Top 20 Shopping Apps Like Paparmali Furniture AR - Best Alternatives

Paparmali Furniture AR Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Paparmali Furniture AR alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Shopping apps that are similar to Paparmali Furniture AR. Pick one from this list to be your new Paparmali Furniture AR app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Paparmali Furniture AR on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Paparmali Furniture AR - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Paparmali Furniture AR alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Paparmali Furniture AR 2025.

Mer 99 Furniture Center

Mer 99 Furniture Center

ESTABLISHED IN 1956, 58 YEARS 20 COUNTRIES 4000 STORES PT. GARANT MOBEL INDONESIA (GMI) resmi didirikan pada tanggal 3 Februari 2003, selaku pemegang franchise MER di Indonesia. Garant Mobel Indonesia adalah perusahaan waralaba furniture pertama dengan sistem bisnis yang solid...

Price: Free Developer: Mer 99 Furniture Center
DF Furniture

DF Furniture

Direct Factory Furniture - We want to bring the most pleasant furniture shopping experience to you and your family. Our mission statement reflects our desire to provide you with a more comfortable and stress-free experience by bringing you the best...

Price: Free Developer: Acumen tech
AFR Furniture Rental - Home

AFR Furniture Rental - Home

Imagine having the power to turn your space into a dream home – all with a single app… AFR Home is a brand new, hassle-free way to rent home furniture quickly and easily. Select from our stylish and expertly curated...

Price: Free Developer: Stevens & Stevens LLC
modus furniture

modus furniture

The modus furniture application, allows you to try furniture anywhere using real photographs of environments you want to decorate, as you have access to all products data sheets, a virtual catalog and many more features. Modus is an award-winning British...

Price: Free Developer: Magicalstage, Lda
AFR Furniture Rental - Events

AFR Furniture Rental - Events

AFR Event Furnishings offers exquisite furniture and accessory rentals for special events, corporate meetings, weddings, conferences, and trade shows nationwide. AFR has made its mark in the hospitality and event industry by providing unique, upscale furniture and accessories to the...

Price: Free Developer: Stevens & Stevens LLC
Lavdas Furniture

Lavdas Furniture

At Lavdas Furniture Company, with a presence in quality furniture since 1955 and always keeping in mind the customer's requirements, we create furniture for every home and view, after studying, designing and implementing your choices. The aesthetics, quality, consistency...

Price: Free Developer: LAVDAS PETROS
Expats Furniture

Expats Furniture

EXPATS FURNITURE RENTAL (EFR) has developed and emerged as an elite furniture rental company in its domestic market. With the incessant drive to constantly provide high-quality products and excellent customer service, EFR marshalled a dedicated team with attention to...

Price: Free Developer: Verz Design Pte Ltd
Furniture Lane

Furniture Lane

Furniture Lane is just the beginning of a life long dream of mine. My aim is to deliver a versatile range of furniture and decor to suit different interiors and tastes. My passion has always been interior design- exploring different ways...

Price: Free Developer: Click Start Group Pty Ltd
Canales Furniture

Canales Furniture

Canales Furniture App Now you can browse our selections with your mobile app! - Search for products using our advanced search - Browse all of our collections and filter by newest items, oldest, price points and more - Create accounts and stay...

Price: Free Developer: Canales Luna Group LLC


如何獲得新春開運著數: 以手機內置相機掃描利是封上的 AR 運財小狗 AR 運財小狗動畫將會出現 抓著心儀的發財金幣 馬上獲得新春開運著數 「AR 狗新春賀禮App」採用時下最新的擴增實境科技,一項以螢幕上的虛擬世界與現實世界場景進行結合與互動的技術。廣義來說的 AR ,就是一種「將虛擬資訊擴增到現實空間中」的技術,相較於 VR 創造出一個可體驗的虛擬空間,AR 不是要取代現實世界,而是在現實世界中添加一個虛擬物件。藉由攝影機的辨識技術與電腦的運算,當預設好的圖片或感應媒介出現在攝影機畫面中時,就能看見相對應的虛擬物件。

Price: Free Developer: Red Soldier


FOROOM AR – выберите солнцезащитную систему и создайте ее дизайн для последующего заказа изделия на сайте производителя или в точках продаж официальных Представителей бренда. В приложении вы сможете выбрать солнцезащитную систему из ассортиментной линейки FOROOM и создать ее дизайн...

Price: Free Developer: FIRMA KALITA, OOO
Victoria AR

Victoria AR

'Victoria AR' is a powerful new AR marketing / communication platform. Launch the app 'Victoria AR' and place the camera over each page. Each page will spring to life through Augmented Reality.

Price: Free Developer: Victoria Productions Inc
Pharmactive Biotech Products AR

Pharmactive Biotech Products AR

Use the camera on your device to focus the marker. When your camera sees the marker, the application will automatically display the content. Focusing on the marker you can move around the space for different views. Maintain the focus while...

Price: Free Developer: MaxPel


APIC AR Outlet เป็น App ที่จะเชื่อมโยงผู้ซื้อเข้ากับเกษตร โดยในแอ็ปประกอบไปด้วยลักษณะเด่นดังนี้ - ผู้ซื้อสามารถเลือกดูผลิตภัณฑ์ทางการเกษตรต่างๆได้ภายใน app รวมทั้งสามารถติดต่อกับเกษตรกรได้โดยตรงผ่านช่องทางต่างๆเช่น โทรศัพท์, Line รวมทั้ง Facebook - ผู้ซื้อสามารถซื้อสินค้าได้จาก EMarket เช่น ลาซาด้า ได้ - ผู้ซื้อสามารถสนุกกับ AR ในรูปแบบ 3 มิติ เพื่อให้ผู้ซื้อเห็นหน้าตาของผลิตภัณฑ์ในรูปแบบใหม่

Price: Free Developer: Pornphon Sakharin
DigitalHolding AR

DigitalHolding AR

Application prepared by Digital Holding company from Poland. It allows you to use your phone or tablet to see the virtual objects in real life. To do this, download and print on of our AR Markers:

Price: Free Developer: Digitalholding
Nestro AR

Nestro AR

Application prepared for NESTRO company manufacturing dust extraction sytems. It allows you to use your phone or tablet to see the operation of the machine. To do this, download and print one of out AR Markers at:

Price: Free Developer: Digitalholding


擴增實境怎麼用? 透過平面,怎麼與實景結合? 科技帶你看見新世界! 歡迎使用PRM擴增實境,只要把智慧型手機攝影鏡頭對準普拉瑞斯2017年桌曆,即可看到令人驚豔的效果。 ●應用領域 教育、展示、娛樂、銷售、印刷出版、產品包裝...等,任何行銷工具均可應用擴增實際APP,擴增商機的無限可能。 ●想要擁有自己的AR互動APP嗎? 普拉瑞斯AR技術,提供最先進的擴增實境解決方案,運用科技、網路、行動智慧拉近企業與用戶的距離,想要了解更多,請聯絡普拉瑞斯!

Price: Free Developer: PolarisCreativeCorp
ShopZio AR

ShopZio AR

ShopZio AR is the companion for ShopZio! ShopZio AR brings your products to life and lets you see them in your room with the power of Augmented Reality. What better way to see a product? For more information visit:

Price: Free Developer: RepZio
SunParadise AR

SunParadise AR

With Sunparadise AR app, you can view our systems in 3D and change their colors or see the variations on SunParadise brochures. Also you can preorder our systems in AR Design section (only for ARKit supported devices: iPhone 6S/SE...

Price: Free Developer: SunParadise Türkiye

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