Top 20 Education Apps Like Map Plante - Best Alternatives

Map Plante Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Map Plante alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Map Plante. Pick one from this list to be your new Map Plante app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Map Plante on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Map Plante - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Map Plante alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Map Plante 2025.

Old Map Room

Old Map Room

Old Map Room turns any room into a map room. Your TV will be transformed into an old map viewing experience as you cycle through thousands of historic maps. These maps are provided by the David Rumsey Map Center...

Price: Free Developer: Phillip Reed
Map Projections

Map Projections

Presenting 61 high resolution map projections. The ultimate free reference guide for serious cartographers and geographers. A must have in your toolset. - 61 different map projections - Projections categorised by: - Name(Mercator,...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Vikram Bahl
Star Map Tracker: Stargazing

Star Map Tracker: Stargazing

Star Map Tracker is a stargazing augmented reality app with more than 3k stars and constellations. This app will guide you through most known stars and show all necessary information (right ascension, declination, azimuth, elevation and etc.) You can use...

Price: Free Developer: Yuriy Kvasha
Canada Puzzle Map

Canada Puzzle Map

Do you know Canada map? Do you want to challenge the puzzle map with fun? How about your kid? You should like this game. Also including United States Puzzle Map, Japan Puzzle Map, Europe Puzzle Map and China Puzzle...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Jenny sun
Germany Puzzle Map

Germany Puzzle Map

Do you know Germany map? Do you want to challenge the puzzle map game with fun? How about your kid? You should like this game. Also including United States Puzzle Map, Japan Puzzle Map, Europe Puzzle Map and China...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Jenny sun
Mexico Puzzle Map

Mexico Puzzle Map

Do you know United Mexican States map? Do you want to challenge the puzzle map game with fun? How about your kid? You should like this game. Also including United States Puzzle Map, Japan Puzzle Map, Europe Puzzle Map...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Jenny sun
Spain Puzzle Map

Spain Puzzle Map

Do you know Spain map? Do you want to challenge the puzzle map game with fun? How about your kid? You should like this game. Also including United States Puzzle Map, Japan Puzzle Map, Europe Puzzle Map and China...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Jenny sun
United Kingdom Puzzle Map

United Kingdom Puzzle Map

Do you know the United Kingdom map? Do you want to challenge the puzzle map game with fun? How about your kid? United Kingdom puzzle map game will help you to learn the map’s shape and name of every...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Jenny sun
United States Puzzle Map

United States Puzzle Map

***Be selected What's Hot by apple*** ***Be selected New & Noteworthy by apple*** Do you know USA map? Do you want to challenge the puzzle map with fun game? How about your kid? United States puzzle map game will help you to learn the...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Jenny sun
Kids Maps - U.S. Map Puzzle

Kids Maps - U.S. Map Puzzle

Kids Maps: United States for iPad - Make geography fun for kids with this educational U.S. map puzzle game! Ages 2 and up. Check out all 5 Kids Maps games! -- Download FREE activity sheets to test your child's knowledge...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Media Mechanic
Matemagisk TELLE

Matemagisk TELLE

Velkommen til Matemagisk – Telle Bli med Pi og Luringen til Tellefanten. Lær om tall og telling i morsomme og lærerike spill. App-en passer for barn fra 4 til 8 år. Matemagisk er et læreverk i matematikk for barnetrinnet, utgitt av...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Aschehoug Forlag
Level E

Level E

*Please note that this application is optimized for tablets and larger screens. It will work on phones but may be a little hard to read until you zoom in and some of the graphics will look stretched. In other...

Price: USD 13.99 Developer: Thierry Plante
Bobocii şi Cifrele

Bobocii şi Cifrele

Unul din cele mai captivante jocuri de numărat pentru copii până la 5 ani! Alături de boboceii de raţă copiii vor învăţa cifrele şi ordinea numerelor de la 1 la 10. Copilul va lua parte la momentul în care boboceii...

Price: Free Developer: Kidsopia
Culorile Regale

Culorile Regale

Distracția începe colorând diferitele tablouri din împaratia Regelui Maimuţă. Este un joc interactiv de colorat pentru copii. Regele Maimuţă a împlinit 400 de ani. Copilul tău a fost numit Pictorul regal în acest frumos joc de colorat. Şevaletul şi culorile...

Price: Free Developer: Kidsopia
Curtea Animalelor

Curtea Animalelor

Răţuşca cea urâtă se află în curtea animalelor. Aranjând familiile de animale de la mic la mare şi vice-versa cu ajutorul copilului, răţuşca poate face impresie bună iar copilul îşi poate dovedi calităţile, inteligenţa şi rapiditatea. Jocul are 3...

Price: Free Developer: Kidsopia
Deseneaza cu Mowgli

Deseneaza cu Mowgli

Desenează și descoperă aventurile prin care a trecut Mowgli după ce a plecat din junglă. Peste 270 de modele de desen (printre care casă, soare, flori, băiețel, fetiță, bărbat, femeie, telefon și multe altele) îl vor ajuta pe copilul...

Price: Free Developer: Kidsopia
Déclic botanique

Déclic botanique

Déclic botanique est une application esthétique et gratuite qui met la botanique à la portée de tous ! Elle propose à chacun un véritable cheminement pédagogique pour apprendre à identifier les plantes par soi-même en les observant. Il suffit de sélectionner...

Price: Free Developer: Klorane Botanical Foundation


Floriscope est une application destinée aux professionnels et étudiants du végétal: professionnels de l'horticulture, paysagistes concepteurs, entrepreneurs du paysage, gestionnaires d'espaces verts, enseignant et étudiants de la filière horticulture et paysage. Recherchez et sélectionnez des plantes adaptées à vos besoins...

Price: Free Developer: Plante & Cité
Haplea: Fructe şi Legume

Haplea: Fructe şi Legume

Iată cea mai distractivă colecție de fructe delicioase și legume sănătoase! O aplicație educativă de la Kidsopia care îi va ajuta pe cei mici să memoreze și să recunoască cele mai cunoscute fructe și legume. Aplicația a fost creată...

Price: Free Developer: Kidsopia

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