Top 26 Travel Apps Like Val E Ride - Best Alternatives

Val E Ride Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Val E Ride alternatives for iOS? We have listed 26 Travel apps that are similar to Val E Ride. Pick one from this list to be your new Val E Ride app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Val E Ride on your iOS devices.

Top 26 Apps Like Val E Ride - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Val E Ride alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 26 similar apps like Val E Ride 2025.

Val Gardena Guestinfo

Val Gardena Guestinfo

We are pleased to inform you about interesting news during your stay in Val Gardena. A new information system dedicated to guests staying in Val Gardena: Val Gardena Guestinfo. On you find in advance all necessary information for a...

Price: Free Developer: DOLOMITES Val Gardena S.c.a.r.l.
Val E Ride Driver

Val E Ride Driver

Val E Ride Driver app is all set to respond its passengers over a tap. Each driver has their own login credentials. Upon activating GPS over driver app, passenger request can be received, accepted or rejected. The driver can...

Price: Free Developer: James Reynolds
Biosfera Val Müstair

Biosfera Val Müstair

Individuell und doch mit Guide: Entdecken Sie die Biosfera Val Müstair interaktiv! Verschiedene Module führen Sie durch den Naturpark und laden ein, mehr zu entdecken, als auf den ersten Blick ersichtlich ist. Beim Familienquiz Sta. Maria macht man sich auf...

Price: Free Developer: Netzwerk Schweizer Pärke


The Val-d'Or Modern application offers several courses in the city of Val-d'Or, focusing on the architectural history of the city, offering the user a selection of contents and interactions adapted to different public. Archive photos, testimonials, videos will allow...

Price: Free Developer: NTEO inc.
Val d'Orcia Outdoor

Val d'Orcia Outdoor

Medieval castles, sinuous hills, old town centres, green cypresses, fabulous olive groves and wine yards, golden wheat fields: just some of the most harmonious landscape elements of Val d’Orcia. This coveted valley became part of the UNESCO World Heritage in...

Price: Free Developer: General Solutions Steiner GmbH
Visit Val Gandino

Visit Val Gandino

“Visit Val Gandino” is the new tourism tool from the “Cinque terre of Val Gandino” district in the Bergamo province. A true pocket guide that is handy and immediate. This application offers the possibility of visiting the towns of Gandino, Casnigo,...

Price: Free Developer: Moma Comunicazione
Ecomuseo Val Taleggio

Ecomuseo Val Taleggio

I Comuni di Taleggio e Vedeseta (grazie al contributo di Fondazione Cariplo, Regione Lombardia e della Camera di Commercio di Bergamo) dal 2005 hanno dato vita al progetto ecomuseale per valorizzare il patrimonio culturale, caseario e architettonico che caratterizza...

Price: Free Developer: studioand mobile
Val de Loire Visitor Guide

Val de Loire Visitor Guide


Price: Free Developer: eTips LTD
Montepulciano Walking Tour

Montepulciano Walking Tour

Montepulciano Walking Tour Languages: Italian, English, French, German, Spanish. AudioGuide invites you to discover a unique pearl of Tuscany: nestled between Val di Chiana and Val d’Orcia, Montepulciano has always been an attraction for those who love greenery, enchanting landscapes and...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: AudioGuide®


FN, mobilità sostenibile, è lieta di presentarvi la nuova APP “car sharing e-vai!” Una volta iscritto al servizio, potrai effettuare il download dell’app e avrai la possibilità di: - Aprire l’auto con un click - Tenere costantemente monitorati i tuoi noleggi - Prenotare...

Price: Free Developer: athirat
E-bike to go app

E-bike to go app

Makkelijk en snel een fiets nodig? E-bike to go faciliteert het gebruik van deelfietsen, zowel zakelijk als privé. Via deze app is het mogelijk om e-bikes te lokaliseren en te reserveren. Eenmaal bij de gereserveerde fiets aangekomen, kan de...

Price: Free Developer: E-bike to go B.V.
Amadeus e-Travel Management

Amadeus e-Travel Management

Amadeus e-Travel Management allows you to plan, book and purchase flights, trains and hotels following your corporation’s policies. The app needs an Assignment Tag to work, which links the app to your existing e-Travel Management profile. Please liaise with...

Price: Free Developer: Amadeus
Addentrarsi Brivio e Imbersago

Addentrarsi Brivio e Imbersago

ATTENZIONE – L’applicazione prevede lo scaricamento di circa 2GB di contenuti originali ed esclusivi; si consiglia di verificare di avere spazio sufficiente sul dispositivo prima di procedere al download. Addentrarsi Brivio – insieme alle altre app della famiglia Addentrarsi – ti...

Price: Free Developer: Magnetic Media Network S.p.A.
e-CD (Customs Declaration).

e-CD (Customs Declaration).

In support for the commitment of the Makassar Customs and Excise Supervision Office to provide SMART Customs (Seamless Trade, Travel and Transport) services. The application was built to improve passengers’ convenience to while fulfilling their obligations to fill out...

Price: Free Developer: BEA CUKAI MAKASSAR
Audio Guia - Rede de Castelos e Muralhas Medievais do Mondego

Audio Guia - Rede de Castelos e Muralhas Medievais do Mondego

Áudio Guia interactivo da Rede de Castelos e Muralhas Medievais do Mondego A Rede de Castelos e Muralhas do Mondego preparou uma visita inesquecível através de um Áudio Guia interactivo. Com conteúdos disponíveis em cinco línguas (português, inglês, francês, alemão...

Price: Free Developer: Crossing Answers, Lda
Castello Spezzano e Museo

Castello Spezzano e Museo

Pronto a scoprire il Castello Spezzano e il Museo della ceramica? La app audioguida ti consentirà di ascoltare le storie emozionanti di chi ha vissuto tra queste mura, di conoscere le tecniche di produzione della ceramica dalla preistoria alla...

Price: Free Developer: ETT S.p.A.
Colli e Castelli

Colli e Castelli

Questa è l'app del quartiere dei Colli e dei Castelli di Pesaro. Si pone l'obiettivo di rendere l'esperienza del turista più piacevole e coinvolgente. In costante aggiornamento questo strumento ti guiderà alla scoperta delle bellezze nascoste tra le colline pesaresi.

Boston City Ride Limo Service

Boston City Ride Limo Service

- See ride prices and book and pay for rides with just just a few taps - Receive live notifications about your driver's status, track your driver on a map, and call the driver directly from the app - Manage account...

Price: Free Developer: Boston City Ride Inc.
Ridy: Ride Around Town

Ridy: Ride Around Town

Need to quickly get to your destination but don’t want to drive or hail a ride? Ridy is your modern micro-mobility service that offers a fast, convenient, and energy efficient way to travel. Simply download the Ridy app, find...

Price: Free Developer: Ridy Inc
InADrive: Ride 'n' watch app

InADrive: Ride 'n' watch app

InADrive is the new, reinvented, innovative FREE RIDE SHARING infused with DIGITAL VIDEO ADVERTISING. Yes, 0$ for your next ride! It is the app where in exchange for your attention (watching videos), you are rewarded with the actual payment free...

Price: Free Developer: Inadrive
Ugo Ride

Ugo Ride

With Ugo’s top 3 driver feature you can choose 3 of your favorite drivers to receive your ride request before its offered to other Ugo driver associates. Ugo provides a safe, affordable and reliable ride sharing option for...

Price: Free Developer: DTEL
Safe Ride Booking Transportation

Safe Ride Booking Transportation

Have you tried hailing a cab when you’re already running late? Do you hate standing in line in the long taxi queue at the airport? Don’t you just hate to see a parade of occupied taxis drive by...

Price: Free Developer: Joseph Ladion
Avas Ride - Driver

Avas Ride - Driver

The most convenient service which connects taxi drivers and passengers in Maldives. Avas Ride works with private and luxurious cars, vans and taxis from the largest community of drivers in Maldives. With Avas Ride driver app you can easily...

Price: Free Developer: Mohamed Yaniu Rameez
WDW What-2-Ride Walt Disney World Edition

WDW What-2-Ride Walt Disney World Edition

Do you ever find yourself at Walt Disney World and can’t decide on which attraction to ride next? Or maybe you visit with family and friends and have trouble making a group decision on what to do next? 'What...

Price: Free Developer: FrearBros Labs Ltd
AVL Ride

AVL Ride

Getting a ride anywhere can’t be easier with AVL Ride. Now you can book a car and track its location at any time at the touch of a button, get exact ETA, review your past bookings and make payment...

Price: Free Developer: Asheville Taxi, LLC

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