Do you want to find the best Interval Quiz alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Music apps that are similar to Interval Quiz. Pick one from this list to be your new Interval Quiz app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Interval Quiz on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Interval Quiz alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Interval Quiz 2025.
***** Highly addictive piano game. ***** A fun way to develop a better musical ear! Great for experienced musicians and beginners. Music students love this app. ---- Interval Ear Training can help improve: • Interval recognition • Sense of pitch • Transcription skills • Improvising skills • Self esteem --- How...
One of the first steps in ear training is recognizing intervals. Knowing what the distance is between two notes. Because every melody, chord or scale consists of a series of intervals, this is a very useful and also fundamental...
⇒ Featured by Apple on the App Store front page, RelativePitch has helped over 130,000 musicians improve their ears "Whether you are a seasoned musician or a complete beginner, RelativePitch will have you listening with a sharpened ear and a...
Join over 200,000 musicians who've learned interval recognition with the RelativePitch apps ⇒ RelativePitch chosen by Apple to be featured on the App Store! ⇐ Users say: “Ear Training Made Easy - Get this now! At least try it. Very professionally...
A good knowledge of intervals is a basic skill and a must-have for musicians and music students. In order to learn substantial musical intervals, there should be some system or guide to follow to achieve your musical goal faster and...
App allows you to learn recognizing musical intervals in a fun and refreshing way. You learn to identify intervals by associating them to melodies of popular songs. While training the user gets feedback immediately. Each time you guess an...
'Ear Ear! Interval Trainer' is a fun interval ear trainer game with easy, medium and hard modes, and a great choice for practising for your (or your student's) Grade 5 Theory exam. Features: - all 12 intervals, starting on all notes -...
It's a music teacher in your pocket! Master interval recognition and production on the go. On the bus, at home... wherever. It's never been easier to practice this most fundamental of musical skills. Choose the interval you want...
With this application you will be able to put your intervailing skills to the test and carry out an appropriate and detailed level tracking through graphs strategically arranged by type of interval and order of practice. The application is universal,...
Easy and Fun! The Bastien Interval Flash Cards App is designed to help students learn Intervals, as easily as possible. Based on the best-selling "Bastien Music Flashcards" which have helped millions of piano students worldwide learn their Intervals. Learn more about Intervals! **Features** :The...
Are you a classical music fanatic? From Beethoven to Mozart, classical music has been not only been one of oldest genres of music, but one of the most influential. With over 200 questions, this quiz offers a wide range...
>>> Endless Quiz <<< Endless Quiz 'Classical Music' gives you the chance to practice your knowledge concerning classical music, composers, pieces and instruments. Includes: * Names and history of composers * Famous pieces of music * Famous operas * Birth, death and nationalities of composers Hundreds...
Composers Quiz is an educational app for music students and music lovers. In this app, you can learn anything about the 228 famous composers from Medieval to the late 20th century. The app includes Youtube page and Wikipedia page,...
Jazz Theory Quiz is an app from the creators of the iImprov series which is designed to test your knowledge of music theory. Broken down into five categories, this theory quiz app can be of value to all musicians...
The India's most popular Bollywood music quiz has finally arrived in iPhone app store ..!! The concept is simple. It's just like 'name that tune': listen to the song extract and find the name of the song or artist! How...
Guess the songs music quiz is the most fun game and complete to iOs. If you were looking for a game of music songs with many different artists and bands, hundreds of songs, multiple game modes, and many styles of...
Symphony Guide and Quiz This app is a guide to Symphony and Symphonic Poem. It has a document to introduce the structure, form, origin and history of Symphony and Symphonic Poem and a chronology of Symphony. It introduce 114 Famous Symphonies...
Deze app is onderdeel van Top 2000 Quiz spel van Universal Music en Van der Meulen. Dit spel is te koop bij speelgoed- en muziekwinkels en online shops. De Top 2000 Quiz wordt gespeeld met vraagkaartjes, waarop meer dan 600...
楽譜がすらすら読めるようになるトレーニングアプリです。 「五線譜に書かれている音符」と、「ピアノ、オルガン、キーボード楽器の鍵盤の位置」が合わせられない初心者〜中級者に向けた、音楽楽器演奏トレーニングゲームです。 気軽にこの音符のクイズ『Notes Quiz』で練習を積み重ねて以下の悩みを解決していきましょう。 *譜読みに手こずる *音感が悪い *初見で演奏が苦手 *ト音記号はまだいいが、ヘ音記号は特に苦手 *シャープやフラットが出てくるとわけが分からなくなる *C dur / a moll (ハ長調・イ短調)だけでなく、色々なキーでトレーニングしたい *ピアノやシンセサイザー楽器をうまくなりたい *音楽学校・大学の試験対策をしたい *毎日楽器の練習をする時間が作れない *楽譜に対する反射神経を鍛えたい *音感を鍛えたい *タブ譜しかよめないので五線譜読めるようになりたい 様々なキーで挑戦できたり、問題を解き続けていると、タイムリミットが短くなるので、上級者の方もお使いいただけるアプリです。 スコアを毎日 SNS やメールでメモしてみたり、GameCenter にログインしてハイスコアを全世界のユーザーと競ったりしてみて、トレーニングを楽しんでください。 プレイ回数に応じて、実施回数と達成スコアに応じて、自動的に出題範囲が広がる難易度調整が行われます。 ・シャープ・フラットが出現するようになる ・二本以上の加線部分の音階が増える ・出現する調が増加していく 難易度は保存されるので、難易度を落としたい・元に戻したい場合は、設定画面よりクリアすることができます。 -- ヒント機能 ・残り時間が半分になるとヒントが表示されます。 ・どの鍵盤がどの音がわかるように音階が表示されます。 -- 絶対音感の方へ ・設定画面から「Hint Sound on Start」を OFF にしてみてください。 ・問題出題時のヒント音を鳴らさなくすることができ、譜読みに集中できるようになります。 -- アプリ内で追加機能を購入して拡張機能をアンロックすると アルト、テナー(ハ音記号)用のトレーニングを行うことができるようになります。
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