Top 19 Book Apps Like Revista 20/20 - Best Alternatives

Revista 20/20 Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Revista 20/20 alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Book apps that are similar to Revista 20/20. Pick one from this list to be your new Revista 20/20 app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Revista 20/20 on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Revista 20/20 - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Revista 20/20 alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Revista 20/20 2025.

Debats. Revista de cultura, poder i societat

Debats. Revista de cultura, poder i societat

Debats. Revista de cultura, poder i societat / Debats. Journal on culture, power and society VALENCIÀ • Revista de cultura, poder i societat (ISSN 0212-0585 / ISSN-e 2530-3074). Fundada en 1982, es publica bianualment per la Institució Alfons el Magnànim...

Price: Free Developer: Catálogos Virtuales
Revista Rayo De Luz

Revista Rayo De Luz

Revista Rayo de Luz es una revista mensual que contiene las lecturas bíblicas de la liturgia de cada día, acompañadas de reflexión, oración y un propósito diario. A través de su contenido se procura llevar esperanza, mensajes de consuelo y...

Price: Free Developer: Revista Rayo de Luz
Revista O Papel

Revista O Papel

A Revista O Papel digital é uma nova publicação da ABTCP – Associação Brasileira Técnica de Celulose e Papel – complementar à edição da revista impressa que circula há mais de 70 anos no setor de celulose e papel...

Price: Free Developer: Maven Inventing
Arautos do Evangelho – Revista

Arautos do Evangelho – Revista

Publicada em quatro idiomas, a Revista Arautos do Evangelho é difundida internacionalmente. Sua publicação mensal impressa de 52 páginas, é um veículo Católico para formação das famílias, sendo também um importante instrumento de apoio aos catequistas. Os artigos da...

Price: Free Developer: Associação Brasileira Arautos do Evangelho
Revista Espírita Ed. 1858

Revista Espírita Ed. 1858

Descrição: A revista Espírita do Jornal de Estudos Psicológicos é uma compilação da publicação das edições mensais do ano de 1858. Foi publicada sob a direção do codificador da Doutrina Espírita Allan Kardec. Esta revista é muito interessante para...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: F&E System Apps
Revista BigLar

Revista BigLar

A Revista BigLar traduz a maneira especial com que nos relacionamos com nossos amigos e parceiros. Com ela, buscamos reforçar os nossos valores, trazendo informações e conteúdo de qualidade pra você, boa leitura!

Price: Free Developer: Magtab Comunicacoes Ltda.
Revista CEPAL

Revista CEPAL

The CEPAL REVIEW was founded in 1976, along with the corresponding Spanish version, Revista de la cepal , and is published three times a year by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, which has...

Price: Free Developer: CEPAL
Revista de Aparecida

Revista de Aparecida

A Revista de Aparecida tem a missão de informar, formar e evangelizar. Ela é um presente aos que apoiam a obra evangelizadora do Santuário Nacional de Aparecida. Tem tiragem mensal de 787.000 exemplares e distribuição no Brasil e em...

Price: Free Developer: Maven Inventing
Revista Eletrônica - TRTPR

Revista Eletrônica - TRTPR

Revista Eletrônica do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho do Paraná

Price: Free Developer: Maven Inventing
Cerita Alkitab Terbuka

Cerita Alkitab Terbuka

Cerita Alkitab Terbuka menampilkan 50 cerita Alkitab dari Perjanjian Lama (x21) dan Perjanjian Baru (x29) yang disusun secara kronologis. Setiap bagian dari cerita disertai dengan gambar ilustrasi yang menarik (dengan total 600 gambar ilustrasi!) dan referensi ayat-ayat Alkitab terkait...

Price: Free Developer: Yohanes Rayon
Dygest. 1 livre. 20 minutes

Dygest. 1 livre. 20 minutes

LE SAVOIR EST NOTRE POUVOIR Dygest, c’est l’idée que construire sa vision du monde est vital pour exercer son esprit critique. Ainsi, nous avons conçu un modèle innovant de vulgarisation d’ouvrages non fictionnels afin de transmettre les savoirs les plus...

Price: Free Developer: CAJIS France
Ungifted wizards Lite

Ungifted wizards Lite

Choose you character: you can be Noe the little wizard, or Zoe the little witch! These two are really discouraged, always in a bad mood; they can’t get any of their spells or potions right. In order to get their magical...

Price: Free Developer: flipbook studio
Following the Reader

Following the Reader

Following the Reader is an app for self-created audiobooks for children. Here, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends can record themselves reading a book to their little one, on the spot, or remotely. If mom and...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Caitlin Burkhart
Ravi App

Ravi App

In this children's book (which is also very good for adults, teachers, and therapists) a fairy teaches ALAN to use the power of his imagination. Readers word wide have hailed this children's book as one of their main staples to...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: LIVING FROM VISION
kLib - Corporate Library

kLib - Corporate Library

This is the official Library Access App for KLib(TM) Library registered users. • Available 24/7, now your favourite corporate library comes to you. • You can place order for book delivery, indicate return of book and add books to queue. •...

Price: Free Developer: Kwench Global Technologies Private Limited
Snow White - An Animated Book from The Story Mouse

Snow White - An Animated Book from The Story Mouse

The story book application adults love as much as children! An intelligent, dramatic story, with beautiful illustrations, amusing animations, background music, perfect narration and text highlighting.  On the iPad, this 'LITE' version of Snow White gives you the whole story with text...

Price: Free Developer: The Story Mouse
Sun Tzu's Art of War

Sun Tzu's Art of War

The app is a complete text translated in English and divided into 13 chapters. Be inspired and motivated by daily quotes from Sun Tzu's classic book. The Art of War is a renowned and must-read life handbook. This is a book...

Price: Free Developer: Emmanuel Rey Mariano
Coloring book Mandalas for adults – relax game of meditation

Coloring book Mandalas for adults – relax game of meditation

Relax and enjoy the mandalas, will help you develop your creative side, intuitive and spiritual. They are circular images that arise from a central axis, the symmetrical patterns that emerge towards the four cardinal points. They are a symbol...

Price: Free Developer: Landay Apps

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