Top 40 Education Apps Like Cavendish School Student app - Best Alternatives

Cavendish School Student app Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Cavendish School Student app alternatives for iOS? We have listed 40 Education apps that are similar to Cavendish School Student app. Pick one from this list to be your new Cavendish School Student app app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Cavendish School Student app on your iOS devices.

Top 40 Apps Like Cavendish School Student app - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Cavendish School Student app alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 40 similar apps like Cavendish School Student app 2025.

Matemática Marshall Cavendish

Matemática Marshall Cavendish

¡La Matemática Marshall Cavendish Singapur es una aplicación integrada que permite que el aprendizaje tenga lugar en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar! caracteristicas: - Elementos digitales interactivos como juegos y actividades. -Enganchar videos y simulaciones para enriquecer el aprendizaje. -Marcar páginas...

Price: Free Developer: Marshall Cavendish Education Pte Ltd
MC eMath

MC eMath

MC eMath By Marshall Cavendish Education Pte. Ltd. Experience fun and dynamic learning with our Mathematics resources anytime, anywhere! Through the MC eMath app, access multimedia-rich Mathematics animations and tutorials both within and beyond the classroom. Based on the sound pedagogy behind...

Price: Free Developer: Marshall Cavendish Education Pte Ltd
AR Eng tutorial

AR Eng tutorial

It is difficult for students to analyse those advanced exam questions by merely providing them with the answers. Marshall Cavendish, therefore, especially selected some difficult exam points and present them in video format through AR technology, so that every...

Price: Free Developer: Marshall Cavendish Education HK
iDIOMS in Conversation (Lite)

iDIOMS in Conversation (Lite)

Our Fluency Tools: Idioms (Lite) App was designed in parallel with our Fluency Tools series by Marshall Cavendish Education. This app features individual cards with an idiom on each. Flip each card to switch between the graphic and...

Price: Free Developer: Marshall Cavendish Education HK
AR 七巧板

AR 七巧板

AR 七巧板 在這個 AR app中,學生可利用虛擬七巧板,在不同的挑戰圖卡上拼砌出指定的圖畫。學生需思索如何透過移動、轉動或反轉七片碎塊來完成遊戲。這個拼砌圖形遊戲可訓練學生擴散性思考,從而發揮個人創造的潛能。初級者更可按照提示拼砌,以掌握簡單幾何圖形的基本特性。 七巧板是適合不同年齡和不同程度人士的遊戲,既能訓練左腦的邏輯推理能力,也能鍛煉右腦的創作能力及圖像處理能力,特別適合訓練小孩子的手眼協調能力。 新亞洲‧名創教育研發了一系列教學工具及趣味App,以協助老師於課堂上進行活動,及供學生自學。 AR Tangram Using this AR app, pupils can solve the tangram puzzles printed on picture cards by moving, rotating or reflecting the virtual tangram pieces. Playing this puzzle game can train pupils’ divergent thinking skills,...

Price: Free Developer: Marshall Cavendish Education HK


AR平面圖形特性 (前AR四邊形檢測) 在這個 AR app中,學生可選用不同的電子檢測工具(包括直尺、三角尺、平行線檢測器等),以檢測生活中不同實物的平面是否擁有某些特性。這個互動電子工具把現實生活與電子世界連結起來,有趣且非常實用! 新亞洲‧名創教育研發了一系列教學工具及趣味App,以協助老師於課堂上進行活動,及供學生自學。 AR 2-D Shape Property Using this AR app, pupils can select different e-tools (including ruler, set square, parallel lines detector, etc.) to check whether the faces of real objects have certain properties. It is an interesting...

Price: Free Developer: Marshall Cavendish Education HK
Idioms in Conversation I

Idioms in Conversation I

Idioms in Conversation I was designed as a companion to the print title Idioms in Conversation Volume I, a finalist in the 2014 International Book Awards. It is part of the series Fluency Tools Part I by Marshall Cavendish...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Marshall Cavendish Education HK
International English in Everyday Conversation I

International English in Everyday Conversation I

International English in Everyday Conversation I was designed as a companion to the print title International English in Everyday Conversation Volume I. It is the first part of the series Fluency Tools Part 2 by Marshall Cavendish Education. The...

Price: Free Developer: Marshall Cavendish Education HK
International English in Everyday Conversation II

International English in Everyday Conversation II

International English in Everyday Conversation II was designed as a companion to the print title International English in Everyday Conversation Volume II. It is the second part of the series Fluency Tools Part 2 by Marshall Cavendish Education. The...

Price: Free Developer: Marshall Cavendish Education HK
PS153 The Helen Keller School

PS153 The Helen Keller School

With the Official App of PS 153 The Helen Keller School in Bronx, NY, keeping in touch with all the school happenings is now easier and more convenient than ever. View school calendars, newsletters, get instant alerts and reminders....

Price: Free Developer: P.S. 153x The Helen Keller School
Rule The School Self Advocacy Board Game

Rule The School Self Advocacy Board Game

Rule the School Self-Advocacy Board Game © 2008 Monica Faherty Students with hearing loss must have the knowledge and ability to speak up for themselves and their needs in regular classrooms in order to have equal access to their educational...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: Rule the School
Together Bavarian Intl. School

Together Bavarian Intl. School

The TOGETHER SCHOOL App is used to communicate/coordinate between school administrators and resources with students, parents and school staff. As part of the School community, you will receive your temporary password via SMS/email once you log in using...

Price: Free Developer: Together School Ltd.
School SOS APP

School SOS APP

School shootings have sadly become an all too common occurrence. And no school, regardless of location, size or grade level, is immune from these tragic events. When a catastrophic event occurs, and 911 has already been dispatched, the next problem...

Price: Free Developer: School SOS
Continental School of Cairo

Continental School of Cairo

The Continental School is a vibrant, outward-looking community, which encourages a happy, friendly atmosphere in which pupils can thrive. We want all our pupils to value academic excellence and to realise that it is attainable. We aim to encourage...

Price: Free Developer: Continental School
Kent School Alumni Mobile

Kent School Alumni Mobile

The official Kent School Mobile App. Securely network and connect with the Kent School alumni community around the world. Includes a directory integrated with LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, maps, photos and more! Powered by Evertrue.

Price: Free Developer: Kent School
Hutong School

Hutong School

Learn the basics of Mandarin Chinese with the award-winning method from Hutong School. Based on more than 10 years' experience with teaching Chinese, this method is the fastest way to achieve good results with learning Chinese for beginners. The...

Price: Free Developer: Hutong School Limited
Modern English School Cairo

Modern English School Cairo

Modern English School Cairo is celebrating its 25th Anniversary this academic year 2014-2015. The school’s growth and development since 1990 when it was set up in Cairo has been astounding in its magnitude, bewildering in its intensity and incredible...

Price: Free Developer: Modern English School Cairo
Otsimo | School and Classroom

Otsimo | School and Classroom

Are you looking for an award-winning special education app that gives an early intervention tool to individuals diagnosed with learning disorders, attention deficit, autism, down syndrome, aspergers, and other special needs for your classroom? We are here for you. Otsimo...

Price: USD 249.99 Developer: Otsimo
All Hallows' School

All Hallows' School

Developed in partnership with Digistorm Education, this app is designed to provide the All Hallows’ Community access to important information about events and daily activities at the School. With a single tap you now have access to up-to-date information....

Price: Free Developer: All Hallows' School
Student Messenger

Student Messenger

โปรแกรม Student Care Messenger ใช้สำหรับรับข้อความจากระบบ Student Care Solution ซื่งเป็นระบบที่ช่วยเพิ่มช่องทางในการสื่อสาร ระหว่างโรงเรียนกับผู้ปกครองของนักเรียน ให้เป็นไปอย่างรวดเร็วและมีประสิทธิภาพ เพื่อลดปัญหาที่อาจเกิดขึ้นกับตัวนักเรียน และเพิ่มความสัมพันธ์ที่ดีระหว่างโรงเรียนกับผู้ปกครอง อีกทั้งยังเป็นระบบที่ช่วยในการบริหารจัดการข้อมูลของนักเรียนในด้านต่าง ๆ ให้มีประสิทธิภาพและเกิดประโยชน์สูงสุด อาทิเช่น ข้อมูลการมาเรียน ข้อมูลด้านสุขภาพ ผลการเรียน ความประพฤติ และแผนที่บ้านของนักเรียน เป็นต้น โดยไม่เป็นการเพิ่มภาระหน้าที่ให้กับคุณครูแต่ประการใด

Price: Free Developer: Student Care Co.,Ltd.
Reflector Student

Reflector Student

Reflector Student helps students connect their iOS devices to a teacher’s Reflector software on limited or restricted school networks. It also allows students to view the other devices that are connected to a teacher’s computer, directly on their devices...

Price: Free Developer: Squirrels LLC
SALT - Student Academic Literacy Tool

SALT - Student Academic Literacy Tool

The Student Academic Literacy Tool (SALT) has been constructed to aid students in improving the standard of their academic writing at University. The tool is organised as a checklist, where students are able to learn about, gain confidence in...

Price: Free Developer: Jisc
Visible Internet Student

Visible Internet Student

Your school has made an important step to include Visible Internet as part of your schools Internet environment. Visible Internet Student platform is a non-intrusive way for teachers and wellbeing personnel to connect to their students. In the class room,...

Price: Free Developer: Visible Internet, INC
Black Student Advocate

Black Student Advocate

The Black Student Advocate's objective is to be the support system and voice for Black Families with school aged children. Our advocates work to meet the unique needs of every families, and advocate for fair and just treatment in...

Price: Free Developer: Black Student Advocate, Inc.
Marianopolis Student Union

Marianopolis Student Union

The MSU app is the center of your student life, easily accessible at the comfort of your fingertips. Stay up-to-date with the latest news about events, parties, elections, and more involving the MSU, MSU Congress, clubs, committees and others....

Price: Free Developer: Marianopolis Student Union
Random Student - teachers

Random Student - teachers

Main Features • Classes of up to 200 students each • Select a student at random. Track correct responses • Easily import student lists from Google Classroom • Device speaks name aloud • Take attendance so absent students are...

Price: Free Developer: Glen Botha
Student Work

Student Work

Designed by a teacher, for teachers. Student Work is designed to assist teachers in keeping a digital photo portfolio of various projects that students complete throughout a school year. Main Features • Save a photo for each assignment • Record individual...

Price: Free Developer: Glen Botha
Student Campus Limerick

Student Campus Limerick

The Student Campus Limerick app is here to provide current students with an improved experience at the college. - Quickly submit requests through the app - See upcoming events at the college and save them to your personal calendar...

Canadore Student Council

Canadore Student Council

The new Canadore Student Council App gives you direct access to your student council. - View the latest news & events - Reserve tickets for events - Check out Executive profiles - View your campus map - Make claims through the health plan tab

Price: Free Developer: ACL Student Benefits Inc.
easySoft. App Education

easySoft. App Education

The easySoft. App Education is designed to notify you of upcoming activities such as practical assignments, courses or other events. The dates are displayed in a calendar and detailed information is available for each entry. Participants can be informed...

Price: Free Developer: easySoft. GmbH
eCampus App

eCampus App

eCampus is an on-demand exams / test preparation and self-paced education platform for anyone who wants to learn. With a simple user-friendly user interface (UI) and user experience that is capable of improving retention and recall rates by 95%....

Price: Free Developer: Cecil Nutakor
Kids Love Maths

Kids Love Maths

We make maths fun and challenging for children between the ages of 4 - 8. Four great games ranging from arithmetics, comparisons, missing number puzzles and a simple memory matching game and all with a catchy backdrop tune. All...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: D App Online Ltd
Let's do pretend Ice-cream shop! - Work Experience-Based Brain Training App

Let's do pretend Ice-cream shop! - Work Experience-Based Brain Training App

◆◇◆ Learn! Play! An Experience! ◆◇◆ ◇◆◇Let's pretend do Ice-cream shop!◇◆◇ “Let’s pretend do Ice-cream shop!”is a new entry to the Role-playing App series where you brain-train while playing interactively!  --------------------------------------------   For any issues or ...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: KidsStar Inc.
Make a Cookie House! - Work Experience-Based Brain Training App

Make a Cookie House! - Work Experience-Based Brain Training App

◆◇◆ Learn! Play! An Experience! ◆◇◆ ◇◆◇Let's pretend!! a Cookie House!◇◆◇ “Let's pretend!! a Cookie House!”is a new entry to the Role-playing App series where you brain-train while playing interactively!  --------------------------------------------   For any issues or ...

Price: USD 1.99 Developer: KidsStar Inc.
TTAPP - TuttAPPosto

TTAPP - TuttAPPosto

Tuttapposto rimette a posto le cose nella tua Università. Potrai valutare l’operato dei tuoi professori senza subire ripercussioni. Esattamente come tripadvisor ha costretto le cucine a migliorarsi...è arrivato il momento di migliorare le istruzione italiana e sconfiggere il baronato. Utilizza...

Price: Free Developer: TT APP
DinosaurDays: an animated app.

DinosaurDays: an animated app.

DinosaurDays An animated look at your favorite dinosaurs, fossils, paleontology and the study of evolution. DinosaurDays is an animated learning app for kids aged 5-11 and can be used at home or at school, individually or in a group. Each short...

Price: USD 3.99 Developer: Distant Train
Noon Meem Rashed App

Noon Meem Rashed App

A selection of Noon Meem Rashed’s Poetry, including Aadmi Se Darte Ho and Hasan Kooza Gar. The poems are presented in Urdu but most have English translation. Narration by Khalid Hameed and Noon Meem Rashed. Features of the App: ✒ User can...

Price: Free Developer: Engineerize LLC
All Dance App

All Dance App

Rehearsal and practice at home! Ballet to Street. Learn the basic steps,which are the base of all dance styles. With AllDanceApp you will be able to do what you like most and when you want to. If you are a dance student, dance teacher or teacher...

Price: USD 9.99 Developer: All Dance App Sweden AB
App Magister: Oposiciones

App Magister: Oposiciones

Con la app de Magister tendrás acceso inmediato a las últimas noticias de tu comunidad y especialidad. Además tienes herramientas que te ayudarán tanto si eres profe como si estás preparando tu oposición.

Price: Free Developer: Magister

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