Top 20 Food & Drink Apps Like Fika a Dica! - Best Alternatives

Fika a Dica! Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Fika a Dica! alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Food & Drink apps that are similar to Fika a Dica!. Pick one from this list to be your new Fika a Dica! app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Fika a Dica! on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Fika a Dica! - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Fika a Dica! alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Fika a Dica! 2025.

FIKA - Coffee Tasting Note

FIKA - Coffee Tasting Note

FIKA - Coffee Tasting Note Do you love coffee? Wish that you had a better appreciation of subtle taste differences and experiences? Then you need to develop a more refined coffee palate. Being able to taste​ coffee is a learned skill....

Price: Free Developer: IcePenguin's cruise diary


FIKA 'N' TIKKA is a food delivery app that allows users to order food get it delivered to their doorstep. We make our own food and send it to our customers through a delivery channel.

Price: Free Developer: Vivek Dahiya
Blueberry Lifestyle

Blueberry Lifestyle

Den smartaste vägen till en fantastiskt god och nyttig matupplevelse. Via appen sparar du tid och pengar samtidigt som du inspireras, informeras och involveras till en hälsosam livsstil. Beställ smoothies, mat och fika för avhämtning, få information ta del...

Price: Free Developer: Blueberry Lifestyle AB


Guldhäftet är en upplevelse-app med attraktiva erbjudanden. Genom Guldhäftet kan du uppleva restaurangbesök, aktiviteter, fika på stan, massage, frisörbesök, hotellnätter och mycket mer. Med Guldhäftet gör ni det 2 för 1 eller ofta till 50% rabatt. Guldhäftet har som...

Price: Free Developer: Guldhäftet AB


Why is it that your creative juices always dry up when trying to pick a lunch restaurant? The endless choices just make you default to the same old semi okay thai place next to the office over and over...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Saidi
Sverige fikar

Sverige fikar

Sverige fikar är appen för alla fikaälskare. Ta emot erbjudanden från en massa snälla konditorier runtom i Sverige, året runt. Du kan även ge och ta emot gratis semlor, chokladbollar och wienerbröd i årets kampanjer - Semlogram, Chokladbollogram och...

Price: Free Developer: KåKå AB


App features associated with location data in the latest release is only functional in the UNITED KINGDOM. The founder of PIC A DISH is an absolute foodie. Always eating out and used to eating well, she understands the frustrations of...

Price: Free Developer: PIC A DISH LIMITED
Glatt A La Carte

Glatt A La Carte

Good food, perfectly done. Glatt-A-La Carte has been the first of its kind, providing Continental and fine Grill cuisine to the Brooklyn community. Yet, it’s not only a local place, as over 60% of our customers hail from the Five...

Price: Free Developer: GLATT A LACARTE


Welcome to the Chick-fil-A® app. Earn points, redeem available rewards of your choice and reach new tiers with increasing benefits. FEATURES 1. Mobile ordering – Place your order through your phone, choose your preferred pick-up method, and let us know when...

Price: Free Developer: Chick-fil-A, Inc.
BURP! - Alcohol a domicilio

BURP! - Alcohol a domicilio

BURP! es la forma más fácil de pedir alcohol a domicilio en 3 simples pasos: Escoge tus productos, confirma tu ubicación y paga con tarjeta. En menos de lo te das cuenta BURP! ya estará en la puerta de...

Price: Free Developer: Garage Coders, S.A. de C.V.
Chef a Domicilio

Chef a Domicilio

Chef a Domicilio permite conectar a amantes de la buena cocina con los mejores profesionales gastronómicos en cualquier punto del país. Quienes deseen contratar a su chef solo deben registrarse, y según su geolocalización, a la hora de solicitar...

Price: Free Developer: Q Solutions S.A.


Un app che ha la funzione di facilitare l’utilizzo dei buoni pasto elettronici Lunch GM. Scaricando l’app renderai la tua pausa pranzo più semplice e conveniente. La EP Spa, infatti, ha studiato un applicazione che facilitasse gli affiliati...

Price: Free Developer: Zucchetti Centro Sistemi S.p.A.
Gestione Ordini - B.A.LAB

Gestione Ordini - B.A.LAB

Questa nuova applicazione permettere ai ristoratori a cui è stata sviluppata la mobile app dalla B.A.LAB di monitorare ordini e prenotazioni ricevute. Scarica la nuova app sviluppata dalla B.A.LAB per monitorare gli ordini che arrivano dall'app mobile della tua...

Price: Free Developer: B.A.LAB srl
L.A.Juice Japan(エルエージュースジャパン)

L.A.Juice Japan(エルエージュースジャパン)

*−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−* LA発のコールドプレスジュースブランド 【 L.A.Juice Japan(エルエージュースジャパン) 】の公式店舗アプリ完成! *−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−* ▶特徴 会員のみなさまに合わせた情報をプッシュ通知にて配信します。 お得な情報など、お手元で簡単に知ることができます。 ▶サービス機能 ・ご利用金額に応じてポイントが貯まります。 ・最新のお知らせ、お得なお知らせを配信します。 ・ジュースの予約が簡単に可能です。 ▶紹介 L.A.Juice Japanは、LA発のコールドプレスジュースブランド。 ハリウッドスターやセレブのライフスタイルには欠かせないコールドプレスジュースをお楽しみ頂けます。 厳選食材を使用し、大型コールドプレス機(good nature)で毎朝製造しております。 コールドプレスジュースとして、または野菜そのままをサラダとして、お好みのスタイルでどうぞ。。 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ご注意 −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− ※アプリ利用は無料です。 ※最新版のアプリをご利用いただくためには、端末のソフトウェアアップデートでOSのバージョンを最新にする必要がございます。 ※一部ご利用頂けないOSがございますのであらかじめご了承ください。推奨バージョンはiOS10以上です。

Price: Free Developer: L A JUICE JAPAN K.K.


We hope you can find everything you need. Meg-A-Latte is a Williston specialty coffee shop with three locations focused on providing high-quality gourmet coffee service and customer satisfaction – we will do everything we can to meet your expectations. “Our...

Price: Free Developer: iWerx Advertising Inc
MotoDelivery Pide a domicilio

MotoDelivery Pide a domicilio

Motodelivery es un servicio diseñado para TU COMODIDAD, compra y realiza tus pedidos a domicilio de distintos establecimientos de comida de la manera más rápida y segura.

Price: Free Developer: Levering System Levsys C.A.
Guia Xai by Share eat

Guia Xai by Share eat

Nessa versão o Share Eat apresente a nova assistente digital. Pare de perder tempo escolhendo onde ir, o que fazer, comer e beber. Encontre dicas rápidas de restaurantes, bares, comidas e bebidas com ajuda da Xai, a sua guia de...

Price: Free Developer: 4all
iFood - Pedir comida e mercado

iFood - Pedir comida e mercado

O iFood é perfeito pra você pedir comida quando quiser, de onde estiver. Ficou com vontade daquele prato do seu restaurante favorito? Pede um iFood. Milhões de pessoas em todo Brasil já estão pedindo! PRA QUALQUER FOME Pizza, hambúrguer, marmita, comida japonesa,...

Price: Free Developer: iFood
Receita Toda Hora

Receita Toda Hora

Este aplicativo manterá você atualizado com as novidades culinárias do mercado brasileiro. Instalando o nosso aplicativo, você poderá receber atualizações sempre que estiverem disponíveis. Com o Receita Toda Hora, você permite que seu smartphone receba notificações sempre que publicarmos...

Price: Free Developer: Marcelo Gomes

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