Top 36 Utilities Apps Like Legal Soft Accident Assist - Best Alternatives

Legal Soft Accident Assist Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Legal Soft Accident Assist alternatives for iOS? We have listed 36 Utilities apps that are similar to Legal Soft Accident Assist. Pick one from this list to be your new Legal Soft Accident Assist app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Legal Soft Accident Assist on your iOS devices.

Top 36 Apps Like Legal Soft Accident Assist - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Legal Soft Accident Assist alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 36 similar apps like Legal Soft Accident Assist 2025.

Deldar Legal

Deldar Legal

Deldar Legal helps you collect information about your accidents, contact your attorney and schedule your treatments!

Price: Free Developer: Legal Soft Inc
Sierra Legal Group

Sierra Legal Group

Sierra Legal Group helps you collect information about your accidents, contact your attorney and schedule your treatments!

Price: Free Developer: Legal Soft Inc
LVS Val Fee, Legal Fee & Stamp Duty

LVS Val Fee, Legal Fee & Stamp Duty

This App is for the calculation of the LVS Valuation Fee, Legal Fee & Stamp Duty calculation Useful for property related such as Property Financing, New purchase, property development in Malaysia

Price: Free Developer: kuo ching liew
Go Jeff Law

Go Jeff Law

Our team came together with one goal in mind: Protecting Individuals. Whether it's individuals who have been physically injured, or individuals with their freedom at stake in a criminal prosecution, we will fight for you. We are attorneys who...

Price: Free Developer: Legal Soft Inc
Guia Legal Balneário Camboriú

Guia Legal Balneário Camboriú

COMO USAR OS CUPONS Na hora de pagar resgate gratuitamente o cupom de descontos por SMS usando este aplicativo. Peça ao garçom o Código de Autenticação do estabelecimento.

Price: Free Developer: GrupoW Softwares para Internet
Platinum Lawyer

Platinum Lawyer

Platinum Lawyer App is the official App released by Platinum Club. The Platinum lawyer App is for the exclusive benefit and use of all existing Platinum Club members. The Platinum Lawyer App allows Platinum Club members to ask legal...

Price: Free Developer: RelinnsTech
Lex Timer

Lex Timer

Lex Timer is an app developed by lawyers and made for lawyers. It's a virtual asistant to improve your profesional performance. We developed a legal deadline calculator tat allows you to calculate the dates of all you due dates...

Price: Free Developer: Facundo Sanabria


Instantly connect live with in-network attorneys to get legal advice. • Schedule phone, in person or live consultation with an attorney • View profiles along with ratings of attorneys in your area before you make a decision • Get notifications on...

Price: Free Developer: Manuscript LLC


Allow us to help "rescue" you from your Missouri speeding ticket. The Resqyou team will amend your traffic ticket in 7 easy steps: 1. Create an Account 2. Submit your ticket information 3. An attorney will be assigned to your case immediately....

Price: Free Developer: StripedLion Technologies Inc
Uni-Soft Time

Uni-Soft Time

Denne App er udviklet af Uni-Soft ApS. App’en bruges sammen med ERP systemet Uniconta til tidsregistrering og registrering af materiale/vareforbrug. App’en er gratis for download.Kontakt evt. Uni-Soft ApS via kontakt formularen på

Price: Free Developer: Uni-Soft ApS
Soft Wallpaper

Soft Wallpaper

Enable Grayscale Brushes or Extra Sensitive Pressure via 'Soft Wallpaper' in iOS Settings. Created by Jeffrey Alan Scudder in June 2018.

Price: Free Developer: Jeffrey Scudder
Iten Mulden App

Iten Mulden App

Die einfachste Möglichkeit im Handumdrehen Mulden zu bestellen, tauschen oder abholen zu lassen. In wenigen Klicks wird ihr Auftrag gesendet. 24 Stunden an 7 Tagen der Woche! Verwendet werden kann das App im Einzugsgebiet der Gebrüder Iten AG im weiteren...

Price: Free Developer: CMA-Soft GmbH
SurePassID Push Authenticator

SurePassID Push Authenticator

SurePassID Push Authenticator offers a lowest-cost option for multi-factor authentication soft and push tokens. Even enterprises issuing hardware OTP tokens can deploy SurePassID Push Authenticator as an excellent secondary or backup authentication method in case users forget or...

Price: Free Developer: SurePassID Corporation
iRemote Suite

iRemote Suite

!!! Mac OS X is now supported !!! Shell access is now onboard !!! Screen zooming is introduced !!! In this release of iRemote – FREE professional solution for manipulating your desktop! iRemote Suite allows you to manipulate your desktop...

Price: Free Developer: Yahor Pushkin
tiggiTape Tape Measure & Ruler

tiggiTape Tape Measure & Ruler

With tiggiTape Tape Measure & Ruler and some standard size plastic cards you can use your iPhone video camera to measure lengths up to about 100m (300ft). Remarkably accurate measurements can be obtained if you calibrate and measure carefully....

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Violet Copper Learning
Paint By Number:Coloring Games

Paint By Number:Coloring Games

"Master of Painting" is a healing system for men, women and children, and a digital coloring game app, a secret weapon against anxiety! Does your life feel anxious, tired and stressed? Are you tired of countless life trivia? Do you want to...

Price: Free Developer: Suzhou Ding Niu Network Technology Service Co., Ltd.
Lumenty Wi-Fi Smart Bulb

Lumenty Wi-Fi Smart Bulb

Press start on your smart home. We think everyday utilities should be a little less everyday. Waking up should be easier. Parties should have more color. Setting the mood should be simpler. Imagine if sustainable household tech could actually lower...

Price: Free Developer: Andrey Veremeev
ComicGlass [ComicReader]

ComicGlass [ComicReader]

ComicGlass is a comic viewer. Support ZIP,CBZ,RAR,CBR and PDF files. This application allows you to view scanned comics,manga , magazines and books on iPhone/iPod touch/iPad. You can easily transfer scanned images(zipped jpeg,or RAR) from your computer to your iPhone/iPod touch/iPad, and view...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: RR Soft
Insurance Agent

Insurance Agent

Easy, Quick, Secure. One touch access let you connect, manage, update and protect your family, your business and your property right from your smartphone. Anytime, anywhere access to E-ID's, bill-pay, claims, one click home inventory, auto info and more....

Price: Free Developer: Blue I, LLC
Motor Claim Assist

Motor Claim Assist

From Austbrokers this app is an easy to use claims notification tool for Austbrokers customers. Easily capture the important information required following an accident, e.g. exact location, other driver details, you can also upload photos of the accident direct from...

Price: Free Developer: Stelvio Australia


Alla’ona Web & mobile App is an auction-style sale car market. It acts as an intermediate between sellers and buyers in the Cars Market. It creates a safe and suitable environment for Buyers and sellers, so User can buy...

Price: Free Developer: Abdelrahaman Fakhreldin Ghoniem
iBantu Insurance Helper

iBantu Insurance Helper

iBantu - Insurance Helper, Malaysia's First Insurance App that allows you to manage all your insurance from any insurance company in one place. No more hassle in using different apps for different companies. You also get an innovative motor...

Price: Free Developer: Ibanding Services Sdn Bhd
Allianz SNA

Allianz SNA

Allianz SNA introduces the new FNOL feature which is certainly the best tool application. It facilitates the whole process of coming back and forth, filling required documents to get your car fixed after a car accident. After you're sound and safe, you...

Price: Free Developer: apps2you


WaryMe est la première application mobile à intégrer tout en un, dans une interface simple et intuitive des fonctions avancées d’alerte, gestion de plans de crise et communication de masse. Attention : L’utilisation de l’application mobile WaryMe nécessite un compte...

Price: Free Developer: WaryMe
Assistance Assurances

Assistance Assurances

Avec l’application « Assistance Assurances » de la Société Générale, laissez-vous guider étape par étape en cas de problème avec votre voiture ou votre habitation.   Gratuite, elle regroupe un ensemble de services qui vous permettront de gérer facilement les situations difficiles comme...

Price: Free Developer: Société Générale
Esurance Mobile

Esurance Mobile

Esurance Mobile is now better than ever! Updated with a sleeker, more intuitive design worthy of the fast-paced, modern world you’re living in. In addition to the new look, you’ll also enjoy: • Simplified, user-friendly navigation • New, helpful policy...

Price: Free Developer: Esurance
mySharp by Sharp Insurance

mySharp by Sharp Insurance

Sharp Insurance App is an exclusive app that gives Sharp Insurance clients access to all their insurance information at the touch of a button, including your insurance card. Access your vehicle information, deductibles, coverages right from your phone. In...

Price: Free Developer: trufla
CW Assist

CW Assist

CW Assist provides the ability to access Customer information stored in your ConnectWise database securely and directly from your iPhone. - Shows the status of customers - Easy access to address and contact information - See current account information - Dial contacts directly...

Price: Free Developer: Paul McQuinlan
Direct Assist Zurich

Direct Assist Zurich

Em apenas alguns toques, você consegue: - Visualizar dados da sua apólice - Localizar automaticamente o local de pane/sinistro - Solicitar atendimento sem a necessidade de fazer ligação para a central de atendimento - Visualizar no mapa, em tempo real, o deslocamento...

Price: Free Developer: Mondial Assistance Brasil
Expert Assist

Expert Assist

Diese App ermöglicht eine qualifizierte Beweissicherung nach einem Verkehrsunfall, sowie eine standardisierte Erfassung und Dokumentation von einfachen Unfallschäden an Kraftfahrzeugen. Die App beinhaltet eine universelle Schadenmeldung über die ein Schadenereignis angezeigt und Schadenersatzansprüche geltend gemacht werden können.

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Armin Heinz
Expert Assist Pro

Expert Assist Pro

Diese App ermöglicht eine qualifizierte Beweissicherung nach einem Verkehrsunfall, sowie eine standardisierte Erfassung und Dokumentation von einfachen Unfallschäden an Kraftfahrzeugen. Die App beinhaltet eine universelle Schadenmeldung über die ein Schadenereignis angezeigt und Schadenersatzansprüche geltend gemacht werden können.

Price: Free Developer: Armin Heinz
MPH Assist

MPH Assist

1.MPH(Mobile Printing Hub)Assist is an App cooperate with iOS AirPrint to set up printing parameter of Mobile Printing Hub that developed by Teco Image Systems Co.,Ltd. 2.Mobile Printing Hub let you to print your document from your smart devices(Cell...

Price: Free Developer: TECO Image Systems Co.,Ltd.
SV Assist

SV Assist

Weight and balance for the Super Viking using the premise that you usually fly with the same people and things. select common loads and watch the results change as you add them. Various units selectable. Educational and fun.

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: George Richards
Tip Assist

Tip Assist

Simple, clean, high end tip calculator that allows you to swiftly adjust tips based on your accommodations and satisfaction. Features • Choose from 6 different accommodations. • Adjust tip according to satisfaction. • Easliy split total among friends. • Quickly view rounded tip or...

Price: Free Developer: iNFINITE STUDIOS LLC
VRA Connect

VRA Connect

In two simple steps, Vuzix Remote Assist connects your field technicians with your remote experts for real-time video/audio collaboration in a heads-up and hands-free environment enabled by Vuzix smart glasses. Instantaneous knowledge transfer from anywhere on the globe allows...

Price: Free Developer: Vuzix Corp

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