Top 20 Entertainment Apps Like Apollo Explorer - Best Alternatives

Apollo Explorer Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Apollo Explorer alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Entertainment apps that are similar to Apollo Explorer. Pick one from this list to be your new Apollo Explorer app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Apollo Explorer on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Apollo Explorer - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Apollo Explorer alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Apollo Explorer 2025.

Apollo Kino

Apollo Kino

Lae alla Apollo Kino mobiilirakendus ja saad mugavalt: • Tutvuda kinokava ja filmidega • Osta kiirelt ja mugavalt kinopileteid • Vaadata filmide treilereid • Siseneda saali ilma pileteid trükkimata • Kasutada Minu Apollo ID-d isiku tuvastamiseks ja soodustuse saamiseks • Oma ülevaadet Apollo Klubi...

Price: Free Developer: Apollo Kino OÜ
Backyard Apollo AR

Backyard Apollo AR

Its the model rocket you’ve always wanted! See a life-sized Apollo Saturn V rocket up close from every angle walk under and around it, then blast it off! Authentic mission sounds using 3D positional audio — wear headphones for...

Price: Free Developer: Wobbleworks LLC
Apollo 8 Rochefort

Apollo 8 Rochefort

Retrouvez à chaque instant toute l’info de votre cinéma Apollo 8 à Rochefort sur votre iPhone ! Les films à l’affiche, les horaires des séances, les fiches films et les événements et infos pratiques de votre cinéma ! TOUS...

Price: Free Developer: Webedia Movies Pro France
Apollo Archive

Apollo Archive

Late 2015, NASA released over 8400 pictures of its Apollo Moon Missions. These iconic missions happened in the late 1960s and early 1970s and as a whole, the images represent every picture ever taken on the Moon. Our app gives...

Price: Free Developer: Zoltan Varadi
Apollo Kino Cochem

Apollo Kino Cochem

Kinotickets für das Apollo Kino Cochem online kaufen! Hier kaufst Du in unter einer Minute Kinotickets für Deinen Lieblingsfilm. Schnell, sicher, einfach und ohne Anstehen an der Kinokasse. Einfach aus dem aktuellen Kinoprogramm Deinen Film buchen und Du erhältst die...

Price: Free Developer: kinoheld GmbH
Apollo Varieté

Apollo Varieté

Seit dem 17. Oktober 1997 präsentiert Roncalli’s Apollo Varieté am Rhein mitreißende Inszenierungen temperamentvoller, facettenreicher Programme mit den besten Artisten, Akrobaten und Comedians aus aller Welt. Genießen mit allen Sinnen – das einzigartige Show&Dine Erlebnis in Düsseldorf, das großartige...

Price: Free Developer: Ungeheuer + Ulmer KG GmbH + Co.


“That’s one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind” Apollo 11 Astronaut, Neil Armstrong. CAPCOM GO! uses the latest immersive AR & VR technology to bring this inspirational story to life for a whole new generation. Kids...

Price: Free Developer: NSC Creative
Astronaut Voice

Astronaut Voice

Transform your voice live into a real Apollo astronaut's voice! With live mode, groundcontrol/astronaut switch, the famous roger beep, special effects such as rocket motor, alarm, thrusters, airlock and original Apollo mission video material. FEATURES ● Genuine emulation of space communication...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Qneo
Hand Reading Lite

Hand Reading Lite

This hand reading software will guide you towards self-understanding with simple and entertaining image tests. This is a professional palmistry - chirology - chiromancy software that is designed to analyze your own palm (or your friend's palm) and reveal...

Price: Free Developer: CrazySoft Limited
Space Cave Explorer

Space Cave Explorer

A space cave explorer has just landed their ship on a long-forgotten planet. The world is full of caverns and crevasses, the ruins of an ancient civilization ripe for exploration. Guide your space cave explorer on a journey of...

Price: Free Developer: Graham McCarthy
NMJ Explorer

NMJ Explorer

The new NMJ Explorer app allows you to browse your media on your Popcorn Hour PCH-A500 pro, PCH-500, PCH-VTEN, PCH-A410, PCH-A400, PCH-A300 or PCH-C300 or C-200*. It allows you to connect to a NMJ database, browse or search for...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Xenofon Lemke
Design Explorer

Design Explorer

Discover the latest trends, inspiring products and projects from the world of design – or vote for your favourite objects! The app of the German Design Council allows those interested in design to obtain detailed insight into winner products...

Price: Free Developer: German Design Council


EXPLORER – Die Zeitschrift für Allrad Globetrotter: Sechsmal im Jahr alles zum Thema Offroad Touren, Reise und Expedition mit Wohnmobil, 4x4 Lkw oder Geländewagen. ON TOUR. Sich als Entdecker fühlen, entlegene Reiseziele auf der ganzen Welt mit dem eigenen Fahrzeug erkunden. Abenteuer erleben. Nie war der Traum von der großen Tour so populär wie heute – und gleichzeitig so einfach zu verwirklichen. EXPLORER ist das führende Magazin für diese Zielgruppe, vermittelt Wissen und weckt Reiselust. OFF ROAD. Die Reise als verbindendes Element, das ist die Philosophie von EXPLORER. Welche Ausrüstungen und Fahrzeuge braucht man? Welche Erfahrungen machen andere Overlander? Intensiv recherchiert und zusammengestellt von reiseerfahrenen Autoren, brillant fotografiert und hochwertig gestaltet, bietet EXPLORER einen fundierten und spannenden Themenmix aus Test, Technik und Reisen, aber auch Service, Porträts und Interviews.

Price: Free Developer: Ganghaus Verlag KG
Engaged Explorer

Engaged Explorer

Created especially for discerning readers who want to expand their horizons and dig deep, these magazines delve into topics like history and spirituality, as well as pop culture topics like movies, music, and fandoms. Beautifully illustrated with eye-catching...

Price: Free Developer: Engaged Media Inc.
Virtual Explorer Antopia Adventure

Virtual Explorer Antopia Adventure

Explore the subterranean world of ants with the Virtual Explorer Antopia Adventure! This is a companion app to the Virtual Explorer Antopia Adventure product from Uncle Milton (sold separately).

Price: Free Developer: Uncle Milton
Virtual Explorer Prehistoric Safari

Virtual Explorer Prehistoric Safari

Travel back in time to see dinosaurs roaming the Earth with the Virtual Explorer Prehistoric Safari! This is a companion app to the Virtual Explorer Prehistoric Safari product from Uncle Milton (sold separately).

Price: Free Developer: Uncle Milton
Virtual Explorer Space Expedition

Virtual Explorer Space Expedition

Voyage across our solar system with the Virtual Explorer Space Expedition! This is a companion app to the Virtual Explorer Space Expedition product from Uncle Milton (sold separately).

Price: Free Developer: Uncle Milton
iSpace:Space Explorer Magazine

iSpace:Space Explorer Magazine

Space...the final frontier!? Long has mankind gazed at the starry expanse and pondered the meaning of their existence and the scale by which all things are measured. Is it by Divine Design or is it a product of evolutionary progression...

Price: Free Developer: Michelle Goedecke
Time Out Explorer

Time Out Explorer

We are Time Out Explorer: The evolved traveller, comfortable with world lingo, cuisine and culture. We are intrepid. We seek to discover. We find ourselves at home wherever we go. Time Out Explorer is much more than a scratch-the-surface...

Price: Free Developer: Magzter Inc.

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