Top 20 Education Apps Like Liber Tutor - Best Alternatives

Liber Tutor Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Liber Tutor alternatives for iOS? We have listed 20 Education apps that are similar to Liber Tutor. Pick one from this list to be your new Liber Tutor app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Liber Tutor on your iOS devices.

Top 20 Apps Like Liber Tutor - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Liber Tutor alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 20 similar apps like Liber Tutor 2025.

Liber - Aulas Particulares

Liber - Aulas Particulares

Seja você aluno, pai, mãe, avô, avó: contrate aulas particulares para você ou seus filhos, netos e dependentes e tenha pleno controle sobre todo o andamento e processo de aprendizado. Com o App “Liber - Aulas Particulares”, você encontra professores...

Price: Free Developer: Liber
Albas e-libër

Albas e-libër

Platforma Albas e-libër është iniciativë e shtëpisë botuese Albas për të digjitalizuar tekstet shkollore parauniversitare dhe jo vetëm. Në vitin e saj të 3-të të përdorimit, kjo platformë numëron mbi 70 tekste të digjitalizuara dhe më shumë se 10,000...

Price: Free Developer: ALBAS SH.P.K
ABC Trenul Alfabet

ABC Trenul Alfabet

ABC Trenul Alfabet este abecedarul interactiv pentru copii preșcolari de la 2 la 7 ani. Varianta gratuită a jocului oferă accesul la primele 12 litere mari și mici ale alfabetului limbii române urmând ca, dacă micuțului îi face plăcere să...

Price: Free Developer: Kidsopia
Chestionare Auto DRPCIV

Chestionare Auto DRPCIV

Chestionare auto DRPCIV - Scoala auto Profita de solutia completa si compacta oferita de aplicatia ""Chestionare auto DRPCIV" care iti garanteaza sansa unei pregatiri complete pentru examenul teoretic auto. Usurinta si flexibilitatea cu care poti exersa partea teoretica a ceea ce...

Price: Free Developer: Larisa Maria Berce
Copiii Invata! Jocuri pentru copii 1-3 ani

Copiii Invata! Jocuri pentru copii 1-3 ani

Bucura-te de timpul liber in timp ce copilul tau se joaca si invata noi cuvinte, imagini si sunete. Acest joc educativ este conceput special pentru copii fara reclame si butoane inutile. Jocul include si o sectiune de Quiz. * Peste 350...

Price: Free Developer: Avadot Network S.R.L.
Lattice Multiplication

Lattice Multiplication

This app can be used to teach and study the ancient lattice multiplication method. Solving lattice multiplication problems is also excellent times tables practice. The app is very easy to use and it has an intuitive interface with customizable...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Esa Helttula
TraLaLa - Cântece pentru copii

TraLaLa - Cântece pentru copii

TraLaLa este o inițiativă educațională românească pornită din dorința unor părinți de a oferi propriilor copii cântece și animații bogate în conținut educațional. TraLaLa este cel mai mare canal românesc de YouTube pentru copii, cu o audiență de...

Price: Free Developer: COLORCITY


UniCampus este o inițiativă a Centrului de eLearning (CeL) al Universității Politehnica Timișoara, care vizeaza întărirea recunoșterii universităților Romanești, a puterii de susținere și penetrare în viața socială și educațională din România a educației de calitate, academică, prin promovarea...

Price: Free Developer: Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara
How about singing?

How about singing?

André Comploi Jun a cianté! Lasset uns singen! Vieni a cantare! How about singing? With the app „Jun a cianté! How about singing?“ it’s possible to flick through the book of children’s songs, to listen to the live recording, with authentic, not...

Price: Free Developer: Pixxelfactory To Go To Go To Go™ is the mobile companion for, and the first education app that connects you to an expert tutor for real-time help. Here's what a few students had to say about their experience with To Go: "I...

Price: Free Developer:
Tutor Platform

Tutor Platform

Tutor App is an interactive vocabulary learning tool which generates dynamic learning material. - Tutor App uses individualised teaching methods. It adjusts the training in accordance with your topic preferences, learning pace and complexity. - Tutor App generates its...

Price: Free Developer: Tutor Platform LLC
My Tutor Lab

My Tutor Lab

Tutoring Made Simple! Connect with qualified and verified tutors for in-person tutoring sessions. Book a tutor anytime with the My Tutor Lab app. Currently tutoring in the states of Florida and California. Visit for more information. Take advantage...

Price: Free Developer: My Tutor Lab
Campus Tutor

Campus Tutor

Campus Tutor connects university students with one another to facilitate the performance of offline tutoring sessions. Through the app, users can sign-up as both a student and a tutor. The platform is exclusively available in pre-selected universities and each...

Price: Free Developer: Campus Tutor OU
NetSupport Tutor Assistant

NetSupport Tutor Assistant

For use in your existing NetSupport-managed classroom environment, (NetSupport School v11 and above desktop Tutor application required) the NetSupport Tutor Assistant delivers greater mobility for teachers around the IT suite and is also the ideal tool to allow teaching...

Price: Free Developer: NetSupport Ltd
Braille Tutor+

Braille Tutor+

Learn and practice contracted braille (Unified English Braille) with Braille Tutor! This is the paid version of the original Braille Tutor app, as requested by many educators whose organisations did not allow In-App purchases. All lessons and functionalities are same...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: iEnable Technology Solutions and Consultancy
Braille Tutor

Braille Tutor

Learn and practice contracted braille (Unified English Braille) with Braille Tutor! Braille Tutor provides an interactive learning experience for a sighted or blind braille learner. It works on iPad using onscreen keys or home keys on a Bluetooth keyboard. It...

Price: Free Developer: iEnable Technology Solutions and Consultancy
House Tutor Singapore

House Tutor Singapore

House Tutor is a Singapore Tuition Agency and we are providing this app as a platform to help all students have their homework questions to be answered by our tutors for free. Visit to learn more about House...

Price: Free Developer: House Tutor
House Tutor Sri Lanka

House Tutor Sri Lanka

House Tutor Sri Lanka app enables all our tutors and students to have lessons online from the comfort of your own mobile device.

Price: Free Developer: House Tutor
Live Music Tutor

Live Music Tutor

Interactive Music Lessons Learn any instrument live, including voice 24/7.All ages welcome. Live Music Tutor is a web application that provides music lessons through online interactionbetween music instructors and music students. enables music students tofind music instructors teaching the instruments...

Price: Free Developer: Live Music Tutor

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