Top 40 Education Apps Like Picture Insect - Insect Id Pro - Best Alternatives

Picture Insect - Insect Id Pro Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Picture Insect - Insect Id Pro alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Education apps that are similar to Picture Insect - Insect Id Pro. Pick one from this list to be your new Picture Insect - Insect Id Pro app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Picture Insect - Insect Id Pro on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like Picture Insect - Insect Id Pro - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Picture Insect - Insect Id Pro alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Picture Insect - Insect Id Pro 2025.

First Words Baby Picture Book

First Words Baby Picture Book

My Picture Book First Words is a fun and educational app for children. Your child will easily progress through the actions by tapping on the screen. When you click on an animal, toy, dairy, birds or another item a...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Learning Apps
First Words Picture Book Games

First Words Picture Book Games

My Picture Book First Words is a fun and educational app for children. Your child will easily progress through the actions by tapping on the screen. When you click on an animal, toy, dairy, birds or another item a...

Price: Free Developer: Learning Apps
My Talking Picture Board

My Talking Picture Board

Little Bear Sees and Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children proudly present their first collaborative app for those with cortical visual impairment (CVI). This innovative app allows the user to create two-dimensional object identification tasks using their own photos...

Price: USD 19.99 Developer: Little Bear Sees
Picture Packets - Words

Picture Packets - Words

Center for Innovation in Education Picture Packets - Words Description The seventh of the fourteen apps that comprise the Baratta-Lorton Reading Program. The Reading Program is a reading and writing curriculum for beginning readers and any child who has already experienced difficulty in...

Price: Free Developer: Center for Innovation in Education
World of Rainbow Picture Book

World of Rainbow Picture Book

Master English just by reading?! The new language-learning app! The new version of the bestselling storytelling app with the largest number of books from ""Forest Picture Book Library""! New picture books updated every month! ■ Learn languages with picture books! Have you ever...

Price: Free Developer: I-FREEK INC.
Read Spell Picture Sight Words

Read Spell Picture Sight Words

I See, I Spell, I Learn® products support early literacy in children. They have been tried and tested on emerging readers (4-8 years). Our research shows that children are more successful using these learning products as they are visually...

Price: Free Developer: Roma Anurag Sood
Guess the Picture – Pics Quiz

Guess the Picture – Pics Quiz

Now guess the picture with amazing pics quiz games. The picture game renders the extensive variety of pictures, all you need is to guess the picture. The pics quiz includes the puzzle for adults in the form of 100...

Price: Free Developer: Qazi Rehman
Picture Dictionary German

Picture Dictionary German

LOOK - LISTEN - REMEMBER! With the PONS Picture Dictionary German you can look at, listen to and learn over 15,000 words, translations, images and audio files. It’s the best combination to learn and remember vocabulary. REDEEM CODE Have you bought the...

Price: Free Developer: PONS GmbH
Audio Picture Book

Audio Picture Book

If you are parent of a two-year-old toddler kid, probably you are familiar with this – your boy/girl just keeps asking you to tell the stories of his/her favorite picture books, again and again, again and again… Indeed, at this...

Price: Free Developer: YingNing
Kids Picture Dictionary, Interactive talking vocabulary for children to know first words

Kids Picture Dictionary, Interactive talking vocabulary for children to know first words

Introducing easy to use Picture dictionary for kids. Our interactive children's dictionary brings words and images together with sounds, Kids picture dictionary helps toddlers to improve their recognition, vocabulary and reading skills. An app with amazing combination of more than 400 words...

Insect Identification

Insect Identification

- "Now I know who all the bugs are that are on my porch and my plants! Fun & informative." - "Very surprised at this app’s accuracy so far." - "That couldn’t have been easier!! This app really helped after I...

Price: Free Developer: Phuong Bui
MSU Insect Control Guide

MSU Insect Control Guide

Insect Control Guide gives overview and recommendations on effectiveness of insecticides based on pest type and crop. Features include: - Insecticide overview - Insecticide Performance tool - Per crop details - Pest specifics

Price: Free Developer: Rick Potratz
Insect identifier by photo

Insect identifier by photo

Are you looking for an insect identifier app? Easily identify insects by just taking picture of them. Select & take a picture of an unknown insect, app will help you to identify all kinds immediately. This app can identify...

Price: Free Developer: Shahzad Qureshi
Insect Conservation and Diversity

Insect Conservation and Diversity

The new Insect Conservation and Diversity app brings you a stimulating, informative mixture of Articles, Highlights, Editorials, and more. Enjoy an entirely new browsing and reading experience, and keep up to date with the most important developments in your...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Insect Molecular Biology

Insect Molecular Biology

The new Insect Molecular Biology : Genomics to Genes – Proteomics to Proteins app brings you a stimulating, informative mixture of Articles, Highlights, Editorials, and more. Enjoy an entirely new browsing and reading experience, and keep up to date...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Moving Insect touch game

Moving Insect touch game

This app is educational game app to tap the moving insects! with sound and action! completely free. Let’s play with a sound and action by tapping the cool & cute insect character like a puzzle. ■ stage introduction -Beetle stage Giant beetle, Hercules Beetle,...

Price: Free Developer: Optiax
Touch & Sound! Insect Edition

Touch & Sound! Insect Edition

This app is educational game to tap the cool insects to match the fun music from baby and children. This app is completely free. Let’s play with a sound by tapping the cool&cute insect character like a puzzle. ■ stage introduction -Beetle...

Price: Free Developer: Optiax
Insect Science

Insect Science

The new Insect Science app brings you a stimulating, informative mixture of Articles, Highlights, Editorials, and more. Enjoy an entirely new browsing and reading experience, and keep up to date with the most important developments in your field, wherever...

Price: Free Developer: Wiley Publishing
Smart Identifier: Plant+Insect

Smart Identifier: Plant+Insect

Plant, Flower, Insect & Animal Identification in a snap. Just select & take a picture of an unknown plant, flower, insect or animal, our Smart Identifier will help you identify all kinds instantly. Smart Identifier feature: + Identify from Photo: fast &...

Price: Free Developer: Vulcan Labs Company Limited
Middle Ear ID

Middle Ear ID

The Middle Ear ID app helps students and patients learn and professionals teach ear anatomy. Clear full color images and animations show the normal middle ear with a close up of the eustachian muscle process, the ossicular chain. the...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Blue Tree Publishing, Inc.


PlantID is a comprehensive plant identification app, with the ability to keep track of its plants.

Price: Free Developer: Rasmus Hansen
iD Lecture

iD Lecture

iD is a powerful real-time 3D presentation creation tool designed to enhance quality of information and engagement while presenting dental lectures. View every tooth in full 3D and highlight features of each tooth all within a single event/slide with iD...

Price: Free Developer: ACA Dental
School ID Cards and Photos

School ID Cards and Photos

Do your students always carry their ID Card? How about their phone? With SchoolID students can carry their ID Card on their phone. SchoolID : • Sends the IDCard directly to the student's phone • Takes the picture • Imports your student roster •...

Price: Free Developer: TrueIDApps
Pathway Tract ID

Pathway Tract ID

The Pathway Tract ID app covers normal pathway and tract animations and structure id. Structure ID is designed to teach pathway and tract structure in two ways; touch the parts and see the names highlight or touch the name...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Blue Tree Publishing, Inc.
Respiration ID

Respiration ID

The Respiration ID app covers normal anatomy of respiration through animations and structure id. Structure ID is designed to teach anatomy structure by touching the part to see the name and text highlight. Detailed text is hidden or viewed...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Blue Tree Publishing, Inc.
Sinus ID

Sinus ID

The Sinus ID app helps students and patients learn and professionals teach sinus anatomy. Clear full color images and animations show the sinuses from the front, side and top views. Side view includes the turbinates, front view includes deviated...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Blue Tree Publishing, Inc.
Master ID

Master ID

Master ID card is a Universal ID card based on the mobile application. This is a digital card with QR code (Quick Response Code). QR codes are the evolved version of the 2D barcodes, being denser, as well as...

Price: Free Developer: F1Soft International Pte. Ltd.
Larynx ID

Larynx ID

The Larynx ID app helps students and patients learn and professionals teach normal larynx structure. The app features front, side, back and top views. Animated anatomical illustrations and structure identification plus unique cut away views help patients and students...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Blue Tree Publishing, Inc.


SHP ID Card is an app designed to help students and faculty at Sacred Heart Prep (SHP) in Atherton, California. Each student can access his or her student ID card and use it at the attendance office, cafeteria, library,...

Price: Free Developer: KMo


PRO!Management steht für Kompetenz und Erfahrung in den Bereichen Training, Coaching und Consulting. Mit unseren Standorten und Partner realisieren wir Ihre Trainingsprogramme und -konzepte international in der jeweiligen Landessprache. Unser Ziel ist es, gemeinsam mit Ihnen und Ihren Mitarbeitern...

Price: Free Developer: Pro Management AG
Vocab Pro+

Vocab Pro+

Vocab Pro+ is a simple and fun way to learn vocabulary. It has an elegant and intuitive interface with beautiful backgrounds and a wide variety of unicode fonts. It uses the popular ProVoc file format and provides access to...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Rob Turnbull
Vocab Pro

Vocab Pro

Vocab Pro is a simple and fun way to learn vocabulary. It has an elegant and intuitive interface with beautiful backgrounds and a wide variety of unicode fonts. It uses the popular ProVoc file format and provides access to...

Price: Free Developer: Rob Turnbull
Observer Pro - Astronomy Planner

Observer Pro - Astronomy Planner

Observer Pro is a groundbreaking app for advanced astronomy planning. No more guessing when that galaxy emerges from behind that pesky tree. No more estimating how many hours you'll be able to image an object. Observer Pro gives every...

Price: USD 13.99 Developer: Joshua Bury
Shakespeare Pro

Shakespeare Pro

See what these users are saying about Shakespeare Pro: “It’s really great!” —Kenneth Branagh, actor and director “‘The app’s the thing.’ Hamlet was almost right. Great to see Shakespeare Pro superplaying with Shakespeare’s plays.” —David Crystal, linguist and author of Shakespeare's Words “The Shakespeare...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer:

Исследуйте свою Интуицию с помощью – эффективного приложения - тренажера для развития и тренировки интуиции. Программа - инструмент, который позволит вам «услышать голос» вашего шестого чувства и научиться делать правильный выбор в разных сферах жизни: бизнесе, профессиональной ориентации,...

Price: Free Developer: Aleksandr Alferov
CAB(SPI) 【Study Pro】

CAB(SPI) 【Study Pro】

------------------------------ 今だけのチャンス! ------------------------------ 大人気御礼600円から360円のセールを延長中! ------------------------------ お薦めのポイント ------------------------------ ・特長① 最適学習モード搭載! 最適学習モードは、未学習の問題と苦手な問題が優先的に出題される、学習効果を徹底的に追求したモード。時間のない就活生には、必ず役に立つ! ・特長② 十分な問題量! 全103問(例題を含む)を収録! ※市販の問題集(CAB分野)と同程度 ・特長③ 全問題に本よりも詳しい解説つき! Study Proならではの徹底解説! 問題/解説画像を356枚使用!市販のSPI問題集(書籍)よりもずっと詳しい! ・特長④ 高機能手書きメモツールつき! 途中結果を手書きで残せます! ------------------------------ カテゴリ一覧 ------------------------------ ・暗算 ・法則性 ・命令表 ・暗号 ------------------------------ 確認事項 ------------------------------ このアプリ“CAB(SPI) 【Study Pro】”は、リクルート社の適性検査「SPI3」ではなく、SHL社の適性検査「CAB」を対策するためのアプリです。 リクルート社の適性検査「SPI3」を対策したい場合は、“SPI言語 【Study Pro】”と“SPI非言語 【Study Pro】”がお薦めです。

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Study Pro
Articulation Station Pro

Articulation Station Pro

"Little Bee Speech has created a real gem. Articulation Station Pro is by far the best articulation app out there. It's a must have app in the SLP toolbox!" -Renena Joy, SLP Learn how to pronounce and practice the...

Price: USD 59.99 Developer: Little Bee Speech
PilotProTest PRO

PilotProTest PRO

PilotProTest PRO es una aplicación pensada para todo tipo de pilotos, estudiantes de aviación, pilotos privados o comerciales, que desean mantener sus conocimientos de aviación al día ya sea para presentar su próximo examen de selección a una aerolínea...

Price: USD 12.99 Developer: Jorge Gonzalez Galvan
Course for GarageBand to Logic Pro

Course for GarageBand to Logic Pro

This tutorial by Logic Certified Trainer Booker Edwards, is here to show how you can make a smooth transition from the entry-level GarageBand to the pro-level Logic Pro! App Features: • 113 minutes of video training • Super clear explanations • Offline Playback...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Nonlinear Educating Inc.

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