Top 42 Book Apps Like Life-Changing Magic of Tidying - Best Alternatives

Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Life-Changing Magic of Tidying alternatives for iOS? We have listed 42 Book apps that are similar to Life-Changing Magic of Tidying. Pick one from this list to be your new Life-Changing Magic of Tidying app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Life-Changing Magic of Tidying on your iOS devices.

Top 42 Apps Like Life-Changing Magic of Tidying - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Life-Changing Magic of Tidying alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 42 similar apps like Life-Changing Magic of Tidying 2025.

Life In The UK Book - Free Book to prepare for Life In The United Kingdom Test LITUK and UK Naturalization Test

Life In The UK Book - Free Book to prepare for Life In The United Kingdom Test LITUK and UK Naturalization Test

This is a Free App giving you original study materials for the Life in the United Kingdom Test. The App covers all the 5 Chapters - grouped into 25 sections so that it can help you prepare for the entire...

Price: Free Developer: 1X1 Apps Limited
Change Your Life!!

Change Your Life!!

Looking for motivation? Need a daily pick-me-up? Change Your Life! presents moving and meaningful sayings from sages all around the world that will rouse you to live life to its fullest potential. Allen Klein, the award-winning professional speaker and...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: mmotio
Enjoy Your Life

Enjoy Your Life

Darussalam publishers and distributors brings to you the best selling book in a digital form. Now you can read this wonderful compilation on your iPhone by simply downloading. It has a very attractive design and icons. It gives you...

My Magical Life AR

My Magical Life AR

This free companion app brings the book to life with augmented reality. Meet the fully animated 3D characters from the Zach King "My Magical Life" book! Scan and tap to interact with the characters and objects that appear on...

Price: Free Developer: King Studio
Transcend - To a higher life

Transcend - To a higher life

Change Your Destiny Find simple, practical ways to make your own life richer, more satisfying, more spiritual and pure. With these books, you’ll be reading not about temporary illusions but eternal truth. And just by reading, you’ll be making spiritual...

Price: Free Developer: Anand Menon
Books Life

Books Life

『Books Life』はiTunes、Bluetooth/Wifi を通じて転送された画像データのアーカイブ(zip形式)やPDFファイルを閲覧するアプリケーションです。 アーカイブ内に格納されている各画像データはページめくり操作にて切り替える事が可能で、めくり方向によるページ前進/後退は設定により指定することが出来ます。 本棚機能を利用するとアーカイブファイルを本棚へと登録することで多数のファイルが存在する場合でもカテゴリ毎に整理することが可能です。 機能追加は随時、無償アドオンという形で提供を行っております。 各アドオンの詳細は下記【無償アドオン紹介】を御覧ください。 【標準機能紹介】   ○リソースの並び替え機能    ・リソース管理画面では、ファイル名、本棚名、日付、ファイル形式でソートすることが可能です。   ○本棚一括登録機能    ・リソース管理画面では、ソート機能などを利用し、複数ファイルを選択することでお好きな本棚へ      一括登録することが可能です。   ○ファイル送受信機能    ・リソース管理画面では、ファイルを同じ『Books Life』を使用しているユーザーに自由に     送受信することが可能です。 機密性の高いファイルの送受信にお勧めの機能です。    ・約10分のバックグラウンド送受信に対応しており、急な電話、メールチェック時などにも通信を     維持することが可能です。    ・バッチ機能にも対応しておりますので、アプリをバックグラウンドで動かしている時に双方に     送受信しているファイルの数をアプリを表示することが可能です。   ○通信管理機能    ・標準のファイル送受信機能や、アドオン機能のDropbox等通信を行う機能を使用している時に     一覧で送受信の状況を管理することができます。    ・送受信の通信中のファイルで不要なファイルは送受信側双方でキャンセルすることが可能です。    ・アプリバックグラウンド時は通知センターに通信結果が表示されます。   ○本棚登録機能    ・本棚に登録して整理することが可能です。    ・本棚に登録すると表紙機能の画像が並ぶので目当ての本やファイルを探す作業が楽になります。    ・本棚に登録すると、標準の本棚表示以外に カバーフロー表示、リスト表示(サムネイル付き)     で表示が可能です。   ○本棚の切替機能    ・本棚の切替は本棚名をクリックすることで本棚のリストが表示され移動することが可能です。     又カバーフロー表示を除いてスワイプで切替することが可能です。   ○表紙機能    ・『Books Life』に登録した本は自由に表紙を変えることが可能です。    ・トリミング機能を利用し、好きな範囲を表紙にすることが可能です。    ・トリミング機能には回転機能がありますので、取り込んだファイルが横向きでも表紙を縦に     変更する事が可能です。   ○しおり機能    ・一度でも読んだファイルはしおりが自動的に作成され、途中から読むことが可能です。    ・しおりの機能は表示方法により変わりますが全て対応しております。      本棚表示    の場合:本の表紙にしおりのアイコン表示      カバーフロー表示の場合:本の表紙にしおりのアイコン表示      リスト表示   の場合:一度読んだ本は青色背景で表示されます。   ○本棚内の本データの並び替え機能    ・本棚内の本データの並び替え機能は表示方法により変わります。      本棚表示    の場合:本を選んでのドラッグで好きな位置に変更できます。      カバーフロー表示の場合:不可(並び替えは他の表示に切り替えて対応して下さい。)      リスト表示   の場合:編集ボタンを押し、右端のタブ部分でドラッグ   ○対応アーカイブ形式    ・zip形式   ○対応画像ファイル形式    ・jpg形式、png形式、gif形式、tif形式、bmp形式、pdf形式 【無償アドオン紹介】   アドオン機能を使えばニーズの高い機能を追加する事が出来ます。   下記アドオンは無料で公開しております。   アプリのダウンロード後、設定画面の「アドオン」セクションよりアドオンを導入して下さい。   ○ 本棚の編集機能とロック     ・本棚を自由に増やしたり、本棚名を変更出来るようになります。     ・パスワードロック機能が追加され、本棚情報やリソース情報、ストレージ情報等をユーザーの      任意で隠すことが出来ます。プライバイシーを保ちながら、ビジネスの資料をセキュリティー      を掛けて閲覧したい方などにお勧めの機能です。     ・パスワードのかかった本棚、リソース、ストレージの本(ファイル)を閲覧時にアプリを      スリープ(別アプリの起動等)させた後、再度アプリを立ち上げ直した時もパスワードを      入力しない限り表示されないためセキュリティーを確保出来ます。           ○ Dropboxアクセス     このアドオンを追加すると、Dropboxより自由にファイルを取得し『リソース』に登録されます。     Dropboxにあるファイルを取得し、整理、閲覧を『Books Life』で行いたい方にはお勧めの     機能です。   ○ GoogleDriveアクセス     GoogleDriveのストレージにアクセスし、本データのダウンロードが可能です。     これによりPCとの連携が容易になる事に加え、他ユーザーからのデータ共有も有用です。 【サンプルの書籍について】   『Book Life』の説明用の画像には二次利用可能となりました    ブラックジャックによろしくを使用しております。    タイトル:ブラックジャックによろしく    著作者名:佐藤秀峰    サイト名:漫画 on web    URL :

Price: Free Developer: L'sStyle Co.,Ltd
When I Say

When I Say "Yes" to Life

You've just stumbled upon a unique app. Let's be clear, it's a very simple app, but sometimes the simple things in life are the most special. Each day a book will open up to an imaginary setting...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Pushbutton Technologies
Jefferson Bible (The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth)

Jefferson Bible (The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth)

The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, commonly referred to as the Jefferson Bible, was a book constructed by Thomas Jefferson in the later years of his life by cutting and pasting with a razor and glue numerous...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich
Life Tips - 2000+ Interesting Tips and Advice for a Happy Life

Life Tips - 2000+ Interesting Tips and Advice for a Happy Life

1000+ Top Life Tips! Achieve better health, more success and better interpersonal relationships with these awesome life tips! Add inspiration and motivation to your life today! App Features: - Save your favorite life tips! - Share your favorite life tips via...

Price: Free Developer: Vu Trung Hieu
1000+ Life Hacks Pro Tips Tricks With Pictures

1000+ Life Hacks Pro Tips Tricks With Pictures

1000+ Ultimate Life hacks, tips and tricks to optimize your life. Free food, save money, cool apps, hack vending machines, live life to the fullest! Ultimate Life Hacks brings you the most innovative ideas to discover and share that you...

Price: Free Developer: Mo Moin
Life Changing Good Quotes

Life Changing Good Quotes

All around world we getting too much very good quotes, ...

Price: Free Developer: Conrad Yerkes
bookbhook-The TLDR reading app

bookbhook-The TLDR reading app

At bookbhook, we are all set to redefine reading books for the TLDR generation, and we are doing this in 3 ways: 1. Get hooked to bite-sized chat stories that lure you into a world of suspense, thrillers and horror...

Price: Free Developer: Marcus Aurelius Learning Solutions Private Limited
Harvard Classics

Harvard Classics

Guided by Dr. Eliot, the famed president of Harvard University, you will journey through the history of religion and philosophy, the history of civilization, and the history of classic science. Along the way, Dr. Eliot will introduce you to...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: himalaya-soft
KyBook - EPub,FB2,PDF,DjVu Reader

KyBook - EPub,FB2,PDF,DjVu Reader

KyBook is a modern reader application for e-books. It has highly customizable and friendly interface and also: 

 Key features: 

 - EPUB, FB2, RTF, PDF, DJVU, CHM, CBR, CBZ, MP3, M4A, M4B formats - OPDS catalogs and network folders 
 - Google Books,...

Price: Free Developer: Konstantin Bukreev
Religion - Harvard Classics

Religion - Harvard Classics

All classics you ever need to read in Philosophy or Religion are collected in one app. Guided by Dr. Eliot, the famed president of Harvard University, you will journey through the history of religion and philosophy. Along...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: himalaya-soft
Bahá’í Prayers

Bahá’í Prayers

Bahá’í Prayers is your portable Bahá’í prayer book. It contains a large selection of prayers from the Bahá’í Faith. Prayers from Bahá’u’lláh, the Báb and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá are offered in English, Español, Português, 简体中文, Français, Deutsch, Nederlands, Română, Italiano, Svenska,...

Price: Free Developer: Justin Tabrizi
My Dad's Suitcase

My Dad's Suitcase

Welcome to the wonderful world of My Dad's Suitcase! A timid yet curious boy named Jon is venturing to his parent's attic to find his potential birthday present. But what he encounters instead is life changing. What will he find?...

Price: Free Developer: Shawn Huang
Story Book, Little Elephant Bubloo

Story Book, Little Elephant Bubloo

A story for kids, about a little elephant bubloo. He didn't realize his skills until he got his chance. A 17 screens of hand-drawn, colorfully illustrated story. The screen has 2 sections, a top bar and a horizontally scrollable story screen. Top...

Price: Free Developer: Freelance
Buddha Quotes Daily - Inspirational Buddhist Words of Spiritual Wisdom for Meditation Peace & Mindfulness

Buddha Quotes Daily - Inspirational Buddhist Words of Spiritual Wisdom for Meditation Peace & Mindfulness

Update August 2016 ------------------------ We have made a number of enhancements to improve your experience: Music Player Option Additional Backgrounds Pack Option Bug fixes New Sounds Available Additional Editing/Customization Tools Improved design Help Screens Copy quote to clipboard Trial And more... *****Please Rate This App***** If you enjoy this app please support...

Price: Free Developer: Richard Overton
Little Magic Books

Little Magic Books

Little Magic Books is a new twist on the Classic Children’s picture book. Little Magic Books combine the physicality of printed books with the interactivity of smartphone apps. Just strap your smartphone into the the back of physical book while...

Price: Free Developer: Little Magic Books
Aladdin & The Magic Lamp

Aladdin & The Magic Lamp

>> Watch how a little lamp & it's genie can turn a tailor’s son into a real prince >> Educational games inside: puzzles, matching games, shapes, counting and more! >> Fun interactions - Wholesome family fun for you & your...

Price: Free Developer: TabTale LTD
Magic Ink - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - Lite Edition

Magic Ink - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - Lite Edition

★ Try Before You Buy ★ Journey to the new magical world of Oz with Magic Ink Books, as you Join Dorothy, Toto, and all her friends. Experience The Wonderful Wizard of Oz in a way you have never...

Price: Free Developer: Magic Ink Books
Cinderella - Magic Ink Books

Cinderella - Magic Ink Books

Experience Cinderella in a way you have never experienced it before - through Magic Ink Books™ beautiful rendition of this timeless classic. Features: ✦ Use Magic Ink to to color in pages and reveal beautiful color illustrations ✦ Find...

Price: Free Developer: Magic Ink Books
Magic Ink - The Night Before Christmas - Lite Edition

Magic Ink - The Night Before Christmas - Lite Edition

★ TRY BEFORE YOU BUY ★ FEATURED IN NEW AND NOTEWORTHY!!! This lite edition allows you to experience the first part of our premium title, The Night Before Christmas! Experience The Night Before Christmas in a way you have never experienced it...

Price: Free Developer: Magic Ink Books
Magic-Story AR

Magic-Story AR

Именные AR Книги проекта Magic Story - это современный подход в обучении и развитии детей. • Персональность: Главный герой сказки — ваш малыш! Сюжет приключения формируется на основе его уникального имени. • Интерактивность: Приключенческий сюжет о самом себе и оживающие истории...

Price: Free Developer: Rinat Khanov
Magic Author

Magic Author

Reading is Fun with Magic Author - Story Teller. Magic Author - Story Teller is an easy to use app to buy and read ebooks in many languages. Books are organized in various genres and languages that help you discover your...

Price: Free Developer: Lakshmi Chandrakanth Thangavelu
Tristan and the Magic Tin LITE

Tristan and the Magic Tin LITE

** “Tristan and the Magic Tin is right up there with the best interactive storybooks – actually better than most. It’s a thrilling, breathtaking and fun book for the whole family!” - Dr. E. Austin, PhD, Teacher - Get ready...

Price: Free Developer: Genius Circuit
STEM Storiez - Magic Time

STEM Storiez - Magic Time

STEM Storiez – Magic Time is an interactive book that engages children to help them master telling time. The read-along kids story includes stunning visuals, animations, and sounds. Beautiful illustrations are used to playfully travel through a typical day...

Price: Free Developer: Zyrobotics LLC
Magic Seeds

Magic Seeds

•2015 German Design Award Nominee •2013 The Lovie Award •2013 Red Dot Communication Design Award •From the creator of 2012 Apple Design Award Winner! ======== Ever want to plant a magic seed? Grown your imaginary plant and flowers? Now you can! "Magic seeds"...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: BiBoBox Studio
Friends of Noxubee

Friends of Noxubee

In this app, you can access Noxubee Refuge information and a schedule of current events, as well as find trail information, informational videos for the Watson Trail, and nesting bird videos from the Rookery. You can also enjoy photos...

Price: Free Developer: Friends of Noxubee Refuge
Close Encounters of Wonderwood

Close Encounters of Wonderwood

Welcome to Wonderwood, a world bigger than you can imagine! Here in Wonderwood live the Wonderwood Four; Rose, Pasha Big Max, and Pika. In this world, that derives its power from curiosity; you can go on adventures and mysterious...

Price: Free Developer: Age of Kids
Popcorn Struggle of Pasha

Popcorn Struggle of Pasha

Welcome to Wonderwood, a world bigger than you can imagine! Here in Wonderwood live the Wonderwood Four; Rose, Pasha Big Max, and Pika. In this world, that derives its power from curiosity; you can go on adventures and mysterious...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Age of Kids
Battlefield of the Mind Devotional

Battlefield of the Mind Devotional

This bestselling author and speaker, Joyce Meyer, offers a companion devotional to her award-winning message, "Battlefield of the Mind." Worry, doubt, confusion, depression, anger and feelings of condemnation: all these are attacks on the mind. If readers suffer from...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Hachette Book Group, Inc.
Law of Attraction Audiobooks

Law of Attraction Audiobooks

The Law of Attraction Master Class App contains self-help classics focused on personal development and The Law of Attraction. These books contain life changing valuable concepts that many modern authors draw from in current self-help works. Features: ...

Price: Free Developer: Regency Software
Biblical Principles of Dream Interpretation

Biblical Principles of Dream Interpretation

Throughout the scriptures, we have discovered some outstanding characters who remain symbols of excellence till date. The characters attained great feats and broke new ground after experiencing a life changing encounter with God. The author, with the pen of...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries Virginia
Library of Babel

Library of Babel

Experience the Library of Babel from the short story by Jorge Luis Borges in 3D. In the Library of Babel you can find any page of text that can be written down using the combination of the 26 lowercase letters...

Price: Free Developer: Keiwan Donyagard
PopOut! The Tale of Benjamin Bunny - Potter

PopOut! The Tale of Benjamin Bunny - Potter

PopOut! The Tale of Benjamin Bunny follows in the footsteps of Book App of the Year, PopOut! The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Join Peter Rabbit and his mischievous cousin, Benjamin Bunny, as they set off on another epic journey...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Loud Crow Interactive Inc.
PopOut! The Tale of Peter Rabbit - Potter

PopOut! The Tale of Peter Rabbit - Potter

** As Featured in Mashable, NY Times, The New Yorker, NPR, FOX, School Learning Journal Since its release, PopOut! The Tale of Peter Rabbit has been one of the best-selling book apps and has quickly become an interactive sensation captivating...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Loud Crow Interactive Inc.
PopOut! The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin - Potter

PopOut! The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin - Potter

Continuing in the footsteps of the hugely popular and award-winning PopOut! The Tale of Peter Rabbit, another beautiful digital rendition of a classic bedtime story is now available for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. PopOut! The Tale of Squirrel...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Loud Crow Interactive Inc.
Revolver Book Insights

Revolver Book Insights

LEARN KEY INSIGHTS FROM BESTSELLING BOOKS. The most important ideas and concepts Reviewed in a concise and easy-to-listen or read format Read or listen to our analysis and commentary in 5 minutes or less LEARN ANYWHERE Available in AUDIO and TEXT EVERY BOOK YOU...

Price: Free Developer: Sum Lab Inc.
Tap by Wattpad

Tap by Wattpad

Take a universe of interactive stories with you. The world tells its stories in many wonderful ways, and Tap by Wattpad is where you’ll find immersive, interactive storytelling. Tap stories mashup mixed-medium storytelling and choose-your-own-ending twists, pulling you...

Price: Free Developer: Wattpad Corp

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