Top 31 Education Apps Like GCR - Kiểm Định Đá Quý - Best Alternatives

GCR - Kiểm Định Đá Quý Alternatives

Do you want to find the best GCR - Kiểm Định Đá Quý alternatives for iOS? We have listed 31 Education apps that are similar to GCR - Kiểm Định Đá Quý. Pick one from this list to be your new GCR - Kiểm Định Đá Quý app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to GCR - Kiểm Định Đá Quý on your iOS devices.

Top 31 Apps Like GCR - Kiểm Định Đá Quý - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid GCR - Kiểm Định Đá Quý alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 31 similar apps like GCR - Kiểm Định Đá Quý 2025.

What Would Kim Say

What Would Kim Say

What Would Kim Dickey Say is an easy, immediate and mobile way to improve your sales skills. For over 25 years, Kim has trained Realtors, Lenders, and Title Agents to sell more effectively. Tap into weekly motivational videos, compelling...

Price: Free Developer: Malchiel Doraisamy
Learning Japanese with Tae Kim

Learning Japanese with Tae Kim

Learning Japanese with Tae Kim was created as a resource for those who want to learn Japanese grammar in a rational, intuitive way that makes sense in Japanese. The explanations are focused on how to make sense of the...

Price: Free Developer: Adam Critchley
PandaPal (AAC)

PandaPal (AAC)

PandaPal - Autism Communication System is a user friendly communication tool that has been proven over the past 7 years to help facilitate communication and improve language skills, designed by Kim Scott-DeLand, M.S., CCC-SLP, Speech-Language Pathologist. This communication system...

Price: Free Developer: Kim Scott, M.S., CCC-SLP
Kim's College of Martial Arts.

Kim's College of Martial Arts.

Welcome to the official app of Kim's College of Martial Arts, Northeast Ohio's premier martial arts headquarters for children, families, and adults! Kim's College of Martial Arts has served our community for over 40 years and we are...

Price: Free Developer: Foxspin LLC
Kim's World Champion Taekwondo

Kim's World Champion Taekwondo

Welcome to the official Kim's World Champion Taekwondo app and welcome to wcta family. Grand Master Kim teaches olympic style taekwondo . He focuses not only on changing all students physical abilities but also their personalities...

Price: Free Developer: Foxspin LLC
Randy Kazandy, Where Are Your Glasses? Join Randy and his Mum to find out who wins the battle in this hilarious and interactive bedtime story book for kids by Rhonda Fischer’s illustrated by Kim Sponaugle (iPad Lite Version; Auryn Apps)

Randy Kazandy, Where Are Your Glasses? Join Randy and his Mum to find out who wins the battle in this hilarious and interactive bedtime story book for kids by Rhonda Fischer’s illustrated by Kim Sponaugle (iPad Lite Version; Auryn Apps)

Featured by countless media sources like the NY Times and NBC, and praised by celebrities like Oprah, Rachael Ray, Ellen DeGeneres, Dr. Phil, Elton John and Laura Bush. "Congratulations on Randy Kazandy, Where Are Your Glasses? I admire your commitment...

Price: Free Developer: Auryn Inc.
Kim Thành High School

Kim Thành High School

Xem thời khoá biểu, lịch học nâng cao, video học hay, thông báo.

Price: Free Developer: Manh Nguyen
APU Calendar

APU Calendar

This application was made independently by Hoon Kim. This application has no monetization features or the intent thereof to do so in the future. The rights to the APU logo and the APU name belongs to Ritsumeikan...

Price: Free Developer: Hoon Kim
De Kim

De Kim

Met deze eigen app kan de school sneller en gerichter communiceren met ouders d.m.v. nieuwsberichten en pushberichten. De school kan kiezen om de pushberichten naar de ouders van de gehele school te sturen, maar kan ook kiezen om dit...

Price: Free Developer: YepMedia BV
8-STEP 영어회화 자동암기

8-STEP 영어회화 자동암기

◆◆ Apple AppStore에서 '인디스포트라이트 영어가 생활속으로' 인터뷰 - 투데이 탭에 선정(2019.7) ◆◆ Apple AppStore에서 '외국어도 하나 더 욕심내 봐요' 선정(2019.9) ◆◆ Apple AppStore에서 교육카테고리 '추천하는 앱'' 선정(2019.1) ◆◆ Apple AppStore에서 '외국어 공부, 차근차근 재미있게 시작하기' 선정(2019.1) ◆◆ Apple AppStore에서 '외국어 공부, 차근차근 즐겁게'...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Woori Kim
NH-choice HD

NH-choice HD

NH-Choice is a digital learning platform that incorporates award-winning professional training courseware to create a learning experience that is interactive and intuitive. NH-Choice takes the learning experience beyond the classroom into the digital world to meet the demands...

Price: Free Developer: Logical operations
Lyme School, NH

Lyme School, NH

The official app for the Lyme School, NH allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Customize the app to display information relevant to a specific campus and to receive important notifications from the...

Price: Free Developer: Apptegy
Nashua Community TV (NH)

Nashua Community TV (NH)

Live Streaming and Video-on-Demand content for the Nashua, NH PEG channels, including TV16 Government Channel, Nashua Educational TV and Access Nashua our Public Access Channel

Price: Free Developer: TelVue Corporation
Winchester School District, NH

Winchester School District, NH

The official app for the Winchester School District, NH allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Don't miss out on any important notifications. Users may also access the directory of district faculty and...

Price: Free Developer: Apptegy
NH Library

NH Library

New Hope Clinic exists to meet the needs of women in our community facing unintended pregnancies through education, prevention, emotional support, spiritual engagement, physical assistance and healing. We believe that every life has a purpose and every life deserves...

Price: Free Developer: Mark Chase
Manchester West High NH

Manchester West High NH

We are proud to announce the release of our the Manchester West High School Mobile App for our school. Download our app today to stay connected with our school. Receive up to date notifications on schedules, athletics, special...

Price: Free Developer: Art Snow
NH College & Career Readiness

NH College & Career Readiness

View the New Hampshire Academic Standards in one convenient FREE app! A great reference for teachers, parents, and students to easily read and understand the standards. Quickly find and search standards by subject, grade level, and key word.

Price: Free Developer: MasteryConnect
NH Historical Society

NH Historical Society

We love New Hampshire. And we've been saving its history for nearly two centuries. Use this app to explore our headquarters at 30 Park Street in Concord, New Hampshire, where you can take an audio tour of our National...

Price: Free Developer: New Hampshire Historical Society
Renew Church NH

Renew Church NH

The Renew Church App provides access to everything at Renew Church, right on your device. Renew church exists to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and to build a thriving church that impacts all people. This...

Price: Free Developer: Subsplash Inc


uSafeUS provides survivors, allies, family members, faculty, staff, and community members at US colleges and universities with instant access to localized information and tools for the prevention of and response to sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence. uSafeUS includes...

Price: Free Developer: uSafeUS LLC



Price: Free Developer: 宁波愉阅网络科技有限公司


File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council of Fort Qu’Appelle Saskatchewan, Canada is delighted to present a Cree Language app. This app offers learning, practice, games and quizzes in many everyday categories such as greetings, phrases, vowels, expressions and much more!...

Price: Free Developer: File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council Education Department
Dakota FHQTC

Dakota FHQTC

File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council of Fort Qu’Appelle Saskatchewan, Canada is delighted to present a Dakota Language app. This app offers learning, practice, games and quizzes in many everyday categories such as greetings, phrases, vowels, expressions and much more!...

Price: Free Developer: File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council Education Department


File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council of Fort Qu’Appelle Saskatchewan, Canada is delighted to present a Lakota Language app. This app offers learning, practice, games and quizzes in many everyday categories such as greetings, phrases, vowels, expressions and much more!...

Price: Free Developer: File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council Education Department


File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council of Fort Qu’Appelle Saskatchewan, Canada is delighted to present a Lakota Language app. This app offers learning, practice, games and quizzes in many everyday categories such as greetings, phrases, vowels, expressions and much more!...

Price: Free Developer: File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council Education Department


Hello, File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council of Fort Qu’Appelle Saskatchewan, Canada is delighted to present to you a Saulteaux Language app now available on iTunes App store. This app offers learning, practice, games and quizzes in many everyday categories such...

Price: Free Developer: File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council Education Department


Based on two scenarios, this app aims to help children autist has over-bullied situations of danger and to simulate emotions.

Price: Free Developer: Mohamed Ali Hammami
Qatar University Events

Qatar University Events

Qatar University Conferences app helps registering to QU conferences & events. It has the following features: - Agenda - find presentations and exchange with panels/sessions presented in a chronological order by time or paths - Speakers - know more...

Price: Free Developer: Qatar University
Qatar University Mobile

Qatar University Mobile

QU Mobile is the official app of Qatar University, which is part of an ongoing project that was initiated to enhance the experience of the organization’s members and visitors who interact with its various services and resources. Current features  include...

Price: Free Developer: Qatar University
VOCABULYNX CE1 ( Lecture et fusion syllabique des sons ll,fr,ai,an,en,on,gu,qu,au,eu,ou,ain )

VOCABULYNX CE1 ( Lecture et fusion syllabique des sons ll,fr,ai,an,en,on,gu,qu,au,eu,ou,ain )

"VOCABULYNX est une petite merveille ..." Agnès Desjobert, orthophoniste *** " Perfectionner sa lecture en jouant au loto ! Un joli coup de coeur " 4,5 étoiles sur app-enfant *** Cette version de VOCABULYNX correspond au niveau de lecture du CE1 ( sons +...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Fabrice Eveillard

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