Top 19 Reference Apps Like Elberfelder Bibel* - Best Alternatives

Elberfelder Bibel* Alternatives

Do you want to find the best Elberfelder Bibel* alternatives for iOS? We have listed 19 Reference apps that are similar to Elberfelder Bibel*. Pick one from this list to be your new Elberfelder Bibel* app on your iPhone or iPad. These apps are ranked by their popularity, so you can use any of the top alternatives to Elberfelder Bibel* on your iOS devices.

Top 19 Apps Like Elberfelder Bibel* - Best Picks for 2025

The best free and paid Elberfelder Bibel* alternatives for iPhone and iPad according to actual users and industry experts. Choose one from 19 similar apps like Elberfelder Bibel* 2025.

112 Bible Maps + Commentaries

112 Bible Maps + Commentaries

112 Bible maps covering topics related to Bible study from the ancient past to more modern times are ready for your quick reference. Includes full Bible study as well. As an added bonus it contains 65 Bibles as reference...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
112 Bible Maps Easy

112 Bible Maps Easy

112 Bible maps covering topics related to Bible study from the ancient past to more modern times are ready for your quick reference. Includes full Bible study as well. As an added bonus it contains 65 Bibles as reference...

Price: Free Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
250 Bible Places

250 Bible Places

100s of modern day photos of Bible locations complement your Bible study in this reference tool. With zoom and pan function and a easy to use gallery, this tool will help you get a feel for what the early...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
450 Jerusalem Bible Photos

450 Jerusalem Bible Photos

"The perfect Bible companion." - Dr. Alderson Cooper. 100s of modern day photos of Jerusalem locations complement your Bible study in this reference tool. With zoom and pan function and a easy to use gallery, this tool will...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
Bible Planet

Bible Planet

Detailed guide to 200 nations, with specific Christian overviews, maps and demographics. Includes 65 Bibles as reference material in over a dozen languages. Thousands of individual Bible-linked commentaries back up your research. This powerful Bible reference tool will help you...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
179 Bible Atlas Maps

179 Bible Atlas Maps

Locations important to the Bible are covered in this atlas covering 1000s of years and vast areas of the planet. Using classic-themed maps, be inspired to delve deeper into the Word. Includes full Bible study as an added resource. As...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
179 Bible Atlas Maps!

179 Bible Atlas Maps!

Locations important to the Bible are covered in this atlas covering 1000s of years and vast areas of the planet. Using classic-themed maps, be inspired to delve deeper into the Word. Includes full Bible study as an added resource....

Price: Free Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
45 Bible Scenes

45 Bible Scenes

The Bible's New Testament stories rendered in classic art by Charles Dore in the 19th century. These classics of beauty will touch you deeply. Includes full Bible study as an added resource. As an added bonus it contains 65 Bibles...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
59 Bible Timelines

59 Bible Timelines

The prophetic knowledge of the Bible detailed in picture and words using Charles Larkin's full Bible Charts. Includes full Bible study as well. As an added bonus it contains 65 Bibles as reference material in over a dozen languages. Thousands...

Price: USD 2.99 Developer: Sand Apps Inc.
Deutsch Luther Bibel (1912)

Deutsch Luther Bibel (1912)

Deutsch Luther Bibel a FREE, easy and friendly way to read the whole Bible with no need of internet connection. The Deutsch Luther Bibel App gives you an improved Bible experience by keeping track of your readings, having instant...

Price: Free Developer: Axeraan Technologies


Bibel Ende application is a free and offline Bible and Hymns in Batak Language. Bibel Ende is a Bible and Hymns in the Batak language used in the Batak community, Batak Christian Protestant Church congregation and other Batak Churches congregation...

Price: Free Developer: 10-D (Dimensions) Limited
Bibel Sans

Bibel Sans

An app Bibel Sans yw Bibel sempel a yllydh y witha y'th poket. Der entent ni re wrug an dowlenn onan sempel, may fo an fog war er Duw, heb distennansow. An yntrafas rag peuri ha...

Price: Free Developer: Digital.Bible
BISCHOFF Konkordanz

BISCHOFF Konkordanz

Die „BISCHOFF Konkordanz“ ist Archiv und Nachschlagewerk in einem. Sie enthält die Publikationen „Katechismus“, „Liedkonkordanz zum Gesangbuch“, „Liedtexte aus dem Chorbuch“, „Lehre und Erkenntnis“, „Die Bibel (Lutherbibel 2017)“, „Leitgedanken“ sowie „Unsere Familie“. Die App inkl. dem Modul „Katechismus“ ist kostenlos....

Price: Free Developer: Verlag Friedrich Bischoff GmbH
Die Schriften von Ellen White

Die Schriften von Ellen White

Die Schriften von Ellen G. White in deutscher Sprache Beschreibung Diese CD Version erlaubt es Ihnen die veröffentlichten deutschen Schriften von Ellen G. White sowie die Lutherbibel 1912 zu lesen und zu durchsuchen. Die Schriften von Ellen G. White in...

Price: Free Developer: Ellen G. White Estate, Inc.
Bible +1

Bible +1

Free Bible Reader with fully formatted text and multiple versions and languages available. Navigate the Bible by book, topic, passage, search and more. Download the most popular Bible versions to use even when the Internet is unavailable. FEATURES: * Get...

Price: Free Developer: Just1Word, Inc.
Bible Discovery

Bible Discovery

The profound Bible studying is not only the professional linguists' privilege now... Bible-Discovery software were designed for those who are not satisfied with the skimming of the Bible and they need more. Who would like to understand the Bible verses...

Price: Free Developer: SQL Uniform Kft.
One Bible - Study Faith Daily

One Bible - Study Faith Daily

The One Bible app gives you free Bible versions to read, study, and grow from. Navigate by book, topic, passage, search and more. Let the Bible be read aloud to you with the Audio feature. Grow in your spiritual...

Price: Free Developer: Just1Word, Inc.
Bibelkonkordanz auf Deutsch

Bibelkonkordanz auf Deutsch

Bibelkonkordanz. Lutherbibel 1912 In dieser Anwendung werden Sie alphabetisches Verzeichnis aller biblischen Worte zu finden (un, der,die - sind ausgeschlossen - nicht verwenden) Ich hoffe, dass diese Bibelkonkordanz wird Ihr perfekter Begleiter im Studium der Bibel zu sein! Fühlen Sie sich frei,...

Price: Free Developer: Oleg Shukalovich

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