Top 21 Reference Apps Like Alkitab Bali Sehari-hari - Best Alternatives

Alkitab Bali Sehari-hari Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Alkitab Bali Sehari-hari alternatives for iOS? We have listed 21 Reference apps that are similar to Alkitab Bali Sehari-hari. Pick one from this list to be your new Alkitab Bali Sehari-hari app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Alkitab Bali Sehari-hari on your iOS devices.

Top 21 Apps Like Alkitab Bali Sehari-hari - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Alkitab Bali Sehari-hari alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 21 similar apps like Alkitab Bali Sehari-hari 2025.

Kamus Alkitab Bahasa Indonesia

Kamus Alkitab Bahasa Indonesia

Bible dictionary in Bahasa Indonesia. Great tool to study Holy Bible! Great app untuk belajar Alkitab Kamus ini berisi lebih dari 5.800 kata dan Alkitab. Dalam deskripsi Anda akan menemukan: arti singkat kata, informasi dari ensiklopedia dan informasi berguna lainnya. Saya berharap...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich


An Indonesian Bible (Alkitab Indonesia), complemented with an English KJV Bible. This is the iPhone version, please search for the iPad version if you're using an iPad. Features include search, bookmarks, annotations and history. Completely free and I hope...

Price: Free Developer: har
Alkitab for iPad

Alkitab for iPad

An Indonesian Bible (Alkitab Indonesia), complemented with an English KJV Bible. This is the iPad version, please search for the iPhone version if you're using an iPhone. Features include search, bookmarks, annotations and history. Completely free and I hope...

Price: Free Developer: har
Borneo Bible

Borneo Bible

A TRULY MALAYSIAN BIBLE Bahasa Malaysia Bible – Borneo Bible in Malay - BM Bible - Malay Bible Bahasa Malaysia (BM) or Malay is the common language in Malaysia. The Indonesian version differed significantly in form, expression and terminology from BM,...

Price: Free Developer: Borneo Sabda Limited
Alkitabku: Bible & Devotional

Alkitabku: Bible & Devotional

Alkitabku is an offline Bible application with daily devotional, church song lyric and sound. Features: - Offline Bible version - Bookmark and history - Daily Devotional - Church song: Kidung Jemaat (KJ), Pelengkap Kidung Jemaat (PKJ), Nyanyikanlah Kidung Baru (NKB) with lyric and sound. -...

Price: Free Developer: Ikon Media Indonesia


Bibel Ende application is a free and offline Bible and Hymns in Batak Language. Bibel Ende is a Bible and Hymns in the Batak language used in the Batak community, Batak Christian Protestant Church congregation and other Batak Churches congregation...

Price: Free Developer: 10-D (Dimensions) Limited


ALKITAB is a minimalistic Bible reading app in Urdu, allowing the user to engage with the Word of the Living God. Stand by for more great features.

Price: Free Developer: TP Media House


Welcome to BPJSTK ISOSS. BPJSTK ISOSS is the official app of International Seminar on Expanding Social Security Coverage in The Disruptive Economy Era (ISOSS Bali 2017) which will be held by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. The app will be your digital guide through...

Price: Free Developer: Superevent B.V.
Doa Islam Sehari hari

Doa Islam Sehari hari

Aplikasi yang berisi doa Islam sehari-hari lengkap dengan tulisan arab, latin dan terjemahannya yang sangat praktis digunakan oleh umat muslim di Indonesia. Fitur aplikasi: - Doa-doa praktis untuk anak-anak muslim. - Doa-doa dalam al-Qur'an. - Doa-doa dalam Hadits. - Menampilkan tulisan latin dan terjemahan...

Price: Free Developer: Iman Setiawan
Doa Harian Anak Muslim

Doa Harian Anak Muslim

Aplikasi Doa harian Anak muslim ini bertujuan membantu anak-anak dalam menghafal doa-doa islam sehari-hari seperti doa mau makan, doa sudah makan, mendoakan orang tua, doa mau tidur, doa bangun tidur, doa mau bepergian, doa berkendaraan, doa selamat, doa waktu...

Price: Free Developer: Hasyim Mulyono
Tuntunan Hadits Shahih Terlengkap

Tuntunan Hadits Shahih Terlengkap

Hadits shahih terlengkap di gunakan untuk tuntunan atau panduan dalam menjalankan hidup secara islami diriwayatkan oleh Imam-imam besar yang antara lain Imam Bukhari dan Imam Muslim. Hadits ini di himpun dari sumber hadits termahsyur dan paling populer di kalangan...

Price: Free Developer: Hasyim Mulyono
112 Bible Maps + Commentaries

112 Bible Maps + Commentaries

112 Bible maps covering topics related to Bible study from the ancient past to more modern times are ready for your quick reference. Includes full Bible study as well. As an added bonus it contains 65 Bibles as reference...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
112 Bible Maps Easy

112 Bible Maps Easy

112 Bible maps covering topics related to Bible study from the ancient past to more modern times are ready for your quick reference. Includes full Bible study as well. As an added bonus it contains 65 Bibles as reference...

Price: Free Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
250 Bible Places

250 Bible Places

100s of modern day photos of Bible locations complement your Bible study in this reference tool. With zoom and pan function and a easy to use gallery, this tool will help you get a feel for what the early...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
450 Jerusalem Bible Photos

450 Jerusalem Bible Photos

"The perfect Bible companion." - Dr. Alderson Cooper. 100s of modern day photos of Jerusalem locations complement your Bible study in this reference tool. With zoom and pan function and a easy to use gallery, this tool will...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
Bible Planet

Bible Planet

Detailed guide to 200 nations, with specific Christian overviews, maps and demographics. Includes 65 Bibles as reference material in over a dozen languages. Thousands of individual Bible-linked commentaries back up your research. This powerful Bible reference tool will help you...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
179 Bible Atlas Maps

179 Bible Atlas Maps

Locations important to the Bible are covered in this atlas covering 1000s of years and vast areas of the planet. Using classic-themed maps, be inspired to delve deeper into the Word. Includes full Bible study as an added resource. As...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
Satu Hari Satu Hadis

Satu Hari Satu Hadis

Berbeda dengan gerakan membaca al-Quran yang sudah gencar di Indonesia, gerakan membaca hadis belum segencar al-Quran. Padahal hadis adalah sumber agama kedua setelah al-Quran. Pusat Kajian Hadis menyadari hal ini dan menyusun program dengan moto mudah, simpel dan menarik, cocok...

Price: Free Developer: Pusat Kajian Hadis
Panduan Shalat Sunnat & Wajib

Panduan Shalat Sunnat & Wajib

Panduan shalat wajib dan berbagai macam shalat Sunnat (sunnah) Lengkap, berbahasa Arab, dijelaskan khusus hanya dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Isi ditulis oleh seorang ustadz, Habib Muhdhor bin Ahmad Assegaf, berupa sebuah panduan shalat lengkap yang diajarkan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW,...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Novel Yahya
Themis Reader

Themis Reader

Ribuan Kitab Undang-Undang Indonesia dari Th 1945 s/d sekarang ada disini. Sekali di download bisa anda pakai di Ipad,Iphone atau Ipod Touch anda tanpa butuh jaringan internet lagi. Aplikasi ini dipersembahkan kepada para profesional yang membutuhkan kitab Undang-Undang untuk memperlancar...

Price: USD 249.99 Developer: MAHONI GLOBAL, PT

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