Top 18 Education Apps Like FRA-UAS SmartMensa - Best Alternatives

FRA-UAS SmartMensa Alternatives

Do you want to find the best FRA-UAS SmartMensa alternatives for iOS? We have listed 18 Education apps that are similar to FRA-UAS SmartMensa. Pick one from this list to be your new FRA-UAS SmartMensa app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to FRA-UAS SmartMensa on your iOS devices.

Top 18 Apps Like FRA-UAS SmartMensa - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid FRA-UAS SmartMensa alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 18 similar apps like FRA-UAS SmartMensa 2025.

Fra Angelico - Inside the painting

Fra Angelico - Inside the painting

The work of Fra Angelico like you have never seen it before. An interactive and functional App designed to connect you with a masterpiece and the secrets of the artist who created it. In this new technological age, a huge...

Price: Free Developer: Heritage Srl
Småord fra Bokstavkongen

Småord fra Bokstavkongen

I "Småord" skal man lese et ord og finne bildet som passer til ordet. Veldig fin app for den første lesetreningen og leseforståelse. Alle apper fra Bokstavkongen er designet for å fungere på iPhoner så vel som på iPader med...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Leap Learning AS
100 huskespil (tallene fra 1 til 100)

100 huskespil (tallene fra 1 til 100)

I “100 huskespil” lærer barnet tallene fra 1-100. Spillet går ud på at finde ens kort og kan umiddelbart forståes og spilles af alle. Når et kort vendes læses tallet højt. “100 huskespil” er en del af en serie af...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Imagix
FRA Buddy

FRA Buddy

Learn new French words and phrases in a game manner. A word or phrase is accompanied by three different versions in English.

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ramill Ibragimov
FRA-UAS SmartClick

FRA-UAS SmartClick

Abstimmung erstellen: Eine Abstimmung wird mithilfe des Moodle-Systems als Moodle-Abstimmung definiert. Bei der Angabe der Abstimmung muss unter der Beschreibung eine Frage eingegeben werden, z.B. “Das Mastertheroem gilt für…?” und dann unter “Optionen” mögliche Antworten angegeben werden. Unter “Verfügbarkeit” muss...

Price: Free Developer: Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Tim og Trine

Tim og Trine

* Læsning og skrivning for alle børn fra 6 – ca.11 år * - Vælg mellem 3 sværhedsgrader (lix 4, 10 og16) - Læs og vælg på rød eller grøn knap de sætninger, som passer til hvert af de 12 sjove...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Madam Bachs forlag
Henning Hamster

Henning Hamster

- Bog- og læsespil for alle børn fra ca. 5 år. - Underholdende ord- og sætningsøvelser i sammenhæng med bogen. - Sjove billeder og tekster, som motiverer til samtaler om "engang man gjorde de voksne sure". - Ordoplæsning, gør det muligt for...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Madam Bachs forlag
Karlo Kat

Karlo Kat

- Bog- og læsespil for alle børn fra ca. 6 år. - Underholdende ord- og sætningsøvelser i sammenhæng med bogen. - Sjove billeder og tekster motiverer samtaler om "engang man selv skulle klare et svært problem". - Ordoplæsning gør det muligt for...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Madam Bachs forlag
Rikke Rotte

Rikke Rotte

- Bog- og læsespil for alle børn fra ca. 6 år. - Underholdende ord- og sætningsøvelser i sammenhæng med bogen. - Sjove billeder og tekster motiverer samtaler om at føle sig ensom eller anderledes. - Ordoplæsning gør det muligt for før-læsere at...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Madam Bachs forlag
Drone Pilot (UAS) Test Prep

Drone Pilot (UAS) Test Prep

Ace your FAA Remote Drone Pilot in Command Knowledge Test! 500+ Actual and Realistic questions, fully explained! Now tested and verified against the actual text with extremely positive results from existing users. Our test prep is...

Price: USD 49.99 Developer: Dauntless Software
Rotterdam UAS

Rotterdam UAS

The app helps you to to organise your study programme. Just because you have the most important information about you and your study programme at you fingertips. It makes your student life just a bit more relaxed. Download the app...

Price: Free Developer: Hogeschool Rotterdam Facilitaire Dienst
Lectures UAS Ludwigshafen

Lectures UAS Ludwigshafen

This is an extract of all lectures within the next two weeks at the University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen. Keep in mind, this is not an official place to go. Information may be outdated, incorrect or missing. So guarantee...

Price: Free Developer: STUDICLUSTER UG (haftungsbeschraenkt)
Academia ITARC

Academia ITARC

O aplicativo "Academia ITARC" permitirá ao usuário ter a praticidade de realizar cursos e treinamentos para o mercado de Drones na palma da sua mão. Assista videoaulas, faça os exercícios, testes e provas de forma dinâmica e inovadora. Na...

Price: Free Developer: Academia ITARC
Remote Pilot Study Buddy

Remote Pilot Study Buddy

Operating a drone for non-hobby operations requires a Remote Pilot Certificate. You must successfully complete the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Knowledge Exam to earn a Remote Pilot Certificate with a Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) rating. Bundled with an wealth...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Sporty's Pilot Shop
Prepware Remote Pilot

Prepware Remote Pilot

Comprehensive preparation, study and test tool for the Remote Pilot Initial (Unmanned Aircraft General - Small) and Recurrent (UGR) FAA Knowledge Exams. Questions, answers and explanations included, for you to study with a true-to-form practice test. Operating a drone for...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: ASA


SOC adalah School Online Collaboration yang terintegrasi mulai dari sekolah, guru, siswa dan orang tua. Didalamnya terdapat beberapa menu seperti : 1. Data Pokok Sekolah 2. Jadwal Pelajaran 3. Absensi Siswa 4. Tugas Siswa Ada juga beberapa menu untuk pembelajaran seperti : 1. Bank Soal 2. Materi...

Price: Free Developer: PT. SUDASA
English Hmong best dictionary - Lus Askiv Hmoob zoo tshaj plaws phau ntawv txhais lus

English Hmong best dictionary - Lus Askiv Hmoob zoo tshaj plaws phau ntawv txhais lus

User will be satisfied with this Hmong - English dictionary because: - It has the largest vocabulary - Detail description for each word and a lot of samples - Simple UI & high performance make you feel easy when using * Full...

Price: Free Developer: Nguyen Van Thanh

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