Top 21 Education Apps Like Molana Tariq Jamil - Best Alternatives

Molana Tariq Jamil Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Molana Tariq Jamil alternatives for iOS? We have listed 21 Education apps that are similar to Molana Tariq Jamil. Pick one from this list to be your new Molana Tariq Jamil app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Molana Tariq Jamil on your iOS devices.

Top 21 Apps Like Molana Tariq Jamil - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Molana Tariq Jamil alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 21 similar apps like Molana Tariq Jamil 2025.

Urdu Quran tafseer King Fahad

Urdu Quran tafseer King Fahad

Translation of the Meanings and Interpretations of the Nobel Quran In Urdu Language. This is the Arabic with Urdu translation of Holy Quran for all Muslims as well as for Non-Muslims who wants to read and know about the message...

Price: Free Developer: Hafiz Suleman
Noorani Qaidah

Noorani Qaidah

Learning how to recite the Quran is one of the fundamentals of being a Muslim kid. Play group kids can quickly start learning the correct pronunciations for reciting the arabic alphabets. Your toddler will learn while they play! Teaching kids...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Suleman
Quran With Eng/Urd Translation

Quran With Eng/Urd Translation

Quran with English/ Urdu Translation is the first and only official app that brings to you the popular “Asaan Tarjame Qur’an” as well as “The Meanings of the Noble Qur’an”, both authored by His Excellency Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani....

Price: Free Developer: Molana Muhammad Taqi Usmani
Rohani Elaj (Urdu)

Rohani Elaj (Urdu)

Rohani Ilaj Mobile App is based on “40 Rohani Elaj”, a booklet of Sheikh e Tariqat Ameer e Ahle Sunnat Hazrat Allama Molana Abu Bilal Muhammad Ilyas Qadri Razavi. This Mobile App is designed with beautiful layout. It includes...

Price: Free Developer: Dawat-e-Islami
Tafseer Ibne Kaseer

Tafseer Ibne Kaseer

Tafseer Al-Quran Al-Azeem, popularly Tafseer ibn Kaseer (also known as Tafseer Ibn Kathir) is a classic Sunni Islam tafseer (commentary of the Quran) by Ibne Kaseer . (Hafiz Imaduddin Abulfida) His full name was Abu Fida Ismail ibn katir...

Price: Free Developer: Hafiz Suleman
Tariq Jameel Bayans 10 ہزار

Tariq Jameel Bayans 10 ہزار

Tariq Jameel Bayans10 ہزار Watch the most wonderful Tariq Jameel Bayans! The app contains more than ten thousand Maulana Tariq Jameel Bayans. The Bayans range from oldest to the newest bayaans collections. You can watch Maulana Tariq Jamil Bayaans in...

Price: Free Developer: Nasreen Zulfiqar
Moulana Tariq Jameel Bayans

Moulana Tariq Jameel Bayans

Moulana Tariq Jameel Bayans *****Daily Updated Bayans***** The Biggest Collection of Moulana Tariq Jameel Bayans! Now you can watch Moulana Tariq Jamil videos for free and listen to the lectures of Maulana Tariq Jameel. The app contains the latest as...

Price: Free Developer: Nasreen Zulfiqar
Mulana Tariq Jameel

Mulana Tariq Jameel

Mulana Tariq Jameel is worldly know scholar of islam. He is also an active member of Tablighi Jamat. Allah swt has blessed him with the heart touching way to deliver the message of islam. This is free app that...

Price: Free Developer: Shah Hussain
Lecole Anywhere

Lecole Anywhere

Lecole Anywhere mobile app is a simple and intuitive application focused on enhancing the communication between teachers and parents. The school management, teachers, parents, and students get on a single platform to bring transparency in the entire system related...

Price: Free Developer: Tariq Jamil Khan
DevTap - Developer Docs

DevTap - Developer Docs

Introducing DevTap - Developer Documentation. With DevTap you can add your favourite programming languages to read the documentation and keep track of your progress. Know what your language/framework can do so you can use it more efficiently. Download over 300 programming...

Price: Free Developer: T Tariq
Engineering Dictionary Offline Free

Engineering Dictionary Offline Free

This dictionary is an offline tool specially designed engineering students and professionals who want to look up for technical terms and its definitions related to their field of engineering. Its fast searching algorithm helps you to search in fractions...

Price: Free Developer: Mohsin Tariq


Download and listen Mp3 Quran in all languages like Arabic, Albanian, Azeri, Azerbaijan, Bangla, Brazilian, Burmese, Bosnian, Chichewa, Chinese, Dutch, English, Filipino, French, Gujarati, German, Greek, Hausa, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Kashmiri, Kaneda, Kurdish, Korean, Kurdish, Marana, Mexico, Malayalam, Marathi,...

Price: Free Developer: Muhammad Ismail
Preschool Kids Learning: Basic Math and English

Preschool Kids Learning: Basic Math and English

A special learning game for kids, preschool or kindergarten kids! Learn basic mathematics and English in the very 1st version of this app. You have 3 tries to make an answer, Mathematics question and objects coloring competitions are there...

Price: Free Developer: Mohsin Tariq
Surah Kahf MP3 - سورة الكهف  كاملة بالصوت

Surah Kahf MP3 - سورة الكهف كاملة بالصوت

-- Surah Kahf - سورة الكهف APP -- عن طريق التطبيق الخاص بنا يمكنكم الاستماع الى سورة الكهف وكذا حفظ سورة الكهف صوت بدون انترنت. DOWNLOAD IT NOW!! You can find the app by searching for: اذا رغبتم في الحصول على...

Price: Free Developer: Jamil Metibaa
Abu Bakr Shatri - Al Quran القرآن

Abu Bakr Shatri - Al Quran القرآن

Abu Bakr Shatri - Al Quran القرآن is the ultimate offline Quran application for iPhone/iPad ( English and Arbic Languages) users with Quran recitations by Abu Bakr Shatri. Just download the App and listen to your Quran...

Price: Free Developer: Sayed Samed
Al Qasas Al Anbiya - قصص الأنبياء بالصوت

Al Qasas Al Anbiya - قصص الأنبياء بالصوت

--* Al Qasas Al Anbiya APP- قصص الأنبياء بالصوت *-- يعتبر هذا البرنامج افضل وسيلة لقراءة كل قصص الانبياء والرسل كاملة صوت عليهم السلام وذلك بشكل منسق وانيق, كما يعرض لكم جميع قصص القران الكريم بطريقة احترافية بالاضافة الى معجزات كل...

Price: Free Developer: Jamil Metibaa
Azan MP3 - Beautiful Adzan (prayer call voices)

Azan MP3 - Beautiful Adzan (prayer call voices)

** Download Azan MP3 and listen to a great collection of the world's most Beautiful Adzan (prayer call voices)! ** Features: - Listen in backgrund - Play Adzan while using other apps - Free app - stop/pause and play from the lock screen - A...

Price: Free Developer: Jamil Metibaa
MP3 Quran- Aboubakar Shatri

MP3 Quran- Aboubakar Shatri

Quran Audio-Al Shatri is the ultimate Quran application for iPhone/iPad users with Quran recitations by Al Shatri (Abu Bakr Ibn Mohamed Al Shatri). Quran Audio-Al Shatri is a special gift by our developers team to Muslims all around the...

Price: Free Developer: Umar Farooq
Recitation of Surah Waqiah-  MP3 سورة الواقعة

Recitation of Surah Waqiah- MP3 سورة الواقعة

Download this free of charge simple Smartphone app of Surah Al-Waqiah (سورة الواقعة) to improve recitation and learn about this greatly blessed Chapter of Quran Majeed.GET IT NOW! ======== The main aims of this app is to help you better...

Price: Free Developer: Jamil Metibaa
Surah Al Mulk MP3 - سورة الملك بالصوت

Surah Al Mulk MP3 - سورة الملك بالصوت

** This app lets you listen to Surat Mulk, surah no 67 of the holy Quran in your mobile phone ! ** You do not need to download the mp3 anymore just install this app and listen. Features : - Listen in...

Price: Free Developer: Jamil Metibaa

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