Do you want to find the best Wunder - Baby Tracker alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to Wunder - Baby Tracker. Pick one from this list to be your new Wunder - Baby Tracker app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Wunder - Baby Tracker on your iOS devices.
The best free and paid Wunder - Baby Tracker alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Wunder - Baby Tracker 2025.
Experience Q Wunder, the fun way to help your kids build important life skills for life success, today, and tomorrow! Our original show, Q Wunder, will have your family enjoying our unique “Do, You and Q” format with lessons...
Learning has never been easier! The Wunder app is designed to simplify and streamline learning. Say goodbye to endless training. Say goodbye to long, tiring texts. Get to know a new learning experience, easy, fast and dynamic! With the Wunder App you can: - Learn...
Q Verse by EQtainment is the new app from the makers of the award-winning Q Wunder app and the award-winning board game, Q's Race to the Top. Open the app and scan your favorite cards from Q's Race to the...
Would you like to improve your German speaking skills and perform with greater confidence? James Bond can help you with that! Dietmar Wunder, the German voice-over artist for the voice of Daniel Craig, lets you in on the secrets...
In diesem spannenden Augmented-Reality-Game machst du Dich auf den Weg durch Future City. Zusammen mit Joe und Josie, Deinen KI-Begleitern, musst Du kleine Rätsel und Aufgaben lösen. Und erfährst ganz nebenbei, welche vielfältigen Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Künstlicher Intelligenz es schon...
Der menschliche Körper, ein Wunder der Natur. Tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt der Körperlehre! Lernen Sie die wichtigsten Grundlagen zum Herz-Kreislaufsystem, zum Atmungssystem und zum Zentralnervensystem kennen. Anhand attraktiver Animationen werden der menschliche Körper, seine wichtigsten Organe und deren...
Die App umfasst über 1500 Lernkarten mit Geräuschen und heiteren Bildern, welche in verschiedene Themen und "Finde ein Bild"-Lernspiele aufgeteilt werden. Karteikarten stellen eine einfache und interessante Methode dar, mit der Ihr Kind die Welt um sich herum begreifen...
LÜK - seit 45 Jahren erprobt und pädagogisch empfohlen. LÜK? Das ist das Lernsystem mit Spiel und Spaß und „eingebauter“ Lernkontrolle für Kinder von 2 bis 13 und die ganze Familie. Viele kennen LÜK noch als klassischen roten „Kasten“ mit bedruckten...
Die App des Deutschen Sport & Olympia Museums ist der digitale Begleiter durch 2.500 Jahre Sportgeschichte. Sie bietet eine spannende und emotionale Zeitreise von der Antike bis zur Moderne, bei der unvergessene Highlights, herausragende Sportler, triumphale Siege, aber auch...
Baby and Toddler Learn Colors in Italian from Baby Learn Online. This Application was designed for preschool age children; we aimed for something Ad Free and easily accessible that would motivate and give a sense of ownership to Babies...
Baby and Toddler Learn Colors in German from Baby Learn Online. This Application was designed for preschool age children; we aimed for something Ad Free and easily accessible that would motivate and give a sense of ownership to Babies...
Baby and Toddler Learn Colors in Spanish from Baby Learn Online. This Application was designed for preschool age children; we aimed for something Ad Free and easily accessible that would motivate and give a sense of ownership to Babies...
Baby and Toddler Learn Colors in Portuguese from Baby Learn Online. This Application was designed for preschool age children; we aimed for something Ad Free and easily accessible that would motivate and give a sense of ownership to Babies...
Baby and Toddler Learn Colors in French from Baby Learn Online. This Application was designed for preschool age children; we aimed for something Ad Free and easily accessible that would motivate and give a sense of ownership to Babies...
This easy to use learning game with a real toddler voice was designed for preschool age children. We aimed for something Ad Free and easily accessible that would motivate and give a sense of ownership to a baby or...
This easy to use learning game with a real toddler voice was designed for preschool age children. We aimed for something Ad Free and easily accessible that would motivate and give a sense of ownership to a baby or...
This easy to use learning game with a real toddler voice was designed for preschool age children. We aimed for something Ad Free and easily accessible that would motivate and give a sense of ownership to a baby or...
This easy to use learning game was designed for preschool age children. We aimed for something Ad Free and easily accessible that would motivate and give a sense of ownership to a baby or toddler. Just click the...
► FREE: Get your baby fix with the ever so cute "Baby Babble" player. Interact & play with baby and watch & listen to him babble to over 80+ sounds, in the cutest real-time animation. ► Go PRO &...
VOR Tracker is a small but powerful training tool for pilots. It is the only one of its kind for the iPhone & iPad, providing the real aircraft feel which the other apps are missing! VOR Tracker is a real...
The Watershed Tracker app works in conjunction with the Watershed Tracker sensor to measure the humidity, temperature, soil moisture and light within a watershed environment. Students use the Watershed Tracker to learn about the various aspects of their watershed's...
Autism Tracker can be life changing for families with a child on the spectrum. Explore Autism. Track what matters to your child and your family. Use the visual calendar and multi-item graphs to view and discuss patterns. Share individual...
Autism Tracker can be life changing for families with a child on the spectrum. Explore Autism. Track what matters to your child and your family. Use the visual calendar and multi-item graphs to view and discuss patterns. Share individual...
Tracker Apps develops innovative software with students and teachers at the heart of what we do. Skill Tracker enables students to track their ATL skill develop through a simple and easy logging process. Gamification integrated within the app encourages students...
Star Map Tracker is a stargazing augmented reality app with more than 3k stars and constellations. This app will guide you through most known stars and show all necessary information (right ascension, declination, azimuth, elevation and etc.) You can use...
The Parent Engagement Tracker(P.E.T.) Mobile application has been optimally designed for use with the online version used by schools. The P.E.T. Mobile application is also for parents whose children are in schools who do not utilize the online version. Some...
The Sealife Tracker project aims to collect much needed data on both invasive and climate change indicator marine species around the UK coastline. It is a unique partnership between the British Sub Aqua Club, the Marine Biological Association, the...
Welcome to the Serengeti Tracker project. This exciting project lead by scientists at Glasgow University is helping to collect valuable data on some of Africa's most iconic wildlife, in one of its flagship reserves - Serengeti National Park. If you are...
Behavior Tracker Simple (B.T.S) application was designed to track offline behaviors of anything like students, pets, people, objects … and record the action in real time. The (B.T.S) application uses interactive buttons to track the behaviors for the observer to...
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