Top 49 Food & Drink Apps Like 80 Percent What You Eat - Best Alternatives

80 Percent What You Eat Alternatives

Do you want to find the best 80 Percent What You Eat alternatives for iOS? We have listed 49 Food & Drink apps that are similar to 80 Percent What You Eat. Pick one from this list to be your new 80 Percent What You Eat app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to 80 Percent What You Eat on your iOS devices.

Top 49 Apps Like 80 Percent What You Eat - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid 80 Percent What You Eat alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 49 similar apps like 80 Percent What You Eat 2025.

80/20 Clean Eating Diet

80/20 Clean Eating Diet

You don't have to cut out your favourite foods! Stick to the 80/20 Diet but still eat: Pizza, Lasagne, Burger & Chips, Seafood, Noodle Stir Fry, Pie, Risotto, Curry, Tagine, Stuffed Pitta Pockets, Chinese Dumplings and so much more! Make your...

Price: Free Developer: App Ktchn Ltd
Food Zone | Краснодар

Food Zone | Краснодар

Добро пожаловать в FOOD ZONE !!! FOOD ZONE -это профессиональная команда молодых квалифицированных специалистов , которые вкладывают в дело свою душу и делают все, чтобы вы остались довольны своим заказом и качеством приготовленной еды! С самого начала деятельности нашего кафе мы строго придерживаемся...

Price: Free Developer: FUDSOUL, OOO
16:20 Street Food | Краснодар

16:20 Street Food | Краснодар

Забудь о голоде! 16:20 Street Food - это территория вкусных блюд за небольшие деньги. 11 видов Воков, 10 видов пицц, самый необычный выбор салатов, супов и горячих блюд. Мы доставляем! 10 пицц на выбор. От диетических до дико острых. Итальянское...

Price: Free Developer: FUDSOUL, OOO


【EatMe食我】是每個外食族手機必備,台灣最大的餐廳優惠APP,更是唯一出示手機畫面,就能直接使用餐廳優惠的APP!更誇張的是,完全免費!!你還沒安裝就代表你錯過了超級多的優惠啊! ◎為什麼你一定要安裝這個APP? 1. 目前全台有超過2,000間合作餐廳提供各式優惠 2. 目前全台累積超過80,000次優惠使用 3. 過去一年已成功讓使用者節省超過1000萬元 ◎有哪些餐廳有優惠? 《連鎖餐飲》 肯德基KFC / 必勝客Pizza Hut / LOUISE路易莎咖啡 / 小南門 / 貴族世家... 《火鍋燒肉》 野宴 / 極野宴 / 熊一燒肉 / 馬辣 / 天外天 / 小蒙牛 / 滿堂紅 / 千葉火鍋 《知名餐廳》 湛盧 / 百八漁場 / 元定食 / 麻布茶房 / 晶湯匙 / 涓豆腐 / 饗厚牛排...

Price: Free Developer: Eatme Catering Consulting Co.,LTD
Pizza club | Череповец

Pizza club | Череповец

Pizza Club - производство и быстрая доставка горячей итальянской пиццы, вкусных японских роллов. Звони 62-80-62. - Выбирайте товар и заказывайте! Нет ничего проще! - История заказов. Смотрите, что и когда вы заказывали и заказывайте снова! - Не надо вводить свой адрес снова и...

Price: Free Developer: FUDSOUL, OOO
Bubble food | Павлодар

Bubble food | Павлодар

Семейное Кафе Bubble Food. - Выбирайте товар и заказывайте! Нет ничего проще! - История заказов. Смотрите, что и когда вы заказывали и заказывайте снова! - Не надо вводить свой адрес снова и снова, мы запомним его при первом заказе! - Следите за акциями...

Price: Free Developer: Pavel Trushnikov
Fly Food | Набережные Челны

Fly Food | Набережные Челны

Молниеносная и качественная доставка еды! Служба Fly Food привезёт её в любое место города! Вы сможете насладиться роллами, салатами, бургерами, пиццей, а также горячими блюдами и десертами! - Выбирайте товар и заказывайте! Нет ничего проще! - История заказов. Смотрите, что и...

Price: Free Developer: FUDSOUL, OOO
Food College — доставка еды на дом в Юрге

Food College — доставка еды на дом в Юрге

Максимально простое и удобное мобильное приложение для заказа еды в Юрге. Теперь полное меню от фирмы Food College и доставка готовых блюд в городе Юрга есть у вас в кармане. Заказать доставку можно за 1 минуту при подключении к...

Price: Free Developer: Yaroslav Kalinichenko
Food King | Кимры

Food King | Кимры

Food King- ресторан быстрого обслуживания с доставкой на дом. Если ты ценишь свое время и предпочитаешь проводить его с пользой, тогда тебе к нам!!! У нас ты сможешь быстро и вкусно перекусить, приятно провести свободное время в компании...

Price: Free Developer: DMITRIY SUKHAREV
One Percent Forest

One Percent Forest

Pay with your phone, earn points, and redeem exclusive member deals with the One Percent Forest app. Earn 10 loyalty points for every £1 you spend at One Percent Forest. With mobile payment support, you can purchase exclusive in-app...

Price: Free Developer: Oak & Atlas Ltd
Food : Eating Healthy Light Facts

Food : Eating Healthy Light Facts

Food is a collection of facts and information about Food which you can share on twitter, facebook and email. Updated frequently to include more trivia. Did you know that Only .5 percent of people are vegans? According to Vegetarian Times,...

Price: Free Developer: Adysseus


my partner asked me: ‘If you could start your own business, what would it be?’ ‘South Africans love chicken! However; sadly, the offering is a slim one’, I responded. It was on this day, that Birdz. was conceived. ...

Price: Free Developer: Collaborative Network Marketing
Zero Belly Smoothies

Zero Belly Smoothies

Watch the pounds disappear—with the press of a button! That’s all it takes to blend up a Zero Belly Smoothie, a unique mix of super nutrients that will flatten your gut, boost your metabolism, heal your digestive system, and turn off...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Galvanized Brands LLC
. TiP Calculator

. TiP Calculator

app description as usually done: Tip Pro calculates from the net price! 1. enter taxes in tax1 and/or in tax2 2. enter gross amount from Bill in the field „Bill“ 3. press „calculate“ for calculation 4. enter number of „party“ for group...

Price: Free Developer: Ulrich Pade
. TiP Calculator Pro

. TiP Calculator Pro

as usually done: Tip Pro calculates from the net price! 1. enter taxes in tax1 and/or in tax2 2. enter gross amount from Bill in the field „Bill“ 3. press „Calculate“ for result 4. enter number of „party“ for group splitting 5....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ulrich Pade
Drink Meter

Drink Meter

Easy blood alcohol calculator and drinks balanced. This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide true blood alcohol content functionality. - Set your weight, gender and drink calculate relative blood alcohol percent. - Set drink price to drink...

Price: Free Developer: Armand Kovari
Deccan Biryani UAE

Deccan Biryani UAE

We at, Deccan Biryani are serving delicious biryani with abundant flavours and fresh and traditional spices. While delivering your order at your doorstep, we make sure that your food is hot and aromatic. We love to serve our customers...

Price: Free Developer: Syed Rahmatullah


The FastChoice Nutrition Simplifier takes the boring out of tedious nutrition facts labels and boils down the relevant information into a single score, the FastChoice Score. Now you can quickly find the best food to eat at any of...

Price: Free Developer: Thomas Byrd
What Should I Cook?

What Should I Cook?

Build your own recipe list and create random menus based on it. Have you ever been in the situation when you have to plan the meal for the next week? For the whole family? Just make a list of meals, categorise...

Price: Free Developer: Peter Molnar
Crityk - Know What To Eat

Crityk - Know What To Eat

Do you like food? Good news, food likes you too! Get to know food better with Crityk. Crityk is a brand-new Lifestyle Food App that will forever change the restaurant industry and the way we as consumers find great food...

Price: Free Developer: SKS Solutions LLC
What to drink? - DrinkGenerate

What to drink? - DrinkGenerate

If you are unsure what to drink in the evening, What to drink app was invented for you. It generates mixes from your favorite drinks. On drink selection window you can choose what to generate. Soft drinks are also included. If...

Price: Free Developer: Kristof Jakab
What to Drink

What to Drink

What to Drink is an application that will help you decide what drink you would like to have. It contains a list of the most popular drinks worldwide and the description of their contents.

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Pastor
What to mix?(Lite)-Food Scheme

What to mix?(Lite)-Food Scheme

Proper Food Combining by the method of separate food Herbert M.Shelton. This app is a visual representation techniques compatibility of products. - Search by Products; - Green images - the best compatibility; - Yellow images - valid compatibility; Used data sources: This Lite version with...

Price: Free Developer: Olga Blinova
What a Crock

What a Crock

Become a culinary superhero when you download the new app for What A Crock. Your good intentions become reality – tap the app to save and bring home a savory, tasty, homemade dinner. Order a delicious meal and...

Price: Free Developer: Total Loyalty Solutions
What I Like!

What I Like!

When you go places like restaurants, delis or convenience stores, there are items you like and items you don't like. Use "What I Like!" to keep track of those places and items so that the next time you visit...

Price: Free Developer: Upsilly Inc
What Should I Cook today?, Best free food recipes

What Should I Cook today?, Best free food recipes

Browse, search and save more than 1000s recipes with easy-to-follow instructions. Cut down on the cooking time with these quick and easy to make food recipes. All recipes use simple ingredients that are easily available and inexpensive. If you are...

Price: Free Developer: ahmet Baydas
What to Eat Now

What to Eat Now

Are you Hungry? Can't Decide what to eat? We all have that problem. On top of this we all want to eat Healthy food. So What to Eat is What you need!! Hundreds of Healthy recipes are just waiting...

Price: Free Developer: FABUDEA Inc.
What Up Dough Pizzeria

What Up Dough Pizzeria

With the What Up Dough Pizzeria mobile app, ordering food for takeout has never been easier. Scroll through our easy-to-navigate menu, select the dishes that strike your fancy, specify any special instructions, submit your payment information securely - and...

Price: Free Developer: ChowNow
Hey You by Beat the Q

Hey You by Beat the Q

Order ahead and beat the queue. Join 600,000+ Australians using the Hey You app to order their food and drinks ahead of time and never wait in the queue again. HEY YOU FEATURES: • Discover new cafés & restaurants and view their...

Price: Free Developer: Hey You Pty Ltd
easy light you

easy light you

Easy Light You has come to South Florida to meet the needs of people seeking healthy convenient food. The company develops healthy frozen meals for those who seek convenience, combining homemade flavors with industrial production, without giving up elaborated preparations. Easy...

Price: Free Developer: Easy Light You
getHungry - if you get hungry

getHungry - if you get hungry

getHUNGRY shows you the way to food and drinks near you. Get inspired by the various culinary offers. What do I want to eat today? Meat, fish or something vegetarian? It is a busy day and I would like to...

Price: Free Developer: Foxship Technologies
Food For You

Food For You

Первая в Новороссийске СТУДИИ ПРАВИЛЬНОГО ПИТАНИЯ! Наконец-то это произошло и в нашем с вами городе! Если вы любите вкусно покушать, оставаясь при этом в непревзойдённой форме, то Food For You – это то что вы так долго искали! Студия...

Price: Free Developer: Anastasia SHARAPOVA
Foodi • Find Food You Love

Foodi • Find Food You Love

Deciding what to eat is harder than it should be at times. Foodi is a food review app that helps you find the food you love and make the most of each and every dining experience - by building...

Price: Free Developer: Foodstar inc.
Food To You Business App

Food To You Business App

The official Food To You app for restaurants to receive orders!

Price: Free Developer: Jonathan Zier
Grubb - Discover Food Near You!

Grubb - Discover Food Near You!

Find local food near you with Grubb!

Price: Free Developer: Gordon Seto
What you eat

What you eat

Everyone who wants to live well, should first and foremost take care about his health. The food that a person eats is essential to the health. It may well both ill and cure. You can't eat unhealthy food and...

Price: Free Developer: Program Tom LTD
TangoTab-When You Eat,They Eat

TangoTab-When You Eat,They Eat

Like to dine out? Like to help people in need? TANGOTAB IT! TangoTab is a free mobile app that helps users discover great restaurants nearby, but there is one thing that makes TangoTab really stick out... Every time you...

Price: Free Developer: TangoTab


Gin & You is a tribute to the Gin drink. - More than 85 types of Gin's - Distillery localisations - Styles - Remarks - Pictures All the detail information of distillery and types: - A complete list of Gin's, including remarks, alcohol degrees and styles. An...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Sushi-Project
Drink & Eat Around World EPCOT

Drink & Eat Around World EPCOT

The first and original App designed for Drinking & Eating Around the World at EPCOT has updated with a great new interface, hi res photos and items for the popular events such as the Festival of the Arts, Flower...

Price: Free Developer: Justice Web Solutions
ORDER-EAT App Restaurateurs

ORDER-EAT App Restaurateurs

Cette application permet aux partenaires ORDER-EAT de recevoir les commandes et de les gérer.

Price: Free Developer: ORDER-EAT
ALL i CAN EAT - the food intolerance list for lactose, fructose, histamine, gluten, sorbitol and salicylic acid

ALL i CAN EAT - the food intolerance list for lactose, fructose, histamine, gluten, sorbitol and salicylic acid

Got a food intolerance? See at a glance what foods you can eat or drink. Do you suffer from lactose, fructose, histamine, gluten, sorbitol or salicylic acid intolerance? Or do you even have several of them? No problem! With ALL...

Price: Free Developer: Steffen Mauser
Do Eat Better

Do Eat Better

Do Eat Better aims at having you live pleasant culinary experiences and eating like a local… everywhere! Do Eat Better gathers all the best dishes in the web plus those sponsored by our community, thus allowing you to find the...

Price: Free Developer: Do Eat Better s.r.l.s.
Plan to Eat - Meal Planner

Plan to Eat - Meal Planner

30-day free trial: Start today and see how Plan to Eat helps you get healthy dinners on the table. Collect and organize your recipes, add those recipes to your meal planning calendar, and Plan to Eat will make your...

Price: Free Developer: Plan To Eat, LLC
All Eat

All Eat

Fuss-free food delivered to your home or office. Download the free All Eat app and order from local delivery and collection restaurants and takeaways. From Indian to Italian, burgers to burritos, find your flavour with All Eat. Rooting around in...

Price: Free Developer: All Eat App Network Technology Ltd
To Eat List

To Eat List

Are you over restaurant ratings and reviews from people you don't know? Looking for a simple food app? We got you covered. - Add To Your List - Now you have a way to remember all of those restaurants you’ve...

Price: Free Developer: To Eat List
Eat App: Restaurant Bookings

Eat App: Restaurant Bookings

Discover the best restaurants in your city with Eat. The #1 restaurant discovery and reservation app in the Middle East. Now serving diners in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Beirut, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Jordan, and many more on the way....

Price: Free Developer: Eat, Inc.
Eat Purely

Eat Purely

Eat Purely offers healthy, chef-crafted meals delivered to your door on demand. Our delicious meals will nourish your body and delight your palate. With over 50 combined years in the food business, we love to eat and are proving...

Price: Free Developer: The Eat Purely Company
EAT Club - Corporate Catering

EAT Club - Corporate Catering

Is it lunchtime yet? We know that’s what’s on your mind, and EAT Club for iPhone makes getting food at the office easier than ever. Browse what we’re delivering today to your office, order something tasty, finish that spreadsheet...

Price: Free Developer: EAT Club

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