Top 26 Book Apps Like Biblia Live Cornilescu - Best Alternatives

Biblia Live Cornilescu Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Biblia Live Cornilescu alternatives for iOS? We have listed 26 Book apps that are similar to Biblia Live Cornilescu. Pick one from this list to be your new Biblia Live Cornilescu app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Biblia Live Cornilescu on your iOS devices.

Top 26 Apps Like Biblia Live Cornilescu - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Biblia Live Cornilescu alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 26 similar apps like Biblia Live Cornilescu 2025.

Santa Biblia Reina Valera 1960 Gratis en Español

Santa Biblia Reina Valera 1960 Gratis en Español

Biblia Sagrada Versión King James - Lleva contigo en tu teléfono la Santa Biblia con el Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento, en Español. No necesitas conexión a internet, una vez instalada, la puedes usar sin importar si tienes o...

Price: Free Developer: Yaowalak Malisod
Biblia Plus

Biblia Plus

Great reading experience with thousands of Biblical resources just a click away Biblia Plus was designed to make the Bible relevant for your life. It offers a highly customizable reading experience to enhance your quiet time reading. Great offline reading support allows...

Price: Free Developer: United Bible Societies
Tagalog Bible Ang Biblia

Tagalog Bible Ang Biblia

This publication contains Darby English Bible (1890) (The Old Testament and The New Testament) and Cebuano Ang Biblia (Bugna, 1917) (The Old Testament and The New Testament) translation. It has 173,761 references and shows 2 formats of The Bible....

Price: Free Developer: Yonlada Nambutdi
Tagalog Bible (Ang Biblia): Easy to use Bible App in Flipino for daily offline Bible book reading

Tagalog Bible (Ang Biblia): Easy to use Bible App in Flipino for daily offline Bible book reading

Features: - Easy to Use - Ability to save favorite chapters or verses. - Enable/Disable Notification settings - Daily Tagalog Bible Reading :Get on daily basis bible reading ( - Holy Bible Tagalog with old testament and New testament - Compatible...

Price: Free Developer: Bighead Techies
Biblia de Jerusalén Católica

Biblia de Jerusalén Católica

Biblia de Jerusalén / Biblia Católica La Santa Biblia de Jerusalén / Biblia Católica es el libro inspirado por Dios y escrito por los hombres que el eligió para cumplir su propósito, en ella vemos el carácter de Dios ¿Te gustaría...

Price: Free Developer: Mauro Ricardo Calvay Guarniz
Biblia Latinoamericana

Biblia Latinoamericana

Descripción de la aplicación Biblia Latinoamericana Católica La Biblia. Edición pastoral, Latinoamérica, más conocida como Biblia Latinoamericana, es una traducción católica de la Biblia al español realizada en Chile por un equipo dirigido por los sacerdotes Bernardo Hurault y Ramón...

Price: Free Developer: Tuong The Nghia
Santa Biblia Audio - Reina Valera en Español

Santa Biblia Audio - Reina Valera en Español

Escuche la Biblia en cualquier momento, no importa donde tu viaje te lleva. La vida es muy concurrida y días están cortos - utilice su tiempo sabiamente y disfrutar de un fácil acceso a la Sagrada Biblia con el...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Kelly Humphrey
Szent Károli Biblia - Audio Hungarian Holy Bible

Szent Károli Biblia - Audio Hungarian Holy Bible

Szent Biblia (Hungarian Holy Bible) Karoli Bible 1908 (HUNK) A Biblia (koiné görög βιβλίον tekercs szóból) azoknak a könyveknek a gyűjteménye, amelyeket a zsidóság és a kereszténység Istentől sugalmazottnak és ennek okán szentnek fogad el, tehát a hit és az erkölcs...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
Biblia del Jubileo

Biblia del Jubileo

Biblia del Jubileo The holy bible with audio in Spanish - Español - Biblia del Jubileo (JBS). It's free This simple and user friendly app is an easier way to feel God’s word in your heart and to feel heaven...

Price: Free Developer: siriwit nambutdee
Biblia Sagrada - Feminina Catolica JMC

Biblia Sagrada - Feminina Catolica JMC

Bíblia da Mulher e principal objetivo e levar com visual mais dinâmico tema, com menu de acesso rápido as funcionalidade. Esta esta contida pelos livros da bíblia recomendada pela CNBB e Ave Maria em portugues. A Bíblia Falada agora Deus...

Price: Free Developer: Elisangela Silva
PATHBOOKS  Live your own story

PATHBOOKS Live your own story

PATHBOOKS are stories with decisions and multiple endings, we create a unique immersive experience by combining technology and a good read. Our Pathbooks create the best reading experience ever. BE YOURSELF AND LIVE YOUR OWN STORY -Decisions -Multiple endings -Illustrations -Fantastic stories Do you like...

Price: Free Developer: Living a Book Inc.
Two Hours To Live - A Novella

Two Hours To Live - A Novella

Two Hours To Live is a suspenseful, interactive story for those who want to experience a new way to read a book. The object of this story is to keep Jay O’Connor alive by guessing where the story will go...

Price: Free Developer: KG2 Entertainment LLC
Where We Live - Kids Story Book

Where We Live - Kids Story Book

Where We Live is an illustrated story book for kids. It is a story of the world we live in. As adults, we take so many things for granted, but for kids everything is new and comes with million...

Price: Free Developer: Redlizard Studioz Inc
Aqua Dragons A Fascinating Live Underwater World Interactive Book

Aqua Dragons A Fascinating Live Underwater World Interactive Book

Aqua Dragons, A Fascinating Underwater World Read the text and tap on the pictures to make them move accordingly! Isabel gives her friend Victor an Aqua Dragons habitat and eggs for his birthday and together they hatch them and discover...

Price: Free Developer: Self Made Miracle
NIV Live: A Bible Experience

NIV Live: A Bible Experience

Featuring an ensemble cast of Oscar, Emmy and Grammy Award winners and today's most renowned pastors, NIV Live gives a VOICE to all 368 Bible characters. Over 6 hours of free audio for books of Genesis and Matthew included....

Price: Free Developer: Inspired Properties, LLC
Live Canvas

Live Canvas


Price: Free Developer: BuildFire
Selfish Giant: Live Book

Selfish Giant: Live Book

An interactive tale based on the classic "Selfish Giant" by Oscar Wilde. Stunning music, beautiful pictures that move and animate when you touch them! Fascinating story will surround you and your kids with a magical atmosphere.

Price: Free Developer: AYTEYLZ EOOD
FBCMannford Live

FBCMannford Live

Welcome to First Baptist Church of Mannford, Oklahoma. We invite you to browse around our web site and learn a little more about our fellowship. Our ministry emphasis is to be A Working Church for a Coming Christ. We...

Price: Free Developer: Infinite Monkeys LLC
678+ Best Parenting Quotes for Parents to Live

678+ Best Parenting Quotes for Parents to Live

The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Rules the World! Parents are the most important teachers in their children's lives. This app is a collection of the best parenting quotes to inspire and remind parents of the critical role we play in...

Price: Free Developer: Truong Hoang
Biblia Cornilescu (Română)

Biblia Cornilescu (Română)

Biblia Română (Romanian Holy Bible) Cornilescu (1921) Dumitru Cornilescu (n. 4 aprilie 1891, comuna Slașoma, județul Mehedinți - d. 1975, Elveția) a fost ierodiacon și autor al unei traduceri în limba română a Bibliei, publicată în 1921, traducere care este în...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
Biblia Cornilescu pentru Femeile. Audio Bible in Romanian for Women

Biblia Cornilescu pentru Femeile. Audio Bible in Romanian for Women

Biblia Română pentru Femeile (Romanian Holy Bible) Cornilescu (1921) Dumitru Cornilescu (n. 4 aprilie 1891, comuna Slașoma, județul Mehedinți - d. 1975, Elveția) a fost ierodiacon și autor al unei traduceri în limba română a Bibliei, publicată în 1921, traducere care...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
Romanian Holy Bible Audio mp3 - Biblia română - Versiunea Dumitru Cornilescu

Romanian Holy Bible Audio mp3 - Biblia română - Versiunea Dumitru Cornilescu

Romanian Holy Bible Audio mp3 - Biblia română - Versiunea Dumitru Cornilescu Această aplicație vă oferă posibilitatea de a citi și de a asculta toate cărțile Vechiului Testament și Noul Testament pe iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch . = >...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Naim Abdel

eBiblia oferă 30+ biblii, comentarii, studii, schiţe, articole enciclopedice, devoţionale şi dictionare biblice. 34 de variante de Biblie şi Noul Testament 11 cărţi devoționale 4 planuri de citire a bibliei într-un an 11 dicţionare 9 studii biblice 12 cărţi de comentarii biblice 6...

Price: Free Developer: EBIBLIA MINISTRIES
Bible Habit - Study Bible

Bible Habit - Study Bible

We want you to read Bible carefully "One Verse at a time". That is why we made this app for you! Reading the Bible carefully and knowing the doctrine of the Bible is very important as you are the disciple...

Price: Free Developer: Young Park


Press the button or shake your device to get a random bible verse. Supports 19 languages: Spanish - Español - Reina Valera (1909) Biblia English - World English Bible Portugese - Almeida Atualizada Bíblia Chinese - 汉语 - CNV (Simplified) 圣经 Russian - Русский...

Price: Free Developer: Reinder Brouwer

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