Top 20 Finance Apps Like Om Wallet - Best Alternatives

Om Wallet Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Om Wallet alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Finance apps that are similar to Om Wallet. Pick one from this list to be your new Om Wallet app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Om Wallet on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Om Wallet - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Om Wallet alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Om Wallet 2025.

Om Mobile Banking

Om Mobile Banking

This is SMS Based Mobile Banking Application for Customers of Om Finance Limited, a financial Institution of Nepal. Application allows their Customers to -Check Balances -Request Mini-Statement -Transfer Funds to different accounts. -Buy Airtime topups -Make Payments and many...

Price: Free Developer: F1Soft International Pte. Ltd.
MineMål - hvad drømmer du om?

MineMål - hvad drømmer du om?

APPEN ER FOR KUNDER I NYKREDITS FORDELSPROGRAM MINEMÅL MineMål er Nykredits fordelsprogram, som kan hjælpe dig med at tage næste skridt til at nå dine mål og drømme som boligejer. Det kan være, du drømmer om at bygge til eller...

Price: Free Developer: Nykredit
OM Ganeshaya Co-op

OM Ganeshaya Co-op

OM Ganeshaya Co-op helps you check your account balance, mini statement, fund transfer, cheque book request, loan enquiry, pay your bills and much more. The new App for iOS is loaded with great features. Now Co-operative clients can use...

Byt fonder

Byt fonder

Med Pensionsmyndighetens app Byt fonder får du snabb tillgång till Mina sidor och våra tjänster på vår webbplats i din mobil och på din surfplatta. Du kan söka, se över och byta dina fonder i premiepensionen och ta del...

Price: Free Developer: Pensionsmyndigheten


Simbill is in 2009 gestart als alternatief voor de ingewikkelde boekhoudpakketten die online beschikbaar zijn. Deze boekhoudpakketten zijn te complex voor de ondernemer die eigenlijk kan volstaan met een pakket voor het maken van offertes, bevestigingen, facturen en herinneringen....

Price: Free Developer: Jacky Ottenheijm
Geld Is Leuk

Geld Is Leuk

In een samenleving die meer en meer digitaal wordt, loopt de financiële opvoeding van kinderen nog erg achter. Door kinderen en hun ouders te laten praten over waar geld vandaan komt, hoe je het kan uitgeven en hoe sparen...

Price: Free Developer: Otly B.V.
Mijn Qander

Mijn Qander

Altijd en overal online inzicht in uw geldzaken? Het kan veilig en snel met de Mijn Qander App. In één oogopslag alle informatie over uw product(en) en zelf eenvoudig uw gegevens wijzigen. Ontdek het gemak. Installeren is zo gebeurd. Hebt...

Price: Free Developer: Qander Consumer Finance BV


Met deze app kunt u op makkelijke en veilige wijze informatie uitwisselen en samenwerken met uw accountants- of administratiekantoor. De app is er voor iPhone, iPad en Apple Watch. Documenten goed- of afkeuren Denk aan belastingaangiften en jaarrekeningen. U kunt daarna...

Price: Free Developer: Finovion Franchise
Credway - Låna pengar

Credway - Låna pengar

Så fungerar Credway Credway är som ett kreditkort i appen. Nya kunder ansöker om en kreditgräns upp till 30 000 kr och överför pengar direkt till sitt vanliga bankkonto. Credway har inga avgifter förutom ränta på pengarna som du överför. Om...

Price: Free Developer: Northmill Bank AB
ECOMI Secure Wallet

ECOMI Secure Wallet

Keeping your cryptocurrencies, or private keys, safe and protected is now more important than ever, and this is exactly what the Secure Wallet was designed for, without all the hassle. Combining world-leading security and ultra-portability, the Secure Wallet is...

Price: Free Developer: ECOMI Technology PTE Ltd
Ethereum Wallet - Freewallet

Ethereum Wallet - Freewallet

Install Freewallet’s Ethereum Wallet to manage and store your Ethereum in a secure cryptocurrency app. The ETH wallet combines all the best characteristics of blockchain wallets – it is safe and easy to use wallet with multi-level security. Ethereum...

Price: Free Developer: Freewallet
Bitcoin Cash Wallet Freewallet

Bitcoin Cash Wallet Freewallet

Install Bitcoin Cash Wallet and enjoy simple transactions and multi-level security features. It is a free BCH (BCC) wallet with a built-in exchange and intuitive interface. Bitcoin Cash Wallet combines all the best features of crypto...

Price: Free Developer: Freewallet
Litecoin Wallet by Freewallet

Litecoin Wallet by Freewallet

Litecoin wallet from Freewallet family combines all of the best features of hosted wallets. It is the most suitable free iOS app for any user, including experienced LTC miners, crypto newbies or users of Litecoin faucet. Litecoin wallet from the...

Price: Free Developer: Freewallet
BBVA Wallet México

BBVA Wallet México

¿Conoces BBVA Wallet? Es la app gratuita de BBVA, el nuevo nombre de BBVA Bancomer, con la que puedes comprar por internet con SEGURIDAD y manejar de manera práctica y confiable tus tarjetas BBVA de débito y crédito, físicas o...

Price: Free Developer: BBVA Bancomer, S.A.
HODL Wallet : Bitcoin Wallet

HODL Wallet : Bitcoin Wallet

HODL Wallet is a Bitcoin wallet that makes it simple and easy to send, receive, and store bitcoin. It is the best tool for empowering yourself to hold your own funds securely. Your Bitcoin are stored on your device...

Price: Free Developer: Hodl Wallet Inc
Sydbank Wallet

Sydbank Wallet

Med Sydbank Wallet kan du betale kontaktløst med din iPhone, når du er ude at handle, og den er et nemt og sikkert alternativ til de fysiske betalingskort. Understøtter Dankort på mobilen. Første gang du åbner Sydbank Wallet, skal du...

Price: Free Developer: Sydbank
AllZ Wallet Merchant

AllZ Wallet Merchant

AllZ Wallet™ Merchant is a mobile payment processing application for merchants, stores, supermarkets and individuals, offered by PayAllZ Sdn Bhd. You can download for free and check out its rich features. Use AllZ Wallet™ Merchant and turn your smartphone/...

Price: Free Developer: PayAllZ Sdn Bhd
Blockchain Wallet: Bitcoin

Blockchain Wallet: Bitcoin

The Blockchain Wallet is the most popular crypto wallet with over 38 million wallets in 140 countries, $200B transacted, and industry leading low fees. Your Blockchain Wallet is unique because it is non-custodial. This means that only YOU hold...

Price: Free Developer: Blockchain
Dogecoin Wallet by Freewallet

Dogecoin Wallet by Freewallet

Install the Dogecoin Wallet for easy and secure DOGE transactions and storage. Track the price of the coin, convert it to any cryptocurrency, and keep your money safe even if you forget your private keys or lose your phone. The...

Price: Free Developer: Freewallet

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