Top 30 Education Apps Like Emmett Till Memory Project - Best Alternatives

Emmett Till Memory Project Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Emmett Till Memory Project alternatives for iOS? We have listed 30 Education apps that are similar to Emmett Till Memory Project. Pick one from this list to be your new Emmett Till Memory Project app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Emmett Till Memory Project on your iOS devices.

Top 30 Apps Like Emmett Till Memory Project - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Emmett Till Memory Project alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 30 similar apps like Emmett Till Memory Project 2025.

ASL - skriva sig till läsning

ASL - skriva sig till läsning

ASL – Att skriva sig till läsning – är en enkel och elevanpassad strategi för att utveckla skrivlust och läsglädje. Strategin är utarbetad utifrån det faktum att det är lättare för 4-7-åringar att skriva än att läsa, men genom...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Digitalt Hjarta AB
EMAP Soundgate

EMAP Soundgate

EMAP Soundgate, created by Rupert Till, Reader in Music, University of Huddersfield. The Soundgate App allows you to interactively explore a number of archaeological sites as they might have looked in the ancient past. As well as seeing what they...

Price: Free Developer: Rupert Till
Välkommen till Sverige

Välkommen till Sverige

Welcome to Sweden is a series of audio programs intended for newly arrived in Sweden. You can listen to tales about everyday life in Sweden but also famous tales that gives hope for the future.

Price: Free Developer: Norea Sverige
Fonemo Specko

Fonemo Specko

Sortera bokstavsljud! Kan du höra vilken bokstav som är i början av orden? Hjälp kaninen att sortera bildkorten till rätt ruta. Fonemo Specko är en variant i Fonemo-familjen där vi jobbar med att sortera bokstavsljud, två åt gången, som...

Price: USD 13.99 Developer: Vizuelle Software Stockholm AB
Läs och förstå

Läs och förstå

Användarna skriver: - "Kalasbra" - "Hej och tack för den helt underbar appen Läs och förstå" - "Läs och förstå min nya favoritapp för att öva läsning, läs- och ordförståelse." Läs och förstå består av fyra trevliga övningar för att träna...

Price: USD 5.99 Developer: Leripa AB


iKÖRKORT - HJÄLPER DIG ATT KLARA TEORIPROVET PÅ FÖRSTA FÖRSÖKET iKörkort lär dig allt du behöver kunna för att klara teoriprovet och gör din väg till körkortet kortare och roligare. Skippa tråkiga böcker och dyra teorilektioner och plugga på dina...

Price: USD 18.99 Developer: Boboshi
iKörkort Lite

iKörkort Lite

iKÖRKORT – HJÄLPER DIG KLARA TEORIPROVET iKörkort lär dig allt du behöver kunna för att klara teoriprovet och gör din väg till körkortet kortare och roligare. Skippa tråkiga böcker och dyra teorilektioner och plugga på dina villkor istället - när...

Price: Free Developer: Boboshi


Nu finns den kända Bornholmsmodellen® som app. Den lämpar sig för barn från ca tre år och uppåt. Den passar lika bra i förskolan/förskoleklassen/skolan, som hemma. Tillsammans med en vuxen eller äldre läskunnig kamrat gör barnen upptäckter som får...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: Ing-Read AB


Välkommen till Lampguiden Med Lampguiden till hands får du hjälp att hitta rätt belysning och tips på belysning för olika rum och olika funktioner. Lampguiden är gratis och fungerar utan uppkoppling mot mobilnätet. Lampguiden ges ut av Energimyndigheten. Lampguiden har...

Price: Free Developer: Energimyndigheten
Auditory Memory Ride

Auditory Memory Ride

****Auditory Memory Ride is a great tool I will use on a regular basis because it is flexible (I can easily control what it does for each specific child), entertaining, and hierarchical in its skill building. It is a...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Virtual Speech Center Inc.
Auditory Memory Club

Auditory Memory Club

Auditory Memory Club is an iPad application designed to serve as a tool for improving auditory memory skills in children. This application was developed by Barbara Fernandes, a licensed and certified speech-language-pathologist and author of over 50 other applications...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Smarty Ears
Memory Challenge!

Memory Challenge!

Enhances visual perception and memory for reading and math! Memory Challenge! is an easy-to-use but very powerful program for developing and testing visual memory skills. Its beginning through advanced levels of challenge make it useful for students of all...

Price: USD 6.99 Developer: The Critical Thinking Co.
Memory Challenge! (Lite)

Memory Challenge! (Lite)

Enhances visual perception and memory for reading and math! Memory Challenge! is an easy-to-use but very powerful program for developing and testing visual memory skills. Its beginning through advanced levels of challenge make it useful for students of all...

Price: Free Developer: The Critical Thinking Co.
Auditory Memory High Interest

Auditory Memory High Interest

Our best-selling Auditory Memory for High Interest Quick Stories Interactive CD-ROM is now available as a fun and engaging app! This colorful app for the iPad® uses the same illustrated, narrated stories from the Auditory Memory for High Interest...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Super Duper Publications
Auditory Memory Quick Stories

Auditory Memory Quick Stories

Our best-selling Auditory Memory for Quick Stories Interactive CD-ROM is now available as a fun and engaging app! This colorful app for the iPad® uses the same illustrated, narrated stories from the Auditory Memory for Quick Stories Interactive CD-ROM...

Price: USD 24.99 Developer: Super Duper Publications
Ballyland Sound Memory

Ballyland Sound Memory

Designed for the blind or visually impaired, this sound-matching game proves to be fun and challenging for all, including sighted players. The game puts listening and memory skills to the test, and while navigating the screen to locate, memorize...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Phia Damsma
Main Street Memory

Main Street Memory

Main Street Memory app is meant to assist both children and adults who need practice processing and recalling brief, complex auditory instructions. Unlike other recall apps, this one takes place in a real life context-shopping and working downtown. This...

Price: USD 14.99 Developer: Virtual Speech Center Inc.
Memory Match & Learn

Memory Match & Learn

~~~ A unique, educational and fun Memory Match adventure ~~~ ~~~ 130+ items in 7 preschool categories with HD graphics and sounds ~~~ Memory Match is a comprehensive preschool activity of memory matching games. With over 130 colorful, vivid items...

Price: Free Developer: TabTale LTD
Memory Palace - US History

Memory Palace - US History

Challenge your mind and memory while learning US History in a fun, new, and creative way. In 30 minutes or less, the Memory Palace US History App lets anyone learn the US Presidents and related US History such as...

Price: Free Developer: Memory Palace
Project ORB:An RPG Coding Game

Project ORB:An RPG Coding Game

Project ORB is a FREE to play role-playing game designed for programming students and professionals. The game play is going to test your programming skills in different programming languages such as C, C++, Java, PHP, Python and C#. In this...

Project Lead The Way

Project Lead The Way

Project Lead The Way (PLTW) is a nonprofit organization that provides a transformative learning experience for K-12 students and teachers across the U.S. The Project Lead The Way mobile app allows the PLTW network to manage PLTW-hosted events and conferences....

Price: Free Developer: Project Lead The Way
CompTIA Project+ Pocket Prep

CompTIA Project+ Pocket Prep

Pocket Prep is your award-winning tool in mobile learning and exam preparation. Pocket Prep allows you to study anywhere, anytime, right from your mobile device. We strive to make studying more efficient by redefining how you prepare for the...

Price: Free Developer: Pocket Prep, Inc.
Global Oneness Project

Global Oneness Project

Global Oneness Project provides award-winning, short documentary films which explore cultural, environmental, and social issues from around the world. The films connect local human experiences to global meta-level issues such as climate change, endangered cultures, migration, poverty, and sustainability...

Price: Free Developer: Global Oneness Project LLC
Project REAL

Project REAL

This app provides law and civics related books, news, and activities. Inside you will find Project REAL's textbooks, pre-tests and post-tests for classroom use, additional reading not included in the books, volunteering opportunities, and more!

Price: Free Developer: Project REAL INC
Project Management Course

Project Management Course

Project Management A Professional Training Course Project Management is a goal-oriented management concept for initiating, planning, monitoring and controlling projects. Project management also includes employee management as well as the documentation of processes and project results. This professional training course provides...

Price: Free Developer: Eberhard Heuel
Project INTERSECT - Heart

Project INTERSECT - Heart

About INTERSECT Mathematics and science concepts and skills acquired in elementary school form the foundation for future success in STEM fields and yet students in eastern North Carolina and across the nation struggle to demonstrate proficiency on state and national...

Price: Free Developer: Justin Honda
Project+ Study Guide by Cram-It

Project+ Study Guide by Cram-It

Cram-It knows everyone can be intimidated by certification testing. Let us help you pass the CompTIA Project+ certification test. Our study guide will teach you what you need to know on the go. Our questions have been developed for...

Price: Free Developer: Rooster Glue, Inc.
Real Estate Project Analysis

Real Estate Project Analysis

Real Estate Project Analysis is a quick and easy way to analyze the financial potential of a real estate project. The system provides up to 15 years of detailed key financial data including net operating income, construction loan...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: Global Business Strategies, Inc.
Imagine Dance Project

Imagine Dance Project

Imagine Dance Project offers dance classes to children ages 3-18. Our classes include, but are not limited to, ballet, pointe, tap, jazz, modern, contemporary, hip hop, acro, and conditioning. Imagine Dance Project has an award winning, competitive performance company...

Price: Free Developer: Appsme Ltd

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