Top 19 Education Apps Like Share STR - Best Alternatives

Share STR Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Share STR alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Education apps that are similar to Share STR. Pick one from this list to be your new Share STR app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Share STR on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Share STR - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Share STR alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Share STR 2025.

SHARE Association

SHARE Association

About SHARE SHARE began as the first-ever enterprise IT user group back in 1955, and continues to deliver important avenues of professional growth for the industry today. It is an independent volunteer-run information technology association that provides education, professional networking...

Price: Free Developer: SHARE Association
KnowledgeWorker Share Mobile

KnowledgeWorker Share Mobile

KnowledgeWorker Share ist die soziale Plattform für Ihr Unternehmen. Sorgen Sie für eine partizipative Unternehmenskultur, indem Sie aktuelle Informationen, Online-Kurse und Feedback mit Ihren Mitarbeitern teilen. Motivieren Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter, gezielt Verbesserungsvorschläge zu machen und Rückmeldung zu aktuellen Projekten...

Price: Free Developer: chemmedia AG
Play, Sing & Share Lite

Play, Sing & Share Lite

Welcome to the fun App that will have your children playing piano, singing classic kids songs, and sharing them with friends and family! The Play, Sing & Share iPad app is a unique app that combines the skills of...

Price: Free Developer: Cambridge English Online Ltd.
RN Share

RN Share

Welcome to RNShare, the premier mobile educational network for nurses. RNShare's mission is to provide a platform for all nurses to share their experiences, provide feedback and listen to each other on a day-to-day basis. Our Vision is to...

Price: Free Developer: Medicine Network LLC
Share the Science: STEM

Share the Science: STEM

Share the Science®: STEM exposes viewers to a virtual community garden where they will learn about science, technology, engineering, and math through the eyes of a young child. Created in response to discussions at the 2016 Early Childhood STEM...

Price: Free Developer: Otherworld Interactive, LLC
Share the Science: Climate Change VR

Share the Science: Climate Change VR

Using virtual reality, Share the Science: Climate Change takes you on a field trip across our planet's surface. Learn where carbon dioxide comes from and its impact on our planet and its inhabitants. Share the Science: Climate Change is appropriate...

Price: Free Developer: Otherworld Interactive, LLC
Trace & Share

Trace & Share

"From the same creator of "Daily Tasks" application, Trace & Share offer amazing game play that build young children fine motor and social skill " “Trace & Share” is an application that designed to further enhance Autistic children fine motor...

Share Quran

Share Quran

Share Quran is a most awaited app containing true gems of Deen, includes in it the complete word by word Translation Quran and sentence-wise translation Quran, much worthwhile Tasfeer of the glorious Quran in the form of question anwers,...

Price: Free Developer: AL-Noor Welfare Foundation
iAnnotCollab-Annotate PDF for free share annotations in the Cloud in real time

iAnnotCollab-Annotate PDF for free share annotations in the Cloud in real time

Annotate PDF for FREE online, and share annotations with others in real time. iAnnotCollab is for Cloud Collaboration and Collaborative Decision-Making (CDM) on iPad. It is the free version of AnnotCollab. Annotate PDF document in the Cloud together with your coworkers....

Price: Free Developer: EncGoo
STR Quick-Reference App

STR Quick-Reference App

Stand to Reason's Quick-Reference App summarizes the information you need to know about tactics, abortion, and other relevant topics through text and video, equipping you to engage in thoughtful conversation about the most important issues of life from a...

Price: Free Developer: Stand to Reason
Körkort nu med Elevcentralen

Körkort nu med Elevcentralen

Hela resan till körkort i en enda app • Den officiella appen från STR • 160 000 användare under 2017 • Prova gratis, full version via din körskolas e-handel • Hitta närmaste och bästa körskola direkt i appen • Skräddarsy din egen...

Price: Free Developer: STR
Taxi-Coach Berlin 2019

Taxi-Coach Berlin 2019

Der neue Taxi-Coach 2018 ist auf die schriftliche Prüfung ausgelegt, wie sie bei den Technischen Prüfstellen durchgeführt wird. Der Taxi-Coach ist eine App zur Vorbereitung auf die P-Schein-Prüfung. In der schriftlichen Prüfung müssen Taxischein-Anwärter 45 von 50 Fragen richtig beantworten....

Price: USD 10.99 Developer: Spezialatlas
Logopedie Articulatie App

Logopedie Articulatie App Video's – Logopedist Linda van Kleef : Foto's : Logopedie Articulatie App voor kinderen: articulatie en uitspraak oefeningen. De app kan ook gebruikt worden om de woordenschat uit te breiden. Daarnaast kan de app gebruikt worden door volwassenen om te...

Price: Free Developer:
Logopedie Articulatie App VPP

Logopedie Articulatie App VPP Video's – Logopedist Linda van Kleef : Foto's : Logopedie Articulatie App voor kinderen: articulatie en uitspraak oefeningen. De app kan ook gebruikt worden om de woordenschat uit te breiden. Daarnaast kan de app gebruikt worden door volwassenen om te...

Price: USD 26.99 Developer:
Terraformars - francetv éducation

Terraformars - francetv éducation

Votre mission : rendre la planète Mars habitable pour sauver l'humanité. Le serious game TerraforMars est un jeu de Stratégie en Temps Réel (STR) où l'objectif du joueur est de procéder à la terraformation de Mars, c'est-à-dire à la mise...

Price: Free Developer: France Télévisions
SpellNow Level 2

SpellNow Level 2

SpellNow Level 2 spells F-U-N! Make spelling child’s play with SpellNow! This app transforms the way grade 2 students develop their spelling skills by making it fun. Children are transported to an Ice Age, full of fun and...

Price: Free Developer: Education Curb Pty Ltd
SpellNow Level 3

SpellNow Level 3

SpellNow Level 3 spells F-U-N! Make spelling child’s play with SpellNow! This app transforms the way grade 3 students develop their spelling skills by making it fun. Children are transported to the Stone Ages, full of fun and...

Price: Free Developer: Education Curb Pty Ltd
SpellNow Year 2 Challenge

SpellNow Year 2 Challenge

Is your 2nd grader ready for the SpellNow Year 2 Challenge? With 777 words and sentences to work from and 6 fun games, your child will master spelling within no time. Spelling has never been so entertaining! SpellNow Year 2...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Education Curb Pty Ltd

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