities. The app makes it possible to record information, create flexible to-do lists and to...

Price: Free Developer: MetaMoJi Corporation
How to do a Gemba walk

How to do a Gemba walk

Gemba: The essence of Kaizen; Go see, give and get respect from the people in the process and seek to understand are the basis for improvement. With this app you will have in your hand the indispensable guide on how...

Price: Free Developer: Henka Pte Ltd
Lean Gemba Walk and Roadmap

Lean Gemba Walk and Roadmap

Learn the requirements for a Lean Six Sigma transformation, create a personalized Gemba Walk, access previous ones, and learn from the case studies. This app will help integrate mission, vision, and values to organizational measurements within a customized Gemba...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: MCS Media, Inc.
Manufacturing Lean Roadmap and Gemba Walk

Manufacturing Lean Roadmap and Gemba Walk

Learn the requirements for a Lean Six Sigma transformation, create a personalized Gemba Walk, access previous ones, and learn from the case studies. This app will help integrate mission, vision, and values to organizational measurements within a customized Gemba...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: MCS Media, Inc.
BlitzGemba 2

BlitzGemba 2

BlitzGemba is an easy-to-use notebook App for a gemba walk reporting purpose. It can be used for an ordinary gemba tour or for a visit with a specific observation goal. The App integrates the principles of lean thinking and...

Price: USD 39.99 Developer: STEXCON


CheckGemba is an easy-to-use checklisting App, designed for gemba walkers, auditors, and inspectors who want to go see shopfloors and facilities working paperless. With a list made beforehand, or during their tour, they will enjoy the opportunity for...

Price: USD 39.99 Developer: STEXCON
LCI Congress 2017

LCI Congress 2017

The 2017 LCI Congress is the fastest growing Lean design and construction event in the U.S. with a purpose to bring the Lean design and construction community together for training, networking and thought leadership discussion. This year’s theme is...

Price: Free Developer: Guidebook Inc
Take Note - Dictaphone

Take Note - Dictaphone

The Take Note app combines a simple-to-use Dictaphone with high-quality, secure human transcription services, delivered on time, by people that care. The Take Note app is FREE! Download and use it as much as you like — you only...

Price: Free Developer: Take Note Ltd
Tekla BIMsight Note

Tekla BIMsight Note

Tekla BIMsight Note for fast communication Use your iPhone or iPad to take part in BIM workflow! Tekla BIMsight Note is a purpose-built tool for instant communication in construction. You can receive and reply to notes created in Tekla BIMsight with...

Price: Free Developer: Tekla Corporation
U-NOTE / ビジネスパーソンの仕事を楽しくするアプリ [ユーノート]

U-NOTE / ビジネスパーソンの仕事を楽しくするアプリ [ユーノート]

400万人のビジネスパーソンが使う、仕事を楽しくするメディア「U-NOTE 」の無料アプリです。 U-NOTE編集部による「ビジネス」「本」「ファッション」「ライフスタイル」「イベント」「インタビュー」に関する、ビジネスパーソンの毎日の仕事を楽しくする情報をお届け。 朝の出勤時間やお昼休み、休日にU-NOTEをチェックして、仕事を楽しく、毎日をかっこよく。 ◆U-NOTEの3つの特徴◆ 1.毎日の仕事が楽しくなる情報ばかり ビジネス、本、ファッション、ライフスタイル、イベント、インタビューのカテゴリごとに、ビジネス力をあげて、かっこいいビジネスパーソンになれる情報を厳選 2.スキマ時間にちょい読みできる 電車での移動時間やお昼休み、夜の寝る前など、忙しいビジネスパーソンがスマホでちょい読みするのに適したボリューム 3.仕事に使えそうな記事はお気に入りに登録 今度使いたい!と思うビジネスノウハウ記事やちょっと気になる家電やファッション雑貨が載っている記事は、お気に入りで保存! ◆U-NOTEはこんなビジネスパーソンにおすすめ◆ ・仕事をやりがいにして、生き生きしたい ・かっこいい大人になりたい ・ファッション誌やライフスタイル誌をよく読む ・最新の家電やファッション雑貨を知りたい ・将来、起業・転職をしたい ・経済誌、ビジネス誌を読んでいるけど、難しいし、役に立たない人 ◆U-NOTE の人気記事◆ ・どう違うの?「了解しました」「承知しました」「了承しました」「かしこまりました」 ・正直教えたくない、東京の感動した旨い食 10選 ・高級イヤホン並みの音質を6000円以下で。コスパ最強のイヤホン3選 ・【1万円以下】お手頃価格なのに高品質、長く着られるワイシャツブランドまとめ ・ホリエモン「絶対正社員にならない方がいいよ」―堀江貴文が今後の安定した働き方を語り尽くす ・「300年後は平均寿命が200歳に」:【全文】ソフトバンク孫正義が予測する“テクノロジーの進化” ・「私を小栗旬だと思って!」電話のみで100件超をサポートする営業マンの4つの電話術 ・千原ジュニア、若者に物申す!「年取ったときに恥ずかしいと思うくらい、何でもフルスイングで」 ◆U-NOTE に込めた思い◆ U-NOTEのビジョンは「仕事を楽しく、毎日をかっこ良く」することです。 人は1日8時間、約40年間という時間を仕事に費やします。 単に“やらなければならないこと”として仕事を捉え、人生の多くの時間を費やすのはもったいない。 世の中にはたくさんの働き方があり、多様なキャリアを築く人々がいます。 また、ファッションやライフスタイルなど、仕事を楽しく彩る要素はたくさんあります。 それを知っているか知らないかで、「仕事」の捉え方や、人生の歩み方が変わってくるのではないでしょうか? 仕事であなたの可能性を最大化するため、楽しんで人生を味わい尽くすため、U-NOTEが少しでも役に立つと嬉しいです。 ◆Facebook◆ ◆Twitter◆ @u_note より良いアプリを作るため、ご要望・ご質問・不具合は下記のアドレスまで気軽にお問い合わせください。

Price: Free Developer: U-NOTE Inc.
Note Trader

Note Trader

Real Estate Note Buying and Note Selling Platform

Price: Free Developer: Note Trader Exchange, LLC
Note 〜紙台帳のような予約台帳アプリ〜

Note 〜紙台帳のような予約台帳アプリ〜

紙台帳のような予約台帳アプリ。 飲食店の予約や顧客を簡単に管理。使いやすさNo.1。 予約されたお客様が常連様かがアプリ上で判別可能なため、 各お客様に適した質の高いサービスが可能になります。 〜Note 3つの特徴〜 ・シンプルで操作が簡単 ・他店舗間での連携が可能 ・東芝テック社製POSとのリアルタイム連携が可能 ただいまキャンペーン中。詳しくはホームページをご覧ください。

Price: Free Developer: groover Co., Ltd.
Scan to Note

Scan to Note

Scan to Note is a basic barcode scanner. A great option for bring your own device (BYOD) barcode scanning and/or inventory. Use scanning for trade show or other attendance documentation. Values scanned will be listed in a text file that can...

Price: Free Developer: Berry Wing LLC
VSD Viewer for Visio Drawings

VSD Viewer for Visio Drawings

VSD Viewer - Professional Visio Drawings viewer. View, Interact, Share, Print, Convert to PDF any MS Visio drawing with VSD Viewer. VSD Viewer supports specific features required by professionals who needs to preview drawings in details - with Layers and even...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Nektony Limited
Powertrak VR Design Viewer

Powertrak VR Design Viewer

Experience 3D product configurations in virtual reality on your iPhone with Powertrak VR Design Viewer. Developed by Axonom, Powertrak VR Design Viewer enables businesses to share configured products and room designs in virtual reality to prospective customers via smartphone...

Price: Free Developer: Axonom, Inc.
3D PDF Viewer

3D PDF Viewer

3D PDF Viewer is a lightweight 3D PDF document viewer with powerful capabilities. 3D PDF Viewer extends the use of 3D PDF to mobile devices by providing the user ability to view and interact with 3D models stored in...

Price: Free Developer: ProtoTech Solutions and Services Pvt. Ltd.
Mosa Viewer

Mosa Viewer

The Mosa Viewer AR app offers a 3D experience of the Solids floor tile series. The Mosa Viewer is an Augmented-Reality app that you can use to experience a tile or tiled surface in detail in the desired color and/or...

Price: Free Developer: Koninklijke Mosa bv
Winmail File Viewer

Winmail File Viewer

Winmail File Viewer – No.1 app to open winmail.dat files on the App Store! Now updated for iOS 13 and the latest iPhones and iPads. If this app does not open your winmail.dat file, or you have any questions, doubts,...

Price: Free Developer: Pham Pham


View and Navigate 3D models stored in OBJ, STL, Collada (.dae) (Xcode Compressed ) and PDF (PRC) formats.You can easily zoom, pan and rotate 3D model with multi-touch gestures. The application recognises various file extension and you can choose...

Price: Free Developer: ProtoTech Solutions and Services Pvt. Ltd.
OnScene Xplorer Mobile Viewer

OnScene Xplorer Mobile Viewer

Mapping, Hydrants, and Pre-Plans for Fire Departments, Police, and EMS. YOU MUST READ COMPLETELY: The OnScene Xplorer Mobile Viewer is a viewer of information entered into the Windows PC OnScene Xplorer software. You must have a valid OnScene Xplorer license...

Price: Free Developer: Iron Compass Map Co
RPT Viewer

RPT Viewer

RPT Viewer is an iOS app that provides an easy way to open, view and export Crystal Reports files (.rpt) on all iOS devices! Our goal is to be the best .RPT file opener App on App Store. This...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Canada MS Technology Inc.
BeeBoard Viewer

BeeBoard Viewer

Enable a new way to connect with your community. Use your iPad as a social digital picture frame or an easy to use digital signage system for home or business. — GET MORE USE OUT OF YOUR IPAD...

Price: Free Developer: General Enchantment, LLC.
VeryPDF AnyFile Viewer

VeryPDF AnyFile Viewer

VeryPDF AnyFile Viewer can be used to view and play any Document formats, any Video formats and any Music formats on your iPad and iPhone. You can use it to Read, View, Play, Download, Compress, Convert almost anything you...

Price: Free Developer: Lingwen Global
5 Anker: POS

5 Anker: POS

POS ist die erste kostenfreie Erweiterung für die Anwendung von 5 Anker Connect. Über die App kann das Servicepersonal elektronische Kassen führen (mit Anschluss an die Buchhaltung), Belege für Zusatzartikel und Tankquittungen erstellen, Kautionsannahmen und Rücknahmen steuern und erhält zudem...

Price: Free Developer: 5 Anker GmbH
High 5 Events Ltd

High 5 Events Ltd

The High 5 Event's App is your place to easily access all your event information. Password protected and unique to every event, this is the place to find out about your attendees, exhibitors, local information and communication.

Price: Free Developer: High 5 events Limited
5-15 Mobile

5-15 Mobile

The 5-15 Mobile app can be used by the associate who can do the features like managing customers and their orders, instant messaging to immediate downlines, invite new associates and view downline information.

Price: Free Developer: 5-15 Global Energy
5 Star Logistics Network

5 Star Logistics Network

5-Star Logistics Network (5-SLN) is the industry's fastest-growing, most dynamic and quality-focused cargo/freight forwarding network. Developed based on input from many freight forwarders as what an "ideal network" would include, 5-SLN represents the next generation of networking. 5-SLN...

Price: Free Developer:
5' Business Plan

5' Business Plan

"A big business starts small" - Richard Branson. Just 3 small steps to create your own Business Plan in 5 minutes. You have a unique idea for a startup or an entrepreneurship, but you don't know if you can turn...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Mikolaj Adamowicz
Document Manager 5 Mobile

Document Manager 5 Mobile

Document Manager 5 Mobile gives you access to your business documents from iPhone and iPod touch. ****USE OF DM MOBILE 5 REQUIRES DOCUMENT MANAGER 5.5 R3 OR LATER**** Key features include - - Take and upload images to your Document Manager...

Price: Free Developer: Document Logistix Limited
High 5 Team

High 5 Team

High 5 Team is a group of independent distributors. Welcome to the High 5 Team Mobile App. This mobile app is designed for all the members of the High 5 Team. In the app you will find the tools,...

Price: Free Developer: Connect More Now, LLC
gloCOM GO 5

gloCOM GO 5

gloCOM GO 5 empowers you to communicate and work better. As part of our Unified Communications PBXware package, gloCOM GO 5 is a versatile soft phone that revolutionizes communications in modern workplaces. What can gloCOM GO 5 do for you? Simplify...

Price: Free Developer: Bicom Systems
Communicator GO 5

Communicator GO 5

Communicator GO 5 empowers you to communicate and work better. As part of our Unified Communications PBXware package, Communicator GO 5 is a versatile soft phone that revolutionises communications in modern workplaces. What can Communicator GO 5 do for you? Simplify...

Price: Free Developer: Bicom Systems
SG Project Go 5

SG Project Go 5

The Simple Genius brand means fresh design thinking for practical project management apps. Designed and refined by a veteran Project and Program Manager, the SG apps address real-world needs for managers. And with over 100,000 apps sold...

Price: Free Developer: Simple Genius Software

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