Do you want to find the best Hop On Junior Purple alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Education apps that are similar to Hop On Junior Purple. Pick one from this list to be your new Hop On Junior Purple app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Hop On Junior Purple on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Hop On Junior Purple alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Hop On Junior Purple 2025.
Hop! is een volledig digitale methode voor lichamelijke opvoeding van Uitgeverij die Keure. • Innovatief concept • Digitale instructies • Leer- en jaarplandekkend • Gebruik van nieuwe media • Keuzeaanbod voor 6 leerjaren • Uitgebreide aandacht voor tools voor evaluatie De methode Hop! bestaat uit 6 domeinen, met daarin een...
Welcome to SKIDOS! Let your 5-11 year olds enjoy our wide range of fun learning games. SKIDOS games including Hop Star help kids master their mathematics skills and develop their interest in coding. You may subscribe to SKIDOS...
Hop, Frog, Hop, helps strengthen your child’s working memory skills. Working memory has been found to be strongly linked to many cognitive tasks, such as reading, writing and math. Research shows that improving working memory improves the opportunities for...
Hop…hop…hop…SPLASH! Frog is trying to get across her pond without getting wet. Can you help her jump onto the lily pads? Tapping the different buttons lets Frog choose a small, medium or long jump. Missing a lily pad lands Frog...
Making English Fun • 2 Full games over 18 English Reading Subjects • Fun and engaging • Easy to use • Designed by teachers for classrooms and beyond • ABC, CVC, Sight Words, • Blending, Vowels and Magic E all in one app • Useful for mainstream and ESL classrooms English Play...
Making English Fun English Play and Phonics Play is an important part of the learning process for children especially younger children. Taking difficult tasks and making them enjoyable, interactive and purposeful will gain quicker results than simple rote learning...
欢迎来到逗逗的动感世界!动感十足的hip-hop逗逗会为你带来动听的歌曲、帅气的舞蹈,当然啦,还有有趣的故事!快来跟逗逗一起玩吧! 这是一款手机App与娃娃互动的新型产品,内容丰富,深受小朋友的喜爱! 秉持 “在学习中玩乐,在玩乐中学习”的理念,从不同的角度促进孩子的多种发展。 应用程序,既可单独使用,也可以与实体智能玩具互动,体验前所未有手机应用和实体玩具间的互动乐趣! 永远免费,不带APP内购项目的健康益智启蒙软件!
Denne app kræver login, og er tiltænkt skoler, der benytter sig af "Hop om Bord"-konceptet.
特别为幼儿所研发的英语学习教育益智游戏。 搭配幼儿英语教材Hop On Junior (Blue)学习内容为主轴,设计多元化的任务式导向型游戏,以激起孩子高昂的学习兴趣,进而高效验收所学课程;是兼具英文学习及休闲娱乐的游戏教育方式。 太空大作战 (Space Saving ) 小朋友变身为太空人,进入到外太空的世界,从远方飞出了好多大大小小的陨石,每个陨石都有着对应的线索,小朋友必须追上陨石速度,用最快的速度找到过关密码。在闯关过程中,请当心避免误触不能过关的单字或字母,以免生命值被倒扣;在游戏中,玩家亦可随时参考上方的提示与目标数字,了解过关进度,以及生命值爱心剩余数。当点选正确,玩家就会听到并听到相关的英文单字,透过有趣的游戏操作,强化所学。 蜘蛛屋 (Spider House) 蜘蛛先生把通道口用蜘蛛网封住了,小朋友要把握时间,在蜘蛛先生运用蜘蛛网爬向你之前,迅速找到正确的字母,达到过关目标,要小心,不要点错字母喔! 否则会倒扣生命值喔! 当完成一个单字时,玩家会看到并听到相关的英文单字,透过有趣的游戏式操作,强化所学。
Childcare On is the innovative mobile platform standard or customized with your image or specific functions for your School, used for real-time communication and information's management between kindergarten´s parents, teachers and principals. Discover and share the education, the learning...
Camp On is the innovative mobile platform standard or customized with your image or specific functions for your camp, used for real-time communication and information´s management between Camp´s monitors, principals and parents. Discover and share the education, the learning...
School On is the innovative mobile platform standard or customized with the image or specific functions for your School, used for real-time communication and information´s management between Primary School´s students, parents, teachers and principals. Discover and share the education,...
FOCUS on Foster Families is a mobile app designed to help support foster youth and their caregivers as they navigate common challenges. The app includes an extensive library of video interviews with foster youth and caregivers sharing what has...
Buddy Bear has a lot on his mind, and he needs your family’s help to talk about his feelings. Play alongside Buddy to practice understanding and sharing your feelings and to collect tools for calming down in challenging...
Teach your children the joy of learning algebra with Hands-On Equations 1 - the algebra application for children as young as 8 years of age. Algebra can be a difficult subject to master but with the help of Hands-On Equations...
"Great intro to Algebra!" "Has changed our 9y/o's way of looking at math!" This app for the iPad is intended for students who have already completed Level 1 of Hands-On Equations. In Level 2, the student learns how to solve equations involving...
"Great intro to Algebra!" This Hands-On Equations Level 3 app is intended for students who have already completed Level 1 and 2 of Hands-On Equations and who would like the challenge of more sophisticated equations involving negative numbers. In...
Hooked on Phonics is Highly Effective and Incredibly Fun. Nurture your child's reading and confidence with the right blend of interactive learn-to-read tools. This award-winning app is based on research, approved by the Children’s Reading Foundation, and designed in...
Communicate Easy is a solid, flexible app that provides visual prompts, picture / sound / video cards for choice making, schedules and stories. The app is a picture communication system targeted to helping individuals with Autism / ASD,...
Let’s play ball! The Junior Giants' App guides families and volunteers throughout the Junior Giants season! Junior Giants Volunteers will be able to see important training tools, important dates and weekly Practice Plans. They’ll also have the...
The Junior Giants Mobile Coach is a tool that aims to simplify practice planning for Junior Giants coaches at all levels. Junior Giants teams up with USA Baseball to offer a library full of drills for every player on...
Junior Coder is an exciting app that introduces kids to computer programming concepts using games and puzzles. It is easy to use and no prior programming experience is needed. Kids can create their own puzzles and challenge themselves or...
The official app for Central Junior High School - Springdale sponsored by Whitlock Orthodontics allows users direct access to the most recent news, announcements and event calendars. Users receive important Push Notifications for Weather Alerts, Important Dates, Venue Changes,...
Monkey Junior is currently the #1 Learn-to-read program with millions of happy learners and counting. Children can learn 6 languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, French, Russian, and Vietnamese. Monkey Junior has built a massive and comprehensive lesson system so children are...
Praise for Version 1.0 of Easy Revision - "Brilliant app helped me so much in my mocks that I had recently,can't wait to start using it again on the run up to junior cert,should be made for other subject....
Abonnez-vous dès maintenant sur votre iPhone® ou iPad® Découvrez des milliers d’heures de programmes, dont des magazines originaux, des tutos, des documentaires et des courtes vidéos éducatives et amusantes. Mon Science&Vie Junior propose des programmes entièrement dédiés aux sciences et à...
iPad Kids gives Junior Typer 4 out of 5 stars! ( A "Dad Approved" product at Playground Dad ( ***** If you like Junior Typer please help it out by leaving a positive review. Thanks! ***** Now with color printing in the font...
For Proven Results download the Junior Cert App for FREE For the best results in your Junior Cert try our new app for Free! Our app is the complete package for exam success! Now you don't need to be stuck...
Product Description: "ThirdLeap Math Junior" is like your own personal Math Teacher and it is available whenever and wherever you need, because it is powered by ThirdLeap's cutting edge Artificial Intelligence reasoning engine. All this you can do it by...
Purple Turtle Smart Books adds fun and interactivity to Books. Purple Turtle Smart Books is an amazingly cool Augmented Reality App which adds fun and interactivity to Books. Just scan the picture/pages in Books with Purple Turtle logo, and watch the...
Papo World released the latest English learning app! Designed exclusively for 2 to 8 year olds, this app could help kids learn English in the most efficient way, with interesting game play, and start with their most familiar food! Purple...
Attention please, little artists! Purple Pink the Bunny has the most incredible coloring book! Lots of pictures, tons of colors and tools! Create your painting artwork! Inspire the creativity and imagination through coloring and painting Easy Operations Designed for children,...
Purple Pink the Bunny and Papo friends are on a vacation. The food are delicious! Not to mention those fun activities! Let’s join their beach party! Beach Dressup! Help Purple Pink select a cute outfit for the vacation! A...
An initiative of The Herren Project, a 501(c)3 non-profit foundation established by former professional basketball player Chris Herren, the THP Project Purple initiative is a national anti-substance abuse campaign develop to educate people of all ages as to the...
Purple Briefcase, Inc. is an innovative solutions partner that helps students stand out (just enough) in the very competitive job market and recruitment world. Students and their parents are more engaged and socially aware of how career readiness impacts...
Learning with Purple Pink is never dull! This set of alphabet cards aims to let the kids Learn and recognize 26 English letters from A to Z. Each letter has a corresponding animal to stand for it. Touch the...
Purple Pink Jobs Mix is a matching puzzle game designed for kids between 2-6. Every animal in Papo World has a job. Match the puzzles and find them all! We selected 20 widely known occupations like teacher, doctor, magician,...
Akshar Purple Kids Play School app provides an instant communication system for staff, teachers and parents. It helps the teachers send any kind of information regarding students to their parents instantly with just a click. SMART ATTENDANCE Teachers can mark attendance...
The Benedict College Purple Briefcase app lets Benedict College students and alumni prepare for and search for jobs and internships, practice for interviews, and so much more.
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