Top 35 Education Apps Like Plant Scan Pro- Identification - Best Alternatives

Plant Scan Pro- Identification Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Plant Scan Pro- Identification alternatives for iOS? We have listed 35 Education apps that are similar to Plant Scan Pro- Identification. Pick one from this list to be your new Plant Scan Pro- Identification app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Plant Scan Pro- Identification on your iOS devices.

Top 35 Apps Like Plant Scan Pro- Identification - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Plant Scan Pro- Identification alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 35 similar apps like Plant Scan Pro- Identification 2025.

Plant for the Planet

Plant for the Planet

Plant-for-the-Planet is an easy and effective way to plant trees. Individuals, companies and schools can join the platform to create a beautiful personal tree-counter. Accumulate trees by either registering trees you planted yourself or by donating to tree-planting organisations...

Price: Free Developer: Plant for the planet
Plant Identification

Plant Identification

- "I’m always wondering about the name of different flowers that I see so this app has been great!" - "Unlike the other apps I have tried, this one got it right the first time. I am impressed." - "This is...

Price: Free Developer: Phuong Bui


PlantID is a comprehensive plant identification app, with the ability to keep track of its plants.

Price: Free Developer: Rasmus Hansen
Organic Plant Nutrients

Organic Plant Nutrients

“Organic Plant Nutrients” is an interactive app for students to learn about plant nutrients, plant photosynthesis, leaf structure, leaf anatomy, organic chlorophyll, plant growth in an easy and engrossing way by visualizing the colorful images. It is one of...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer:
Plant Identification & Info

Plant Identification & Info

Plant Seed Snap - Identify Plants, Flowers, Trees & More. Identify plants of all kinds, trees, flowers, informacje jakie, plant identification, plant seed anywhere in the world! Flowers, trees, succulents, mushrooms and more can be quickly recognized with Plant...

Price: Free Developer: Chirag Finaviya
PlantSpot Plant Identification

PlantSpot Plant Identification

► Plant Identification Made Easy PlantSpot is your guide in complicated, yet fascinating flora of our planet. Upload a plant snap, get your match and find out about the plant that interested you in an instant. Have you ever wondered “What...

Price: Free Developer: Adwool Ltd.
Power Plant Engineering

Power Plant Engineering

The app is a complete free handbook of Power plant Engineering with diagrams and graphs. *Power plant engineering a part of energy engineering and electrical engineering that deals with the generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electric power and...

Price: Free Developer: Two Minds Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Focus on Plant

Focus on Plant

Newly updated: new content added, new quiz function added, and more... A free lite version is available now ( You can try it, then buy full version here. Focus on Plant is an educational app that can help users to learn...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer:
Plant Scan - Identification

Plant Scan - Identification

Introducing Plant Scan: The easiest to use and most advanced Plant Identification app. Plant Scan offers Photo-less Scanning of plants, Augmented Reality animations, best in class A.I. technology, and far more detailed information than any other app....

Price: Free Developer: Mach Software Design
Barcode Reader For:Generate & Scan  All QR/Barcode

Barcode Reader For:Generate & Scan All QR/Barcode

Bar-code Reader for : Generate , scan and share all type of code such as All QR ,Bar Code, Data Matrix Code Reade with in a single apps. Bar-code Reader can also share these all type of...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Subrata Kumar Mazumder
Scan Alive

Scan Alive

Scan Alive adds fun and interactivity to Books. Scan Alive is an amazingly cool Augmented Reality App which adds fun and interactivity to Products. Just scan the Products with Scan Alive logo, and watch the Products come alive on your phone...

Points Scan

Points Scan

Want to know how many Accelerated Reader™ points a book is worth? Points Scan lets you scan a book’s barcode with your smart phone and instantly link to AR™ information. Straight Path Apps brings you the easiest, most convenient way...

Price: Free Developer: Straight Path Apps
Muscle Scan Mike V2

Muscle Scan Mike V2

Muscle Scan Mike, originally created by Brian West (, has been republished with his permission to once again be available on the app store. Muscle Scan Mike offers a ridiculously fun introduction to muscular anatomy for elementary and middle school...

Price: Free Developer: Unified School District of De Pere
Scan To Pictures

Scan To Pictures

Scan To Pictures (STP, for switch(es)) and Point To Pictures (PTP) are communication (AAC) *training* programs, to help those that might eventually use the iPad to communicate via pictures and/or text. Using a library animations and pictures of real-world...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: RJ Cooper & Associates, Inc.
Scan To Pictures Lite version

Scan To Pictures Lite version

Scan To Pictures (STP) is a switch-friendly communication (AAC) *training* program, to help those that might eventually use the iPad to communicate via pictures and/or text. Using a library animations and pictures of real-world consequences, the learner learns to...

Price: Free Developer: RJ Cooper & Associates, Inc.
Graham's Scan Geometry

Graham's Scan Geometry

Graham's scan is a method of finding the convex hull of a finite set of points in the plane with time complexity O(n log n). It is named after Ronald Graham, who published the original algorithm in 1972. ...

Price: Free Developer: Donald Schaefer
StateChamps Scan

StateChamps Scan

FOR EVENT ORGANIZERS AND STAFF ONLY – FOR TICKETS PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE STATECHAMPS TICKETS APP Scan ticket barcodes with the camera on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. Scan barcodes and QR codes from paper tickets or the screen on...

Price: Free Developer: TicketBiscuit


PRO!Management steht für Kompetenz und Erfahrung in den Bereichen Training, Coaching und Consulting. Mit unseren Standorten und Partner realisieren wir Ihre Trainingsprogramme und -konzepte international in der jeweiligen Landessprache. Unser Ziel ist es, gemeinsam mit Ihnen und Ihren Mitarbeitern...

Price: Free Developer: Pro Management AG
Vocab Pro+

Vocab Pro+

Vocab Pro+ is a simple and fun way to learn vocabulary. It has an elegant and intuitive interface with beautiful backgrounds and a wide variety of unicode fonts. It uses the popular ProVoc file format and provides access to...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Rob Turnbull
Vocab Pro

Vocab Pro

Vocab Pro is a simple and fun way to learn vocabulary. It has an elegant and intuitive interface with beautiful backgrounds and a wide variety of unicode fonts. It uses the popular ProVoc file format and provides access to...

Price: Free Developer: Rob Turnbull
Observer Pro - Astronomy Planner

Observer Pro - Astronomy Planner

Observer Pro is a groundbreaking app for advanced astronomy planning. No more guessing when that galaxy emerges from behind that pesky tree. No more estimating how many hours you'll be able to image an object. Observer Pro gives every...

Price: USD 13.99 Developer: Joshua Bury
Shakespeare Pro

Shakespeare Pro

See what these users are saying about Shakespeare Pro: “It’s really great!” —Kenneth Branagh, actor and director “‘The app’s the thing.’ Hamlet was almost right. Great to see Shakespeare Pro superplaying with Shakespeare’s plays.” —David Crystal, linguist and author of Shakespeare's Words “The Shakespeare...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer:

Исследуйте свою Интуицию с помощью – эффективного приложения - тренажера для развития и тренировки интуиции. Программа - инструмент, который позволит вам «услышать голос» вашего шестого чувства и научиться делать правильный выбор в разных сферах жизни: бизнесе, профессиональной ориентации,...

Price: Free Developer: Aleksandr Alferov
CAB(SPI) 【Study Pro】

CAB(SPI) 【Study Pro】

------------------------------ 今だけのチャンス! ------------------------------ 大人気御礼600円から360円のセールを延長中! ------------------------------ お薦めのポイント ------------------------------ ・特長① 最適学習モード搭載! 最適学習モードは、未学習の問題と苦手な問題が優先的に出題される、学習効果を徹底的に追求したモード。時間のない就活生には、必ず役に立つ! ・特長② 十分な問題量! 全103問(例題を含む)を収録! ※市販の問題集(CAB分野)と同程度 ・特長③ 全問題に本よりも詳しい解説つき! Study Proならではの徹底解説! 問題/解説画像を356枚使用!市販のSPI問題集(書籍)よりもずっと詳しい! ・特長④ 高機能手書きメモツールつき! 途中結果を手書きで残せます! ------------------------------ カテゴリ一覧 ------------------------------ ・暗算 ・法則性 ・命令表 ・暗号 ------------------------------ 確認事項 ------------------------------ このアプリ“CAB(SPI) 【Study Pro】”は、リクルート社の適性検査「SPI3」ではなく、SHL社の適性検査「CAB」を対策するためのアプリです。 リクルート社の適性検査「SPI3」を対策したい場合は、“SPI言語 【Study Pro】”と“SPI非言語 【Study Pro】”がお薦めです。

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Study Pro
Articulation Station Pro

Articulation Station Pro

"Little Bee Speech has created a real gem. Articulation Station Pro is by far the best articulation app out there. It's a must have app in the SLP toolbox!" -Renena Joy, SLP Learn how to pronounce and practice the...

Price: USD 59.99 Developer: Little Bee Speech
PilotProTest PRO

PilotProTest PRO

PilotProTest PRO es una aplicación pensada para todo tipo de pilotos, estudiantes de aviación, pilotos privados o comerciales, que desean mantener sus conocimientos de aviación al día ya sea para presentar su próximo examen de selección a una aerolínea...

Price: USD 12.99 Developer: Jorge Gonzalez Galvan
Course for GarageBand to Logic Pro

Course for GarageBand to Logic Pro

This tutorial by Logic Certified Trainer Booker Edwards, is here to show how you can make a smooth transition from the entry-level GarageBand to the pro-level Logic Pro! App Features: • 113 minutes of video training • Super clear explanations • Offline Playback...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Nonlinear Educating Inc.
LeafSnap-Plant Identification

LeafSnap-Plant Identification

When you discover a beautiful wildflower or unusual looking shrub, and you struggle to discern its genus. Instead of wasting time trawling through websites or asking your gardener friends, why not simply take a snap and have an app...

Price: Free Developer: Doan Thang
Plant Identification: Plant ID

Plant Identification: Plant ID

Plant identification helps you identify the flowers, plants & trees around you in a snap. Discovery & identification 391,000+ species of plants can help you learn more about nature! APP FEATURES • Identify flowers, plants & trees by Picture &...

Price: Free Developer: Elliot Ellis
PlantSnap Plant Identification

PlantSnap Plant Identification

Instantly identify plants of all kinds: flowers, trees, succulents, mushrooms, cacti and more! PlantSnap is the revolutionary plant identification app from built to help you identify plants in a snap. Identify plants, trees and foliage as you enjoy the...

Price: Free Developer: PlantSnap, Inc.
Snout: Mushroom Identification

Snout: Mushroom Identification

Have you ever been hiking and come across a funky looking mushroom? Snout is a tool that can help you figure out what kind of fungus you've chanced upon. This app was built by a group of four graduate students...

Price: Free Developer: Appogee Solutions, LLC
British tree identification

British tree identification

An interactive British tree identification app from the Woodland Trust, the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity. In just a few steps, you can identify native and common non-native trees in the UK, whatever the season. Use bark, twigs, buds, leaves,...

Price: Free Developer: Woodland Trust
Melodic Contour Identification

Melodic Contour Identification

Music perception and appreciation remains a challenge for many hearing impaired people. A closed-set melodic contour identification “MCI” task has recently been used to quantify the listeners’ ability to recognize musical melodies. For the MCI task, test stimuli are...

Price: Free Developer: QIANJIE FU
Object Identification from I Can Do Apps

Object Identification from I Can Do Apps

Object Identification from I Can Do Apps is an educational tool designed to work on identifying objects when given a description including nouns, adjectives, verbs or attributes. This app is designed in collaboration with a Speech Language Pathologist. Object...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: I CAN DO APPS, LLC

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