Top 30 Social Networking Apps Like Tag The App - Best Alternatives

Tag The App Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Tag The App alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Social Networking apps that are similar to Tag The App. Pick one from this list to be your new Tag The App app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Tag The App on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Tag The App - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Tag The App alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Tag The App 2025.

TAG - Social Card

TAG - Social Card

Tag is a simple way to connect easily without juggling business cards or bumping phones. Features: • Connect in seconds: Share your digital card with anyone with an email address to connect instantly. • Built for networking: Every card you receive remembers...

Price: Free Developer: Marco Soto


バディ(テラ出版)2月号に掲載頂きました。 会員数増加中! アダルト画像や他のユーザ様が不快になるような表現は、 一切禁止となりますので、ご理解ご協力よろしくお願いいたします。 24時間監視しておりますので、安心してご利用頂けるアプリとなっております。 タイプ機能 積極的にメッセージを送るのが苦手な方も タイプボタンでお相手に気持ちを伝えることができます。 ブロック機能 趣向が合わないお相手を気軽にブロックできます。 ブロックした事はお相手に伝わりません。 足跡機能 自分のプロフィールを見てくれたユーザを一覧で確認する事ができます。 今後の方針 ゲイの方の目的にあった方同士のマッチング機能の強化 料金について アプリのご利用は無料です。 登録やお相手のプロフィール、タイプするなどは無料でお使い頂けます。 有料プランについて ・有料プランになるとメッセージがし放題となります。 ・既読が確認できるようになります。 ・お相手の最新利用時間(たった今・1時間以内・24時間以内など)が確認できるようになります。 TAG月額1ヶ月プラン:1080円 TAG月額3ヶ月プラン:2800円(1ヶ月当たり933円) TAG月額6ヶ月プラン:5000円(1ヶ月あたり833円) TAG月額12ヶ月プラン:8400円(1ヶ月あたり700円) それぞれの月毎に自動継続課金となります。 定額制なので、高額請求などになりません。 ・有料プランは、お試し・1ヶ月・3ヶ月・6ヶ月・12ヶ月毎の自動継続課金を用意しております。 いつでも解除できますので、ご安心下さい。 秩序維持がユーザ様への良好なアプリ提供になると考えているため、 月額の定額料金が必要です。ご理解、よろしくお願いいたします。 ・悪質や冷やかしユーザ排除の目的 ・業者やゲイアプリに興味のない方の排除 ・ゲイ出会い系というよりゲイマッチングがコンセプト(真面目なパートナーも見つかる) ・24時間監視に掛かる費用に充てています。 ご注意 ・更新日の確認 自動継続課金は、期限日の24時間以上前に自動継続課金をオフにしなければ、自動更新されます。 ・Apple ID決済での定期購入 TAG月額プランでは、iTunesのアカウントにより課金されます。 定期購入とは、Appleのコンテンツに対し1回限りではなく定期的に料金を支払うことをいいます。 定期購入は自動的に更新され、各定期購入期間の開始時に請求が行われます。 ・定期購入の解約 TAGアプリをアンインストールしても定期購入は自動的に停止されません。 定期購入を終了するには、定期購入を解約する必要があります。 解約は、iTunesのアカウント管理にていつでも行うことができます。 解約は、上記の少なくとも24時間前までにお願いします。 不具合やご要望などお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。 [email protected] Mailサポート:月〜金10:00〜18:00(土日祝日は除く)

Price: Free Developer: Symphony LLC.
Hello Name Tag

Hello Name Tag

The classic Hello Name Tag is now available for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, and is perfect for helping you to make friends and get to know people at school, meetings, conventions, parties, single bars, or any other...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: David Ashton
tag like for insta

tag like for insta

With tag for insta you will have plenty of tags for your Instagram photos. Just search in the category you want: - Popular hashtags for Instagram - Sports - Animals - Fashion - Celebrities - Social - and many more! and select one of the 100 subcategories...

Price: Free Developer: Seyhmus Gumus
WHO - tag your friends

WHO - tag your friends

With Who you can ask questions and only answer by tagging people from your school. Tag your friends!

Price: Free Developer: VLB


Tagitty is a free location based social app that allows users to “Tag” locations that are meaningful to them. Tag restaurants, beaches, parking spaces, museum’s, places you enjoy spending time with family and even garage sales. This app uses...

Price: Free Developer: RDC Engineering P C
Alike - search iT by proximity !

Alike - search iT by proximity !

Alike is a keyword driven, proximity based search engine for mobile or tool for tag geo-fencing. Use this app to locate users by specific keywords or post your own tags to be found by others. Type a keyword in the search...

Price: Free Developer: Alike Inc


TipTags allows you to create and share information about your favorite places, with text, photos, videos and links, and place on the exact place you are talking about. Any kind of information about any kind of place. ...

Price: Free Developer: TipTags
Biopage - Biography & Stories

Biopage - Biography & Stories

Encourage writing in social media. Social networking for writers. ____________________________________ Writing is essential to success in education, career, business development, and social life. * A prominent "Biography" page with plenty of space, in clean and simple format. Be self-expressive and creative to...

Price: Free Developer: Biopage LLC
Ask The Internet

Ask The Internet

Ask The Internet is a fun and simple way to ask and answer the world’s most pressing questions: Why does the caged bird sing? Why do hipsters wear plaid? And the big one: Are beards really back? Can’t decide? Ask...

Price: Free Developer: Ask The Internet
The Tyler's Place Podcast

The Tyler's Place Podcast

A podcast series called The Tyler’s Place. The Tyler’s Place is a collection of stories, lessons and interviews by Masons, for Masons and about Masons. Hosted by Bro. Maynard Edwards, 32°. Each episode offers a variety of topics on...

Hang: The Social Button

Hang: The Social Button

Hang is your social button - use it to let your friends know that you are free to do an activity! Instead of having to ask all your friends if they're free, they'll show you with Hang! How do I...

Price: Free Developer: Arman Tavakoli
Circle - The social game

Circle - The social game

NEW generation of social app, THE SOCIAL GAME. CIRCLE 100 is a pilot; and the 1st ONE we are opening for the brightest one hundred people, who’ll be opening the future circles of friends. • ACCES CODE First CHALLENGES in the app,...

Price: Free Developer: Alexandru Berar
ACEapp The Social Network

ACEapp The Social Network

Introducing you the ACEapp! A social network platform exclusively dedicated to people of Asexual spectrum. We aim to increase visibility of ace people, as well as connect the community together. In ACEapp you can: Create profile; Start exploring ACEs and meet ACEs all...

Price: Free Developer: Parthtech Developers LLP
FLX - The Social Movie App

FLX - The Social Movie App

FLX - The social app for movies and TV shows! FLX is a social network that allows you to share what you're watching with your friends. As you check in movies and TV shows you will also be rewarded with...

Price: Free Developer: Flipped Bit Studios
GEM the App

GEM the App

Welcome to GEM! A private social transactional platform for on-demand bookings and influencer monetization. What does that mean for me? For all Users: ~ A safe and efficient on-demand social transactional booking platform ~ Create a unique GEM profile that expresses who/ what...

Price: Free Developer: Global Entertainment Matrix, LLC
Parlor: The Social Talking App

Parlor: The Social Talking App

Parlor is the #1 Social Talking Network! * 5 million users * 2.5 billion conversations * 100% free globally Parlor connects people who want to talk right now. It doesn’t matter if you are 17 or 55. Parlor has topics and users from...

Price: Free Developer: Parlor
In The Moment App

In The Moment App

In The Moment is a social media content curation app, creating a private social media feed for your staff to review content from people on the front lines. Your communication decision makers can review the content and push to...

Price: Free Developer: Capitol Tech Solutions
AzGram.Az - The Social Network

AzGram.Az - The Social Network

Share your statuses, photos and videos, and keep up with your friends and interests. AzGram is a simple way to capture and share the world’s moments. Follow your friends and family to see what they’re up to, and discover accounts...

Price: Free Developer: Amal Aliyev


Using People App absolutely for free you can turn your ideas into reality. Our Aim is to connect talented freelancers and professionals to people looking for their services. Directly get in touch with people you want to hire and...

Price: Free Developer: People App LLC.


Re-Up is an Amazing Interactive Video Social Network that's better than any other! It's a MUST have that's full of innovative features like: * Weighted Interest (aka Bubbles), which allows you to pick and fill up topics you want to see; *...

Price: Free Developer: Re-Up App, Inc.
Plugd - The Foodies' App

Plugd - The Foodies' App

Plugd is a free social network and utility app for any real-world location, venue or neighborhood you are at. It lets you plug into any place you are at in real life! HOW IT WORKS • Every real world...

Price: Free Developer: Hoodere Labs


Fun and easy to use. BoxFresh is a Q&A app for Twitter users! Let's answer the questions you get, and you can connect more closer with your followers! And you can also send special questions by purchasing paid digital gifts to the...

Price: Free Developer: App-CM Inc.


SPECIAL App is a new social gaming & entertainment app. With SPECIAL App, it is easy and fun to participate in contests and games, play and win great prizes! Discover new SPECIAL contests, challenges and games every week. Have fun and win!

Price: Free Developer: Velvetas LT
e-Living APP

e-Living APP

Smarter Way of Living: e-Living is a platform that integrates with your daily life. By using your mobile device and our app, you can instantly find the right solution with your daily needs, such as finding home repair expert, booking...

Price: Free Developer: CHI-WAH CHEUNG
Portland Dating App

Portland Dating App

Made just for the Portland area… Busy schedules and traffic can take a toll on your dating life. We created the Portland Dating App because we know the Portland-Vancouver area deserves better. Now you can... See If They’re Free Ever matched with someone...

Price: Free Developer: City Dating App LLC
Strawberry Network App

Strawberry Network App

Anonymously leaving comments to friends is fun, right? Show support during a rough time, ask a question without revealing your identity, or even leave a funny (or corny we don’t judge) joke. Strawberry, short for Strawberry Network...

Price: Free Developer: Devante McFarlane
Battle App

Battle App

Battle App is an interactive short video platform for people to battle with their friends over a beat. It's insanely addictive, and all about having fun. So what are you waiting for? Come on now, and let's battle! Yeee, I'll see...

Price: Free Developer: Battle App LLC
Vanilla App

Vanilla App

Vanilla App is the native App for all your Vanillaforums of the Open Source Branch. Give your community an app that is developed by a team of Vanillaforums fans since the early days of Vanilla. It also allows you to...

Price: Free Developer: Stefan Eipeltauer

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