Top 25 Entertainment Apps Like De Sica Center - Best Alternatives

De Sica Center Alternatives

Do you want to find the best De Sica Center alternatives for iOS? We have listed 25 Entertainment apps that are similar to De Sica Center. Pick one from this list to be your new De Sica Center app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to De Sica Center on your iOS devices.

Top 25 Apps Like De Sica Center - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid De Sica Center alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 25 similar apps like De Sica Center 2025.

Jeugdhuis De Faar

Jeugdhuis De Faar

Deze app laat je toe: - Jeugdhuis De Faar op de voet volgen. - Ontvang meldingen wanneer het jeugdhuis open is, volgende evenementen of belangrijke aankondigingen. - Het raadplegen van de kalender. - Tijdens evenementen met onze "message wall" berichten te versturen. En nog...

Price: Free Developer: Jonas De Prins
Bois de Plédran

Bois de Plédran

Sauvé par les habitants de sa commune, le bois de Plédran, plus grande forêt communale des côtes d’Armor, vous propose de découvrir son histoire et sa biodiversité à travers une visite guidée avec des contenus originaux et inédits. Faune, flore, histoire, votre...

Price: Free Developer: Ville de Pledran
De Heraut

De Heraut

De Heraut Nieuwsblad voor Lansingerland Nieuwsblad van Lansingerland, Berkel en Rodenrijs, Bergschenhoek en Bleiswijk, Nieuwsblad uit de 3B-Hoek Nieuwsblad voor de gemeente Lansingerland.

Price: Free Developer: De Heraut BV


The EVENTIM.App gives you access to more than 200,000 events every year. Book tickets, discover artists, and find out about the details and benefits relating to your next event. Features: Seating plan booking. Choose your exact seat or seats, and...

Price: Free Developer: CTS EVENTIM AG holt dich runter vom Sofa und macht dich zum Stadtentdecker. Erlebe neue Veranstaltungen und coole Orte in deiner Region - immer zu zweit und per Freikarte! Ob Neues, Highlights oder Geheimtipps - erlebe die ganze Vielfalt des kulturellen...

Price: Free Developer: TwoTickets APP
Camino - postal de verdade

Camino - postal de verdade

O Camino é um aplicativo de celular e site que possibilita a criação de cartões postais de verdade a partir de suas próprias fotos. Os postais são impressos com muita qualidade em papéis especiais, e são envolvidos por uma...

Price: Free Developer: Camino
Cinesa: cartelera de películas

Cinesa: cartelera de películas

¿Te apetece ir al cine? Elige la película, cuándo verla y el cine Cinesa al que quieres ir. ¡Sólo preocúpate de disfrutar! Consulta los horarios de toda la cartelera, estrenos, próximas películas y eventos de los Cinesa de toda España....

Gol De Oro FMX

Gol De Oro FMX

Aplicación para ser socio de liga de fantasía, donde participaras semanalmente. Jugar es muy fácil en la Liga de Fantasía aquí te decimos como. LIGA DE FANTASÍA o Ingresa a y regístrate. o Inicia sesión e ingresa a la opción Liga...

Price: Free Developer: Gol de Oro Corporation
Lignes de ville

Lignes de ville

Lassé de parcourir une énième fois le fil de votre réseau social préféré, besoin de nouveautés, de fraicheur et de contenus qui vous parle directement ? Lignes de ville vous donne accès gratuitement à des dizaines d'heures de divertissement internationaux...

Price: Free Developer: Data Projekt
Radios de Colombia - Las mejores radios

Radios de Colombia - Las mejores radios

Escucha las mejores emisoras de radio de Colombia en nuestra aplicación: Caracol, BLU Radio, Tropicana FM, La Mega, Bésame FM, W Radio, Los 40 Principales, La X 96.5, Radio Oxígeno, Olímpica Stereo, Vibra FM, Radio Tiempo, Radio Acktiva, La FM,...

Price: Free Developer: recep islak
Mexico Radio Live (México)

Mexico Radio Live (México)

This Mexico Radio Live app is the most simple and comprehensive radio app for M.X. which covers many popular radio channels and stations in Mexico. One of the great features provided in this app is that this app support multitasking...

Price: Free Developer: Teik Leong Lee
Spain Radio Live (Radio España)

Spain Radio Live (Radio España)

This Spain Radio Live app is the most simple and comprehensive radio app for E.S. which covers many popular radio channels and stations in Spain. One of the great features provided in this app is that this app support multitasking...

Price: Free Developer: Teik Leong Lee
US Radio Live (United States of America USA)

US Radio Live (United States of America USA)

This US Radio Live app is the most simple and comprehensive radio app for U.S. which covers many popular radio channels and stations in United States of America. One of the great features provided in this app is that this...

Price: Free Developer: Teik Leong Lee
Video Comici Italiani Lite - Sketch esilaranti

Video Comici Italiani Lite - Sketch esilaranti

△△△△△ VIDEO COMICI ITALIANI LITE △△△△△ ▷▷▷ Versione Lite dell'app più divertente del momento! ▷▷▷ Una raccolta di oltre 4500 video comici dei migliori comici italiani di ieri e di oggi! Con Video Comici Italiani avrai a disposizione più di 4500 video...

Price: Free Developer: Massimiliano Borrelli
Dr. Phillips Center

Dr. Phillips Center

This Dr. Phillips Center app experience is made possible by our partner, FAIRWINDS. Here, you can check out new shows, buy tickets, sign up for classes, learn all about the arts center and find fun ways to get involved.

Price: Free Developer: Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts
Israel Film Center Stream

Israel Film Center Stream

Israel Film Center Stream is the most comprehensive site for Israeli & Jewish film and TV in the U.S., offering both new releases and classics. Israel Film Center Stream is an initiative of the Israel Film Center at The JCC...

Price: Free Developer: The Jewish Community Center in Manhattan Inc.
Edmonds Center for the Arts

Edmonds Center for the Arts

Edmonds Center for the Arts (ECA) opened its doors to the public in 2006. ECA, a non-profit organization hired by the City of Edmonds Public Facilities District, manages the facility. ECA presents an array of outstanding performing artists from...

Price: Free Developer: Edmonds Center for the Arts
Film at Lincoln Center

Film at Lincoln Center

The official app for the year-round programming at the Film at Lincoln Center and the annual New York Film Festival allows you to explore the diverse films on offer at the movie theaters of New York's premier film organization,...

Price: Free Developer: Film at Lincoln Center, Inc.
Paley Center TV Fan Connection

Paley Center TV Fan Connection

Experience the Paley Center for Media in LA and NY All Year Round! -Watch live streams -See the lineup of events -Connect with fans for each of the events, whether you are at the Festival or Paley Center or not -See videos and...

Price: Free Developer: Paley Center for Media
American Airlines Center App

American Airlines Center App

American Airlines Center App - View Events - Get Arena Information - Use App to present your mobile tickets - Get Directions and Parking Information - Get Interactive Internal Arena Maps - Social Media Content

Price: Free Developer: American Airlines Center
Boston Design Center

Boston Design Center

Located within the Innovation and Design Building, the Boston Design Center is at the forefront of the design industry. The BDC App has been designed to give customers a flavor the design experience. Search the showrooms, learn about the...

Price: Free Developer: Boston Design Center
Tour Lincoln Center

Tour Lincoln Center

The world’s leading performing arts destination puts on a special 45-minute performance to guide visitors through 16 acres of artistic excellence. Wander the campus as its rich histories and mysteries unfold before your very eyes (and ears)—the narrative is...

Price: Free Developer: Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc.
TX Freshwater Fisheries Center

TX Freshwater Fisheries Center

Welcome to the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center, a Texas Parks and Wildlife facility in Athens. Plan your trip and experience a watery world, virtually or in person. - See the aquaria, dive show and working fish hatchery - Walk...

Price: Free Developer: Friends of the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center
VR Center by Homido

VR Center by Homido

• Live Feed A news feed featuring the latest content for your virtual reality headset; this content can be a VR game, an experience, a 360 video or an article again. The Live Feed will be updated at least once a...

Price: Free Developer: Homido

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