Top 24 Reference Apps Like O LE Tusi Pa'ia - Samoan Bible - Best Alternatives

O LE Tusi Pa'ia - Samoan Bible Alternatives

Do you want to find the best O LE Tusi Pa'ia - Samoan Bible alternatives for iOS? We have listed 24 Reference apps that are similar to O LE Tusi Pa'ia - Samoan Bible. Pick one from this list to be your new O LE Tusi Pa'ia - Samoan Bible app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to O LE Tusi Pa'ia - Samoan Bible on your iOS devices.

Top 24 Apps Like O LE Tusi Pa'ia - Samoan Bible - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid O LE Tusi Pa'ia - Samoan Bible alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 24 similar apps like O LE Tusi Pa'ia - Samoan Bible 2025.



Plant-O-Matic generates a list of local plant species for any location in the Americas. Use high resolution photos, detailed text descriptions, and a variety of filters to identify and learn about plants. The app includes over 88,000 species, the...

Price: Free Developer: Ocotea Technologies, LLC
Dict-o-saurus Rex

Dict-o-saurus Rex

Raaaggggghhh!!! is not a word, but you can use Dict-o-saurus Rex to discover the meanings of hundreds of thousands of real words. Dict-o-saurus uses WordNet® under the hood. WordNet® includes more that 150,000 English word definitions. Features: - Search for definitions & synonyms of...

Price: Free Developer: KFX Tech LTD
French-English dict. - DIC-o

French-English dict. - DIC-o

DIC-o French - English and English - French off-line dictionary with pronunciations (61000 translations).

Price: Free Developer: Petr Wagner
Spanish-English dict. - DIC-o

Spanish-English dict. - DIC-o

DIC-o Spanish - English and English - Spanish off-line dictionary with pronunciations (67000 translations).

Price: Free Developer: Petr Wagner


FRAN is a dictionary portal of the Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language, which offers users the essential language manuals for Slovenian. It contains: • over 35 dictionaries, • a linguistic atlas, • language and terminology advice sites, • a portal of Slovenian...

Price: Free Developer: DigiEd d.o.o.


Aplikace Pays obsahuje veškeré informace o spolehlivé platební bráně pro eshopy. Platební brána Pays je bránou pro platby kartou i pro platby na internetu. V aplikaci lze nalézt informace o bráně, výhody a důležité informace pro obchodníky i nakupující....

Price: Free Developer: s.r.o.
GI Montanari

GI Montanari

Il GI Vocabolario della lingua greca è costituito da un ampio corpus di voci attestate nella letteratura arcaica, classica ed ellenistica, nei testi di età imperiale e tardo-antica fino ai primi secoli del Cristianesimo, oltre che nelle testimonianze...

Price: Free Developer: LOESCHER EDITORE
Grants And Loans

Grants And Loans

After many requests B and O Technologies brings you Grants And Loans. This app is used as a portal to find all sorts of government and private grants loans and scholarships. They can be used for personal needs, new...

Price: Free Developer: B and O Technologies


Founded more than 20 years ago, IN-EKO TEAM s.r.o. is located in Central Europe, where its manufacturing facility is also located. Since its inception, the company has been focusing on the production of stainless steel water management systems for...

Price: Free Developer: TRIPON DIGITAL s.r.o.
Komfort agentura práce

Komfort agentura práce

Aplikace Komfort agentura práce poskytuje důležité informace o firmě. V aplikaci najdete potřebné kontakty, odkazy či rychlý kontaktní formulář. Aplikace obsahuje záložky Hledám práci, Hledám zaměstnance i Galerii. Naleznete v ní také dokumenty ke stažení nebo navigaci. Aplikace byla vytvořena...

Price: Free Developer: TRIPON DIGITAL s.r.o.
Dictionnaire Le Petit Robert

Dictionnaire Le Petit Robert

La référence de la langue française avec plus de 300 000 mots et sens, 150 000 synonymes et contraires, 35 000 citations, 75 000 étymologies, de nombreux compléments éditoriaux (datations, exemples, contraires, citations, conjugaisons, mots prononcés, etc.). Son interface conviviale,...

Price: USD 39.99 Developer: Diagonal
Le Mie Preghiere - più di mille orazioni - una preghiera per ogni occasione

Le Mie Preghiere - più di mille orazioni - una preghiera per ogni occasione

△▲△▲△ Le Tue Preghiere △▲△▲△ Il tuo rifugio spirituale giornaliero da portare sempre con te nel tuo iPhone, iPod o iPad! Con ben 1087 preghiere divise per argomenti potrai avere sempre a portata di smartphone le più belle preghiere da recitare...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Massimiliano Borrelli
Le La

Le La

Looking up the article ('le' or 'la') of a word has never been easier. Just type the first few letters of a word and see the article immediately. Besides the quick lookup of the articles, the app will help...

Price: Free Developer: Lubos Mikusiak


Le Bled Tout-en-un La référence en Orthographe, Grammaire, Conjugaison . L’application (embarquée) comprend : - Les règles : toutes les règles d’orthographe, de grammaire, de formation et d’emploi des temps, - Le conjugueur : plus de 6 000 verbes conjugués à tous les...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Hachette Livre
le Garzantine - Antichità

le Garzantine - Antichità

L’app “le Garzantine – Antichità Classica” offre un panorama completo delle civiltà classiche greca e latina in tutti i loro aspetti: da Pericle ad Augusto, da Eschilo a Lucrezio, i protagonisti, la storia, i luoghi e i popoli, i...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
le Garzantine - Filosofia

le Garzantine - Filosofia

La storia del pensiero occidentale in un dizionario enciclopedico esauriente e rigoroso. Gli autori, le dottrine, le scuole (dall’atomismo all'esistenzialismo, dal positivismo alla fenomenologia), gli ambiti di ricerca (etica, logica, estetica, epistemologia, ermeneutica, filosofia del linguaggio, neuroscienze), i concetti...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
le Garzantine - Medioevo

le Garzantine - Medioevo

Dalla fine del mondo classico all’alba del rinascimento, nell’app “le Garzantine – Medioevo” vengono presi in esame i 1000 anni di storia e civiltà che hanno gettato le fondamenta dell’Europa moderna, ripercorsi attraverso i protagonisti, gli eventi e le...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
le Garzantine - Economia

le Garzantine - Economia

L’app “le Garzantine – Economia” offre uno strumento indispensabile per capire il linguaggio dell’economia e della finanza, utilissimo per orientarsi, soprattutto in tempo di crisi, tra spread, rating, default, indici di borsa, debito pubblico. Gli economisti, da Adam Smith...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
le Garzantine - Letteratura

le Garzantine - Letteratura

Da Omero a Dan Brown, l’app “le Garzantine – Letteratura” offre il più completo repertorio della letteratura di tutti i tempi e di tutti i paesi: uno strumento aggiornato e affidabile per conoscere gli autori e le opere della...

Price: USD 8.99 Developer: Edigeo S.r.l.
Le Coran. Audio Texte

Le Coran. Audio Texte

Le Coran tout entier qui vous donne une capacité d'écouter et de lire tous les 114 sourates sur votre appareil à tout moment et n'importe où. 1) Aucune connexion Internet requise pour l'écouter ou à lire. Le support complet...

Price: Free Developer: Adil Khanov
Samoa Language!

Samoa Language!

Learn the language of Samoa with friends using the Samoa Language! app. Deluxe Subscription gives access to the following premium features: -iOS App: • Travel: Access 300 phrases with audio pronunciations and an option to pronounce slowly suited for travel • Conversations: Access...

Price: Free Developer: Nikle LLC
Spanish Convo!

Spanish Convo!

Learn the Spanish language with friends using the Spanish Convo! app. Deluxe Subscription gives access to the following premium features: -iOS App: • Travel: Access 300 phrases with audio pronunciations and an option to pronounce slowly suited for travel. • Conversations: Access 400...

Price: Free Developer: Nikle LLC
Translate King - Translator

Translate King - Translator

Translate King is a versatile translation tool. Photo translation, speech translation, dialogue translation, Spanish,French and other 104 language translators. Whether you're traveling to new places or trying to get started learning a new language, thanks to “Translate King”, the language...

Price: Free Developer: bai zhimin

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