Top 10 Education Apps Like Colégio Academia - Best Alternatives

Colégio Academia Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Colégio Academia alternatives for iOS? We have listed 10 Education apps that are similar to Colégio Academia. Pick one from this list to be your new Colégio Academia app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Colégio Academia on your iOS devices.

Top 10 Apps Like Colégio Academia - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Colégio Academia alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 10 similar apps like Colégio Academia 2025.

Get the world’s largest open access library in your pocket with the Academia mobile app. Use the app to: - Discover, read and save new research - See who has mentioned you in their work. - See who is reading you papers and...

Price: Free Developer:
Academia Éxito

Academia Éxito

La Plataforma de comunicación Academia Éxito mantiene informados a alumnos y familias de todo lo que sucede en su academia. Comunicación Comunicación como eje principal de participación e integración con alumnos y familias. Toda la información estructurada y fácilmente accesible. Gestión...

Price: Free Developer: Academia Éxito
Academia ITARC

Academia ITARC

O aplicativo "Academia ITARC" permitirá ao usuário ter a praticidade de realizar cursos e treinamentos para o mercado de Drones na palma da sua mão. Assista videoaulas, faça os exercícios, testes e provas de forma dinâmica e inovadora. Na...

Price: Free Developer: Academia ITARC
Academia Éxito Profesor

Academia Éxito Profesor

La Plataforma de comunicación Academia Éxito ayuda a gestionar tu centro de manera sencilla y productiva. Comunicación Comunicación como eje principal de participación e integración con alumnos y familias. Toda la información estructurada y fácilmente accesible. Gestión académica Información general del centro...

Price: Free Developer: Academia Éxito
Academia Menonita Summit Hills

Academia Menonita Summit Hills

Thank you for your interest in the Academia Menonita, (a mission of the Summit Hills Evangelic Mennonite Church) as an option to be the center of education for your child. It is an honor for us and we welcome...

Price: Free Developer: Trenapps, LLC
Academia CEO

Academia CEO

A Academia CEO é uma plataforma de ensino que utiliza experiências práticas de gestão e liderança para inspirar e desenvolver uma nova geração de CEOs. - Mais de 245 vídeos sobre educação executiva compartilhado por renomados CEOs - Conteúdos exclusivos...

Price: Free Developer: Antonio Maciel Neto
Academia APAS Show

Academia APAS Show

Esta app é para uso exclusivo dos membros Academia APAS Show e seus colaboradores. Antes de fazer o download da app, certifique-se de que recebeu o cadastro indispensável para fazê-la funcionar. Caso contrário, solicite o seu cadastro à Academia...

Price: Free Developer: enneaPlay
Academia Faculty @ KU

Academia Faculty @ KU

The Academia Faculty @ KU is a complete faculty management app for Karnavati University faculties, to manage their students, classes, and subjects with better convenience. They can maintain session diary, mark attendance, enter exam marks, give student remarks...

Price: Free Developer: Siddharth Badjatiya
Academia @ IIITB

Academia @ IIITB

The Academia @ IIITB is a comprehensive institute management app for students. Get important notification such as attendance details, mark sheet, results, event updates, exam notification, timetable, fee details. Check assignments, status and teachers’ remarks. This app helps students...

Price: Free Developer: Siddharth Badjatiya

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