Top 29 Education Apps Like UNIVERSITAS XXI WALLET - Best Alternatives


Do you want to find the best UNIVERSITAS XXI WALLET alternatives for iOS? We have listed 29 Education apps that are similar to UNIVERSITAS XXI WALLET. Pick one from this list to be your new UNIVERSITAS XXI WALLET app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to UNIVERSITAS XXI WALLET on your iOS devices.

Top 29 Apps Like UNIVERSITAS XXI WALLET - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid UNIVERSITAS XXI WALLET alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 29 similar apps like UNIVERSITAS XXI WALLET 2025.

Universitas Bunda Mulia

Universitas Bunda Mulia

Universitas Bunda Mulia Mobile Application is a mobile application that enables the Universitas Bunda Mulia students to access the information related to his/her activities such as: - Class and exam schedule - Semester score - Academic transcript - Payment information - Private messages - Latest...

Price: Free Developer: Universitas Bunda Mulia


Salah satu pengejawantahan dalam mengintegrasikan sumber daya informasi yang ada di Universitas Gadjah Mada adalah membangun SIMASTER UGM. Dengan SIMASTER UGM ini diharapkan layanan teknologi informasi menjadi lebih terarah, termonitor dan bisa memberikan kenyamanan bagi civitas akademika. Setelah meluncurkan...

Price: Free Developer: Universitas Gadjah Mada


Exploring the ocean of time is more interesting than you can imagine. "Time is a sort of river of passing events, and strong is its current; no sooner is a thing brought to sight than it is swept by and...

Price: Free Developer: Yu Tse Wu


ibec, yang didirikan pada pertengahan tahun 1998, adalah merupakan perwakilan resmi dari Universitas dan kolese di Inggris, yang pada mulanya terbentuk atas prakarsa the British Council bekerja sama dengan Lembaga pendidikan bahasa Inggris terkemuka di Indonesia serta Universitas dan...

Price: Free Developer: Andri Royantara


Sanedu adalah aplikasi pendampingan belajar pertama di Indonesia, dengan aplikasi Sanedu kamu bisa mendapat paket pendampingan yang sangat membantu kamu. Aplikasi Sanedu adalah alat bantu untuk mempermudah berbagai masalah pelajaran kamu, program di Sanedu memadukan fasilitas online dan offline yang...

Price: Free Developer: Niki Rahmadi


KURSUS ONLINE GRATIS DARI UNIVERSITAS DAN INSTITUSI TERBAIK DI INDONESIA Sekarang Anda dapat belajar dengan mengikuti kursus online gratis di handphone Anda. Kursus ini berasal dari para dosen dan para ahli perusahaan swasta di Indonesia yang mewakili institusi ternama...

Price: Free Developer: PT Education Technology Indonesia


Cinta pertama selalu terasa istimewa. Sulit untuk dilupakan meski kini sudah bersama orang lain. Selalu punya tempat tersendiri di ruang hati ini. Kuharap juga begitu untuk goKampus, sebuah APLIKASI PERTAMA yang membuat segala urusan kampus beres hanya dalam genggaman...

Price: Free Developer: goKampus
K-tongue in Indonesian BIZ

K-tongue in Indonesian BIZ

Learn Korean! Study Korean! K-tongue in Indonesian : Basic Level ● Raih kesempatan masuk ke sekolah dan memperoleh pekerjaan dimulai dengan latihan pembicaraan dan pelafalan. ● Dapat belajar bahasa Korea sesuai dengan kurikulum di Universitas secara sistematis, untuk siapa saja, dimana saja...

Price: Free Developer: DaeHyun Choi
UNPAR Apps 2.0

UNPAR Apps 2.0

Unpar Apps adalah aplikasi kemahasiswaan yang dibuat oleh Lembaga Kepresidenan Mahasiswa Universitas Katolik Parahyangan untuk menunjang kebutuhan akademik maupun non akademik bagi mahasiswa Universitas Katolik Parahyangan. Aplikasi ini memudahkan mahasiswa UNPAR untuk mendapatkan berita; informasi acara; informasi kalendar akademik...

Price: Free Developer: Tety Yuliaty
Colegio Siglo XXI

Colegio Siglo XXI

Aplicación escolar del Colegio Siglo XXI, para recibir información como mensajes de pagos, tareas, circulares , seguimientos académicos , calificaciones graficadas y más.

Price: Free Developer: Airefon Movil S. DE R.L. DE C.V.
Grupo Educativo Siglo XXI

Grupo Educativo Siglo XXI

Aplicación escolar del Grupo Educativo Siglo XXI, para recibir información como mensajes de pagos, tareas, circulares , seguimientos académicos , calificaciones graficadas y más.

Price: Free Developer: Airefon Movil S. DE R.L. DE C.V.


MILES XXI on the M1A2SEPV2 Abrams Tank simulates the effects of direct fire weapons and its affects on vehicles and Soldiers during a force-on-force training exercise.

Price: Free Developer: TRADOC Mobile


This app offers Pop-up notification allowing location features for Performance Reporting through an additional app download of Training Reports App available in the TAG. MILES XXI on the M2/M3A3 Bradley fighting vehicle simulates the effects of direct fire weapons and...

Price: Free Developer: TRADOC Mobile


This app offers Pop-up notification allowing location features for Performance Reporting through an additional app download of Training Reports App available in the TAG. MILES XXI on the Stryker ATGM simulates the effects of direct fire weapons and its affects...

Price: Free Developer: TRADOC Mobile


This app offers Pop-up notification allowing location features for Performance Reporting through an additional app download of Training Reports App available in the MILES XXI on the Stryker ICV simulates the effects of direct fire weapons and its affects...

Price: Free Developer: TRADOC Mobile
Preparatoria Siglo XXI

Preparatoria Siglo XXI

Aplicación escolar del Preparatoria Siglo XXI, para recibir información como mensajes de pagos, tareas, circulares , seguimientos académicos , calificaciones graficadas y más.

Price: Free Developer: Airefon Movil S. DE R.L. DE C.V.
XXI Triennale di Milano

XXI Triennale di Milano

Since 1923 La Triennale is an international institution which organises exhibitions and events about arts, design, architecture, fashion, cinema. After twenty years, the Triennale International Exhibition makes a comeback. From April to September 2016 an event to be seen throughout...

Price: Free Developer: La Triennale di Milano
CHMS Viajeros Siglo XXI

CHMS Viajeros Siglo XXI

El Colegio Hebreo Monte Sinai a través su comite de comunicación y difusión cultural pone a su disposición esta app para complementar la información necesaria para nuestras exposiciones culturales.

Price: Free Developer: 789 Corporativo
For Parents

For Parents

This app will provide reproduction and general sexual health information to parents and help them discuss this information with their children. Project was made possible with partnership with The Danish Family Planning Association (DFPA) and Ukranian Woman Health...

Price: Free Developer: Hera XXI
Safety Wallet

Safety Wallet

NORCAT’s Safety Wallet provides you with instant access to your NORCAT training credentials right on your own smartphone. The Safety Wallet provides you with updated proof of training to present as required when on-the-job. Relevant safety resources such and...

Price: Free Developer: NORCAT
Badge Wallet

Badge Wallet

Badge Wallet is a simple and secure way to Earn, Store, Manage and Share your achievements using digital Open Badges issued through Badgecraft ( Badge Wallet lets you: - Earn badges by typing badge code or by scanning QR code - Join...

Price: Free Developer: Badgecraft
Campus Wallet Teacher

Campus Wallet Teacher

A related App for Campus Wallet App, which has the back end for teachers. This App enables the completeness of the Campus Wallet based communication. One could login only if they have a registered ID with the system. For more...

Price: Free Developer: Chillar Payment Solutions Private Limited
Campus Wallet

Campus Wallet

Campus Wallet is a complete solution for parents with invigorating features for their parenting - a NASSCOM award winning product with strategic partners like Federal Bank and other leading private and public sector banks in India. PAYMENTS Parents could manage all...

Price: Free Developer: Chillar Payment Solutions Private Limited
Agri-wallet Academy

Agri-wallet Academy

Agri-wallet is an innovative mobile business account to save, borrow and pay for income generating activities to increase food security and fight poverty.

Price: Free Developer: 21CC Education
mooKIT Wallet

mooKIT Wallet

mooKIT Wallet stores digital certificates which use an emerging technology called blockchains. Using cryptographic principles these certificates provide absolute ownership to the users, while making them tamper proof. This app follows Blockcerts v2 standards set by Learning Machines under...

Price: Free Developer: Prabhakar Tadinada
Blockcerts Wallet

Blockcerts Wallet

Your credentials are registered on the blockchain, so they can be shared directly and independently verified. • Take ownership of your digital credentials • Share them in a format that is independently verifiable anywhere • Build a lifelong record across institutions •...

Price: Free Developer: Learning Machine
Math Credit - Kids Win Apps

Math Credit - Kids Win Apps

“My son has gotten great at math by earning apps that he wants!” “An excellent way to harness a child’s desire for new apps” – Educational App Store “When was the last time you saw your kid excited to do math?...

Price: Free Developer: Elephant Enterprises LLC
Leather Crafting Techniques

Leather Crafting Techniques

Learn many Leather Craft skills and techniques from this amazing collection of Over 550 tuitional video guides. Lessons include: Leather working - The tools needed Leather working For Beginners Leather Carving for Beginners Leather craft Tips on Tooling Leather with Swivel Knife Beginner Leather...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Tony Walsh

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