Do you want to find the best INSEE NPS alternatives for iOS? We have listed 11 Business apps that are similar to INSEE NPS. Pick one from this list to be your new INSEE NPS app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to INSEE NPS on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid INSEE NPS alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 11 similar apps like INSEE NPS 2025.
Insee DMS is an application that provides a portal that is convenient to streamline land freight operations. User can create and monitor shipments with the convenience of online access. The mobile application gives you complete transparency on operations through...
iParts NPS is the application that allows you to browse the catalog automotive aftermarket directly to your iPhone, iPod touch and your IPhone. Abolition of European borders and deleting quotas on Asian cars import resulted in considerable growth of...
Herzlich willkommen bei unserer neuesten App Wir freuen uns unsere App vorzustellen Die Firma National Protection Service 24 wurde im Jahr 2011 durch ehemalige Mitarbeiter der Kantonspolizei Bern gegründet. Als professionelles Sicherheitsunternehmen bieten wir vielfältige und auf die...
Nueva aplicación para la visualización de los grabadores de NPS SEGURIDAD. Se ha añadido la visualización del canal cero permitiendo ver división por 4/8/9/16. Deslizando hacia arriba y abajo en el canal cero se cambia entre las diferentes divisiones y...
无纸化会议是由传统会议以纸质为信息记录为载体转化成以平板电脑为载体的数字化、移动化的多媒体,利用智能平板的便携性,把会议从固定的会议室延伸场外的移动终端。 智能多媒体交互协作软件(简称NPS)作为智能会议系统,它是运行在平板电脑上的新一代会议系统,本系统采用全新的会议模式,将传统会议过程中的各个环节虚拟化、主体信息和承载介质数字化,将多种信息化技术融入会议的各环节、贯穿会议全过程,将频繁召开的会议全部搬上iOS平台,会议使用者在更短时间内完成多于以往的任务。主要实现会议文件分发,同步演示等功能,要求文件同步的实时性,保密性为主。 无纸化会议交互系统使用现代通讯技术、软件技术,通过文件的电子交换实现会议的无纸化。 其特征是:文件传输网络化,文件显示电子化,文件输入输出可控化。无纸化会议系统的一个基本特征是:席位以电子桌牌形式展现与会者的姓名等内容,与会者快速入座后,可自行操作该智能终端。此时,该智能终端如同一台独立使用的标准计算机,每个参会者可以自主地在终端上进行议题查看、资料查看、同步显示或异步显示等一键式快速切换。 其最大程度地在智能显示终端上集成会议多功能(拍照签到、呼叫服务、文档异步查看、会议资料同步显示及手写批注、跟随主讲,我要发言等),提供给用户最自然的人机交互界面(支持电容屏多点双指缩放、划屏翻页阅读批注、保存等操作),同时还实现了平板电脑、笔记本电脑等移动终端与智能显示终端的协同工作、智能共享和交互控制。
NPS Survey tool. Opinat is an App used to manage the Net Promoter Score ratio using a standard survey that can be configured depending on the requirements of each user. The Net Promotor Score is a figure that tells...
PNJ NPS là ứng dụng đánh giá mức độ hài lòng của khách hàng dành cho các cửa hàng của công ty PNJ.
******************************************** Note: The application will only work in conjunction with a service from a service provider. Please contact your service provider for details. ********************************************* UC-One Communicator is a user-friendly app (often referred to as a soft client) that runs on the most...
******************************************** Note: The application will only work in conjunction with a service from a service provider. Please contact your service provider for details. ********************************************* UC-One Communicator is a user-friendly app (often referred to as a soft client) that runs on the most...
Receive and respond to real time customer feedback (based on NPS) from your iPhone or iPad. AskNicely for iPhone is a powerful way for businesses to embed real time customer feedback in the daily routines of everyone from the CEO...
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