Do you want to find the best FOKUS PI alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to FOKUS PI. Pick one from this list to be your new FOKUS PI app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to FOKUS PI on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid FOKUS PI alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like FOKUS PI 2025.
ÖVNINGAR I SVENSK GRAMMATIK Låt Form i fokus A lära dig grunderna i den svenska grammatiken. Du förbättrar snabbt dina kunskaper i det svenska språket med hjälp av appens varierande och utmanande övningar. Komplettera med boken Form i fokus A...
Fokus förskola vänder sig till pedagoger som arbetar i förskola. För att använda appen krävs ett gratiskontot. Kontot skapas direkt i appen. Syftet med Fokus Förskola är att: - Ge stöd och vägledning i hur undervisning kan tolkas och konkretiseras i...
Zugegeben, das Deutsche ist keine einfache Sprache. Verstösse gegen Rechtschreibung, Grammatik und Zeichensetzung begegnen uns tagtäglich. Dabei sind es immer wieder die gleichen Fehler, die sich meist leicht vermeiden liessen. Peinlich ist es aber, wenn solche Fehler auf grossformatigen Tafeln,...
Fraunhofer FOKUS erforscht die Digitale Vernetzung und ihre Auswirkungen auf Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Technologie. Seit 1988 unterstützt es Wirtschaftsunternehmen und öffentliche Verwaltung in der Gestaltung und Umsetzung des digitalen Wandels.
å denne minnepinnen får du flere avspennings og konsentrasjonsøvelser som kan hjelpe deg til å bli mer oppmerksom og tilstede i hverdagen din. Du kan bli mer fokusert når du trenger det, og holde konsentrasjonen over tid, og du...
SVENSK ORDFÖRRÅDSTRÄNING Det är lättare att lära sig ett språk om det samtidigt är roligt. Med Ord i fokus kan du förbättra och bredda ditt ordförråd i svenska på ett lekfullt och utmanande sätt. Applikationen är baserad på böckerna Bygg upp...
Að nota símann undir stýri er stórhættulegt! Höldum Fókus er átaksverkefni unnið í samstarfi við Samgöngustofu, Símann og Sjóvá. ATH: Þú þarft Cardboard til að setja simann þinn í og horfa á myndbandið. Tengið heyrnatól við símann fyrir bestu...
The voice of researchers from Lund University in Sweden with perspective and insight directly from the source on everything from current challenges to timeless questions. A free subscription is offered in the app.
Lær dit barn (3-10 år) at læse og skrive med en helt ny type læringsApp, som er baseret på nyeste læseforskning og udviklet af fungerende lærere og læsevejledere med erfaring fra specialundervisning. I modsætning til de mange såkaldte læringsspil...
Pi - the interaction learning platform More than learning, these are the experience & know-how you can directly get from industry experts to grow your career. Let us know if there are other things we can help you: [email protected] 1....
This is the control APP for Osoyoo Raspberry Pi Robot Car. You can watch real time video from car camera and control car movement with arrow keys in the APP. The robot car tutorial and installation guide url is
Pi By Karina is an app which simplifies the learning process in memorizing the digits of Pi. The app is inspired by a technique that my daughter and I utilized in order to assist her for her Pi...
Okke & Pi app In de gratis Okke & Pi app kunnen kinderen spelenderwijs op Avontuur in de ruimte. De Zed & Sop app bestaat uit: • Spelletjes spelen: pak de meeste punten in de spelletjes Endless Swimmer en Flappy Star....
ENTIRELY FOR FREE AND WITHOUT ADS Pi Casso and all the painting books are totally for free. We believe that children and adults should decide for themselves if they want to be exposed to ads. That is why there are no...
With 'Pi Jigsaw Puzzle Aid' you can complete the Pi puzzle (from getDigital with 1008 pieces) within one evening. Just search for a part of Pi printed on a puzzle piece and the app shows the absolute position of...
Pi Day (π) tests your memory on Pi. How many digits will you memorize? This game has NO ADS at all and is free! Will you become the best at memorizing pi? You can start on any digit 1 - 9999! Will you...
With 100,000 digits available, Pi Panda is the essential training tool for anyone who wants to master the intriguingly infinite, irrational number, pi. Whether you want to exercise your brain, recite pi competitively, or simply impress your friends and...
Everyone's favorite irrational number is here and ready to be conquered! Try out the "practice mode" to work your way through the digits of pi, and then test your skills in the "test mode" where three strikes means game...
The newest addition to Pi and the Power Pals educational game series for young children. Free learning. Pi and the Power Pals is a game series designed to have fun, at the same time inspire kids to explore science...
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