Top 20 Education Apps Like IFA INDONESIA - Best Alternatives

IFA INDONESIA Alternatives

Do you want to find the best IFA INDONESIA alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to IFA INDONESIA. Pick one from this list to be your new IFA INDONESIA app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to IFA INDONESIA on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like IFA INDONESIA - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid IFA INDONESIA alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like IFA INDONESIA 2025.



Das Institut für Automobilwirtschaft (IfA) wurde im Jahr 1995 gegründet und ist eine wissenschaftliche Einrichtung der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt (HfWU). Aufgabenschwerpunkte liegen in der branchenorientierten und praxisnahen Forschung und Lehre entlang der gesamten automobilwirtschaftlichen Wertschöpfungskette – von...

Price: Free Developer: ifa management GmbH
IFA é para todos

IFA é para todos

"O projeto IFÁ É PARA TODOS têm como Missão realizar a difusão da Religião Tradicional Yorubá, também conhecida, como Culto à Òrúnmílà e/ou Culto à Ifá, bem como, o seu fortalecimento no Brasil e no exterior. A religião dos orisas...

Price: Free Developer: R&A
Ifá Tradicional Pro

Ifá Tradicional Pro

Ifá Tradicional Pro es la primera APP sobre la práctica Yorùbá con los audios en Yorùbá de los versos de Ifá, realizados por auténticos Babalawo Yorùbá. Ifá Tradicional Pro no solo les ayudará a corregir la pronunciación Yorùbá sino...

Price: USD 69.99 Developer: Michel Odreman
Signos Ifa

Signos Ifa

La enciclopedia de Ifá. Los 256 signos del Oráculo de Ifa. Descripción del signo, obras, refranes, historias y patakies.

IFA Digital

IFA Digital

IFA Digital! Acesse as informações da escola através deste aplicativo. Com este aplicativo, os pais, responsáveis e professores poderão receber as últimas informações da escola, as notícias do dia a dia do seus filhos e o calendário de atividades escolares. *...

Price: Free Developer: Eteg Tecnologia da Informacao Ltda.
IFA Student

IFA Student

A portal for students to view their information on IFA University such as schedule, scoring and attendances.

Price: Free Developer: System Experts
IFA Teacher

IFA Teacher

A portal for teacher to manage their information with IFA University such as scoring, attendance and schedule.

Price: Free Developer: System Experts
Ojú Odù

Ojú Odù

En la práctica tradicional de la religión Yoruba, un awo debe conocer, como mínimo, cinco versos de cada signo de Ifá. Los iniciados y seguidores de Ifá puede adquirir este nivel de conocimiento con Ojú Odù, la primera aplicación...

Price: USD 69.99 Developer: Michel Odreman
Belajar Korea

Belajar Korea

Fitur Belajar Korea Interactive Video Belajar semakin menyenangkan dengan konten-konten manrik dan video berkualitas. Video akan diupdate secara berkala. Practice Practice makes perfect. Kamu dapat mengasah kemampuan belajarmu dengan Fitur Practice. Game, Forum and Live Fitur gamification untuk menciptakan ekosistem yang menyenangkan. Ada...

Price: Free Developer: Ifa Alif
Kajian Sunnah Indonesia

Kajian Sunnah Indonesia

Bismillah, Aplikasi Kajian Sunnah Indonesia ini dihadirkan untuk memudahkan bagi teman - teman yang ingin menuntut ilmu agama islam dimanapun berada dikarenakan selama ini masih banyak teman - teman yang kesulitan untuk mencari Tempat menuntut ilmu Agama Islam. Aplikasi ini...

Price: Free Developer: Kajian Sunnah Indonesia
Quran Best Indonesia

Quran Best Indonesia

Pertama di Indonesia, Aplikasi Al Quran Digital terbaik dengan desain senyaman Quran Cetak sesuai dengan versi mushaf yang beredar di pasaran. Lengkap dengan terjemahan Indonesia per kata, Audio Murottal dan Tajwid Warna untuk mempermudah mempelajari dan memahami Al Quran. Inovasi Terbaru,...

Price: Free Developer: Quran Best
JERIN - Jerman dan Indonesia

JERIN - Jerman dan Indonesia

JERIN - Jerman dan Indonesia Panduan untuk menemukan informasi terbaru dari Institusi Jerman di Indonesia! Diprakarsai oleh Kedutaan Besar Jerman di Jakarta bekerja sama dengan Goethe-Institut Jakarta dan Kamar Dagang dan Industri Jerman-Indonesia (EKONID), JERIN adalah pusat informasi Institusi Jerman dan...

Price: Free Developer: Hermawan Haryanto
Indonesia Puzzle

Indonesia Puzzle

==Let’s learn Indonesian’s map while playing puzzle! == You can learn the provinces in Indonesia by playing this puzzle. There is 34 provinces in Indonesia. These province we used to hear, watch, and read from television or newspaper. You can learn...

Price: Free Developer: Gloding Inc.
Radio Islam Indonesia (RII)

Radio Islam Indonesia (RII)

Dengan bertujuan menebar dakwah Islam yang rahmatan 'lil 'alamin sesuai dengan pemahaman dan jalan para shahabat radiyallaahu anhum jami'an, tabi'in, tabi'ut tabi'in, Radio Islam Indonesia hadir untuk seluruh kaum muslimin di nusantara dan mancanegara. Radio Islam Indonesia (RII) mengumpulkan channel-channel...

Price: Free Developer: Ahmad Royani
Alkitab indonesia

Alkitab indonesia

Alkitab Indonesia Bible for free download. Alkitab will take you to God’s world. This bible is full with the holy word of God. Alkitab will help you to close in God with bible for read and...

Price: Free Developer: Saowaluk Sasirattanapreeda
ELT Indonesia

ELT Indonesia

Excellent Leader Training is the organization that focus in Inspiring, Motivating and Encouraging Leader. Founded in 1996 and as The organization grew bigger, the need of mobile application for all member is a must. This app is mainly developed to...

Price: Free Developer: Shiftsoft
Radio Islam Indonesia

Radio Islam Indonesia

Kumpulan radio kajian islam online di Indonesia. Tersedia beberapa channel radio yang bisa didengarkan, termasuk didalamnya Radio Rodja, Radio Muslim, Radio An Nash, Hang FM, dan lainnya. Fitur : - Live streaming - Mudah digunakan - Ketika aplikasi ditutup, streaming...

Price: Free Developer: Noval Agung Prayogo
Indonesia Virtual Tour

Indonesia Virtual Tour

Indonesia Virtual Tour is application that contains 360 degree photo created to virtual tour. Information from some interesting places in Indonesia can get here. Available content is provided from the official photographer of Indonesia Virtual Tour and has been...

Price: Free Developer: 360derajat
Indonesia Puzzle for iPhone

Indonesia Puzzle for iPhone

==Let’s learn Indonesian’s map while playing puzzle! == You can learn the provinces in Indonesia by playing this puzzle. There is 34 provinces in Indonesia. These province we used to hear, watch, and read from television or newspaper. You can learn...

Price: Free Developer: Gloding Inc.

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