Top 46 Sports Apps Like 81ª Volta a Portugal Santander - Best Alternatives

81ª Volta a Portugal Santander Alternatives

Do you want to find the best 81ª Volta a Portugal Santander alternatives for iOS? We have listed 46 Sports apps that are similar to 81ª Volta a Portugal Santander. Pick one from this list to be your new 81ª Volta a Portugal Santander app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to 81ª Volta a Portugal Santander on your iOS devices.

Top 46 Apps Like 81ª Volta a Portugal Santander - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid 81ª Volta a Portugal Santander alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 46 similar apps like 81ª Volta a Portugal Santander 2025.

"動画付き" 内藤 雄士の必ず上手くなるゴルフスイング

【iPhone、iPadそれぞれで最適に動作するユニバーサルアプリ】 《ご注意》消音スイッチがONになっている場合は音が出ません。 パーゴルフ・ゴルフレッスン書のアプリ版。 大ヒットした内藤雄士の必ず上手くなるレッスンシリーズの"動画付き"アプリ版が初登場。 活字と写真に加え、動画によってゴルフスイングの基本の打ち方をわかりやすく解説。なかなか上達しないと悩むゴルファー必須のアプリとなっている。 【著者プロフィール】 1969年東京都生まれ、日大ゴルフ部出身。米国サンディエゴゴルフアカデミーで最新スイング理論を学び、丸山茂樹をはじめ、谷原秀人、矢野東ら、多くのプロコーチを務める。カリスマコーチとして多方面で活躍中。

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Fplus, Inc.

"動画付き" 内藤 雄士の必ず上手くなるゴルフ練習法

【iPhone、iPadそれぞれで最適に動作するユニバーサルアプリ】 《ご注意》消音スイッチがONになっている場合は音が出ません。 パーゴルフ・ゴルフレッスン書のアプリ版。 大ヒットした内藤雄士の必ず上手くなるレッスンシリーズの"動画付き"アプリ版、第2弾が登場。 スコアアップのための練習法に絞って、動画と活字&写真のセットで解説。しかも600円という超廉価だ。このアプリがあれば、プレーのレベルが確実にアップする。 【著者プロフィール】 1969年東京都生まれ。ラーニングゴルフクラブ主宰。日大ゴルフ部卒業後、米国で最新ゴルフ理論を学び、丸山茂樹ら多くのツアープロコーチを務める。豊富なスイング理論と的確な指導は各方面で高い評価を得ている。

Price: USD 4.99 Developer: Fplus, Inc.
Namkok Games (น้ำกกเกมส์)

Namkok Games (น้ำกกเกมส์)

พบข้อมูลทุกด้านเกี่ยวกับงานกีฬา น้ำกกเกมส์ + ระบบจองรถ รับ-ส่ง สำหรับนักกีฬา + รายการถ่ายทอดสด + ข้อมูลการแข่งขัน + ข้อมูลสนามแข่งขัน + ข้อมูลสรุปเหรียญรางวัล + ข่าวสารน่ารู้ + ข้อมูลนักกีฬา และที่พักนักกีฬา + ของที่ระลึก + ข้อมูลที่พัก กิน เที่ยว + โครงการคัดแยกขยะ + ข้อมูลเบอร์ติดต่อฉุกเฉิน คำค้นหา: Namkok Games, เชียงราย, น้ำกกเกมส์, กีฬาคนพิการแห่งชาติ ครั้งที่ 36

Price: Free Developer: ITSchool MFU
Lesson Note スポーツレッスンが受けられるアプリ

Lesson Note スポーツレッスンが受けられるアプリ

マンツーマンでレッスンが受けられるアプリです。 発行された「レッスンID」「会員ID」「パスワード」を入力するだけで、すぐにご利用頂けます! アカウントがない方はこちら ■LessonNoteの特徴 ・スマホ1台でプライベートレッスンが受けられます。 ・いつでも気軽に悩みを相談できます。 ・動画を送ると、線や声で解説を入れて返事がもらえます。 ・過去のレッスンの復習ができます。 ■こんな人にオススメ! ・通えるスクールや教室が近所にない方。 ・時間がなくて、なかなかスクールや教室に通えない方。 ・自身の成長記録を残したい方 ー>こういった方々の悩みをすべて、「LessonNote」が解決します!

Price: Free Developer: DANK1 INC.


Our iOS App includes such unique features as: • GLOBAL NEWS Aggregating thousands of news feeds and blogs • BETTING ANALYTICS Team and player statistics to support betting selections • ODDSCHECKER ENGINE Comparison of odds from 60+ bookmakers to find the best priced...

Price: Free Developer: Fanzine

Celtic1967 connects the Global Community of Celtic fans with our iOS App - remembering that Football is "Nothing Without The Fans." We are completely independent and have no association whatsoever to The Celtic Football Club. Our iOS App includes...

Price: Free Developer: Fanzine

CFC-Blues connects the Global Community of Chelsea fans with our iOS App - which is “built by Fans for Fans”. We are completely independent and have no association whatsoever with Chelsea Football Club. Our iOS App includes such unique...

Price: Free Developer: Fanzine

CityBluebirds connects the Global Community of fans with our iOS App, remembering that Football is "Nothing Without The Fans." We are completely independent and have no association whatsoever to Cardiff City Football Club. Our iOS App includes such unique...

Price: Free Developer: Fanzine


Our iOS App includes such unique features as: • GLOBAL NEWS Aggregating thousands of news feeds and blogs • BETTING ANALYTICS Team and player statistics to support betting selections • ODDSCHECKER ENGINE Comparison of odds from 60+ bookmakers to find the best priced...

Price: Free Developer: Fanzine connects the Global Community of West Ham fans with our iOS App - which is “built by Fans for Fans”. We are completely independent and have no association whatsoever with West Ham United Football Club. Our iOS App...

Price: Free Developer: Fanzine
Volta Racing

Volta Racing

Volta Racing Mobile Application is a Global Ranking App for Racers. Providing quick access to Racing results and ProSkill® data. Get updates about specials and events, book a race, show your unique QR/member card to skip the queue on...

Price: Free Developer: Club Speed
iDigitalScout Lite

iDigitalScout Lite

VERSIONE LITE: permette l'uso completo dell'App, preparare le squadre, modificare le azioni, registrare la cronaca, registrare gli eventi, vedere le statistiche per giocatore e per squadra, allegare il video, disegnare gli schemi. MANCA rispetto alla versione FULL: possibilità di...

Price: Free Developer: Nexid srl
Cartola Fire

Cartola Fire

O melhor fantasy game agora de volta no melhor app... Jogue agora... e mostre que é o mito do cartola... No Cartola Fire App você pode: - Acessar com múltiplas; - Acompanhar os resultados e classificação do brasileirão; - Clicar em uma partida para ver...

Price: Free Developer: Rafael Moris
Sailing Regatta Coundown - RC

Sailing Regatta Coundown - RC

ITA: Per Comitati di Regata e regatanti: Tutte le possibili procedure di partenza - Si può iniziare con l'esposizione della bandiera arancio, oppure con la bandiera di classe avendo o no l'intelligenza esposta. Si può scegliere quale preparatorio utilizzare....

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Ezio Fonda
Ginnastica Ritmica - EdeRA

Ginnastica Ritmica - EdeRA

Per ottenere informazioni e rimanere aggiornati su eventi, attività, atleti, ginnaste e corsi dell'associazione Edera di Ravenna. La Compagnia dell'Edera nasce nel 2012 la compagnia dell' ASD Edera Ravenna aperta a tutte le ex ginnaste della società sportiva che hanno...

Price: Free Developer: DraculApp
Came Dosson

Came Dosson

Con questa app puoi tenerti aggiornato su tutte le attività dei team di CAME Calcio a 5: • Società: conosci la storia di CAME Dosson C5 • Palmares: i risultati raggiunti nelle diverse...

Price: Free Developer: srl
Spot In

Spot In

Spot In è la prima piattaforma pensata per amanti dello sport alla ricerca di luoghi dove poter seguire il proprio evento sportivo preferito in compagnia, in ogni momento della giornata. Se ti è capitato almeno una volta di ritrovarti in...

Price: Free Developer: Dario Guarracino
A&M-Corpus Christi Islanders

A&M-Corpus Christi Islanders

Calling all Islanders fans - The NEW official A&M-Corpus Christi Islanders application is your home for the TAMU-CC 2018–19 athletic season! Whether you’re on campus or on the go, this app is a must-have for ALL Islanders fans. With...

Price: Free Developer: Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Run Jump Play by A-Champs

Run Jump Play by A-Champs

ROXs Pods and ROXs Scanner + PEBBs are here to get you to run, play, train, and practice in the gym, the park, at home or any place, any time. Powered by the new Connected Play and Training App...

Price: Free Developer: #GetKidsMoving Inc.
12th Man: Texas A&M Athletics

12th Man: Texas A&M Athletics

Texas A&M Athletics – Home of the 12th Man This is the official mobile app of the Texas A&M Aggies. Make your iPhone or iPod Touch a unique part of your game-day experience for Aggie events. Catch breaking news of...

Price: Free Developer: Texas A&M University
Five a Side

Five a Side

Welcome to Five A Side, This is our football community, Take the pain out of of organising football with the new Five a Side web and app technology, We are here to help manage every aspect of what you need...

Price: Free Developer: Five a Side
Action Sports by Network A

Action Sports by Network A

Network A, the world's fastest growing action sports network. Connecting you closer to athletes through video, this is the most comprehensive collection of action sports content anywhere, bringing all the action, all the time. You’re welcome. FEATURES - The best action...

Price: Free Developer: Sportsrocket, Inc.
A-League Live for iPad

A-League Live for iPad

With over 10 million downloads across the Sportsmate LIVE apps you know you’re in good hands. The A-League Live app by Sportsmate is the only way to stay up to date on everything A-League. After a solid debut, A-League Live...

Price: Free Developer: Sportsmate Technologies Pty Ltd
A-League Live: Soccer News

A-League Live: Soccer News

With over 10 million downloads across the Sportsmate LIVE apps you know you’re in good hands. The A-League Live app by Sportsmate is the only way to stay up to date on everything A-League. After a solid debut, A-League Live...

Price: Free Developer: Sportsmate Technologies Pty Ltd
G.O.A.T. (DFS)

G.O.A.T. (DFS)

G.O.A.T. is a gaming platform that is designed to give sports fans the opportunity to show their knowledge. G.O.A.T. offers the most professional sports in the US and International. The platform is designed to give users the experience to...

Price: Free Developer: Digital Fantasy Sports (DFS) Inc.


LIVE A.I. is the NFL Genius in your pocket. Brought to you by Swish Analytics, the leader in real-time predictive sports data, LIVE A.I. brings you accurate projections and data during every NFL game to feed your stat-obsessed...

Price: Free Developer: Swish Analytics Inc.


A.C.Volley è un'applicazione dedicata alla tua associazione sportiva. Qui potrai vedere in anteprima i video realizzati, tenerti aggiornato in tempo reale sui risultati delle competizioni e consultare le promozioni Ford Authos per ogni tua esigenza.

Price: Free Developer: Tag4U Srl


VEJA OS VÍDEOS DA LIGA NOS E DA ALLIANZ CUP COMO NUNCA VIU ! Acompanhe as competições profissionais da Liga Portugal e assista aos vídeos dos principais lances em primeira mão! Principais características da nova aplicação da Liga Portugal: • Estatísticas Oficiais; • Vídeos em...

Price: Free Developer: Sportinveste Multimédia
Portugal MTB

Portugal MTB

The 6th Edition of PORTUGAL MTB will take place from April 27 to May 2, 2020, and from now on everyone will be able to follow the race. Several important information is now available about the upcoming edition, like access...

Price: Free Developer: STOP AND GO
TacticalPad Coach's Whiteboard

TacticalPad Coach's Whiteboard

- Used by the greatest clubs in Brazil, Portugal and Europe. - More than 500 thousand users - #1 in Brazil, Portugal, Chile, Argentina, Turkey Denmark, etc - Top 10 in UK (FA), Germany, Italy, Spain, etc. -------------------------- TacticalPad is the most complete tool...

Price: Free Developer: Temma Software
Football Livescore Widget

Football Livescore Widget

Follow football live scores on real-time from your favorite soccer / football teams. The app will give you live score results and match statistics including goals, scorer as well as yellow and red cards. Easy and simple football livescore...

Price: Free Developer: Lars Rohde Ibsen
Lucky Day Sports

Lucky Day Sports

Completely redesigned application, with new categories and rich features. * Get instantly informed about new tips by Push Notifications * Many tips during the day * Really great success rate * Professional tipsters Get soccer tips from all major leagues of:...

Price: Free Developer: lucky Day Soccer
Football Betting Tips - PROBET

Football Betting Tips - PROBET

Over 400,000 pro betting clients, sportsbook wagerers and sports betting enthusiasts trust our daily football betting tips, betting predictions, football odds and football fixtures. We provide professional football tips and football betting simulations with a high win rate that...

Price: Free Developer: Mobcast LTD
Bullet Bet Predictions

Bullet Bet Predictions

Are you football addicted? Has the football betting become a daily hobby for you? BULLET is the right app for you! Visit the BULLET Instagram profile ( or our website ( where it is possible to receive further suggestions and...

Price: Free Developer: Giovanni Pecoraro
Beat the Bookmaker

Beat the Bookmaker

Beat the Bookmaker is now available on the App Store! The best bet strategies right in your pocket from professional gamblers. Dynamically growing application Beat the Bookmaker gives you the ability to view calculated ratings and view predictions based on...

Price: Free Developer: Anton Bratchik
Cupmoji Soccer Keyboard

Cupmoji Soccer Keyboard

Introducing Cupmoji Soccer Keyboard, the latest way to send your friends extremely cool soccer emoticons of your favorite national team. Keep the excitement from the World Cup in Russia going by adding cupmoji digital stickers to all of your...

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Ferenc Dieterle
D. Alavés - Official App

D. Alavés - Official App

Enjoy all the information about D. Alavés and experience the 2018-2019 season like never before. Get the latest news about D. Alavés, watch the videos, check the events calendar, classification and see the results as they happen. See the player...

Price: Free Developer: Deportivo Alavés SAD
Futbol 11

Futbol 11

"Futbol 11" es la mejor app que recoge todas las alineaciones probables de cada jornada de forma totalmente actualizada para completar tus equipos en Comunio, Biwenger, Comuniame, Liga Fantasy Marca, Futmondo, Netliga y otros managers Fantasy de fútbol online. Es...

Price: Free Developer: Albert Farreny
Real Valladolid CF Official

Real Valladolid CF Official

Enjoy all the information about Real Valladolid CF and experience the 2018-2019 season like never before. Get the latest news about Real Valladolid CF, watch the videos, check the events calendar, classification and see the results as they happen. See...

Price: Free Developer: Real Valladolid Club de Fútbol SAD
SD Huesca - Official App

SD Huesca - Official App

Enjoy all the information about SD Huesca and experience the 2018-2019 season like never before. Get the latest news about SD Huesca, watch the videos, check the events calendar, classification and see the results as they happen. See the player...

Price: Free Developer: Sociedad Deportiva Huesca SAD
Tipster Apuestas

Tipster Apuestas

Siente toda la emoción de la competición con nuestra App Tipster. Estarás a la última en todas las noticias sobre la actualidad deportiva, fichajes, novedades, cuotas, eventos… y ¡Mucho más! ¿Sabes cuál es el equipo favorito para ganar la liga,...

Price: Free Developer: Apuestas de Murcia
iQuiniela- Simples y reducidas

iQuiniela- Simples y reducidas

Aplicación informativa para registrar tu quiniela simple, combinada o reducida y comprobar si esta es ganadora. Características: - Comprueba anteriores jornadas, junto a sus resultados, para ayudarte en la elección de la quiniela actual - Se indica directamente si la quiniela registrada...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Martin Martinez


Aplicación informativa para registrar tu quinigol simple o combinado y comprobar si este es ganador. Características: - Comprueba anteriores jornadas, junto a sus resultados, para ayudarte en la elección del quinigol actual - Se indica directamente si el quinigol registrado...

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Martin Martinez
AD Alcorcón - App Oficial

AD Alcorcón - App Oficial

Enjoy all the information about AD Alcorcón and experience the 2018-2019 season like never before. Get the latest news about AD Alcorcón, watch the videos, check the events calendar, classification and see the results as they happen. See the player...

Price: Free Developer: Agrupación Deportiva Alcorcón SAD
Albacete Balompié Official

Albacete Balompié Official

Enjoy all the information about Albacete Balompié and experience the 2018-2019 season like never before. Get the latest news about Albacete Balompié, watch the videos, check the events calendar, classification and see the results as they happen. See the player...

Price: Free Developer: Albacete Balompié SAD

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