Top 28 Productivity Apps Like Green Power Energia - Best Alternatives

Green Power Energia Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Green Power Energia alternatives for iOS? We have listed 28 Productivity apps that are similar to Green Power Energia. Pick one from this list to be your new Green Power Energia app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Green Power Energia on your iOS devices.

Top 28 Apps Like Green Power Energia - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Green Power Energia alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 28 similar apps like Green Power Energia 2025.

EU Brazil Green Business Forum

EU Brazil Green Business Forum

Following on the Paris Agreements, COP 21 and COP 22, the European Union together with the WWF and FEBRABAN is pleased to welcome you to the EU-Brazil Green Business Forum taking place in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on 8 and...

Price: Free Developer: Pathable, Inc.


App que ofrece la facturación electrónica bajo norma del Ministerio de Hacienda. Green-Bill proves la generación y emisión de documentos electrónicos mediante la creación y mantenimiento de lista de proyectos y lista de contactos por proyecto. Los documentos electrónicos son -...

Price: Free Developer: Tecnologia Personalizada y Soluciones SA
Swansea; SWell

Swansea; SWell

This app is the companion for the SWell programme, designed to encourage Swansea University to take positive actions to boost sustainability and wellbeing. With this app you will be able to earn Green Points for your actions in themes...

Price: Free Developer: Green Leaning Ltd
Green Carrot

Green Carrot

タブレット、スマートフォンを呼出チャイムの表示機、および消去機としてご利用いただけます。 呼出機を事前に登録しておけば、番号ではなく部屋名、テーブル名で表示することもできます。 表示枠をスワイプ操作することにより消去します。 呼出機は、株式会社エコー総合企画社製のファクトインコールの各種呼出機に対応しております。 電波受信機は、当社製のGreenCarrot受信機をお買い求めください。 詳しくはこちらをご覧ください。 -------------------- ■特徴■ -------------------- 待受け画面には任意の背景画像、時計を表示。 表示・消去アプリを搭載したタブレット、スマートフォンは何台でも設置可能。 画面上段には呼び出された呼出機を表示。 呼出機を事前に登録することにより、番号ではなく部屋名などで表示可能。 表示枠の下部に呼び出されてからの経過時間を表示。 消去しない状態で、連続して2回以上呼び出されると表示枠が点滅します。 呼出機の電池容量が低下すると、表示枠内の背景色が茶色になります。 ※ スマーフォンの場合は、呼び出しをバイブレーションでも通知します。 画面下段には消去履歴を表示。 消去履歴の下に呼び出したタブレット、スマートフォン名称を表示。 誰が対応したかをわかりやすく表示します。 ------------------------------ メイン表示機とサブ表示機について ------------------------------ GreenCarrot受信機とデータをやりとりするメイン表示機が1台必要です。 そのメイン表示機と同期して表示するサブ表示機も設置することができます。サブ表示機はいくつでも追加することが可能です。 サブ表示機は、メイン表示機のアプリが常に動作していないと表示できません。できる限りメイン表示機は常に充電しながらの運用をお勧めいたします。 ※ iOS版ではメイン表示機、サブ表示機ともホームボタンを押してアプリを終了したり、ロック状態の時はデータ通信ができないため呼出音も鳴りません。バックグラウンドでも動作させたい場合は、Android版をご利用ください。

Price: Free Developer: M's Creative Inc.
Solutions 2020

Solutions 2020

The Solutions 2020 app will help you network with other attendees, interact with our speakers, learn about our sponsors, and build your personal schedule of educational sessions. Here are some features of the Solutions 2020 networking app: - View the profiles...

Price: Free Developer: Real Green Systems
CopyIt The Grid Drawing Method

CopyIt The Grid Drawing Method

First released in June 2010, CopyIt is the original and most feature rich grid drawing app available anywhere! See why so many artists, teachers and students are using CopyIt as an essential tool in their workflows. NEW USERS - PLEASE...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Nigel Green
Student + / -

Student + / -

Additions and Subtractions 1. App will Generate A simple Equation for student to solve. 2. When student is done solving, they will enter the Answer where Variable is. 3. Student will Long press ENT when input is done. 4. If student is correct,...

Price: Free Developer: Sovannary Thien


MapScribe is an IOS App that lets you draw maps on your IPad or IPhone. It has an easy to use interface that lets you quickly "paint" antique styled maps with finger swipes and taps using its map feature...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Daniel Eskridge


iDo is an efficient and simple task/ toDo list management tool. It's Efficient because it is focused on its main features and nothing else, and it's simple because it has been designed with the Launch & Quit Apple recommendation in...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: DLTA Studio
Power Factor Pie

Power Factor Pie

Power factor calculations made easy! As with all our Apps this App provides the underlying maths and theory behind the calculations together with worked examples. This will allow you to not just get an answer, but more more importantly, to...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Pork Pie Software Limited
Power Pie

Power Pie

Power calculations made easy! As with all our Apps this App provides the underlying maths and theory behind the calculations together with worked examples. This will allow you to not just get an answer, but more more importantly, to understand...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Pork Pie Software Limited
ROCCAT Power Grid

ROCCAT Power Grid

ROCCAT™ Power-Grid™ is a fully-customizable remote for your PC. It lets you connect to, monitor, and control your PC and games from your smartphone –all without having to leave the action. Aimed at gamers and PC enthusiasts alike, Power-Grid™ is...

Price: Free Developer: ROCCAT GmbH
webgate power-b

webgate power-b

webgate400 power-b rende disponibili le tue applicazioni su tutte le piattaforme desktop e mobile, sfruttandone dispositivi e sensoristica. In pochi minuti le applicazioni compilate con webgate400 si adattano a qualunque device. power-b apre una serie illimitata di opportunità di sviluppo in...

Price: Free Developer: Webgate Italia Srl
Global Support LM Wind Power

Global Support LM Wind Power

The LM Wind Power Global Support app is used for getting help from Support Teams. It is also possible to share ideas for best practice, you have to be registered in LM Wind Power system to use this APP.

Price: Free Developer: Infosysta DWC LLC
Rexel Power App

Rexel Power App

Die Rexel Power App bietet eine cloudbasierte Energiemanagement Lösung. Damit steht die weltweit erste auf MindSphere basierende Energiemanagement Lösung zur Verfügung. Verknüpfen Sie Ihr Energiemanagementsystem einfach und simpel mit der Rexel Power App und nutzen Sie die vielen Vorteile eines...

Price: Free Developer: Rexel Austria GmbH
RF PL - Radio Frequency Power Loss

RF PL - Radio Frequency Power Loss

Computes the power, sensibility and attenuation of a radio frequency source. You can also compute the free field attenuation.

Price: USD 0.99 Developer: Easyfuture LTD BUSINESS SOFTWARE for iPad and iPhone. With the app, working with business software ist smart and fun using your fingers. It is a easy to use frontend for powerful business software. For example, use it with,...

Price: Free Developer: Power Solutions GmbH


Официальное мобильное приложение Национальной Конференции Nestle Nutrition в Хорватии, 16-20 апреля 2018 года. - Фотогалерея - Списки докладчиков - Расписание - Логистика - Схемы залов - Оповещения о событиях - Опросы и многое другое! Включайся!

Price: Free Developer: Mercury Devel
inSpector de normas

inSpector de normas

El futuro tecnológico de su estación de servicio gasolinera ya está aquí: para optimizar operaciones, mejorar ganancias y asegurar el debido cumplimiento de las normas y regulaciones por la Agencia de Seguridad, Energía y Ambiente (ASEA) y la Comisión...

Price: Free Developer: MapLander
CotizApp Bticino

CotizApp Bticino

CotizApp by Bticino es una plataforma en la que podrás crear configuraciones con nuestra oferta integral de distribución de energía de Bticino, la cual te presenta una amplia variedad de soluciones para aplicaciones industriales que comprenden: Tableros de distribución...

Price: Free Developer: Wime


Estimativa de geração de energia elétrica e correspondente economia de carbono eliminado na atmosfera quando se instala um sistema de geração de energia elétrica fotovoltaica.

Price: Free Developer: Daniel Azevedo abbraccia i concetti di Industry 4.0 in quanto smart production e smart services consentono una collaborazione tra operatore, macchine e strumenti senza perdere di vista la parte energetica, creando sistemi più performanti e riducendo gli sprechi. La App Santerno...

Price: Free Developer: Elettronica Santerno Spa


Scarica l’APP gratuita di Eridis S.r.l. Eridis-Italiana Petroli da oltre 40 anni assicura l'energia ed il riscaldamento al servizio delle forze produttive, del trasporto, dell'industria e dell'agricoltura. Tramite quest’APP con un click potrai inserire e tracciare i tuoi ordini, inviare segnalazioni,...

Price: Free Developer: ResData


¿Qué es MARATHONCARDS®? Es una guía que ayuda a convertir los problemas en historias que nos inspiren y nos llenen de energía. No importa lo que estés viviendo en estos momentos, puedes convertirlo en un reto que te mueva y...

Price: Free Developer: Cosmogonia
Convertidor Universal de Unidades de medicion

Convertidor Universal de Unidades de medicion


Price: Free Developer: DANIEL RODRIGUEZ
Celsia One

Celsia One

Celsia One es una app diseñada en Celsia, cuya finalidad es permitir a nuestros clientes, telemedidos no regulados y fotovoltaicos a revisar sus consumos de energía de manera diaria, mensual y/o anual.

Price: Free Developer: Celsia S.A. E.S.P.
mychef cloud

mychef cloud

Con el sistema MyCloud, tu mychef evolution está siempre conec­tado a la nube y siempre a tus órdenes. Puedes también crear, guardar o modificar recetas y enviarlas a tu horno simplemente pulsando un botón. Y si buscas inspiración, en el...

Price: Free Developer: Distform

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