Top 13 Medical Apps Like ESA: VTE Prophylaxis - Best Alternatives

ESA: VTE Prophylaxis Alternatives

Do you want to find the best ESA: VTE Prophylaxis alternatives for iOS? We have listed 13 Medical apps that are similar to ESA: VTE Prophylaxis. Pick one from this list to be your new ESA: VTE Prophylaxis app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to ESA: VTE Prophylaxis on your iOS devices.

Top 13 Apps Like ESA: VTE Prophylaxis - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid ESA: VTE Prophylaxis alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 13 similar apps like ESA: VTE Prophylaxis 2025.

ESA Academy

ESA Academy

ESA Academy App, the official mobile learning app of the European Society of Anaesthesiology, offers access to hundreds of educational materials and activities published by ESA over the years such as Accredited eLearning Programs, Learning Quizzes, Webcasts, ePosters, Webinars...

Price: Free Developer: MULTIWEBCAST
ESA 2015

ESA 2015

Get the Euroanaesthesia 2015 Congress (30 May - 2 June 2015, Berlin, Germany) on your iPhone and iPad. The ESA application lets you review the scientific programme, search for specific sessions/speakers/topics, create your personal congress diary, find exhibitors, navigate the...

Price: Free Developer: DocumediaS GmbH
ESA 2017

ESA 2017

Get the Euroanaesthesia 2017 Congress (3-5 June 2017, Geneva, Switzerland) on your mobile.

The ESA application lets you review the scientific programme, search for specific sessions/speakers/topics, create your personal congress diary, find exhibitors, navigate the floor plan, and access the...

Price: Free Developer: DocumediaS GmbH


Akuuttihoito-oppaan käytännönläheiset, suomalaisten asiantuntijoiden laatimat ja uusimpien hoitosuositusten mukaiset ohjeet palvelevat kaikkia päivystystyötä tekeviä. Opas auttaa määrittämään toimenpiteiden ja tutkimusten kiireellisyyttä ja ohjaa hyvien hoitokäytäntöjen mukaiseen toimintaan päivystystilanteessa. Yli 40 vuoden ajan käytössä ollut opas toimii monissa hoitoyksiköissä päivystystyön...

Price: USD 40.99 Developer: Duodecim Kustannus
milista MIR

milista MIR

miLista MIR® es una app desarrollada por Curso MIR Asturias para ayudarte a seleccionar y priorizar las plazas de tu "lista" para los actos de elección de plaza de formación sanitaria especializada. Las plazas están tomadas de la página web...

Price: Free Developer: Curso Intensivo MIR Asturias
Oftalmología CAO, phone

Oftalmología CAO, phone

Conteniendo 100s ilustraciones médicas, el App Oftalmologia del CAO en collaboracion con el Patient Education Institute es un instrumento visual único que ayuda a los profesionales de salud a mejorar la calidad de las conversaciones con los pacientes. Cada...

Price: Free Developer: Olaf Breukhoven
Int. VTE & Cancer Guidelines

Int. VTE & Cancer Guidelines

This application is available in English, French, and Spanish. The language of the app will be determined by the language setting of the user’s smartphone. Based on international guidelines published in 2019, which was developed with methodological support from the...

Price: Free Developer: eXolnet
VTE Associative Model

VTE Associative Model

This tool implements IMPROVE risk nomograms for clinically evident acute venous thromboembolism. The IMPROVE Associative VTE Risk Model provides an estimate of the associated rate of clinically evident acute venous thromboembolism from the time of hospital admission to discharge, based...

Price: Free Developer: Outcomes.Org
VTE Predictive Model

VTE Predictive Model

This tool implements IMPROVE risk nomograms for clinically evident acute venous thromboembolism. The IMPROVE Predictive VTE Risk Model provides an estimate of the probability of clinically evident acute venous thromboembolism from the time of hospital admission to discharge, based on...

Price: Free Developer: Outcomes.Org


La aplicación Dentistry recoge las publicaciones editadas por Medicina Oral S.L, editorial dirigida por el profesor José Vte. Bagán Sebastián, Catedrático de Medicina Bucal de la Universidad de Valencia y Jefe del Servicio de Estomatología del Hospital Universitario de...

Price: Free Developer: Medicina Oral SL
CURRENT Med Diag & Treatment

CURRENT Med Diag & Treatment

Incorporate the latest research findings into your clinical practice with the #1 annually updated guide to internal medicine. Download the FREE app and view selected topics (Approximately 10% of the content is viewable in the free app and tapping...

Price: Free Developer: Skyscape Medpresso Inc
Pediatric Dental Rx

Pediatric Dental Rx

Pediatric Dental Rx provides a quick and simple way to verify dosages and prescriptions for many commonly prescribed drugs. Pediatric dentistry is a fast paced specialty that generally treats a high volume of patients. Occasionally, a practitioner may find...

Price: Free Developer: Augusta University

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