Top 10 Entertainment Apps Like Zense BLE - Best Alternatives

Zense BLE Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Zense BLE alternatives for iOS? We have listed 10 Entertainment apps that are similar to Zense BLE. Pick one from this list to be your new Zense BLE app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Zense BLE on your iOS devices.

Top 10 Apps Like Zense BLE - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Zense BLE alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 10 similar apps like Zense BLE 2025.

BLE Adventskranz

BLE Adventskranz

If you have received the electronic Advent wreath from Oberon microsystems, you can use this app to remotely control the four candles (LEDs). Select the advent wreath, and then tap on the candles to switch them on or off. If you...

Price: Free Developer: Oberon microsystems, Inc.
Ble copter2

Ble copter2

Ble四轴飞机 app是专为控制无人机打造的应用,能随时手机控制无人机飞行,支持重力感应控制无人机,拥有微调功能帮助您更好的控制无人机,是您控制无人机的好帮手。

Price: Free Developer: 深圳市联芯互联科技有限公司


This app can control UTICO BLE car by iPhone 5 iPhone 5S iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus ,iPod touch. This application has three controls: 1. On the left side of the screen: This is car's throttle,forward or backward. 2. On...

Price: Free Developer: Super Storage Technology Corp.
DreamScreen BLE

DreamScreen BLE

DreamScreen is a television enhancement product that uses responsive LED backlighting that reacts to any HDMI video source. DreamScreen stretches the size of your screen, softens the picture and is easier on your eyes. It is the first of...

Price: Free Developer: Rakesh Reddy


This is the app for drone enthusiasts who wish to have a more portable ground station. Works with Arducopter and 3DR Solo platforms via wifi or BLE. Please read the user manual at NOTE: If you are not using the 3DR...

Price: USD 12.99 Developer: Tom Brereton


This app uses BLE to control custom LED clothing, costumes, and fine art created by Enlighted Designs, Inc. It allows the user to see a menu of available LED effects and colors, and to select any of them wirelessly. The...

Price: Free Developer: Enlighted Designs Inc.


Коммерческое приложение для внедрения игровых механики в систему трейд-маркетинговых активностей в торгово-развлекательной сфере, а также на массовых мероприятиях. Обеспечивает возможность быстрого внедрения и модификации активностей. Работа приложения базируется на взаимодействии с Bluetooth маячками «beacon» Маячки beacon – компактные электронные устройства,...

Price: Free Developer: E-Consulting
Hrvatski zvukopis

Hrvatski zvukopis

HRVATSKI ZVUKOPIS” je zvučna aplikacija koja se aktivira uz pomoć BEACON BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) terminala na većini transportnih stajališta grada Zagreba, bilo na tramvajskim ili autobusnim stajalištima, ili pak na povijesno značajnim javnim mjestima i gradskim parkovima. Sadržaj aplikacije...

Price: Free Developer: Jelena Remetin
My Talent

My Talent

App de CTS para Retos e información en Talent Land. La aplicación ofrece el temario de charlas que serán impartidas por los Devs de CTS. La aplicación ofrece información acerca de como llegar al evento y la posibilidad de ganar premios...

Price: Free Developer: Francisco Eduardo Toledo Gumeta

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