Top 36 Entertainment Apps Like Malwee Kids Aperte o Play - Best Alternatives

Malwee Kids Aperte o Play Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Malwee Kids Aperte o Play alternatives for iOS? We have listed 36 Entertainment apps that are similar to Malwee Kids Aperte o Play. Pick one from this list to be your new Malwee Kids Aperte o Play app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Malwee Kids Aperte o Play on your iOS devices.

Top 36 Apps Like Malwee Kids Aperte o Play - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Malwee Kids Aperte o Play alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 36 similar apps like Malwee Kids Aperte o Play 2025.

Grupo Malwee RA

Grupo Malwee RA

Esse aplicativo foi criado para trazer conteúdos extras para você. Aponte seu celular ou tablet para os marcadores e curta nossos conteúdos.

Price: Free Developer: Sinergia Studios
Caça ao Pico-Picolé

Caça ao Pico-Picolé

Caça ao Pico Picolé – Malwee Kids é um aplicativo que traz uma brincadeira muito divertida para o seu smartphone. Baixe o app e concorra a prêmios e descontos, participando do nosso game. Funciona assim: vários picolés foram escondidos pela...

Price: Free Developer: FFWD Apps
YouTube Kids

YouTube Kids

A video app made just for kids YouTube Kids was created to give kids a more contained environment filled with family-friendly videos on all different topics, igniting your kids’ inner creativity and playfulness. Parents and caregivers can guide the journey...

Price: Free Developer: Google LLC
PBS KIDS Stickers

PBS KIDS Stickers

*UPDATE* New Mister Rogers' Neighborhood stickers added in celebration of Fred Rogers’ life and legacy on his birthday, March 20th! Share kindness by exchanging these stickers with friends, family, and neighbors. Add some PBS KIDS fun to your messages...

Price: Free Developer: PBS KIDS
LifeWay Kids

LifeWay Kids

Access all your favorite LifeWay Kids curriculum apps in one place! With this free viewer, you can download Bible Studies for Life, Explore the Bible, The Gospel Project, Levels of Biblical Learning, Bible Skills for Kids and Big Picture...

Price: Free Developer: LifeWay Christian Resources
Car Puzzles for Kids

Car Puzzles for Kids

Car Puzzles for Kids is a fun and educational application for toddlers with 60 different puzzles and activities: Puzzles, Shape Matching, Jigsaw Puzzles, Coloring Pages & Decoration. Puzzles are not only a fun game, but they are also educational, they...

Price: Free Developer: Amax Kids
TV Pro Mediathek Kids ·

TV Pro Mediathek Kids ·

NEU Wir bringen die Kinder Highlights der deutschen Mediatheken gebündelt in eine App. Keine Suche mehr durch zig Mediathek Apps! Betreut von der TV Pro Redaktion. Sofort Kinder-geeignete, altersgerechte Sendungen finden. Egal ob im Auto, Zug oder im Flugzeug. Vor...

Price: Free Developer: Live TV GmbH


Anna und Philip freuen sich: Heute geht's in den Abenteuerpark! Mama Nina und Papa Daniel kommen natürlich auch mit. Bevor es losgeht, lernt Anna, wie sie ganz einfach einen Fahrradhelm aufsetzt. Und da Philip ein kleiner Draufgänger ist, wird...

Price: Free Developer: ABUS August Bremicker Söhne KG
TV Pro Mediathek Kids

TV Pro Mediathek Kids

Die Kinder-Highlights der Mediatheken. Alle Empfehlungen werden von der TV Pro Redaktion geprüft und kategorisiert. Sofort Kinder-geeignete, altersgerechte Sendungen in der Mediathek finden. Durch die erfolgreichen Publikumsapp TV Pro, TV Pro Classic, TV Pro Highlights und TV Pro Live TV...

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Live TV GmbH
Kids Love Science - Bedtime Adventure Stories

Kids Love Science - Bedtime Adventure Stories

Kids Love Science series of stories are written for children of ages 3-10, with the aim entertaining these youngsters while introducing them to significant achievements in the history of science, exploration and adventure. These books offer a friendly and...

Price: Free Developer: The Voice Of Reason LTD
Kids Videos - All Amazing toca and Newest video form Youtube

Kids Videos - All Amazing toca and Newest video form Youtube

Kids Videos is a library of video content for children based on Youtube. The videos are carefully chosen to provide a quality viewing and parenting control. The videos are Cataloged and organized according to subjects in a comfortable and friendly...

Price: Free Developer: Polosoft
Art For Kids Hub

Art For Kids Hub

Subscribe and get instant access to our massive library of art lessons, but without any of those annoying ads and suggested inappropriate videos. Keep your family or classroom focused safely on art! We’re also adding exclusive art foundational lessons just...

Price: Free Developer: Art For Kids LLC
Focus VR

Focus VR

Preparatevi: dal 1 aprile Panorama e Focus saranno in 10 città d'Italia per una serie di conferenze gratuite e aperte a tutti, ospitate all'interno di Panorama d'Italia, il tour di incontri, eventi e convegni organizzato da Panorama. In 10 tappe,...

Price: Free Developer: ETT S.p.A.
FootBall Vuvuzela

FootBall Vuvuzela

Aperte Play, Assopre o seu gadget e toque a vuvuzela, se divirta com seus amigos e familiares, tocando a vuvuzelas e os principais sons dos jogos de futebol!

Price: Free Developer: Narlei Moreira
Ipiranga A Bordo

Ipiranga A Bordo

Após um rápido cadastro, você terá acesso completo ao nosso conteúdo. Vale dizer que somente para baixar o aplicativo você precisa estar conectado ao wi-fi ou ao seu 3G ou 4G. Depois disso, para usar o Ipiranga A Bordo...

Price: Free Developer: Ipiranga
Hot O Meter - photo test prank

Hot O Meter - photo test prank

Hot O Meter is the AMAZING free TALKING face scanner prank app that tells you who's hot! How it works: - Start the Hot O Meter and take a new photo or choose an existing photo from your album from...

Price: Free Developer: Tim Denyer
Hot O Meter free Halloween Edition

Hot O Meter free Halloween Edition

Hot O Meter Halloween is the fun talking photo scanner app that scans photos of you and your friends and tells you if you look Hot in a spooky voice! - Great for pranking your friends & family or on...

Price: Free Developer: Tim Denyer


Jack-O-Lantern is an app that displays a carved 3D pumpkin. The pumpkin is recreated in loving detail right down to the flickering candle inside. Dozens of carving designs are included, so no getting your hands dirty carving the real...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Killer Robots


3D-o-Mat is a simple iPhone and iPad app to take 3D photos that you can view with Red/Cyan 3D glasses (sold separately). To make a 3D Photo 1. Point your device at the subject and tap the left camera button. 2. Move...

Price: Free Developer: Louis Franco
Princesas do Harém - O Clube

Princesas do Harém - O Clube

Aplicativo disponível apenas para as Princesas do Harém. Há 11 anos no mercado o Harém é um Bloco de Carnaval onde todas as mulheres são convidadas e os homens compram o abadá. O Harém é o oásis da folia, onde...

Price: Free Developer: Maira Farias


The holy grail of any ghost hunt is capturing the paranormal on film. It is virtually impossible. The problem is that most cameras aren't capable of detecting the artifacts given off by ghosts. Ghost-O-Graph combines the technology of a...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Adrian3


The stories of encounters with the Ghost-O-Meter continue to spread. One look at the reviews will tell you there is definitely something special about this app. But how did it get started? Here's the story behind the creation of...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Adrian3
O型診断 性格テストxネコ1兆匹

O型診断 性格テストxネコ1兆匹

あなたは何タイプのO型!? ドキドキの結果でヤバい!!   ■累計48万DLのO型診断がリニューアル!! O型診断だけじゃなく、O型ロボットを大量生産するゲームが追加されたよ!!   ■カンタンな質問に答えるだけで、あなたの隠れた性格が分かります!! あなたはどれくらいO型っぽいの!? 王道の社交的タイプ!? ひねくれたO型タイプ!? 何が出るかはお楽しみ!! アプリをダウンロードしてみてね!!   ■リニューアルでゲームが追加 O型診断のあとに、ニャーO型(!?)を大量生産する増殖放置ゲームを楽しもう!! お紅茶水博士の量産計画の元、O型を大量生産しよう!! 量産したO型をバイキンから守り抜け!! 目指せ1兆匹!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     ■あそびかた ①アプリを始めたら、三択の質問に直感で答えてください。 ②診断結果が分かります。 ③その後、ニャーO型のネコを大量に生産してください。 ④ハートをタップしてください。 ⑤ステージを解放してください。 ⑥アイテムを追加してください。 ⑦バイキンを撃退してください。 ⑧1兆匹を達成してください。     ■O型人間の特徴 ・なんでも独り占めしたいとの欲望が強いか、たやすく人に譲らない偏屈さがあります。 ・ なんでも強い自信をひけらかし、勝手気ままで、自己本位的であります。 ・ 根性と努力を集中し、何にでも熱心に打ち込み、何でも強くこだわります。 ・ 何でもおおまかで、ヘンにかんぐらないです。 ・ モノを分析するとか、見る眼にすぐれています。 ・ 外向性人間で、横柄で横着なところがあり、かつ、負けず嫌いです。 ・ 心臓が強く、しぶとさがあり、人のあいだの立ち回りが上手いです。 ・ はったりがきき、思い切りが良いです。 ・ あつかましいところがあって、抜け目がないです。 ・ カネ離れが良いですが、周到性に欠けやすいです。 ・ 巧く立ちまわり、抜け目がないです。 ・ 自己本位で自意識が強いです。

Price: Free Developer: HANAUTA INC.
L.O.L. Surprise Watch

L.O.L. Surprise Watch

Stream and download all of the family-friendly L.O.L. Surprise videos with the L.O.L. Surprise Watch App. Check out videos with Diva, Queen Bee, M.C. Swag and all of the L.O.L. Surprise B.B.s! Save your faves or watch them all!...

Price: Free Developer: MGAE
O Enigma Voynich

O Enigma Voynich

A ExCompanhia de Teatro apresenta a primeira série brasileira em áudio 3D (binaural) e grafite digital. Na trama você se transformará em José, um professor de história que busca decifrar o misterioso Manuscrito Voynich enquanto tenta impedir sua crescente perda...

Price: Free Developer: Galegale & Associados Consultores


Aplikacja PLAY NOW pozwala na oglądanie kanałów telewizyjnych oraz filmów, programów i bajek na żądanie – na smartfonie lub tablecie. Z usługi PLAY NOW można także korzystać na komputerze poprzez najpopularniejsze przeglądarki internetowe na stronie Do korzystania z usługi...

Price: Free Developer: P4 sp. z o.o. operator sieci Play
Race Day Scratch Play

Race Day Scratch Play

Race Day Scratch Play (RDSP) is a electronic scratch off auto racing game that anyone can play with no knowledge of racing necessary! It was designed, by a race fan, to facilitate amusement pools among fans in the stands,...

Price: Free Developer: Race Day Scratch Play, LLC
MidoLotto: Play the Lottery

MidoLotto: Play the Lottery

Play Powerball and Mega Millions from your iPhone. MidoLotto works with official state-licensed lottery retailers as a courier service and technology partner for state lottery games. MidoLotto will buy Powerball or other lottery tickets, digitize them, track your numbers,...

Price: Free Developer: Mido Play Inc.
ESL Play

ESL Play

Play on the world’s largest competitive gaming platform directly from your mobile device with the ESL Play App. Sign up for cups, get information about your matches and report your results. Features: * Sign up and check in for upcoming cups...

Price: Free Developer: Turtle eSports Technology GmbH
Google Play Movies & TV

Google Play Movies & TV

Google Play Movies & TV syncs movies and TV shows from your Google Play account so you can watch them on an iOS device, on any HDTV using Chromecast, or on Apple TV using AirPlay. In-app purchase is not...

Price: Free Developer: Google LLC
Screen Play: Life in an Animated World

Screen Play: Life in an Animated World

Screen Play: Life in an Animated World is the first exhibition devoted exclusively to examining the work of contemporary artists who use the techniques, technologies, and tropes of animation as tools in their practices. This unprecedented exhibition gathers together...

Price: Free Developer: Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Play RTS

Play RTS

Play RTS permet de regarder les vidéos, écouter les audios de la RTS et d'accéder aux directs de RTS Un, RTS Deux, RTS Info, La 1ière, Espace 2, Couleur 3 (TV et radio) ainsi qu'Option Musique. L'application offre: - Une...

Price: Free Developer: RTS Radio Television Suisse, Succursale de la SSR
Altice Play

Altice Play

Altice Play es un servicio de contenido en línea, en el cual tendrás a tu disposición hasta 45 canales en vivo para que disfrutes al instante de tus programas favoritos. Adicional a esto, podrás ver contenido on...

Price: Free Developer: Altice Dominicana S A
Play My Auctions

Play My Auctions

Play My Auctions is a software platform which gives the fan a chance to win, by live auction, the items the players and performers are during live events, World Wide. Be it an athletic event, musical event...

Price: Free Developer: Play My Auctions Inc.
R-Play - Remote Play for PS4

R-Play - Remote Play for PS4

Take the awesome power of your Sony PlayStation 4 console, and give it the portability and convenience of the Nintendo Switch. Stream your PS4 games to your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch and play from anywhere. R-Play features: • The ONLY...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Lei Jiang

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